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Last Straw

Not worth your time!
The first 30 minutes of this movie will grab your attention and it's super exciting. It's entertaining. There is a story.

You feel, wow this is a good movie. But then something happens after 30min and this movie crashes and burns. It's like after 30min they gave up on this movie.

After approx 30min you completely lose track of what this story is even about. The story is all over the place. Somewhere in the middle of this movie, you regret why you even started to watch this.

This movie had the potential to become an amazing movie, but it failed.

Nothing makes sense. So frustrating to start and watch a movie, you get super excited and it's an awesome movie, and you regret why you even started to watch this movie. You could have spent this time doing something better or watching something better.

The reason I'm giving this a 2-star rating and not 1, is due to the awesome 30 minutes of this movie. Thats it!

A Quiet Place: Day One

Not like 2018/2020 :-(
If you thought this movie would be similar to A Quiet Place 2018 or the one made in 2020 you will be disappointed.

Of course, I knew it wouldn't be a copy of those movies, but I thought they would make it a little bit similar.

This movie was a HUGE disappointment. I really thought this movie was going to be good.

I went to the movies being super excited about this movie. And I end up getting a zero for my movie experience.

It's one of those movies that you can rent or buy online. Don't watch it in the movies, because this movie wasn't that good really.

Better to watch it at home.

I wish Emily Blunt and the old crew would do this movie, so sad they weren't in this movie.

The movie is a bit boring because there isn't much action in this. I feel it's more of a drama. Some scenes are super boring and nothing happens. The excitement we got from 2018/2020 was insane compared to this one. There isn't much horror in this either even if they mention its horror.

Is this movie entertaining, sure! Is it worth seeing it in the movies? No.

Should you buy and watch this online? Yes.

I Am: Celine Dion

SPS = A a prison sentence
For me, a documentary is all about being raw and authentic. This is the definition of a documentary!

It is so sad to watch a person with a fire inside her, but she can't do what she wants. Imagine being thirsty and you are in a desert with no water, it's like dying. SPS is pure hell. I feel so sorry for Celine and the struggle and pain she is going through.

You can feel through the screen that she wants to sing but can't. The fact that she can't sing like she used to due to SPS is heartbreaking. The whole situation going on with Celine is heartbreaking.

But, we should not forget that other people around the world are suffering from SPS too, and going through the same pain and struggles. We shall also not forget that Celine has an amazing team around her. Her team is helping her and trying to make this difficult journey as easy as possible for her. The fact that she is rich enough to afford a team that will take care of her and make sure that she has everything she needs is worth a lot. It doesn't take away the pain of course or the struggle but it takes away a little bit of the worry for her about money or healthcare issues or whatever issue.

Imagine being a normal person with a normal income and dealing with SPS.

Celine should be happy she has the financial security to deal with this. It helps and is comforting In some ways.

At least she doesn't have to worry about certain things while dealing with this SPS.

Anyhow this documentary was amazing and it give us a view of how it is to live with SPS. How devastating it is.

It's like being in a prison of some sort. You try to escape this prison but can't. I feel SPS is like a prison sentence of some sort.

I'm glad she felt comfortable enough to be herself in this documentary. To educate and raise awareness about SPS.

She is a brave woman! She is truly amazing and has done amazing things in life. I'm glad she felt comfortable enough to show this side of her and her life.

100% a must-watch for sure!


Zamand Taha + Sarwar Fazil = Incredible actors!
This movie is about two homeless boys who have no father or mother. Their dream is to visit the USA to see Superman. We get to follow their daily days and their journey to the USA.

This movie will break your heart into a million pieces, it is truly a sad movie. It is also a beautiful movie, a movie about siblings and the love they have for each other.

Even if this is a movie, in reality, this is the reality of many children around the world. The homelessness and existing without a mother or a father etc.

The performance Zamand and Sarwar did in this movie while being so young is extraordinary. Watching this you get all the emotions, you get angry, you get happy, you cry and you laugh.

There are a lot of issues we get to see in this movie, that exist in the world in various parts of the world. So sad that these issues exist and people live like this.

This movie was super deep and emotional to watch. But it was beautifully made and I'm so glad I had the chance to see this.

The rating of this movie should be much higher, seriously a 10!

100% I recommend this movie!!!

The Creator

A visual masterpiece
What to say about this movie ''The Creator'' that would do it justice? It's difficult to find the words.

Visually this movie was a treat for our senses. The effects were so amazingly done to perfection. One of the best sci-fi movies. I'm usually not into this kind of movie, but once in a while, you will find a gem. This movie is a gem! One of the best movies that I have seen. But somehow I don't know why this movie hasn't been promoted similarly to other movies. I feel I haven't seen or heard so much about this movie, which is sad. The acting with John David Washington and Madeleine Yuna Voyles was pure perfection. They played their roles as if they were born to play these parts. I'm impressed by Madeleine's acting, she is so little yet has so much emotion on screen. WOW.

Sure some scenes doesnt make sense, and sometimes some scenes were cut short, but overall this movie was great. Very entertaining and you didn't want it to end.

I thought at first this movie being 2 hours long, is too much, but it's actually not enough.

Some of the stuff we see, made me reflect...that we will probably soon also have these kinds of TECH/AI stuff in our future too. Pretty scary to think, to be honest.

Someone commented here that this movie reminded them of Terminator, Blade Runner, and Avatar, and I have to agree. But it's not like it was a copy-paste, but it does remind you of this movie. That's positive though, then you know this gonna be an INCREDIBLE MOVIE.

100% watch it!


Better than expected
I'm usually not into sci-fi movies, but WOW this movie blew my mind away. This movie is MUCH better than you would think it is. I didn't expect this movie to be THIS good.

It's one of those movies where you don't want the movie to end. I had to pause the Netflix movie to go to the WC and had to hurry to watch it again. It was seriously this good!

I love the communication that Atlas and Smith had and I love the story of this movie. It was entertaining and you will be on edge through the entire movie.

Thankfully the ending was great. In many movies that I have seen lately, their endings have been crazy. That it has ruined the movie, but thankfully this ending, was a ''normal'' ending. It completed the movie. J-Lo was great in this movie and perfect for the role. It seemed they had a nice budget to create all of those scenes and it looked great. Some sci-fi movies have low-budget and it looks so fake that it ruins the movie, but this one looked incredible!

You would not regret seeing this movie!!!

Super awesome movie!!!

The Menu

I saw the trailer and got excited thinking this movie would be awesome. I looked forward to seeing this all day. I love that feeling when you know you have a great movie to look forward to.

I don't know how to describe this movie, but it began OK. Then it went so-so. I quickly noticed that this movie wasn't as great as I thought it to be. But I kept thinking ''It might turn around, and end up something incredible''. For some reason, I kept wanting to watch it, even if it wasn't so good. It wasn't BAD that I had the urge to leave or turn off my TV. (I saw it on Disney +) For some reason, I felt there had to be something incredible. I waited and waited and sadly nothing changed. Nothing good came.

It is a weird movie and this movie doesn't make sense at all. But they created this movie in a way that you felt something was about to happen, and that ''wait'' for that thing to happen is what kept me watching.

The ending wasn't great, but no surprise there because the entire movie wasn't great.

I don't know how to explain this, but I thought this movie had potential and though this movie was going to be great. I was so wrong.

This movie could have been SO SO MUCH BETTER.

It was just a weird movie. No meaning behind it, just something they made, to entertain you. Sure I kept watching the entire thing, but what did I watch? I have no idea... Like wasting your time because you have nothing better to do.

If you are reading this, I advise you to not watch this movie.

Laapataa Ladies

''Never apologize for your dreams''
Would anyone be surprised that Aamir Khan is involved in this movie? No! When he is involved in whatever it is, the movie turns into gold. This movie was seriously so good, and a golden movie. A MUST SEE MOVIE.

I rarely watch Indian movies, but when I do, I often see the best of the best. This movie is truly one of the best. Again would anyone be surprised due to Aamir Khans' involvement in this movie?

This movie is about two men with their new brides onboard the same train, but somehow the wives get swapped and lost to the wrong husband.

It is a funny and educational movie. Even if this movie is funny somehow they have added scenes where it makes the viewers reflect on everything that goes on in India, especially for women.

India as we all know it, has serious issues with women's rights in the country and women's place in the society etc. This movie highlights a lot of these issues. It is also showing us India's traditions and culture. We will see the beautiful family bonds and also the painful struggles some families go through.

We get to see both worlds and of course, this stuff isn't only happening in India, it's happening all around the world. In all families and relationships etc.

There is a lot to unpack in this movie, but it is worth every second of it. It is a beautiful movie, and you will feel all the emotions seeing this movie. Have napkins ready on standby. Something I loved about this movie is that it isn't the typical ''Bollywood'' movie. There is no dancing every 10 minutes as these typical Bollywood movies have. I'm not a big fan of the dancing scenes, and thankfully this movie doesn't have any dancing in it.

It is a cute movie and 100% worth seeing!!!

Usually, Indian movies are way too long, and you perhaps aren't in the mood to watch a 2-3-hour long movie. This movie is approximately 2 hours long, but somehow those 2 hours flew by as if it's only 5min. That's how good this movie was!!!

I enjoyed every second of this beautiful movie.

100% see this movie if you have the time!!!

The Idea of You

Sensual/romantic + a must see!
You would have thought that Nicholas Sparks was the one who was the writer in this movie, but it's not. But this movie 100% reminds me of one of his books. As you all know he was the writer for one of the most famous romantic movies, The Notebook.

Anyhow what a steamy, sensual, amazing, romantic, and excellent movie this was. I didn't expect this movie to have those kinds of steamy scenes to be honest but those scenes fit perfectly in this movie. The chemistry that Anne and Nicholas had in the movie was OUT OF THIS WORLD. Perfect match in this movie!!!

They both played their roles incredibly well!!!

I think a lot of people might relate to this movie or reflect when they see this movie especially people who have kids and often must put their kids 1st and they always come last.

That their children are more important than their own stuff.

Also interesting to see from this perspective that a 40-year-old woman is with a 24-year-old guy. Usually, we see movies with the men being older and the girls being super young.

A reality for many with this age gap. This age gap regardless if it's a woman or man, doesn't really matter. But to society, it seems it's still an issue.

We also get to see a perspective of how celebrities live with all the nonstop paparazzi around them, and how frustrating it can be. Interesting view to see it in this way. Imagine having all those cameras in your face 24/7. Anyone living and breathing would get anxiety from this or feel it's suffocating.

As always Nicholas Galitzine is super hot in all his movies!!

Anyhow this movie is about a 40-year-old woman who falls in love with a 24-year-old singer/celebrity and how their lives are.

One of the best movies and a must-see to be honest.

I didn't expect this movie to be THIS GOOD.

The only thing that was a bit rushed and annoying with this movie was the end. I feel everything went perfectly fine up until the end. The ending wasn't bad, it was alright but could have been 100% much better.

The ending was a bit not what I had expected, I expected something else and more to be honest.

Anyhow 100% a must-see if you have the time!!!


The trauma will follow you...
Be prepared to cry seeing this!

If you feel you are not in the mood to get all the emotions on earth seeing this, then perhaps you are not ready to see this, YET!

This movie is about trauma of all sorts. A trauma that won't leave you and is following you everywhere you go.

This is a very emotional and heavy movie. Heavy in the sense that it will make you as a viewer reflect and go deep into your own emotions.

The movie is about a girl who comes from a rich background, she was born in Liberia in West Africa. She moved to the UK, then later went back to Liberia on vacation. While being in Liberia visiting her family some conflicts happened in the city. Horrible things happened while she was there. The situation forced her to flee to Greece. In Greece she became homeless.

We will see her struggles and her flashbacks of why she had to flee her country etc.

Even if we get to follow the struggles of this young woman, this will remind us of the daily struggles of all the millions of people who are refugees around the world or are homeless.

The trauma that so many carry with them.

It is very difficult to see this movie because it reminds you all the time that there are less fortunate people everywhere. You feel hopeless seeing this movie because you know this is a real-life situation of millions around the world.

Millions of people struggle and come from horrible backgrounds, and they flee their countries but the trauma will never leave them.

I feel Cynthia Erivo was born to play this role, she was perfect in this role. Well done to Cynthia for giving a voice to this role.

This movie was fantastic in a way that it showed you the reality of millions of people around the world.

Sometimes you forget these kinds of struggles exist for some people.

Seeing this makes you appreciate your own life even more.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was based on a real story. Because I feel what you will see is the daily life and struggles of millions around the world.

100% you have to see this!

One Day

The last 15 mins :-(
I randomly checked YouTube the other day and saw a YouTube clip, about this movie. A girl was crying and saying the last 15 minutes of this movie broke her heart.

This made me watch this movie. I think I saw this movie poster before, but it never drew my attention or never made me curious to see this movie, until I saw that Youtube clip.

The girl in that Youtube clip was right, damn the last 15 minutes of this movie, did break my heart.

This movie is all about love, losing love, getting love back, hating love, loving love, crying, laughing, and going through all the emotions a human can have.

One of the best romantic movies that I have seen. If you don't cry during various scenes in this movie, then you are NOT a human. You are probably made of A. I. What a lovely, and cute movie this was.

Without sharing any spoilers, the last 15-20min of the movie was truly difficult to watch for various reasons.

You will think of your previous relationships, current relationship, your parents, your friends, your life, your job, well everything... This movie will make you reflect upon many things.

This movie will bring back memories and you will 100% miss certain people.

Anne and Jim played their roles perfectly. The chemistry they had onscreen was magical.

100% see this movie if you haven't already!!!

The Greatest Love Story Never Told

Just do it, even if you are scared!
Everyone who watched this documentary got a unique message from this. Some perhaps got messages about love, career or friendship, money or life. Perhaps they got messages about all those things.

What I enjoyed about this documentary was the ''human'' side of Jennifer. It is so easy for people watching from the outside to judge her because she is a celebrity/rich. But behind everything she is a human, with emotions, hardship, heartbreak, and trauma. She is no robot. She has emoitons just like you and I.

But damn no one can say she isn't a brave, determined, and hard-working mother and woman! I love that she follows what she wants to do, even if it's crazy to others. We all are unique souls, we are no clones. Just because Jennifer loves something or does something, that you might not like or do, doesn't mean this is a bad thing or crazy.

She worked hard all those years and wanted to create a musical and she did. You might not like it, but she does. Just because someone does something and enjoys doing it, doesn't mean it's bad!

Anyhow this is what I learned and reflected on when watching this. Being hard-working, stubborn, and determined gets you a long way. Just because you had many failed relationships, doesn't mean you won't the one for you one day.

Damn, she is a stubborn woman, in a good way. Because if we aren't stubborn, we won't get work done.

Well done to Jennifer, for being so hard-working, and being determined, and going through the storms in life and everything else around it and still standing!

Something else i reflected on when watching this, is that even if we are scared of something, just DO IT! Like Jennifer said: Do it even if you are scared! Jump outside your comfort zone and do it. Be brave and don't care what others will think! Just F''' do it!

I really enjoyed watching this. The same hardship Jennifer went through or go through, we all humans go through too. I don't mean that she is rich or a celebrity, I mean the human emotions. The human struggle and trauma etc.

100% I recommend you watch this!

The Beekeeper

Similar to John Wick movies and it's amzing!
Jason Statham NEVER disappoints! I'm a huge fan of his movies, and this was incredible. The only movie from this work that I didn't like was ''The Meg''. That's it, the rest are amazing.

The last 15- to 20-minute of the movie was nerve-wracking. You didn't want it to end.

This action movie gives you everything you want and needs in an action movie. It is a movie that will excite you 500%.

People are saying this movie reminded them of the John Wick movies, so what if this did? We have 1000 action movies that copy each other to no end. Doesnt mean this won't be entertaining. This movie was entertaining 100% The story is about Jason Statham that is a former FBI/CIA/SPECIAL FORCES, don't remember what he was now.

He rents a place from an old lady. This old lady got scammed by an IT company and they robbed her of all her money, like everything. She feels ashamed of this, which makes her commit suicide.

This old lady was like a mother figure to Jason and he just hated the fact someone touched someone dear to him. She wasn't his real mother though.

Then he begins the adventure of finding the folks who did this etc... So damn exciting and entertaining, you have to see it!

Land of Bad

Liam Hemsworth + Russel Crowe :: Fantastic duo
I truly enjoyed this action movie. I didn't expect Liam to be THIS GOOD.

Liam Hemsworth and Russel Crowe were excellent in this movie.

This movie is about an Sergeant who is on a mission in the Philipines jungle to rescue an agent.

Then we have the drone pilot Crowe who is helping them on this mission.

I didn't expect this movie to be this good.

One of the best scenes for me was when Crowe was in a grocery store, just doing some random shopping.

Then something happens here, and this part in the movie is so good. Nervewrecking moment.

I'm not going to give away spoilers here, but you will enjoy this action movie.


A mix of The Devil Wears Prada and Cinderella
It is one of those movies, that you think will be something between a ''so-so movie to bad'' but ends up being a great movie.

This movie is a mix of The Devil Wears Prada and Cinderella. This movie reminds me so much of those movies.

Camila Mendes acting in this movie is super strong. I often had to stop the movie to take a deep breath because I was scared and thought ''What the hell will happen next''. Some scenes are nerve-wracking because you are rooting so much for the ''less fortunate'' girl.

This movie is also a reminder of people's economic status, and how people are treated due to how rich they are. How people are treated due to their ''status''. Truly sad, but it is a reality.

Camila played her part perfectly. You will honestly be surprised by how good this movie is. Lena Olin had such an amazing presence and energy in this movie. Archie Renaux played his part well too!

A lot is happening in this movie and you will truly enjoy it.

100% you will love this movie if you enjoyed seeing the movies ''The Devil Wears Prada'' or ''Cinderella''.

La sociedad de la nieve

A movie that you have to see before you die!
One of the best movies that I have ever seen, seriously.

This movie is one of those movies that we have to see before we die. It is on the list of movies to watch before you die!

A movie about survival and never giving up. I honestly have no words for this movie, but will try to explain in words.

I think no words will work for this movie, you just have to see it for yourself.

You will smile, cry, cry some more, and get a sense of panic and fear seeing this. Many times you think, about how strong people are to experience such events. I can't imagine the trauma these people had.

Also when some kind of disaster happens, regardless of what situation people end up being in, some people still have hope and never give up.

They created this movie in a way where the viewers sometimes feel the emotions happening. The cinematography is amazing and so real.

I feel these specific actors were born to play these parts.

Truly an amazing movie, that told the story in a very respectful way.

This movie is inspired by the real-life events of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571. This plane crashed in the mountains while traveling from Uruguay to Chile in 1972 A very emotional movie, but 100000% worth seeing. As I mentioned before, this movie is one of those movies that you have to see before you die.

Someone commented:: '''' Superb acting, incredible direction, and unforgettable cinematography. A truly impactful story masterfully told. Kudos to the production team for delivering such a powerful movie'' I couldn't have said it any better, so true!!!!

Go go go go and watch this movie!!!


Actually very good!
I expected this movie to be cheesy and bad, but to my surprise, it was seriously very good. A good action and comedy movie. John Cena was excellent in this.

Many thrilling scenes and many funny scenes, that will make you laugh a lot.

The movie is about an ex-special forces guy who left the military.

He is now doing some office work instead. Which is super boring compared to the life he had before.

He gets an offer to work as a security guy for a journalist, to protect her.

He flies with the journalist for an interview and from there the action starts.

It's a good movie that will keep you busy for almost two hours.

I recommend this!


Don't be scared of change!
I loved this movie. It's a movie for everyone.

I love movies that give us messages. Motivational messages. It was such a colorful and positive movie. A feel-good movie. Super fun to watch for an hour or so.

The message that I got from this movie is to NOT be scared of change.

A lot of stuff is scary, but when you jump outside your comfort zone you grow. You have to do things that aren't fun or scary, to learn new things.

To develop and explore. Life would seriously be so boring if we didn't change.

Also, it is a reminder for us humans to protect our animals and not harm our beloved animals. How beautiful it is when they are free.

A super cute movie and I recommend this 100%

The Hitman's Bodyguard

One of the best
A hitman's bodyguard is a MUST to watch for action fans. Ryan and Samuel are a dream team! One of the most fun and coolest action movies that I have seen. You are entertained every minute of this movie.

Thankfully the movie is almost 2 hours long, so you can enjoy it with some popcorn. Love the comedy that Ryan and Samuel bring in this movie as well.

Some of the action scenes were a dream, reminded me of James Bond movies.

It's one of those movies where you don't want it to end. Sam and Ryan played their part perfectly. You could tell they were a great team!

Was truly a joy seeing this movie.

Red Notice

Not bad..
I didn't expect this movie to be this good. It was super entertaining and you didn't want the movie to end.

Ryan as always is hilarious in this movie. Gal creates the spark in the movie and Dwayne completes the package.

I kept thinking during the movie why Dwayne wasn't showing much emotion like he does in his movies, but then I read that his father passed away beginning of this movie. So now I know.

It's not like he shows a lot of emotion in his movies, but at least a little bit. But he was almost completely stone-faced here. As if he was gone, understandably. But that didn't affect the scenes.

But there are many hilarious scenes in the movie, you will enjoy it!

A very entertaining movie that will take you away for a couple of hours.

Gal, Ryan, and Dwayne were a great team for this movie. I read there will be a Red Notice 2 soon, awesome.

Totally worth a watch!!!

Have your popcorn ready and enjoy!

Dream Scenario

Actually not bad...
Since the movie Pig from 2021, I feel Cage has had many awesome movies.

His movies used to be trash, and I thought he only did movies for the $$$$. He used to take whatever role he could play just to get some cash.

But recently I don't know what is happening, but his acting has been great. Good for him!

He has been in many great movies recently.

I was surprised by his good acting in Dream Scenario.

This movie was truly weird, but still entertaining for us viewers to keep watching.

I have seen some weird movies and I feel it was a complete waste of time. But this one was worth the time.

You have all kinds of thoughts about his role as ''Paul'' throughout the movie. Sometimes you love him, sometimes you hate him, sometimes he comes out like a total creep, sometimes he is a genius and amazing, and sometimes you get scared.

But he played his role perfectly though.

This movie also gives us an insight into ''cancel culture''. It is crazy how certain things happen and everyone suddenly hates someone and doesn't want anything to do with that person. And the opposite, how when certain things happen, everyone suddenly wants to know that person.

It's very strange yet very fake, but a reality for some celebrities and folks out there.

100% worth a watch!!

Leave the World Behind

One of the worst endings ever :-(
1 star:: for the awesome stars in this movie: Ethan Hawke, Kevin Bacon, Julia Roberts, and Mahershala Ali.

2 stars::: for the thrilling and entertaining start from the movie. The movie started in a great way.

That's it, my 2 stars go for those ONLY two reasons. For 2 hours and almost 20min, you wait for something EXTRAORIDNARY to happen. But what happens at the end? Everything crashes and burns.

This movie is one of those movies where it begins amazingly, it makes you glued to your screen. You get excited and think wow what an amazing movie. You can't wait for the ending. You can't wait for an exciting ending.

But then it's as if someone slaps you in the face at the end.

I have no words for the of the most awful endings I have seen in my life.

Imagine having a great cast, many of these folks are Oscar winners, but then they create this ending?

Denzil Washington was supposed to star in this movie, but he ended up dropping off, HE KNEW. He knew this movie would crash and burn.

This movie could have been so good, so good, soooo good. But the ending ruins everything.

The ending ruins THE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE of seeing this movie. You would expect a WOW WOW ending, but noooooo......

I don't know if I should tell you to see this movie or not. You perhaps should see it, because the folks in this movie? But you end up HEARTBROKEN by the ending?

The ending will leave you frustrated and angry!

But the whole story of this movie though, is not impossible to happen in real life. Who knows...

You're Not Supposed to Be Here

This movie isn't supposed to be here
For some reason, my movie review was not approved, so I will try my best to re-write my review about this movie again. But hopefully this time I will be gentle with my words.

If you are reading this, don't watch this movie. It is not worth it. You will only waste your time.

I don't know what I was watching. What the ''''''''' was this movie about? Who knows.. The budget for this movie wasn't much. I felt like I was watching a school play and I kept looking at my watch and wondering when this would end.

In many scenes, you ended up laughing so much because it was THAT BAD. At least we got a good laugh from this.

But anyhow this was bad, seriously bad.

The end///


Your soul ignited by a purpose, a mission
This movie is about Diana Nyad who at the age of 64 years old swam from Havana, Cuba to Key West in Florida. A real story by the way and not fiction.

She didn't try this once or twice, she did this five times, and on her 5th try, she fulfilled her DREAM.

What an incredible woman with that kind of willpower.

Once in a while, I feel we humans need to watch these kinds of movies to refill our souls/minds with ''you can do it too, don't give up''.

Whatever we humans go through, whatever we struggle with, when we see these kinds of movies, it ignites some kind of fire in us to continue to do the things we need to do. To continue to go after our dreams and if we fall down, it's ok, and let's get up again and continue.

I have no idea what kind of fire Diana had inside her to keep going after this dream, but she went for it and fulfilled her dream.

I always wonder what kind of superpower these folks have that goes after this stuff and doesn't give up.

Diana is truly an extraordinary human, with some kind of spirit that doesn't know what ''comfortable'' means. Imagine swimming in harsh environments out there in the ocean. Incredible.

This movie was great!

Whoever cast Annette Bening and Jodie Foster for these roles, should get gold medals! Annette and Jodie were perfect for these roles!

100% I recommend you watch this!

Tom Cruise: The Last Movie Star

Excellent work ethic, dedication, and hard work = Tom
Regardless of what we all think about Tom, we can't deny the fact that he has done many amazing movies. The movies that he has done have been extraordinary.

This documentary was nice to see. But it didn't really tell me anything new, that I already didn't know about Tom.

I'm a huge fan of his work, and I think I have seen 99% of his movies.

All these people in this documentary saying how amazing Tom is, and how incredible his work is, is what we all think. Nothing new here.

The man is 61 years old and still going strong. Still making these insane/intense movies with tons of energy. The energy that some folks younger than him don't even have.

He has such dedication to his craft that it's insane. He is such a perfectionist and that perfectionist makes him create these incredible movies. We see the details in his movies, made in the most perfect way.

The work ethic, dedication, and hard work he puts into his movies are incredible.

But 100% he isn't the last movie star though, he is ONE OF the last ones.

Anyhow this documentary wasn't really WOW or it didn't really show us anything new. But it was nice seeing though. Nice seeing a history of his work. But no one can deny though that his work has been incredible. He has an impressive resume for sure!

When the time comes, when Tom Cruise no longer does these Mission Impossible movies, it will be a sad sad sad day. The same way when Daniel Craig stopped making those James Bond movies.

Should you see this documentary? If you are bored and have nothing else to do, sure.

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