
IMDb member since July 2005
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I want to like it... but
1st season was OK. Second season is just a decline. The loss of Cat was a big loss, and the writers have turned supergirl into an immature teenager, completely driven by emotion, and a complete lack of rational thought.

I am dreading starting to watch season 3, because it most likely will just continue to lower my opinion, and this is sad.

Batman Ninja

There is truly nothing to see here
This movie is an embarrassment to the Batman Universe. A WB head should probably roll. Voices? Sucked. Artwork/Animation? Sucked. Plot? Could've been great, but it's kind of like the writers picked 300 plot elements, put 'em in a jar, and then randomly pulled out 10 or 15, and tried to make it work. There is truly no redeeming virtues to this movie. No single element offsets the massive amount of bad through out the whole thing.

I hate to say this, as it will be a first for a DC movie, but I want my money and time back.

The only way to tolerate this movie is to hit your 30 second skip forward button about 100 times so that it least it will show up as watched in your queue, and not in the "Continue Watching", because believe me, you will never continue it if you stop. Do not even rent it, even if it shows up as a 99 cent rental on google or amazon on a promo. Save yourself.

Taxi Brooklyn

Weakest female lead I've seen in a long time.
The main lead in this show has to be the one of the most pathetic individuals I have seen in recent history.

Incredibly weak character. Her reasons for being so conflicted are weak, she is supposedly a cop, whose answer to significant fractions of her problems are to physically strike out and hit somebody or something.

The male lead? WHat can I say. Just suspend disbelief, and enjoy. At least he doesn't try to be anything more than he is.

Plots? Presumably something vaguely resembling at least a one- sentence summary passed by the desk of a writer at some point, but that's pretty much it. These cops have people get shot in front of them, leave the dying person in the street and head off after the bad guy. IN a taxi.

I wanted to like it, and on the off-chance that perhaps it was a slow starter, I've managed to at least have it playing in the background for 12 episodes as filler, and so far, it's 12 episodes of time I could've devoted to something else.

So allow me the privilege of serving you, by heartily encouraging you to devote your finite and precious TV viewing-time to something else.

Desperate Housewives

Good stuff, gets better with age
And I don't just mean the age of the actresses... I started watching this when it first came out on network television, and for some reason, just couldn't get into it, although I enjoy all the individual actresses.

Then a good friend of mine encouraged me to take another crack at it.

Oh my goodness. I don't know what was wrong with me the first time, but there is *good* stuff here. I don't want to give away anything, but the writing on this is great, capturing good nuances of character.

Casting is just about perfect, any show with Felicity Huffman in it is by definition a winner. The other cast members are great too, but after Sportsnight, I can't get enough Felicity Huffman.

The story lines are good, just the right mix of comedy and suspense, it doesn't take itself too seriously, although it does deal with some fairly dark subjects.


Battlestar Galactica

Good stuff.
Interestingly enough, I haven't seen the pilot, but I have watched the 13 episodes of s1, and several of s2 so far.

I will be frank, at the beginning, I was a little put off. It's an axiom of Hollywood that sex sells, and sometimes that's the only thing a show has going for it. And for the first few episodes, I was less than impressed.

However, eventually the writers seem to have realized that they had a great cast of characters, people you can like and relate to, and empathize with, and started writing real stories.

I thoroughly enjoy this show. While I watched the original back so many years ago, this is infinitely better. Season 2 has even been an improvement over season 1, and season 1 was a tough act to follow.

I won't comment too much on cast, but if you're an Edward James Olmos fan, then he really shines here. Some of his best work is in the last few eps of s1, and the beginning of s2. Mary Donnell is very enjoyable as well.

Good stuff here. You will enjoy it if you're a sci-fi fan at all.

My Name Is Earl

Good idea, but I don't think it's gonna go the distance.
I'm not really sure what to think. I just watched the first episode and didn't really like it. But on the other hand, there have been many sitcoms that take a bit to hit their stride.

So I'm going to give MNIE a few more chances. The idea is good, and I like Jason Lee, (although I'm having a hard time not calling him "Buddy" because of 'the Incredibles'). The rest of the cast is rather unremarkable.

Ultimately, I just didn't laugh. Few smiles, a couple ha's, but nothing that just doubled me up in hysterics. If the rule of thumb is that you lead off strong, then unfortunately, I don't think MNIE is going to go the distance.

Dr. Vegas

I'm not sure why, but I liked it.
Dr. Vegas is one of those shows that you either love or hate. I like Rob Lowe, and Joe Pantoliano makes anything he's in great. If you're into leggy blondes, then Sarah Lancaster works well, and Tom Sizemore plays his part well.

However, for some reason, Dr. Vegas's nurse, played by Amy Adams just seems to steal the scenes wherever she is. Dialog timing is great, the conversations zing back and forth very quickly, if you're not paying attention, you'll miss some good stuff.

It's too bad that Dr. Vegas didn't make the cut, I think with some more time, it would've found it's stride and would've developed a nice following.

If it came out on DVD, I'd probably snag it, mainly to catch the 5 eps that didn't air in the US.

Don't expect too much, just enjoy a nice 45 minutes or so of fluff, but with characters you can relate to.

Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place

There are no bad episodes
This show was extraordinarily appealing. Ryan Reynolds is great, and has a sense of comedic timing that is amazing. The other people are great as well, and the addition of some of the oddball characters only improved things.

There was a good balance between comedy and occasionally serious topics, but it never dragged.

This series being canceled was a travesty. As I recall it was moved around quite a bit schedule-wise, and as such it was difficult to find.

As a show it's much better than friends.

This is one show that seriously needs to be on DVD.

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