
IMDb member since October 2016
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MacGyver: Flashlight
Episode 18, Season 1

Who writes this crap!
1. Flashing a router ROM - grade school - he was impressed with that? Really?

2. Mint and Ubuntu are DISTRIBUTIONS not OPERATING SYSTEMS. HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, Windows, QNX, etc at operating systems. Mint and Ubuntu are distributions of Gnu/Linux

3. The IT guy - please

4. They JUST happen to have all the items necessary to recharge a Magnet at ONCE with a defibrillator machine - Magnetization is a slow process or requires an active current

5. The acting STILL SUCKS

6. The physics still sucks

7. The level of knowledge still sucks.

Please just let me write the episodes. I can write a better story and write better tech.

MacGyver: Toothpick
Episode 5, Season 1

The tech isn't getting better, neither is the acting or fight sequences
I'm not going to list everything that went wrong this week.

I'm sad at the train wreck this show has become.

Even while on a train where you shouldn't be able to mess up, they have.

The ability to track the bad guys on the roof with cell phones? What cell phones? The fact that they heard them on the roof? How? The search pattern is wrong for a group of trained mercs.

The team gets away too easily.

And the storyline is too predictable.

And la piece de resistance: MacGyver survives by swapping high voltage cables on a speeding train and even if that worked, survives unsinged from the massive amounts of heat and sparks from the reversal of the wheels while breaking (which supposedly doesn't derail a speeding train, when the wheels are moving at full speed).


MacGyver: Awl
Episode 3, Season 1

Once again, the ignorance of the writers on the body of knowledge is shown...
The writers seem to just not get the fact that their knowledge is so limited that their writing is poor in dialog and not well-thought-out.

There are so many movies with proper military tactics that this episode is just ridiculous on so many levels.

And the haphazard medical procedures and the escape tactics - ridiculous.

Body bags if not fully zipped are not air-tight and therefore cannot be used as airbag because the explosive pressure from the fire extinguisher will open the zipper. Result: Mac and Jack will perish.

A watcher for a target will have a backup on the other side of the house and will not use a sniper rifle. They will be mobile. So therefore, this premise is false. Result: Mac and Jack will perish.

An open gun-shot-wound creates pneumothorax which prevents breathing. Especially if the lung is punctured. You need to vacate the air. Result: The accountant will perish.

Smoke bomb - would make the car fill with smoke so Jack would not be able to drive. Result: Mac, Jack and the accountant will perish.

Surgery requires a sterile field: this means sterile air or at least non-moving air so pathogens and crap do not enter an open wound. Result: accountant will perish in the back of the SUV.

Suction of the hemothorax does not require significant extraction of blood - just like 1 pint: while Mac is avoiding sucking out the blood with his mouth, the patient will perish of cardiac arrest.

Money laundering site hacked in Malaysia: These places are low tech so they cannot be hacked. Result: Riley fails. Mac, Jack, accountant and Riley will perish.

The Medical Examiner van is easily spotted by trained mercenaries so following them is impossible in the Medical Examiner van. Result: Riley, Mac, Jack and the accountant will perish.

Throughout, they are using inner-ear-communicators which require a tower to relay from. They are not in the US so they need to have a base station or they need to be within 33 meters of each other and reception is very poor. Their current communications should have been much more faulty. Result: All will perish.

Satellite phones give up location. The mercenaries should have found them easily. Result: all will perish.

Freon poisoning for Mac: requires oxygen after exposure in a hospital and sometimes gastric lavage. The skin would have been burned. Result: Mac will perish en route to the exfiltration.

Insulin levels increase with beta-blockers. This is what reduces blood glucose. So during simulated death, Mac adds insulin (glucose antagonist) with glucose. Result: nothing and the accountant will perish.

Security systems running on wifi: security systems run on their own cellular network in remote areas. They do not run on wifi. Disrupting the wifi to get the security code would not have worked. Result: local police would have been called. All will perish.

Identifying target location based on shell corporation: specially trained mercenaries would be too smart to set up a local company when targeting a site. Result: all folks in Miami will perish.

Realtime translation is represented as too fast: the uplink from an area as remote as the one shown would take a lot longer to translate. Result: the accountant will perish.

Realtime text-to-speech is not as accurate as depicted - between 50% to 75% without specialized software. Result - the accountant will perish.

The dialog is stilted and just not funny. The accountant's whining gets old too fast - no one would continue to act that way with their life in danger except and idiot and that idiot would not be a financial genius. Financing requires a level of shmoozing not evident.

The team just doesn't gel in their actions - MacGyver should be communicating with his teammates on what he is doing before they have to ask. They are a team. This is not Doctor Who where everyone else is MacGyver's sidekick.

The level of interaction shown with Riley and Mac's roommate is extraneous - either develop it or leave it alone. The level shown is just used as an expedient segue.

Patty Thornton walking into the room just as communication is needed - not valid. Patty Thornton would be monitoring as do all ops leads.

As you can see, the writing has not gotten any better and the tech research is getting worse, as is the knowledge of military and special ops tactics.

Please hire me or someone decent to do this work and stop spoiling the icon that MacGyver is. At least go watch some James Bond or some Scorpion or something. Stop being so proud that your ignorance shines through and your series doesn't get to season 2.

I understand that Millenials think they know everything. But this is crazy. Knowledge is power. Experience is wisdom. Humility is success. Admit what you do not know and learn through others that have the first. This is the first step in your real growth into future writing icons.

MacGyver: Metal Saw
Episode 2, Season 1

Ugh - who is/are the tech writer/story writer(s)? Can't they get anything right?
OK - so the night vision goggles - I can buy that. Welding torch sure - but it the metal cools too fast for him to do what he did. PLUS given the extreme heat and how close he held the end of the torch to the bolts, his hands should have fried. Same errors as before. Tree stump - car stops in front, of course the bike is gonna jump over the stump. How do they get around so fast - it never shows the road winding and if the bad guy has a bike - why is he on the road? He can go where no car can. And the worst of the bunch is that they STILL got the tech wrong: FTP - really? That's the easiest thing to eavesdrop on. It's why it's not used. And RAINBOW tables DO NOT SPEED UP hacking into a wifi hotspot. You need to recreate the rainbow tables for each SSID salt. And if you don't have WPA, you just gotta wait 20 minutes to be given the password. Hello?? Does NO ONE on the MacGyver team actually do tech?

Don't get me started on story continuity - if it takes 8h for the team to return from Venezuala, how can the boss lady make it to Venezuela before 8h is up? And if it takes over 8h to transmit, why did the hacker purchase 8h of minutes? And wtf is up with transmitting all the way to California? Does no one know about internet caches which can be local? Richard Dean Anderson would NOT have let any of these things slide.

In his version, they would have hacked the wifi with a pringles can and a DDOS, the motorcycle would have stopped at a burning tree fire, and the welding torch would have been left behind in favor of climbing to the roof, and the data would have been put sent via sat-phone uplink to a military satellite in minutes while they were airborne.

Please - can you please do a better job writing this crap? Or hire me for heaven's sake.

MacGyver: The Rising
Episode 1, Season 1

This was terrible - so many writing errors - what is the point?
*** This review may contain spoilers *** Really? REALLY? Who writes this crap? Spoiler alert!!!! I'll jump to the worst - since I already reviewed most of this in the wrong place.

WE DO NOT HAVE LOGIC BOMBS in 2016. That was 1985 with Wargames and 1995 with Hackers.

She CRACKED OPEN a magnetic hard drive with a hammer. First, you can't crack it open - it has 5 screws. Second, if you try to crack it open with a hammer, you could scratch the platters. And THIRD but most significant - if you want to prevent data loss, you do NOT expose the disks outside a clean room. And lastly, if Nikki was as an expert like she said she was, it would have been an SSD - in which case, using a hammer would have broken the transistors inside.

Who writes this crap!!!!!! MacGyver - RIP - there will only ever be one


Episode 1 - OMG - this is NOT 1985 Wargames or 1995 Hackers or MI - Spoilers
Really? REALLY? Who writes this crap? Spoiler alert!!!!

1. The hairpin/paperclip handcuff trick gets old really fast 2. The tray as a Frisbee to knock out the guard - stupid? 3. The guard shoots directly at the tray and not the exposed knees of the target 4. Borrowed glasses from Mission Impossible and Person of Interest 5. All these stupid references to Cairo - if you're not going to tell the story, don't tell the story 6. Thornton as a woman just doesn't work - she's not enough of an asshole 7. Nikki escapes from custody in a moving vehicle - REALLY? And she fakes her death but never gets picked up on a camera? 8. The plane landing gear does not go up at all even though the plane is clearly high enough 9. The boat was going straight as it hit the bad guys even though Macgyver set the steering wheel to turn 10. The thing with the camera search and the ex-con was just too much. It doesn't work that way - and facial recognition TAKES HOURS!!!!!! 11. AND THE WORST OF ALL:

WE DO NOT HAVE LOGIC BOMBS in 2016. That was 1985 with Wargames and 1995 with Hackers. Magnetic disks do not have LOGIC BOMBS. Logic bombs do not exist on magnetic disks. Only in firmware. We have encryption in 2016 on hard drives. And booby-traps. And shredders. Not logic bombs. That's insane.

And the creme de la creme: She CRACKED OPEN a magnetic hard drive with a hammer. First, you can't crack it open - it has 5 screws. Second, if you try to crack it open with a hammer, you could scratch the platters. And THIRD but most significant - if you want to prevent data loss, you do NOT expose the disks outside a clean room. And lastly, if Nikki was as an expert like she said she was, it would have been an SSD - in which case, using a hammer would have broken the transistors inside.

Who writes this crap!!!!!!

I am SO HAPPY RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON declined to participate in this trash.

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