
IMDb member since September 2015
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    9 years



We are all Wannis
When I was in Germany, friends told me that there is an Egyptian museum in Munich. With almost no thinking, i refused to visit it and said to myself: "I won't pay 20 euros to Germans for seeing my ancestors' heritage!" The heritage that propably reached there by thieves as the ones in this movie. At that very moment, I was Wannis and I do believe that every Egyptian should be Wannis when seeing Egyptian artifacts being shown in massive numbers in the British museum or the streets of Italy and New York. That's how every one of us should feel when someone says our civilization is white or black.

Skoot hansawwar

Teraf tetkalem baladi?!
Inspite of not seeing this movie until its 20th anniversary, yet it was such a delight to see such a work in which Latifa was a real diva with her famous song Teraf tetkalem baladi "do you speak local Egyptian", which really deserved to be an intro and an ending of the movie, besides her outstanding performance as a faithful daughter and a caring mother despite having unstable marriage. It was a great performance by Ahmed Wafik, as well as Zaki Fateen Abdel Wahab, and Ahmed Bedeer. Yes, its not one of Youssef Chahine's best works but it has much of his unique spirit in an awesome light comedy.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Alloyed
Episode 8, Season 1

One to bind them all...
Whether you've been, so far, a fan of this series or not, it's quite hard to deny that this episode truly met the quality of J. R. R. Tolken world. Despite the numerous adaptations made by Amazon to the original works of Tolken along this series, starting from the addition of many characters (especially female ones!) till the presence of hobbits in the second age, yet they could fill some sort of a gap without losing the spirit of the Middle Earth. In fact, the finale is the summit of this work not only in successfully binding the somehow loose lines together but also in creating a coherent base to the future seasons which are for sure excitedly awaited.


Everybody Lies...
At first I thought this show, despite starring Adel Emam, is just another mediocre comedy show because of the bad timing in Ramadan 2020 which was really distracting due to the numerous interfering TV ads so it was so hard to follow up with the storyline, but afterwards it was very nice to watch, with good script written by Ayman Bahgat Kamar and interesting connections between characters. Although it might be a good question to to ask about the point of the series, it already shows itself up at the very late episodes which is simply the fact that "Everybody Lies". Betrayals may be the hardest thing to be shown in a comedy style but the author is already able to show this through his characters as a reflection to the whole society starting from the side characters as housemaids to the main character, Valentino himself.


A once-in-a-lifetime movie
Undoubtedly, this is one of the most unique cinematographic adventures one can witness, because it is not a just a story, and they are not just actors. Here, people are playing their real roles in their own lives. And ironically, even the evil are not some movie villains! They are the ones who refused to harm their eyes with seeing the truth and claimed that a winning movie is just a plot! Welcome to Feathers, where "Feathers" can weigh tons...

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