
IMDb member since September 2015
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Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Took my breath away
Tarantino's best. By the end of the film, I was literally crying. Bittersweet, really. Best ending I've seen in a while.

I especially loved the true-grit nature of Brad Pitt's character (and his dog). And kudos to the rest of the cast, including DiCaprio, who flexed his considerable acting talent, and also to the young lady (Julia Butters) who played an eight-year-old actress on one of the sets.

The music, costumes, makeup, sets, and locations totally nailed the era. The whole crew did a great job.

I will watch this movie again; I loved it that much.

(BTW, I don't know if everyone in the audience 'got' the film. My advice, if you're not super familiar with the Charles Manson story, is to watch the 2004 Helter Skelter TV film or read the book Helter Skelter.)


What's with all the bad reviews?
I have watched this film three times and enjoyed every minute of it.

It's campy, bizarre and the anaconda contact-lens scene has me in stitches every time.

No Escape

Finally -- an action movie without a zillion pointless explosions
I went to this movie because I was curious -- Owen Wilson NOT in a comedy?? I was pleasantly surprised. Owen Wilson nailed it -- a loving father trying *desperately* to save his family. Yes, this situation has been done a zillion times before (for example, THREE "Taken" movies) -- but I've never seen it done with this much intensity. The movie's focus was not on the "action." Rather, the focus was on the interplay between the parents/kids, how they dealt with each other and the various situations, providing a deeply human touch against a horrifically inhuman background (a massacre). And it was this extreme contrast, of the human vs the inhuman, that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the movie.

Pierce Brosnan was also amazing. No plastic Kennie doll here -- Pierce Brosnan played an imperfect man trying to do the right thing. I've never seen Pierce Brosnan play such a wide range within a single role -- from off-key karaoke to ____. (I won't say it as it would be a spoiler).

I also enjoyed Pierce Brosnan's sidekick, "Kenny Rogers."

And I must say, it was refreshing to see an action movie where the only "car chase scene" involved a moped going five miles per hour.

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