
IMDb member since January 2016
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Ad Astra

Missing spine and bones
This film has heart, but no spine. The story is not well formed and incomplete, filled with expectations of no avail. Sad Brad Pitt is a space astronaut, a lone crusader who suffers loneliness and bad marriage ending in a separation from being emotionally unavailable. The character is lost in a quiet misery. Despite being in his 50s, Brad's character cannot find peace of mind and is an absent lover because his father was a famous astronaut who left them to space and some years later disappeared and presumed dead. The film revolves around his obsession with his father and as he learns he might be alive, his obsession with finding him to have some sort of closure. His quest evolves in shallow ways as the film unfolds and the premise of finding mysteries in space only lead to short teasers (man-eating monkeys in space with no explanation as for where they came from and what this was about, seems like a thriller with no purpose), and eventually he finds his father which is a bitter asshole who never loved him at all. This revelation apparently sets Brad free and his wife/ex wife comes back to him as he is now not so sad. Liv Tyler appears in the film for a total of perhaps five minutes, as her part is merely for the purpose of being a background story to emphasize his loneliness. In the end, the film leaves us with unfulfilled promises and an unsettling feeling of something we never quite had. Perhaps, this was the whole point.

S.W.A.T.: Jack
Episode 17, Season 2

Good episode but had a missed editing
Towards end of the episode the editors cut a part of the episode where the guy discharged a grenade and they jumped off, next second they all stand there unharmed and telling him not to throw the grenade? Hmmm where is the missing scene?? we do need continuity to make sense and this was truly a missed error that made no sense and made me laugh... can't take it seriously

The Irishman

Boys flick
Probably only boys can enjoy this one. I tried it but could not get into all that boring stuff..


Love for diversity and millennial values
This show is pretty bad in term of story, however I absolutely love watching a show that has lesbian couple, gay couple, girl gang, and all that is integrated in the main story and as leads. The character of Cheryl is obviously the best thing in the show. I feel that this generation has some hope to make social change in this sick world.


Felt sorry for Chloe
She just wanted to be loved and I sensed she was very lonely and was needing a true connection with someone. I thought the film was rather sad. Also I was introduced with Raised by Swans when I saw it years ago.

What to Expect When You're Expecting

Straight-normative shallowness
I only survived 20 minutes of this shallow film with all the fake hot couples trying to get pregnant while not gaining weight. Hollywood is so boring sometimes it makes me wanna vomit pink on their sexist ass.

The Break-Up

misogynistic and unwatchable
The guy is like a cliché of a typical selfish American man, who lets his wife cook and do the dishes after a hosting dinner while he sits around playing video games with a beer. Seriously... and she "nags" him can you help do the dishes first and he is like ya ya sure later... cringeworthy! The film is so sexist and abusive that I felt sorry for both actress and actor being part of such a tragedy. Not to mention they had zero chemistry, acting like a cartoon version of themselves. It was very painful watch honestly, a couple shouting at each other for the guy being a dickhead. The recent film Marriage Story did what this one tried to do back then, only it was executed masterfully, realistically, with a guy who was not a total douchbag! Am I supposed to feel sorry for Vince for being a turd who drinks beer infront of the tv watching sports while his wife is working alone to entertain their guests? I don't get it.

Mozart in the Jungle: Not Yet Titled
Episode 7, Season 3

An interesting episode
I do love the idea and execution for the documentary, however my one hate for this was the composer! Jolie molie was the music bad or what?? I understand some people may like it but I thought it was damn ugly and if I wrote it after waking angry in the morning and pissed at the neighbours I would surely throw it away. And playing this to inmates? I seriously expected something calm, divine, beautiful. Fail!

Marriage Story

Well made and has depth
Everyone shine in this film and does exceptional job playing a couple going through a separation, and I have to say one of the main stars to me was the lawyer - she really added colour to the script which was overall excellent. I felt for all of them, and I shed a tear twice for the intensity and hardship of failed marriage and lack of communication, which clearly went so far to the point of no going back. Beautiful film.

The Equalizer

misogynistic and boring
This film was made by men for men, and it has really gotten tiring. A man (good guy) going on revenge spree against Russian mafia pimps. He is trying to save a girl prostitute , and you only see like three women characters throughout the film for a few minutes, mostly victims and prostitutes. Everything else is male violence trying to show who got the bigger balls. Boring and expected. Please Hollywood stop making such boringass films.


Perfect show
I loved every season. Real and touching. I love all the characters even when they mess up. Amazing drama series.

A Rainy Day in New York

Boring and sexist
Not only was this film boring as hell, pretentious conversations are not torturing enough for W Allen, he had to also be sexist and place more than half the female characters as shallow, stupid or prostitutes. Glamorising prostitution is not a thing we want to see and it is insulting to think that a beautiful woman sitting in a bar could be nothing more than selling her body to men. When the story took THAT turn I was already done with this film, but then he had to go there with his own MOTHER. Does W Allen hate women that much? Has he not had enough of controversy with his own private life being accused of sexual abuse ? And leave all that aside, the script was lame and boring. I will recommend this film to people I hate.

Molly's Game

Absolutely fantastic
Well played well directed, Jessica C is amazing in everything and slowly turning into my favorite actress. The story is incredible and probably did not require too much editing since the real story is phenomenal by itself! Great film.

Below Her Mouth

I quite liked it
I thought the intimate scenes were very realistic and the chemistry was undeniable. Story was good too. The acting was difficult to take but it is compensated with everything else.

The Boys

Why do people enjoy this
I am tired of all that violence and how women are always sexually assaulted for gratification and story plot. Why are the only two female heroes written as rape victims to be sexually abused for the "job"? Am I supposed to enjoy watching it? It just ruins everything and it's disgusting

Rough Night

Funny and brilliant!
I absolutely had a fun night watching it. Yes it is a cheesy comedy but it actually really surprised me with the turns and a bit of darkness involved in the story. It was funny and unexpected, acting was fantastic including a memorable appearance by Demi Moore as a bisexual lady of a couple which made the story even weirder and more hilarious. Overall, a lighthearted great comedy with some good drama.

Gentleman Jack

Absolutely incredible
Can't believe this is true story of a real person! Thank goodness Miss Lister kept those diaries. It is very genuine and told incredibly well. As for the story, I feel quite sad that despite this was over 200 years ago, still majority of our society is not far from these hateful opinions, and still people have such dark opinions on gay and lesbians. I have a very soft spot for the struggle of Walker, being so sensitive and depressed, and the horrible things she has been going through. I was happy to read that they did end up together in real life.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Monsters yay story meh
It felt like a huge discrepancy between the animal design and special effects, which were highly skilled, and the story tellers script writers and character design, which were all flawed and awful. The story: TERRIBLE. From the start, the script was all over the place. I wasn't even sure what I was watching. My friend went to toilets and when he returned and asked what he missed I said honestly like... nothing. It was that bad. The family's story was weird and uncompelling. The scientist who freed the Hydra monster had such a terrible plot that it was sadly laughable! And all along the movie was desperately missing a reliable hero that will make us care. The battles: phenomenal. The monsters were designed very well and they were scary. Godzilla was majestic and the three headed Hydra was frightening to say the least! Movie set and atmosphere: another thing the movie lacked is the set. It felt very claustrophobic. We were missing all the effect on people's lives with the monsters, the news clips, the president reacting, REAL PEOPLE. The only people we saw were the boring scientists inside the submarine, and boy was that daunting. Occasionally, we saw some people running from a monster with buildings falling over their heads but it just wasn't well made. The frame is a huge part of a movie and any good monster or disaster film must have a good frame to make it work, intimacy with the characters and their world. This film was too distant and paid too much attention to battles at sea without the human factor.

Conclusion: long and daunting, with phenomenal battles between monsters, terrible plot and horrible characters.

Wind River

Heartbreaking and hard to watch
This is a very good film, and draws attention to the wild life in this area where native women are being raped and murdered and their lives are wasted, as authorities don't take things seriously and spend more energy on turf wars. It is difficult to watch at some scenes how much this woman have suffered and how horrible what they have done to her, and the lives of the victim's families. Olsen did a great job and her acting seem much more mature than her siblings. I would recommend watching if you have the stomach for it.


Not in the mood for sexual harassment...
It's disappointing that Weatherly behaves in such a disgusting way towards a female costar, and it ruins the show for me. If a man cannot be respectful towards other people and not make 'rape jokes' then this guy should not be engaging society.

47 Meters Down

What a stressing film!
Prepare to not breath for 1.5 hours! This is a full tension movie and very claustrophobic. I thought it was very decent actually and well acted despite the low score. I also found the storyline to be very realistic, minus the malicious sharks but that is already expected from such films. It's certainly not a "fun" movie cause it does not spare you from feeling devastated in the end...

The Fosters

Inlove with this show
It really has everything and very realistic, every character is a bit flawed as all people are. I'm sad it's over! One of the best family drama series.


Wow this is just gross
I only watched a few minutes from an episode and was so grossed out that I regretted watching it.

The Hustle

Loved it!
Very light and funny film. Both actresses shine and the script was smart.

Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks
Episode 4, Season 8

Best episode of season so far
I am surprised people hated it so much. It was the best of the season ehich was really bad thus far. The only thing I really hated is seeing that dragon fall. Aweful!

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