
IMDb member since July 2016
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A great story to tell
I watched because of the previous reviews. Fabulous acting as expected from Annette and Jodie, along with Rhys & the rest of the cast.

There were parts I felt that went a bit too long but seeing the detailed training and commitment from not just Nyad but the whole team was really interesting.

In a culture where ageism is rife, it was inspiring to see an example of someone take the opportunity and back themselves to achieve a long held dream.

It was great to get an insight into the team and what was required to achieve the swim. The planning and the technology was really interesting too especially the shark deterrents!

Anatomy of a Scandal

Pointless on many levels.

The 'extra' cinematography in some scenes was bizarre. No legal basis and no compelling evidence either way. Not sure what this was designed to do. Could have been one episode.

And Just Like That...

Had high expectations and not even close.

Ignoring the obvious of no Kim Cattrall who added so much to the 90's series with her one liners and exploits, this new series is horrendous.

The overdone virtue signalling was only diluted with the occasional good fashion choice.

Whilst the intent I'm sure was good there was neither substance or frills to maintain any interest.

I had to rewatch the original series to cleanse.

Should have stopped in the 90's.

Line of Duty: Episode #6.7
Episode 7, Season 6

Guessed it
Guessed it was him from the start. Golf anyone?

Disappointing series overall to be honest but held hope!

Even the actors looked bored with it.

Eat Pray Love

Perfect lockdown escapism
Don't understand the negative reviews. Julia Robert's is never going to be able to encapsulate the sass, virtues and straight talk of the real Liz Gilbert, but she is so great to watch as this leading lady. A fun and thoughtful travel escape to but also relationships of the heart and mind. A treat to watch when we are unable to travel. Loved seeing how the fabulous Liz is represented as knowing her own mind making her own life choices & not being a people pleaser!

Disclosure: Trans Lives on Screen

'You can not be what you can not see' - Marian Wright Edelman
Brilliant documentary to bring about awareness about the Transgender community for everyone else shown through the literal lens of movies & TV of our time and history. Showing how Womxn are depicted in film helps us all improve our understanding of how this translates to everyday life. Improving understanding makes us all better humans.

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