
IMDb member since October 2016
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    8 years



Confused story poorly told
Confused storytelling or bad editing. Not sure which, but there is so much wrong with this film. Nothing is really explained, nor is the viewer given much to go on. A waste of time. "Classic Stuff" crows the DVD cover, but it is not even bad in the classic manner of B movies, just very poor.

Blinded by the Light

Laid on with a trowel
Based in Luton, perhaps, but plenty of Hollywood reality in this. Thatcher's Britain, British racism, cultural differences within communities etc etc all have been dealt with better in other films. Much of the cultural focus could have been cut and pasted from 'East is East'. The film is too long and contrived, with every point being made repeatedly and without subtlety. However, the acting is good and if you are satisfied with a happy ending, this may be one to watch

Jimi: All Is by My Side

Badly cast, badly researched, badly realised
Truly dreadful. It said on the DVD box "Benjamin is electrifying", what they meant was, Benjamin is shocking. Maybe not his fault, he's just out of his depth. Yes, he's black, but there the similarity ends. He sounds like Michael Jackson, not Jimi Hendrix and look at his hands! This is not the person to play the great man. The narrative is deeply flawed, as noted by other reviewers, including those who were there. Perhaps this film might work in 50 years time as a Sunday night costume drama of the 20th Century, but as a biopic it fails miserably, and is certainly not "one of the best biopics ever"as trumpeted in the promo material. Don't believe it, just leave it.

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