
IMDb member since August 2015
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Glossy yet boring
All this bling cannot save this film from being kind of pointless and incoherent. Hollywood has a tendency to produce films about how much filmmakers love film and the medium itself, and for the rest us us it just feels like self-indulgent.

We are supposed to sit in awe and revel in how magical it all is when the simple fact is that we just want a good story, all the props in the world cannot make up for the lack of a story to keep us interested.

Sometimes the sum of the whole does not become more then the sum of the parts and that is what I feel after watching this, just lots of beautiful parts that never became a film.


Overwhelmed with housewife boredom
The acting is good and the story interesting, perhaps the acting is too good as I just felt so unbelievably bored with the portrayed life if all these unfulfilled housewife's. The needy obsession where you live through your husband made me want to kill Betty in the first 5 minutes.

It all just feels like such a waste of passions and creativity and talent. Jessica Biel does the role wonderfully well as an utter psychopath or just a bored out of her mind housewife, at times it must be difficult to know the difference. I like the new area twist of fates where it is Jessica Biel that now casts her husband into roles.

Anatomy of a Scandal

I really enjoyed it, the story slowly evolves and it raised pertinent questions. Most of all, I enjoyed watching actors with real faces who seem to be aging naturally and it is just so refreshing seeing actors use their faces to express emotion.


Infantile and plotless
I give it 4 stars for the costumes and color, the utter banal plot and pointlessness of it all is bewildering.

A Quiet Place Part II

I loved the first installment, this one really had nothing happen. It felt like a short chapter in a book rather then a movie and the whole thing started to feel repetitive in terms of the scary build-up. I think I will skip the next one.

Bling Empire

This series could easily be used as an infomercial regarding the dangers of plastic surgery, these poor people are disfigured as a consequence of trying to erase their heritage and look like other disfigured americans. This level of surgery might be so common nowadays in the US that people don't even see the monstrosity of it. For the rest of it, this is a display of nothingness somehow, being nothing, having accomplished nothing except to ride on someone else's coattail. No wonder, when your life is this poor, that you need to cook up such petty and insignificant drama as this is.

Wonder Woman 1984

Bad script, loved the outfits ;)
I really liked the first one but this second one is hard to put words to it, maybe "all over the place" fits my thinking. I liked the clothes, the whole scenery as such. Yet it felt like I was watching the first Superman movie in terms of special effects and that was probably 40 years ago. Way too long and I honestly could not wait for it to end, yet parts of it I liked so it still gets some stars :)


There is no right or wrong side, just humanity
I really loved this show, it brings out the complexity of so many aspects of living in the middle east. It was very human and I mostly just felt sorry for the pointless violence of it all.

Ariana Grande: Excuse Me, I Love You

I love you is a good title
I guess you must be a fan to enjoy this, I do like her music but this feels too shallow, like there is only product to sell and no person behind the makeup. There is an endless I love you´ can these beautiful words have any meaning when used so constantly towards everything and everyone?

The Midnight Sky

This might be the most depressing film ever....
A movie like this is just what we need in these corona times, a flick where everyone is miserable, lonely and then they die. I do not know how they do it, even my great love; George Clooney has become a sad old very non sexy geezer. Only watch this if you are feeling too happy and you need to take it down a notch.

Let Him Go

Very slow pace and idiotic plotline, how many lives can you justify taking for the perceived well-being of a child. What kind of role model are you? Bad people slap a child, lets kill them all. Very strange plot with strange values.

I Am Greta

How very saddening to see a child, such a vulnerable child put in such position of responsibility. To go from her courageous protest to take on adult world leaders, who allow themselves to lament a 15 year old child with such venom, is more then anyone should endure. Shame on all of them, both the venom idiots and the selfie self-promoting politicians who try to ride her wave. She is beautiful child and her birthright is to study and live a life with her family, not carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Yet I thank her for doing so, unfortunately it is needed. Well done Greta.


Lots of action
I kind of like how it starts out, lots of action and a quick pace. Then in the middle of the movie it kind of slows down and goes into emotional overkill. Then it just gets really bad really quick. I know it sounds funny that a crazy fictional movie becomes unbelievable but it kind of does, it just does not make any sense. And why on earth is this movie called Greenland when Greenland comes no where near it. The Greenland scenes are shot in Iceland and the landscapes in iceland look nothing like the icesheet of Greenland. In the end it felt like a disaster movie turned comedy in the end.

Young Wallander

Can't deal with the language
Why would you have one swede talking broken english amongst a full native english speaking cast? Also, why does Wallander whisper all the time? It just does not make any sense and in addition the plot is boring and nonsensical.

Sometimes in April

A solemn thought
This is a beautiful movie despite all its ugliness. It focuses on moving forward and embracing life while not forgetting the hell which human beings are capable of unleashing. This genocide, as all others, leave me with a loss for words, just a solemn sad thought of where we might find ourselves at any given time.

My Spy

I found it a surprisingly funny children's movie, the kids looooove it and want to give it a 10, but as an adult, for sure an 8 :)

What Men Want

The movie sucks but Erykah Badu is fab
Erykah Badu completely stole the show and I just love her in this, the rest of the movie is slapstick overacted mush really, but she is great!

Military Wives

It felt like 1819 rather then 2019
Perhaps it is the concept of it all rather then the movie itself, a whole group of women ,that seem to have nothing much to do except worry about their men and wait for them, find ways to make time pass. I just could not grasp how old fashioned it all seemed. Do none of these women have jobs and interests and a life outside of their husbands work? Do the armed forces still work like this around the world, men working and women sitting at home knitting and singing...I guess the movie is cute but so outdated somehow.


Love Michelle but this is boring
I must admit, I quit watching after 30 min so not a fair review perhaps, it just felt exhausting watching all these people and almost like a stretched out political fundraiser of sorts. Not a documentary about her, rather about the life she leads. For me as a bit of an introvert all this high gear interaction with people felt draining.

Good Will Hunting

I love this movie
For me this is one of the most perfect movies ever made. The story, the acting, the scenography. There is so much love in this and still to this day, it just fills my heart.

Long Shot

It surprised me
It was actually quite funny and not what I expected, a bit of a surprise. A funny entertaining movie.


Story has been done a thousand times
I find it hard to believe that this has the same author as Downton Abbey, that series is exquisite and so well written and made. This in all honesty felt like watching a tabloid series of questionable qualities. Clothing and decor is nice so it still gets 4 stars.

Keeping Faith

Hated it
This Faith character must be one of the most annoying ever, these endless scenes where the camera focuses on her face, skip that and we would have had half the amount of episodes. It is so incredibly unrealistic and just crap. Maybe it is a cultural thing, but, it is one of the worst series I have seen.

Why Women Kill

Love Lucy Liu in this
I found it very entertaining and the loved the clothes and the characters, especially Lucy Liu, she was amazeballs in this and looks unbelievably fab :)

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Sentimental sugarcoated crap
One might have to be american to appreciate this, but I find the fella Rogers and the movie sweet to the level of rotting my teeth by just watching it. Way to perky for my Scandinavian darkness ;)

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