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You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah

Fun and poignant..
I watched this as a time killer. But I was surprised by the charm of this little film. That deals with a friendship between 2 awkward teenage girls and the mutual crush that drives them apart. Add complications to the mix that they are both approaching they're Batmitphas and you have a classic Sadler lightweight gem.

But it also has an underlying and clever statement about the misuse of social media by the young and the growing pains of the teenage life..

Its also great to see Sadler clan + Idina working together on film. Theres a natural chemistry that comes through.. All in all. A nice film that put a smile on my face..

A Christmas Story Christmas

Has the heart of the original..
Just watched this and to be honest I was hoping for the best but really expecting the worst.. Thats why, I watched it early.. Well thank god... It was a very worthy sequel to the Christmas classic.

Never over doing it and keeping the character's real.

It also benifits from getting many of the original cast back and keeping them very likable. Now, without giving to much away, the story now set in the early 70s and follows Ralphie now in his 40s coming to terms with his fathers (The Old Man) passing and also dealing with percieved personal faliures. But his mother has asked him to make a special christmas and thats what he's going to do. (All this is in the trailer).

The film has all the style of the original and the new character's such as Ralphies wife and kids are very well drawn and acted.

I will be watching this again as part of double features with the original closer to Christmas.

All in all a very fine sequel that manages to bring the story full circle..

The Railway Children Return

More a TV movie.
First things first.. This isn't as awful as the other reviewers are claiming. The story isn't bad, although by being relevant to the standard of to today it lacks the authenticity of the time in which its set, along with signposting the ending at every opportunity. That said the acting isn't terrible. Jenny Agutter has surprising little to do.

And they really needed to have some real side characters that made the original such a joy.

But overall It looks like an extended episode of Call the Midwife. It has a TV quality. It really needs that Lionel Jeffreys magic and quirkiness that made the original a true classic.

The Kennedys

Solid miniseries.
What I like about this miniseries is that it's very accessible to those who know very little about the family and the performances are universally excellent. Greg Kinnear really resembles JFK. This mini series also moves at a fast pace and covers a wider canvas than previous films and mini series about the Kennedys . It does however use a lot of dramatic license. But as I said this is what makes it more accessible to the layman than say the excellent 1983 miniseries Kennedy which was more a character study of JFK than an overall look at the Kennedy dynasty..

Vikings: Valhalla

Just saw the first episode.. Oh dear..
Micheal Hurst should be convicted for crimes against history. I know this show was made purely for entertainment purposes. But considering its set during one of the most intresting periods in the history of the British isles I expected just a little hard fact. But no.

We instead get the same badly written characters that ruined the last 3 seasons of Vikings and the box ticking diversity casting that is insulting to anyone with a small amount of knowledge about the period and even intelligent persons who know practically nothing.. Dark skinned Viking warrior queens with New Zealand accent...? Sorry but it's laughable.

I will watch more episodes but I hold out little hope. If you really want to know what really happened during that period read some History books or even Helen Holick's book the A Hollow Crown and Harold the king. Or Alternatively some of Bernard Cornwell's who like Holick can inter weave hard historical fact with fiction.

All Coppers Are...

Missed opportunity.
All coppers are has a lot going for it. Set in gritty London of the 70s. Its the story of 2 men on opposing sides of the law. It features a strong cast and even a fresh faced David Essex. But the it tends to lack the courage of its convictions. Where the story should have been at its strongest the makers seemed to have lacked the courage to carry it through. Also most of the characters are very unsympathetic. The film does have its moments but it could have been so much better.

Chamber of Horrors

The slickest horror of the 60's
I may have said this before could Chamber of Horrors be the slickest Horror movie of the 1960's. Don't get me wrong its not the best, but it is incredibly entertaining. Actually Chamber of Horrors was conceived as a pilot for a TV series. The series would have a different villain each week and would also feature the gimmick of a blink and your miss them, big name celebrity cameo.

Actually this film has a couple of other gimmicks. Namely the FEAR FLASHER where the screen would blink red just before something nasty would occur, giving the audience time to look away. This would be accompanied by the HORROR HORN. If you didn't turn away you'd realise that their wasn't much to turn away from.

Its very silly but its also very slick with more than a nod to the William castle films. The film also has those slick production values that you would find on shows like Star trek or Gun smoke, not big budget but very professional.

The Plot itself is quite ingenious . Cesare Danova and Wilfrid Hyde-White play two proprietors of a Baltimore wax museum solve crimes in there spare time. They are aided by there loyal vertically challenged assistant played by José René Ruiz.

But the thing I really like about Chamber of Horrors is it's villain Jason Cravatte played with oily charm and menace by Patrick O'Neil. A madman who marries corpse of women he has just strangled with there own hair. An original and quite sick premise. Jason is caught but escapes by cutting off his own hand. But returns with some Handy attachments ( yes a bad pun) and seeking a drawn out revenge on the men who condemned him. The film also features the incredibly beautiful Laura Devon as Jason's unwitting accomplice.

All in all if Chamber of horrors is anything, It most defiantly entertaining and possibly more macabre than it intended to be as its killer could be compared with Dr Phibes or Hannibal lector. I'd give this film a solid 7 out of 10. Its silly , slick and most of all a lot of fun to watch..

From Hell

Its a horror film not a history lesson, but it could have been both...
Lets start with what was good about this film.

Well From Hell is absolutely stunning to look at. The Hughes Brothers have really captured a stylised picture of the hellish conditions of Whitechapel in 1888.

This also goes for the musical score that complements the sometimes psychedelic visuals.

As for the crimes of the Ripper at least 3 are recreated with painstaking attention to detail.

Unfortunately those who have a real interest in the Rippers crimes and even Alan Moore's excellent graphic novel are left seriously wanting.

As for what I found wanting.

The storyline is a bit of a mess. With to many unassay characters. This wouldn't have been a problem if the film makers had followed the novel where many theories are explored. Unfortunately they went with one storyline ( the most outlandish) that most know the plot too, and these day holds very little water.

The script doesn't help the actor's as it make the police seem either stupid or incompetent, relying on Abberline's psychic abilities than actual police work.

Actually the police work for the time was excellent and police explored every avenue of enquiry. The case notes were as good back then as they are now. Unfortunately forensics were in a very early stage of development. None of this is shown in the film.

The acting seems to be kind of indifferent especially from Depp.. Heather Graham tries hard but its obvious that she did absolutely no research into her character. This can also be said of the other actresses who played the victims.

For example (Mary Jane Kelly most probably never had a cockney accent. It is thought that she was born in Ireland and spent most of her life in the west of England and some time in Wales before coming to London in her late teens/ early 20's) Also Liz Stride was actually Swedish again coming to London in her 20's).

Catherine Eddowe's was in custody for being drunk. She was released and around the time of the Stride murder and herself was dead less than a hour later.

Also I could never work out why the final murder was presented as a total mirror image of the official crime photograph.

This all sounds like a bit of a gripe on my part, but I just think they missed an opportunity to make the definitive Jack The Ripper film. Instead they made another style over substance Horror film.

The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper

Good but not great.
I saw this when it was first aired and and I enjoyed it as pure entertainment in the macabre. Peter Ustinov and Jan Leeming ham it up with panel of experts? With the use of re-enactments featuring actors with bad cockney accents, the team go over the evidence and look for the most likely suspect. For those who are unfamiliar with the Jack the ripper case this is fun and quite interesting. But for those who have just a little knowledge they arrive at the bleeding obvious!

If you really want to see a very good docudrama about this infamous murder I suggest. The 1973 series Jack the Ripper that features fictional TV detectives Barlow and Watt. Obviously this is a little dated but it covers more ground in a more methodical manor.

Jack the Ripper

Perfectly realised Docudrama.
This is the best miniseries/doc on the subject of Jack the Ripper.

The genius of this series come from the fact that they use the 2 fictional TV detectives Barlow and Watt to conduct the investigation.

From then on we get to see them go over witness testimony taken at the time of the murders and dramatized by some fine actors. Piecing together and cross referencing the various evidence. Examining the subjects that were known at the time and even referencing the odd piece of evidence that would become important to Ripperologists almost 30 years later.

All this is masterfully done by Johns and Windsor over 6 episodes that move along at a brisk pace.

Obviously its a little dated but its still the best series I've seen in the subject. I just wish they'd made it longer..

Are You Being Served?: Friends and Neighbours
Episode 6, Season 10

Made that 14 tear laugh a lot..
I was actually in the audience when they recorded this episode. I barely remember the plot but I remember my grandad and I laughing a lot. For the record the warm up man was the guy who played the jockey in Hi di Hi. His act was pretty close to the mark.

Stand Up, Virgin Soldiers

An improvement on the original.
This is the a lower budget sequel to The Virgin soldiers but its actually slightly better. Askwith and Laighton are a good double act. The film concentrates more on the comedy than the war is hell pathos . Being an Robin Askwith film its slightly more bawdy than the original with a couple of scenes that could have come out of a Confessions film but the script is far superior as is the acting. Its also a who's who of British character actors of the 1970's..


How America won the war all on there own again..
I really wanted to like this film. But although being well made and very slick. It lacked character development and it seemed to patronize the very subject it was presenting by again showing that a bunch of US rookies were better than everyone else.. I agree that without America world war 2 would have been lost or would have never been truly won.. But this over propaganda of American know how is insulting to the nations that stood against tyranny for almost 2 years before America got bombed at pearl harbour.. America had a step learning curve. So this movie should have been a lot better and should have reflected that naivety.

The Goes Wrong Show: The Lodge
Episode 4, Season 1

The Weakest episode
It has its moments but The Lodge is the weakest story in terms of script and story.. The idea of over use of adjectives was funny to start with but it kind of pitters out quickly. Also theres alot of recycled bags from previous episodes.. still funny but it drags when the gag goes on for too long..

Brimstone and Treacle

A disturbing and important work.
Where can you start with Brimstone and Treacle. Well lets start with some basic history. Brimstone and Treacle was part of the play for today season for the BBC in 1976. Masterfully written By Denis Potter it was band by the BBC just before it was due to air . It was not broadcast until 1987. Strangely everyone agreed, even those that initially stopped the original broadcast that Brimstone and Treacle was a brilliant piece of work but to strong for some tastes and sensibility's. Well did they have a point.. Well although I don't agree with the banning of this work. I do understand the BBC's thinking back in 76, mainly because its possibly the most original , disturbing, humorous and strangely uplifting work ever to come out on UK TV and still packs a punch today.

The basic story.. Brimstone and Treacle concerns a young man called Martin who may or may not be the devil or a demon? Martin is looking for some sort of victim. someone who he can worm his way into there lives and cause some chaos . He does this by pretending to be an old acquaintance. In this case his victim is Mr. Tom Bates a trivial little man who Martin try's to convince that he was in love with Bates daughter. Bates who obviously knows nothing of this and is suspicious of Martin tells him that his daughter Patricia was in a a car accident and has suffered catastrophic brain injuries. Martin pretends to faint and causes a scene . Eventually Mr Bates tells Martin that he will go and get his car and be back to get him. But Mr bates has no intention of returning.. Unfortunately Martin has lifted Bates wallet and now has Bates address.

In the Bates home things are in a horrible situation. The trivial Mr Bates spends his time blaming everyone from the immigrants to the IRA their situation Mrs Bates is a loving kind and totally naive mother cut off from the outside world because of her daughter lost in servitude. Patricia her daughter, since the accident has become a drooling , spasmodic wreck of a once fine young women speaking gibberish with limbs moving independently of thought.. Its a darkly lit claustrophobic existence.

every now and then we see a flash back to Patrica's accident. She is obviously running away from something. Each flash back we get a little more information.

Martin arrives on the Bates door step under pretext of returning the wallet. When he sees the wreck that Patricia has become , instead of being horrified he greets her with" Hello my Darling". Mr Bates is confused and angered but Mrs Bates sees a sort of salvation. The scene is both funny and unnerving . Mr Bates lets slip that Patrica's friend never visit her, and one he never liked one of Patrica's friends. " she was a slut he says with a real venom . Eventually Martin worms is way into being allowed to stay the night. He's given Patricia or Patty as the bates call her's room. Martin waists no time looking though Patty's personal things and revelling in his plans for her. The next day with Mr Bates at work Martin using all his sickly sweet powers, persuades Mrs Bates to go shopping and visit the hairdressers leaving him to look after Patty. As soon as Mrs Bates is out the door we find out that Martin is going to rape Patty. In a strange little rhyme Martin turns to the camera and warns us the viewers that something very distasteful is about to happen. We witness Martin pushing Patty around the house comically mocking her and then mostly off camera the rape occurs. When Mrs Bates returns Patty is quieter. Mrs Bates states that theirs now a light in patty's eyes and that she looks contended . Martin offers to say a little prayer which turns into a kind mocking evangelical sermon or possible exorcism. That evening with Mr Bates returned the conversation turns to blame. Mr Bates blames immigration Martin agrees and the two men seen to be getting along but Martin takes things further saying that the national front should deal with the situation and that beating and death camps should be introduced to keep the immigrants in line. Mr Bates starts to back track seeing for possibly first time his errors in judgement. Than night Martin sneaks down stairs to again assault Patricia. But this time as if by a miracle Patty starts screaming and fighting Martin off her. Patrica is healed and Martin is forced to flee into the night. Patrica is normal and remembers what led top her accident . Mrs Bates is joyful at her daughters recovery an Mr Bates is guilt ridden as it was he that Patty caught in bed with her sluttish friend leading to the accident. Martin is now on the prowl again doing evil or possibly good.

The performances I can't praise these actors enough.

Michael Kitchen as Martin is a tour de force. He manages to switch from evil to sickly sweet with comic precision. Every look every half veiled sneer every movement if his slight frame conveys his intent. In any other actors hands it could become parody.

Denholm Eliot as Mr Bates give us again a master class in playing the sleazy trivial little man. Angry at the world but to afraid to do anything about it. he Would repeat this roll in the rather tame movie version.

Patricia Lawrence as Mrs Bates is kind of the glue that holds this play together. She conveys such blind hope and so much naivety. But we the audience feel such sorrow for her. Its a wonderful performance.

Finally Michelle Newell. Possibly the most difficult roll. Her performance as Patty is astounding in the fact that she both appals the viewer with the involuntary movements and speech and yet also manages to be so subtle in conveying her underlining feeling. I wondered how much research she did to play Patty.

I really don't need to say much about the writer. This is my favourite of his works. Its 1 hour 13 mins of Potter perfection aimed to appal, enlighten, humour and cause debate.. I cant recommend this play highly enough.

Brimstone and Treacle

A disturbing and important work.
Where can you start with Brimstone and Treacle. Well lets start with some basic history. Brimstone and Treacle was part of the play for today season for the BBC in 1976. Masterfully written By Denis Potter it was band by the BBC just before it was due to air . It was not broadcast until 1987. Strangely everyone agreed, even those that initially stopped the original broadcast that Brimstone and Treacle was a brilliant piece of work but to strong for some tastes and sensibility's. Well did they have a point.. Well although I don't agree with the banning of this work. I do understand the BBC's thinking back in 76, mainly because its possibly the most original , disturbing, humorous and strangely uplifting work ever to come out on UK TV and still packs a punch today.

The basic story.. Brimstone and Treacle concerns a young man called Martin who may or may not be the devil or a demon? Martin is looking for some sort of victim. someone who he can worm his way into there lives and cause some chaos . He does this by pretending to be an old acquaintance. In this case his victim is Mr. Tom Bates a trivial little man who Martin try's to convince that he was in love with Bates daughter. Bates who obviously knows nothing of this and is suspicious of Martin tells him that his daughter Patricia was in a a car accident and has suffered catastrophic brain injuries. Martin pretends to faint and causes a scene . Eventually Mr Bates tells Martin that he will go and get his car and be back to get him. But Mr bates has no intention of returning.. Unfortunately Martin has lifted Bates wallet and now has Bates address.

In the Bates home things are in a horrible situation. The trivial Mr Bates spends his time blaming everyone from the immigrants to the IRA their situation Mrs Bates is a loving kind and totally naive mother cut off from the outside world because of her daughter lost in servitude. Patricia her daughter, since the accident has become a drooling , spasmodic wreck of a once fine young women speaking gibberish with limbs moving independently of thought.. Its a darkly lit claustrophobic existence.

every now and then we see a flash back to Patrica's accident. She is obviously running away from something. Each flash back we get a little more information.

Martin arrives on the Bates door step under pretext of returning the wallet. When he sees the wreck that Patricia has become , instead of being horrified he greets her with" Hello my Darling". Mr Bates is confused and angered but Mrs Bates sees a sort of salvation. The scene is both funny and unnerving . Mr Bates lets slip that Patrica's friend never visit her, and one he never liked one of Patrica's friends. " she was a slut he says with a real venom . Eventually Martin worms is way into being allowed to stay the night. He's given Patricia or Patty as the bates call her's room. Martin waists no time looking though Patty's personal things and revelling in his plans for her. The next day with Mr Bates at work Martin using all his sickly sweet powers, persuades Mrs Bates to go shopping and visit the hairdressers leaving him to look after Patty. As soon as Mrs Bates is out the door we find out that Martin is going to rape Patty. In a strange little rhyme Martin turns to the camera and warns us the viewers that something very distasteful is about to happen. We witness Martin pushing Patty around the house comically mocking her and then mostly off camera the rape occurs. When Mrs Bates returns Patty is quieter. Mrs Bates states that theirs now a light in patty's eyes and that she looks contended . Martin offers to say a little prayer which turns into a kind mocking evangelical sermon or possible exorcism. That evening with Mr Bates returned the conversation turns to blame. Mr Bates blames immigration Martin agrees and the two men seen to be getting along but Martin takes things further saying that the national front should deal with the situation and that beating and death camps should be introduced to keep the immigrants in line. Mr Bates starts to back track seeing for possibly first time his errors in judgement. Than night Martin sneaks down stairs to again assault Patricia. But this time as if by a miracle Patty starts screaming and fighting Martin off her. Patrica is healed and Martin is forced to flee into the night. Patrica is normal and remembers what led top her accident . Mrs Bates is joyful at her daughters recovery an Mr Bates is guilt ridden as it was he that Patty caught in bed with her sluttish friend leading to the accident. Martin is now on the prowl again doing evil or possibly good.

The performances I can't praise these actors enough.

Michael Kitchen as Martin is a tour de force. He manages to switch from evil to sickly sweet with comic precision. Every look every half veiled sneer every movement if his slight frame conveys his intent. In any other actors hands it could become parody.

Denholm Eliot as Mr Bates give us again a master class in playing the sleazy trivial little man. Angry at the world but to afraid to do anything about it. he Would repeat this roll in the rather tame movie version.

Patricia Lawrence as Mrs Bates is kind of the glue that holds this play together. She conveys such blind hope and so much naivety. But we the audience feel such sorrow for her. Its a wonderful performance.

Finally Michelle Newell. Possibly the most difficult roll. Her performance as Patty is astounding in the fact that she both appals the viewer with the involuntary movements and speech and yet also manages to be so subtle in conveying her underlining feeling. I wondered how much research she did to play Patty.

I really don't need to say much about the writer. This is my favourite of his works. Its 1 hour 13 mins of Potter perfection aimed to appal, enlighten, humour and cause debate.. I cant recommend this play highly enough.

Brimstone & Treacle

Tame compared to the original
Now. I'm not saying that this is a bad film. In fact all the cast are good including Mr Sting. But This version of Denis Potters work suffers because there was an a much better more disturbing version made 6 years earlier.. Strangely that version also starred Denholm Eliot and was more claustrophobic and intimate making the whole experience for the viewer more disturbing. By expanding the the scope this version loses its impact which is a shame because as I previously said this isn't a bad film, it was done better for less money and with a smaller budget..

The Goes Wrong Show: Ninety Degrees
Episode 6, Season 1

Stupid Genius
I think this is my favourite episode. You understand why it was the last one of the series as it's a piece of logistical genius that has an added element of real danger

The storyline is a southern states soapy melodrama. As usual you get forgotten lines, actor egos, props failing and the usual over/under acting.. But the new dimension is that some sets have been built at 90 degrees wrong. And in one case 180 degrees wrong . Let the silliness commence.


Pretty historically accurate . But that's about it.
I've just seen Midway and I must say that in terms of historical accuracy its better than the 1976 film of the same name and a better film than 2001'sPearl harbour, But that's not really saying much. Although mostly accurate in presenting what happened Midway has some major flaws . For me these are the CGI battle sequences, many of which come off as looking very fake and video gameish. giving the film a sifi feel than an historic edge This tended to detract from the life and death situation that the film aims to present. The other flaw is the dialogue which is pretty awful. That said the actors do there very best with the inane lines they have to say.

Now that said. I did find myself enjoying Midway, because as I said It at least got many of its historic facts right and got almost everything covered in 2h 18 mins. I really liked the part where legendary Director John Ford is filming the Japanese attack on the island. I've seen the real footage and it was a nice addition to the story.

Unfortunately Director Roland Emmerich should have used films like Tora Tora Tora, Patton and Saving private Ryan as a war movie blue prints than say Independence day and Star wars. This approach tended to make this viewer care less for the characters who die and the overall tension of situations presented.

The acting is mostly solid with the always reliable Patrick Wilson,Dennis Quaid and Woody Harrelson adding some gravitas. Ed Skrein and Luke Evans as the two action leads fair less well. This isn't because they are bad, in fact I like both actors. It 's just that they have been saddled with the worst parts of the script saying those cod macho lines that seem to find there way into mediocre action films. We know that they would have been them selves in those situations and wouldn't have time to say " this is for pearl? They just wanted to get the job done and get the hell out of there. Watch any documentary and that's what your told.

So to sum up. Midway isn't a bad film but with it could have been a truly great film in a different director at the helm. I would recommend this as a first stop to anyone who has a passing interest in the battle of Midway and then tell them to read some history books and watch some interviews with the brave men that fought for that little island.

John and Julie

Warm hearted film of yesteryear.
This is one of those films that brings out my nostalgic tendencies. John and julie is a simple story of a little girl called Julie who decides to run away to london with her best friend John to see the Queens coronation. The film was made just a couple of years after the events the film depicts. It's a simple story, its told with total charm and warmth. The two young actors playing John and Julie are totally believable natural. They are surrounded by cameos of the cream of 50s acting talent from Wilfred Hyde White to Peter Sellers... Although this is obviously a celebration of the event of 1953. The film trys to represent all walks of life. There is a very early attempt to show a multi cultural uk along with Londons slightly seedy night life. John and Julie works because it just so cosy. It show a bygone age that we could learn alot from.. It might not have the prestige of an Eailing Comedy but deserves to be shown more.

The Mistle-Tones

Harmless fun..
This is just a quick review. The Mistle-Tones is just one of those fun little Christmas movies that should be instantly forgettable but thanks to a very simple story,good vs Tori Spelling and a cast that keeps there tongues firmly in there cheeks, especially Spelling who plays a real pantomime evil queen . The songs are fun and the lightweight pace make this a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

The Lovers!

Film version of TV's Gentle comedy from yesteryear.
The lovers is the film version of Jack Rosenthals early 70s comedy series. The late great Richard Beckinsale and pretty and very talented Paula Wilcox play the title Lovers Geoffrey and Beryl . Two innocents slowly falling in and out love in the heady world of attempted promiscuity of early 70s Britain.. Both are from similar backgrounds and both slightly out of steps with there friends love lives. What I love about this film is that its wonderfully low key and strikes a chord with anyone of a certain age who has genuinely been in love.. The writing is very funny and honest. As you'd expect, The performances are brilliant all round. As in the series Beckinsales Geoffrey is shy and awkward andunsure of what he wants in life and looking for sex but also scared of the outcome. Wilcox's Beryl is a good girl look for a good man and hardly admitting that awkward Geoffrey is her type but need work. Add to this complication from the world around them and you have romantic 70s comic gold. I recommend this as a glimpse into simpler times. Love and laughter can be clever and tender without being crude or gross.

Party Party

Perfect Cult comic time capsule.. But may not translate to the US
Party Party is one of those movies that I know completely by heart. Every line every pause every song played over the hilarious script. The basic plot is that Larry is having a New years party at his house. But he hasn't told his parents.. Also we the audience know that the police have been told not to interfear with the festivities. We are introduced to the various party guests. The cool guy, the easy girl, the frumpy girl, the bully, the drunk, and Toby the party pratt. Party party is a series of set pieces that any party goer should recognise. Toby's (the prat) desperate attempts to pull the birds.. Larry the host trying to get a last fling in with a girl soon to be married to his mate. The local biker gate crashing the party and causing trouble. Plus an aftershave that smells like horses. Party party is silly but it's also very honest. In 1983 parties were actually like this. You would actually find these people there. Daniel Peacock as Toby is absolutely hilarious, a kind of composite of Norman Wisdom and a horny Mr Bean. The late Gary Olsen is one of the best comic Drunks ever. In fact so many good actors got there start in this film and most have been working steadly ever since. I can't recommend this film highly enough.. But if your from the US chances are that you may not get the humour or the fast paced london dialogue.. Also it has the best soundtrack ever. Let's hope its rediscovered and gets a bluray release.

Dad's Army: The Lost Episodes

I'm laughing. Great start..
Ok I'm over half way through the first episode and I'm chuckling away. Unlike the recent movie there has been some real time and care put into the recreation of these lost classics. Croft and Perry's writhing is perfection and the actors play to the script and just keep to the right side of tribute without lapsing into overt impersonation. So far so good.

Mary Poppins Returns

No way as bad as some say. But not practical perfect.
Please don't listen the terrible reviews. Mary Poppins returns is a very enjoyable film. All the cast are very good including the all fun cameos. If there is a problem with the film is that it can never compare with the origonal classic film.

Emily Blunt in the title role, is very good, if a little sharp in places. Plus care and attention has been made to mirror the look of the origonal. And here in lies one of the Two problems with the Mary Poppins sequel. The pacing and storyline is maybe a little too familiar. You feel you've been here before. It's fun but never really surprises. The 2nd problem is that some of the warmth of the original is missing. The songs although good for the most part, lack the earworm quality of the original film . film also lacks the romance and the flirtation between the characters.

This said the film is an enjoyable watch with fun songs, great effects and clever choreography. Just try not to compare it to the original and you'll enjoy it.

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