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Almost Family: Permanent AF
Episode 12, Season 1

Complicated AF
Things are heating up as Leon's trial finally starts, and the prosecution is out for blood. As different victims begin to testify, tension builds between Leon and the three leading ladies. At the same time, Julia finds herself stuck in a rut after her breakup with Donovan. Julia can't seem to decide if she wants a baby or not; she still hasn't found out who her father is, and her relationship with Leon is strained because of the trial. And just when Julia seems to have things figured out, Donovan reappears in her life. Meanwhile, Roxy returns to the news station hoping to be taken seriously as a spokeswoman for victims of abuse. However, her problems are further complicated when Issac starts having immigration issues. There is also some tension between Roxy and Julia as they both have feelings for Issac. Lastly, Edie continues to struggle with her sexuality as her two lovers, Tim and Amanda, are both at each other's throats. Overall, this was another great episode and an example of why I love this show. There are so many overlapping storylines, but it feels like real life, where several things are going on at once, and nothing feels too over the top. I also love how the character's relationship with each other is complicated. For example, Leon isn't all bad despite his poor choices, and Edie isn't all good either, as she is constantly hurting the people closest to her. My favorite character is Julia. Her journey over the course of the show is so interesting, and it's amazing to see how she grows. Julia getting back with Donovan was frustrating because he clearly isn't right for her, but it feels like something the character would do. And she doesn't compromise her character or her values in giving him another chance. Brittany Snow is my favorite actor, and she kills it here. You really feel like Julia is a real person who has been put in a difficult position, and her acting is fantastic. I know it's just one season, but I'd recommend this show to anyone.

Omoide no Mânî

Learning to love yourself
When Marnie Was There is a beautiful coming-of-age story about learning about your place in the world and your family unit and, ultimately, what it means to love yourself. The film follows a 12-year-old orphan young girl named Anna. Anna is shy, keeps to herself, and suffers from something that resembles social anxiety and depression. Despite being a brilliant artist, Anna's anxiety convinces her that the opposite is true, and the idea of sharing her art or opening up to someone else is enough to cause anxiety attacks. After suffering from a severe anxiety attack, a doctor recommends that Anna be sent to the country for the summer. While struggling to make connections there, Anna discovers the marsh house and the young girl who lives there named Marnie. Marnie instantly connects with Anna as she attempts to pull her out of her shell. However, it quickly becomes apparent that something is off with Marnie. Now, I don't want to spoil anything, but I thought the story was very heartwarming. However, I will say to keep in mind there are many different kinds of love and that not all love is romantic. I know a few people who were disappointed that this wasn't more of a romance film. However, having seen the film a few times, I can say that the story unfolds in a logical and emotionally satisfying way. And to me, it is ultimately a story about learning about yourself and your life as it is.

The animation is simply beautiful and grounded. It feels realistic but still has the charm of a Studio Ghibli film. Also, the casting (for the English version) was perfect. Hailee Steinfeld is one of my favorite actors. In addition to being an amazing actor and singer, Hailee is an amazing voice actor (See Spiderverse and Arcane), and she was the perfect choice to play Anna. She does an amazing job of portraying what it feels like to have anxiety and depression. You can feel it in her voice, which is fantastic. The other voice actors were great, too. Kiernan Shipka was perfect as Marnie and John C. Reilly. All in all, it's an emotional film from beginning to end. Even the end music is powerful. I was lucky enough to see this in the theater for Fathom events, and when the credits hit, we all stayed seated until after the credits were entirely over. It's that good. Overall, it is a great coming-of-age story, and I recommend it to anyone.

Almost Family: Generational AF
Episode 11, Season 1

Healing AF
In this episode, Julia reconnects and attempts to make amends with Nate, who agrees to help her find out more about her mother. At the same time, Edie finds herself trying to help her half-brother reduce his sentence while also navigating her complex sexuality. Roxy also finds herself in a complex situation as she wants to stand up for victims but has also grown close to Leon. At the same time, Leon finds himself trying to find character witnesses. This was a good episode, but not great like the others. It was a little all over the place. The writers seemed confused about what to do with Edie in this episode, as it feels like two steps back. Also, Julia takes a back seat in this episode. I get that not every episode can be focused on Julia, but it would've been nice to have her play a more significant role in the episode. However, I would say Julia had some nice moments when she was on screen. And the ending of this episode was amazing. I just wish it had more Julia (Brittany Snow) in. It was nice to see many characters reconnect after past arguments, such as Roxy and Issac and Julia and Nate. So even though it isn't the best episode, it is still better than most shows and worth watching for Brittany Snow alone.

Almost Family: Courageous AF
Episode 10, Season 1

Me Too AF
In this episode, Julia attempts to find her biological father by trying to learn more about her mother. At the same time, Julia's relationship with Donovan is on the rocks after a bad first introduction to Donovan's kids. Meanwhile, Roxy is attempting to make peace with her past by going public about the abuse she endured from her couch as a kid. Edie, on the other hand, finds herself expanding her lesbian circle after being called out by her girlfriend for being inexperienced. Lastly, Leon finds out he has another son who is in prison. As a result, Leon finds himself trying to help the younger man find a lawyer. In some ways, this is one of the weaker episodes of Almost Family, mainly because Edie's storyline seems so out of left field and uncomfortable. The whole show has been building up the sexual tension between Edia and Amanda, and so to have her willing to throw it all away to "explore" her sexuality felt out of character for her. Also, Julia's relationship with Donovan was already played out in the previous episode, and you could tell where it was going. However, Julia is given some great character moments, and her scene with Donovan's daughter is very moving. One highlight of the episode is Roxy finding strength and telling her story. Emily Osment kills it as Roxy, and it all feels very realistic. The other was Julia learning more about her mother and the fact that her mom was more complex than she thought. Julia's journey here is really interesting. It is strange to think that your parents are their own people and that, as a kid, you don't see certain sides of them. Even as an adult, I'm still seeing new sides of my own parents. Brittany Snow is a fantastic actor and does an amazing job as Julia. All three of the leads are great and have amazing chemistry. So even though it isn't the best episode, it is still better than the majority of shows, in my opinion.

Almost Family: Rehabilitated AF
Episode 9, Season 1

Moving Forward AF
This episode starts with a time jump. Weeks have passed since Julia learned the truth that Leon is not her biological Father, Edie has moved in with Julia, and Roxy has spent her time in rehab. As Roxy returns home, she seeks to make amends with the people in her life who her addiction has hurt. Meanwhile, Julia struggles to come to the truth, knowing that Leon isn't her real dad, and is afraid to confront him about it. However, Donovan suggest that they take their relationship to the next level as he asks Julia to meet his kids. Lastly, Edie struggles to maintain the separation between her personal and professional life as Tim now knows the truth about her and Amanda. Overall, this is another excellent episode, as the storylines of the three sisters develop in interesting ways. Edie is perhaps the most complicated. After all, she caused her own problems. However, she is still sympathetic as she is still in the process of discovering herself. Roxy's transformation is also satisfying. I would've liked to see a little more of her time in rehab. However, it is nice to see her trying to make amends and how she finds her purpose moving forward. Lastly, Julia has another fantastic character arc. It is so interesting how Julia's character shifts over the course of the series. In the first few episodes, Julia is the stable one as everyone else around her comes to the realization that things aren't what they had thought. However, now Julia finds out that she is in the same situation and that the person who raised her wasn't her biological parent either. So, she learns firsthand what these people are experiencing. And Julia's relationship with her father is fascinating. Brittany and Timmothy play well off each other. Julia's relationship with Donovan is also heartbreaking. She tries so hard to make it work, but Donovan and his life keep getting in the way. Brittany Snow is simply as amazing as Julia. She is perfect for the role. Brittany is my favorite actor, and I can say this is among her best acting. I rewatch this show all the time and would recommend it to anyone.

Almost Family: Fertile AF
Episode 8, Season 1

Dramatic AF!
Things come to a head in this episode as the three Bechley girls all come to their own crossroads. Fearing her biological clock is ticking, Juila looks into the possibility of freezing her eggs. However, things are complicated when Juila gets troubling results, and Donovan, while supportive, is reluctant to agree to father a child with her. Here. Julia gets to see what it is like to be a patient at her clinic and see things from the other side. Meanwhile, Edie is struggling to tell Tim the truth about her affair. At the same time, Roxy's addiction to painkillers hits a breaking point as she is discovered forging prescriptions, and it is up to Juila and Edie to get her to realize she needs help. We also get to learn more about Julia's relationship with Leon. This is an amazing episode, as all of the plot points the series has built up to this point come to a head. Each main character shines in her own way as they faces their own personal problems while also trying to be supportive of what their sisters are going through. You really feel like Julia, Roxy, and Edie are sisters, and they have a great dynamic and chemistry. The drama also feels very real, too. The scenes between Edie and Tim are heartbreaking and feel very real. Emily Osment also gives a great performance here. While Roxy was often used as the comic relief up to this point, it was nice to see her take center stage in a more vulnerable position. Leon is also presented as a complex character as he sees himself as a father to these girls but not their dad. Last but certainly not least is Julia. It was amazing to see the journey Julia went through in this episode. We get to see her take on a new role as she is forced to become the patient. Brittany Snow is an amazing actor, and she perfectly portrays what it is like when you have to have medical tests done and are dealing with the uncertainty of not knowing how things will turn out. Brittany Snow is my favorite actor, and this is among her best work. She is amazing in every scene. Julia's relationship with Donovan is also interesting and feels very real. There are red flags that he isn't right with her, but there are also a lot of good things about him too. You see relationships like that in real life. And the ending was amazing! I won't give anything away, but watch this show! Do it for Brittany Snow alone!

Star Wars: Tales of the Empire: The Path of Fear
Episode 1, Season 1

General Grievous!
General Grievous has been my favorite character since he first appeared in the Clone Wars 2003 micro series, Chapter 20. Seeing him again as a menis again was amazing. The Grievous Model looks so good; seeing him in combat again was a dream come true. Also, most of what we know about General Grievous is from the Jedi and the clone perspective. So it was cool to see just how dangerous he was to the rest of the galaxy. It was also nice to see the CIS as a real threat. This episode is an extension of the Clone Wars episode "Massacre" and General Grievous' battle with the night sisters. Getting to see more of the battle was epic, and the fact that the event was the origin story for Morgan Elsbeth is a cool connection. Here is to more Clone Wars stories and Grievous in the future!

Almost Family: Thankful AF
Episode 7, Season 1

A Bechley Thanksgiving
In this episode, Julia attempts to start a new tradition with her new extended family by hosting Thanksgiving dinner at her house. Julia is also in the process of reinventing the clinic by renaming it and distancing it from her father and his mistakes. At the same time, Julia is also struggling with her relationship with Donovan. The previous episode ended with Julia texting Donovan, telling him that she wanted to have kids. However, in this episode, he seems reluctant in this episode to give her a straight answer. Not knowing what else to do, Julia invites Donovan to Thanksgiving dinner, even though she is unsure of their relationship. However, Leon doesn't approve of Donovan before even meeting him. Meanwhile, Roxy is approached by a woman who claims she is also a sister, and Edie is trying to make things work for Tim. This is a very Julia focused episode, and I love it. Brittany is amazing and is the perfect person to play Julia. She does such a fantastic job balancing the dramatic elements of the show with the comedic elements. There is also a lot of angst in this episode. The tension between Leon and Julia feels very realistic, and the episode does a good job of making it so that you never quite know how to feel about Donovan or his relationship with Julia. The Roxy subplot was fairly obvious where it was going, but it helped develop Roxy's character in an interesting way. The only weakness of the episode was Edie's storyline. It was more of the same, and I didn't really feel like it had progressed her story. I agree with the other reviewer that the scene with Edie's mom came out of nowhere. However, I don't think it takes away from the episode much. I love this show and rewatch it all the time. Brittany Snow is my all-time favorite actor, and this show is one of the reasons why. I'm so glad this show exists and would recommend it to anyone.

Dickinson: I Felt a Funeral, in My Brain
Episode 10, Season 1

What Could've Been and What Is to Come
It's the day of Sue and Austin's wedding, and Emily is still processing the death of Ben. Austin also finds himself getting jealous of Emily, especially her relationship with Sue. For me, this episode is all about Emily processing what could've been. In a different world, Emily could've married Ben. And at a different time, Emily could've married Sue. However, because of her circumstances, neither of those options was possible. So, a lot of the episodes are about Emily processing that fact and the loss that she feels. There are some really sweet EmiSue moments. Hailee Steinfeld and Ella Hunt have amazing chemistry. You really feel these two women deeply care for each other. The dream elements of this episode are a little weird, but they help drive the plot forward. Ending season 1 here is an interesting move. Ultimately, it shows us how Emily has grown throughout the season, and even though she has lost, she has also learned a lot about herself and who she is. Also, in my rewatch, I really liked Emily's relationship with her father. Even though Mr. Dickinson has a way to go, the way his attitude towards Emily grew over the course of season 1 felt both genuine and positive. Also, season 1 was a lot about Emily discovering herself as a poet, and even though she endured a lot of pain in the last two episodes, there was a feeling of good things to come for her. Lastly, Hailee Steinfeld was just as amazing as Emily Dickinson. She pulls off the tortured poet perfectly. And she is simply beautiful while also being funny and protraying complex emotion. I was also really happy that Season 1 ended with Hailee's song Afterlife. It's just so interesting to think about how, as a songwriter, Hailee is similar to Emily. Ultimately, Dickison is a must-watch for Hailee's performance alone. I really miss it and Hailee playing Emily. Thankfully, we have three great seasons to rewatch at any time. I just wish Apple would release it to buy.

Dickinson: 'Faith' Is a Fine Invention
Episode 9, Season 1

Death and the Eclipse
As the town prepares for a solar eclipse, Emily grows more concerned about Ben's deteriorating health. At the same time, Lavinia finds herself in a vulnerable position. Sue also has a side storyline, but it is mostly to establish a later plot point and not the main focus. This is a fantastic episode and a vast improvement from the previous one. The solar eclipse scene is amazing. And even more impressive is the angst and human drama within this episode. Even though I don't ship Ben and Emily, you can't help but feel for Emily in this episode. Anyone who has ever taken care of someone who is sick and possibly even dying knows how hard it is to just have to sit there knowing that there is nothing you can do. Hailee Steinfeld gives an incredible performance as she perfectly demonstrates the emotional roller coaster someone in that position goes through and how quickly things change from being okay to terrible. You really can feel Emily's pain in her performance. I also found the flashback of Emily's time at school an interesting insight into her psyche and why she feels the way she does about religion. Also, Lavinia's story was heartbreaking and beautiful. It was nice to see her have a character arc and not just be the ditzy boy-crazy girl. Overall, it was another great episode and another excellent performance from Hailee Steinfeld and Anna Baryshnikov.

Dickinson: There's a Certain Slant of Light
Episode 8, Season 1

Dickinson Christmas
After winning the election, Mr. Dickinson is called away to Washington, D. C. However, Emily is still upset after the incident from the previous episode and is cold to him as he leaves. Emily, though, is quickly brought out of her spell as Ben agrees to celebrate Christmas with them. Finding herself smitten with Ben, Emily agrees to make Christmas dinner to prove that she is wife material. Honestly, this is probably Dickinson's weakest episode. Emily trying to play the part of a good housewife is awkward and feels forced. Also, it really seems out of character how in love she is with Ben. This could partially be due to the fact that Ben was miscast. He didn't have the chemistry he should have with Emily. Also, the entire show is about how Emily is an independent person, so having this person for whom she is willing to give that up is a hard watch. Ben isn't the only issue with this episode. For instance, Mrs. Dickinson's storyline is just too over the top. Louisa May Alcott was annoying as a character, and her performance was kind of disrespectful of the real person as she was nothing like that in real life. Also, the scene with Lavinia at Christmas dinner was just awkward, and there was no way that everyone else there wouldn't know what was going on. There are a few nice moments. Seeing Sue jealous of Ben was cute. Mr. Dickson's attempt to reconnect with Emily was nice. Also, the end of the episode had some nice foreshadowing, even if it was a little obvious. In the end, Emily seems to get back on track, and Hailee is great at what she is given to work with. Overall, it is an okay episode, but not as good as the rest of the show.

Dickinson: We Lose - Because We Win
Episode 7, Season 1

Emily Dickson Poet or Circus Performer?
In this episode, it is election day, and things are tense in the Dickison household. While Mr. Dickinson is stressed about the election, Emily and Lavinia learn about the circus. However, their father forbids them to go. At the same time, there is a lot of talk about politics even though none of the women can vote. There is also a subplot where Austin is worried that he won't be able to be buried next to Sue because a baby is already buried in Sue's spot. In exchange for her help, Austin agrees to enter one of Emily's poems under his name into the paper's poetry contest. This is one of Dickison's sadder episodes, as it highlights the inequality of the time. I won't spoil anything, but it definitely made me want to cry, so be prepared. On the flip side, this is one of the most stunning visual episodes of the show. The makeup they did with Emily in the circus sequence is amazing, and the fact that it was done with practical effects makes it so much better. Hailee looks simply amazing, covered in tattoos. And you can see the pain in her performance and the complexity of her feelings. As I said, it's a good episode. Just be prepared to go on an emotional roller coaster as you watch it.

Dickinson: A Brief But Patient Illness
Episode 6, Season 1

Emily Dickinson's Day Off
In this episode, Emily takes a much-needed day off to work on her poetry. However, what Emily doesn't count on is the effect her supposed sickness will have on her family as they suddenly all think she is dying. This episode is kind of a mixed bag. On the positive side, Hailee's performance as Emily is amazing. She is so great at portraying the sarcastic and over-the-top poet. I think all writers can relate to the idea of needing a day off just to write. It was also good to see that Emily's family actually care and worry about her. However, the parent's comedy was a little too over the top for me to the point it wasn't funny. However, the downside of this episode is Ben. I never really cared much for the Ben subplot. I felt like the chemistry between him and Emily wasn't there. Especially as the show's first half builds up the sexual tension between Emily and Sue; they just want us to forget about it because a pretty boy showed up. Overall, it was still a good episode and better than most TV shows. It's just not as good as some of the other episodes.

Almost Family: Kosher AF
Episode 6, Season 1

Julia learns about the Bechleys
In this episode, Julia and the sisters meet another sister, Rivka. Rivka asks Julia about the Bechley family history and for stories about the family. Unfortunately, Julia doesn't know any family stories as her father was never open with her. Determined to get answers, Julia approaches her father, Leon, to find out about the Bechley family. At the same time, Julia discovers that she wants to eventually have kids, only to find out that Donovan, whom she is dating, doesn't. Meanwhile, Edie struggles to balance her affair with Amanda and her marriage with Tim. Tim is starting to get suspicious, and Amanda is growing impatient. Lastly, Roxy is forced to confront her past as she becomes more invested in teaching gymnastics. This episode perfectly exemplifies why I love this show so much. Each character is complex in a way that feels real and authentic. The three leads have amazing chemistry and act like real sisters. Edie probably has the most complex journey in this episode, and seeing what she goes through is heartbreaking for everyone involved. Also, the moments between Julia and Leon are really great. It was great to see a deeper side of Leon. Even though Leon is clearly problematic, it is nice that he is presented as a real person and not pure evil. Julia also has a nice little arc. It is cute to see her reconnect with her father after everything that has happened up to this point and how that reflects her own desire to become a mother someday. Brittany Snow is such a fantastic actor and was the perfect person to play Julia. She does such a great job portraying someone who is dealing with multiple issues at once, and the way she balances the tragic and comedic aspects of the story is fantastic. Lastly, the costumes on this show are amazing, and everyone, especially Brittany, looks incredible in every scene. I rewatch this show all the time and would recommend it to anyone for Brittany's performance alone.

Self Reliance

Remember its a comedy...about healing
Self Reliance is an enjoyable film that is presented as a thriller comedy, but on a deeper level, it's a movie about healing and self-acceptance. The film follows Tommy, a middle-aged man living with his mother, who does not have much going on. However, everything changes when Tommy is presented with the opportunity to participate in a deep web online gameshow. The goal is to stay alive for 30 with ninjas hunting you. However, the rules state that ninjas can only hurt you when you are alone. So Tommy must find people to stay with him at all times, or he will be killed. Along the way, he meets a homeless man named James and a woman named Maddy (Anna Kendrick), who is also playing the game. Along the way, James is forced to deal with the traumas from his past. Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable watch. The cast was all great, although many of them were in the movie for only a few minutes. Andy Samberg was halarious for the few minutes he was in the film. Even Anna Kendrick's scenes feel like they were all filmed at once, or at the very least, they were shot over a couple of days. You can really tell that this movie didn't have a big budget. And I feel like a lot of the negative reviews are people who were expecting more. However, I thought the movie for what it is was great. Anna Kendrick is one of my favorite actors and she was great in this. I thought Maddy was an interesting character. She is someone who has gone through her own trauma and struggles to open up to others. So, seeing how she changes over the course of the movie in relation to Tommy was really moving. In real life, Anna Kendrick and Jake Johnson are friends and have made movies together before (Drinking Buddies and Digging for Fire). So the two have great chemistry together on screen, and you really feel like they care for each other. My only complaints are that Maddy should've been in the movie more, and the ending felt anti-climatic in ways. I won't give anything away, but I can see why some people wouldn't like it. However, I think the ending, and the movie as a whole, is about finding meaning and purpose in life rather than just surviving. All in all, it was a fun watch. Is it Anna Kindrick's best work? Probably not. But she gives a great performance in this wacky indie movie. So, if you need something to watch, give this one a try for Anna's performance alone.

Dickinson: I Am Afraid to Own a Body
Episode 5, Season 1

Emily "Shakespeare" Dickinson
In this episode, Emily is faced with the harsh reality of pre-American Civil War politics as a runaway slave is spotted near town. At the same time, Dickinson's family friend Henry, a free slave, must hide until things cool off. Moved by the situation and against slavery, Emily seeks to use her friend's Shakespear club to perform Othello. At the same time, Goerge asks Mr. Dickinson for permission to marry Emily. This is another great episode. It has fun, light, hearted moments where Emily and her friends are just being kids as they dress up as Shakespeare characters, and they are balanced out with the more serious politics of pre-Civil War America. It is also interesting to see how the division that existed in the U. S. at that time mirrors modern-day U. S. politics in some ways. The topic of slavery is a recurring theme in Dickinson and in Emily's poetry, and this episode does a good job of bringing a complicated topic into this show. Also, George is terrible in this episode. However, Emily and her dad have some really nice scenes again. Chinaza Uche gives a great performance. Hailee Steinfeld also gives another fantastic performance. She can be both funny and provide a heartbreaking performance in the same episode. Also, Emily, dressed as Shakespear, is super cute. It's also interesting to rewatch this episode and how it lays the foundation for what will happen in season 3. This just goes to show how great the writing was on this show, and I really miss it and Hailee playing Emily. Thankfully, we have 3 great seasons to rewatch at any time. I just wish Apple would release it to buy.

Dickinson: Alone, I Cannot Be
Episode 4, Season 1

Emily takes a day trip
After Sue leaves for Boston, Emily retreats to the woods to be alone and think. However, Emily's solitude is short-lived as she is informed that her father has agreed to let the railroad be built through her family's property. To make matters worse, Emily's favorite tree, which her great-grandfather planted, will be torn down in the process. Determined to take action, Emily sets out to get advice from another famous American Poet, Henry David Thoreau. I had to read some Thoreau in college, but honestly, so much time has passed that I don't remember much about his work except it was centered around nature. I think the idea was to give Emily a chance to interact with another famous American poet from the time and show how she was at a disadvantage because she was a woman. However, the whole thing with Thoreau was a little awkward, and John Mulaney is a strange choice to play the character. If you aren't into poetry or a history buff, chances are you might not even know who Thoreau was. And if you are a Thoreau fan, this episode won't be for you. However, this show isn't about him. It is about Emily, and this was another great Episode for her and her character. Hailee Steinfeld is simply as charming as Emily and gives a very moving performance. I also think Emily's relationship with her father is very interesting, and you really feel like the two care about each other even though they often butt heads. The result is they feel like a real father and daughter. I do feel bad for George, though, as he is clearly in the friend zone. The other members of the Dickinson family have their own side stories, as usual, but they are nothing special. However, one scene with Austin could've been cut out because it was gross. Also, there is a post-credit scene with John Mulany if you are interested in more of him. All in all, it was another great episode and another excellent performance from Hailee Steinfeld.

Dickinson: Wild Nights
Episode 3, Season 1

A Party should be like a shipwreck
In this episode, the Dickinson parents go out of town, leaving the three siblings alone for a night. Realizing that they have the house to themsevles, Emily suggests that they throw a party. And party they do like it's 1859. However, things get out of hand when Emily and Austin both realize they are in love with Sue. This is a good episode, but it is a lot of character and work-building, as well as laying the foundation for future plot points. This is the first time that we get to see some of the other "kids" of the town who reappear in subsequent episodes. There are some good supporting characters, but they are nothing special. Lavinia also gets a little more time to shine in this episode. Anna Baryshnikov is great at playing the character, but Lavinia is a little too boy-crazy for my taste in this episode. The real star of the episode is Hailee Steinfeld. It is fun to see her play "Drunk Emily," and she has a lot of great one-liners in this episode. Overall, while this isn't the best episode in the series, it is still excellent and better than most shows.

Dickinson: I Have Never Seen 'Volcanoes'
Episode 2, Season 1

This is one of Dickinson's best episodes as it really establishes the relationship between Emily and Sue or Emisue, as those who have seen the show call them. The episode starts with Emily and Sue sharing a bed, and it is clear that they are more than just friends. Emily is feeling sad knowing that Sue is now engaged to her brother Austin. However, now that the family has a maid, Emily has more time to herself to think and work on her poetry. When the girls learn that a volcano expert is going to lecture at the boy's school, Emily suggests that they dress up as boys and sneak in, as you would see in a Shakespeare play. And even though their disguises aren't very convincing, the girls seem to go unnoticed. However, things get out of hand when Emily realizes her feelings for Sue. This is Dickinson at its best. Hailee Steinfeld is once again perfect, like Emily, as she illustrates Emily's love and passion for knowledge. She also makes you appreciate the world we live in today, as it is crazy to think there was a time when women weren't allowed to go to school or study. Hailee and Ella Hunt also have amazing chemistry. The scene where they are dressing up as boys is so cute. And even in their male outfits, they looked amazing. It was also super funny that they weren't convincing at all. You read all these old plays when you are in school and see them in old cartoons where girls dress like boys, and you think that would never work in real life. So it was funny to see on screen. After all, you can dress her up however you want, but Hailee Steinfeld is Hailee Steinfeld. Also, the ending is one of the hottest scenes in the entire show. Overall, this is one of my favorite episodes because of Emisue.

Almost Family: Risky AF
Episode 5, Season 1

Julia gets back out there
After letting her sisters' secrets out, Julia finds herself alone as Edie and Roxy are mad at her. In an attempt to cope, Julia decides to get back out there and hit the dating scene again. However, she quickly finds out that she is a bit rusty when it comes to dating. At the same time, Julia also finds out that Isaac has been conspiring with her father behind her back. Meanwhile, Edie finds herself becoming more involved with Amanda while developing a relationship with Amanda's son. Roxy is forced to face her past while trying to become a gymnast trainer. Even Leon had some interesting character moments as he was forced to face how others reacted to his decisions. This was another great episode. Even though there was some tension between the sisters at the start of the episode, you really feel like they all care about each other. The love triangle between Edie, Amanda, and Tim is interesting and heartbreaking. Learning more about Roxy's back story and complicated childhood was also nice. Lastly, Julia once again gets some really nice character development. Even though the dating scenes were a little awkward, it was nice to see Julia spreading her wings, going out on her own, and getting out of her father's shadow. Also, she is super cute in her scenes with Donovan. Additionally, Julia is once again the person holding her new family together as she helps both her sisters with their personal problems. Brittany Snow is my favorite actor, and she is simply perfect as Julia, and this show is some of her best work. Plus, she is beautiful in every scene. The costumes are also perfect, as Brittany looks amazing in every scene, with these unique bright colors that match her red hair. Honestly, this is such a good show, and I'm so sad we didn't get a second season. But I love season 1 so much. I rewatch it all the time and would recommend it to anyone for Brittany's performance alone.

Miller's Girl

It's not interesting if it's not controversial.
Jenna Ortega gives an amazing performance in an otherwise mid-movie. An alternate title to this movie could be Two Stupid Teachers. The film follows Cairo, a high school girl who develops a crush on her English teacher, Mr. Miller. When she compliments him on his novel, a book most people have never read, Mr. Miller sees potential in Cairo, and he pushes her with her writing. At home, Mr. Miller isn't happy as his wife is the successful writer he wanted to be while he is just an English teacher. The result is the two develop an inappropriate relationship. At the same time, Cairo's best friend pushes the boundaries with the gym teacher, Boris, who also happens to be Mr. Miller's best friend. I won't spoil anything, but both teachers are presented as idiots who only think with their hormones. Now, just because a film deals with dark material doesn't mean it's a bad movie. So, the question then becomes how is the film? Eh, it's okay, but nothing special. The suspense and build-up were there. Just the second half left me wanting a little more resolution. The best part of the movie was Jenna Ortega. She is perfect for these types of roles, as you never know what she is thinking. Also, she looks amazing in this movie, especially when she wears the silver dress in the rain (Beat still my heart). However, the rest of the cast left me wanting more. Martin Freeman's accident didn't work for me. Why didn't they have him talk in his normal voice? Or they could've got a different actor. He had okay chemistry with Jenna, but not as good as it could've been. And the scenes he was in without Jenna just felt flat. The other characters were all rather one-dimensional: the wife who doesn't appreciate her husband and the gym teacher who also hooks up with (or at least sexts) students. I will say I thought the character of Winnie had an interesting transformation I didn't see coming. Because of the subject matter, this won't be a movie for everyone. However, if you can stomach it, it is an interesting movie that was mostly enjoyable. I just feel like a few plot points, the resolution, and the characters could've been developed better. However, I would recommend watching it for Jenna Ortega's performance alone.

Dickinson: Because I Could Not Stop
Episode 1, Season 1

Meet Emily Dickinson or at least Hailee's version
Dickinson is one of my all-time favorite TV shows. It has such a unique feel, and the cast and story are amazing. Above all, Hailee Steinfeld gives an amazing performance as Emily Dickinson, arguably one of the best of her career. And it is crazy to think it all started here. In this episode, we are introduced to Emily Dickinson and her family. Now, it should be noted that this show is more like historical fiction than an attempt to be a historical drama. Some supernatural elements are also thrown in that help advance the story and its themes. So don't watch it. I hope to get a 100% true representation of the real Emily Dickinson. After all, the characters talk like they live in 2019, even though they are dressed for the 1860s. Instead, I would argue that this show is an attempt to capture who Emily was and the culture of the time she lived in. This idea is made clear in the opening as it shows Emily as someone who has a passion for writing poetry even if her life doesn't always suit her aspirations. Here, we are introduced to Hailee's Emily Dickinson. She is smart and witty and only cares about her poetry despite her mother's attempt to get her married. We are also introduced to Emily's sister, Lavinia. She is unlike Emily as she is a pretty girl who is only interested in boys and girly things. We also meet Emily's father, her brother Austin and his fiance, and Emily's best friend, Sue Gilbert. The casting is great, and all the Characters work well with each other. Especially Emily and Sue have amazing chemistry. My only real criticism would be that Sue could have been introduced better. For someone who is so important not only to this episode but the show as a whole, I feel like Sue could've been introduced with some respect and not as the bud of a joke. However, that is only a minor criticism. I love this show and this episode. Hailee was simply the perfect choice to play Emily. She acts like a writer so much and is someone you can relate to and root for while also being super funny. Haille is also simply stunning in both the white dress she wears around the house and the red dress she wears to see death. But more than her looks, she plays Emily as a smart, intelligent, and funny young woman who knows what she wants from life but is unsure how to get it. All in all, it's a great show that everyone should watch alone for Emily's performance. "Because I could not stop for Death- He kindly stopped for me- The Carriage held but just Ourselves- And Immortality."- Emily Dickinson.

Almost Family: Fake AF
Episode 4, Season 1

Julia gets humbled
In this episode, Julia once again meets a man who turns out to be her stepbrother. However, this time, Julia is desperate to befriend him and make a connection, as she sees him as the gay brother she always wanted. In the process, she tells some lies about her own life while also spilling some gossip about her sisters. In the process, Julia is forced to confront the fact that she might not be as different from her father as she thinks she is. At the same time, Edie is still struggling with her sexuality and affair, while her husband Tim wants to start a family with her. Roxy, on the other hand, is also trying to become a gymnastics coach and prevent her mother from testifying against Leon. This is another great episode, even though it is a bit angstier than the previous episodes. However, it brings a further level of depth to the characters. They're not simply just good or bad but complex characters like real people. Even Leoon, who should be easy to hate, has a complicated psyche that makes him very interesting to watch and try to figure out what he is thinking. I specifically felt bad for Julia in this episode, as even though she makes mistakes, you know she is trying to be a good person. She is just lonely and has her own struggles to overcome. However, her weakness just makes her that much better of a character. Also, Brittany Snow gave such an amazing performance. She is my favorite actor, and this show is among her best work, to be honest. She really makes Julia feel like a real person who, even though she looks like she has it all together, is just struggling to find her place in the world. The costumes are also perfect, as Brittany looks amazing in every scene, with these unique bright colors that match her red hair. My one complaint would be the brother just disappears despite being introduced in the intro and treated like a central character for the first half of the episode. But that is a minor complaint, and overall, it was a great episode. I really love this show, and I would recommend it to everyone, especially Brittany's performance alone.

Almost Family: Notorious AF
Episode 3, Season 1

Julia gets cancled
In this episode, Julia's incident with her so-called "Brother" from episode 1 comes back to haunt her as a video accusing her of hooking up with her biological brother. The result is Julia being canceled as the entire internet turns against her. At the same time, Edie finds out that Leon was more involved in her life and growing up than she knew, and Roxy is forced to go back to work for her parents. This is another great episode, as the characters really hit their stride. Julia is once again faced with another tragedy and is able to face it with grace and determination. At the same time, she is also able to separate herself from her father, Leon, as she solves her problems without degrading herself or others. This is also the first episode where the three leads feel like sisters. While there were moments of warmth between the three in the previous episodes, you can clearly see they all care about each other here. Also, this is a great Julia episode and has some of my favorite Julia moments, such as her hiding in her oversized hoodie and the way she responds to her allegations. Brittany Snow is such an amazing actor, and this is a perfect example of that. The way she is able to balance the seriousness of the situations she is in while still being able to have levity and humor is amazing. Also, she is simply stunning in every scene. It is also nice to see Roxy (Emily Osment) finally figure out the path she wants to go down. Overall, it was another great episode and another excellent performance from Brittany Snow.


Letting go of your Mental Parachute
Brittany Snow's directorial debut film, Parachute, is an emotional film about what it is like when your mind isn't right. The film follows Riley, a young woman who just got out of rehab for an eating disorder. While in recovery, Riley meets Ethan, and the two hit it off. Although she isn't supposed to date, the two quickly fall into a complicated relationship, on again off again, will they won't they type realtionshp. It is not messily a unique formula. However, what separates Parachute from other films is how it deals with a person struggling with mental health. While romance is certainly a part of the movie, it really is a film about going through a mental health crisis. I won't give anything away because I feel this is a film that it is better to go into blind. However, I will say that it is interesting that this film starts with Riley getting out of rehab and that it really is just the start of her mental journey and healing. Now, I have to say, as a Brittany Snow fan, it's impossible to watch this movie and not see her story in Riley. Brittany Snow is by far my favorite actor (and now my favorite director). However, her story about how she overcame her eating disorder and her work with mental health is what has made her a hero to me. Knowing she went through what Riley did in real life makes the film more authentic. Riley even wears a ladybug bracelet on her right wrist, like how Brittany has a ladybug tattoo on that same wrist. It also feels like a movie Brittany would make, from its themes of mental health to how it uses photos to tell the passage of time. It all feels very Brittany Snow. From a technical standpoint, the acting is all great. Courtney Eaton and Thomas Mann have great chemistry, and it made me appreciate them more as actors. The sounding cast is great, too, with amazing actors, such as Gina Rodriguez, Joel McHale, Dave Bautista, and Kid Cudi (all of whom are friends with Brittany). Also, it warmed my heart to see two of the Bellas from Pitch Perfect, Kelley Jackle and Chrissie Fit, in the film. Now, this is not an easy watch, especially if you have had struggles with mental health. I would recommend watching it when you are in a good place, mentally, like you would with a sad dog movie. But it's so good it needs to be seen, and the conversations about what to do when your mind is not working right are so important, especially now in a world with 24/7 social media access. All in all, my biggest takeaway is something Brittany Snow once said. "Maybe the voice inside your mind isn't right,"- Brittany Snow.

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