
IMDb member since April 2015
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Alien: Romulus

The worst kind of sequel
This movie adds nothing new to the Alien universe. This makes it the worst kind of sequel; one that re-uses old ideas from the old Alien movies, which we've already seen, in order to please the crowd. They've even, rather shamelessly, added a bizarre, CGI generated version of the recently deceased actor Ian Holm's character from the first Alien movie.

So what's left? Well, the action scenes are okay but very repetitive (doors closing, characters getting stuck on opposite sides of the glass, air-locks, buttons not working, we have to go back to get him, "No, let's continue" etc.). The acting is just horrendous.

They also do something which in this case is unforgivable. They forget the defining characteristic of the Alien, it's intelligence. That's what makes it interesting. In this movie, the Aliens are running head-first into cannon fire, launching themselves towards death.

This movie does not deserve to be an Alien movie as it does not consider the legacy.

The Creator

Just a silly action movie
I can't believe this movie made it to cinema. There's nothing thought-provoking or interesting about this movie. It has the same basic story as Avatar, which is also a terrible movie albeit watchable, so there's nothing you haven't seen before. Futuristic wardrobe. Bad guys and good guys. This is the kind of story where the main characters escape death in the most implausible ways, and they do it twenty times during the movie, so you just sit there and shake your head in disbelief. Ten soldiers are pointing their rifles at the hero at close range and he manages to kill them all with a pistol and escape. It's a silly action movie, really. Visuals are kinda cool but that makes it even harder to watch because those visuals deserve a better script.


I had a lot of expectations going in to the theater. Perhaps I would learn something about quantum physics. Or I would get to watch and understand the internal struggles of the scientist who created the first weapon of mass desctruction. I didn't get either.

Instead, I got a 3 hour long and tedious spy thriller without any action whatsoever. Just a bunch of people greeting each other. There are so many characters and big name actors, they all want screen time, so they end up just proclaiming their name, history and motivations to each other, by speaking and not by acting.

So you just sit there and listen going "Okay, this is person number 34 who's appeared 3 times already" (we're even being shown flashbacks of the times the two characters who are on screen have already met so we can keep track, adding to confusion). The female characters that appear in the movie are one dimensional. They appear as one or more of the following: drunk, horny, angry or delusional. It's just terrible writing, really. Matt Damon was wonderful as always, that's really the only good thing I have to say about this film.

I can see what Nolan was trying to do but he should have done one of the following: Either give us a low-paced spy thriller like Tinker Tailor or Bridge of Spies, with mystery and suspense. Or give us a movie about a scienctist, like A beautiful mind or The Imitation Game.

I think he tried to do a bit of both but for some reason, maybe because the science was considered too boring for the general public, we got neither.

The Big Short

A movie by someone who doesn't understand economics
How do you make a 2 hour movie about the 2007 financial crisis without knowing anything about the reasons behind the crash? Ask the writer's behind this movie. Or better yet, watch it and learn nothing. The reasons behind the crash was inflated prices of assets, fueled by low federal interest rates. You simply cannot get around that, not even when you accept this dumbed-down version of events. Hollywood sometimes tries to make "smart" movies and fails, this is one of those failed attempts.

Last Night in Soho

In some ways this film is fantastic
Music has a huge part in Edgar Wrights movies. Who can forget the scene with Queen's "Don't stop me now" in Shaun of the Dead, or Baby Driver, which feels like one long, amazing music video.

This movie is no exception. This time Wright uses lights as well, making for a spectacular experience in the first half of the movie, taking us back to Soho, London in the 1960's.

This movie , unlike his other movies, is not a comedy. It's a horror movie and it succeeds in many ways where only a few have succeeded in these last few years. It relies on psychadelic visions, dreams and vision making for a nightmare-ish experience, similar to It Follows (2014).

Unfortunately this movie is lacking a bit in depth and plot and runs a bit too long. About a third of the movie could be cut. All the while it's an excillerating & frightening ride and is denfitely up to Wright's otherwise very high standards.

The French Dispatch of the Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun

How much can white, middle aged men talk about nothing? A lot, apparently, as shown in Wes Andersons's latest movie. 15 years ago, his movies felt fresh and funny, now they're just exhausting to watch. The endless voice over narration, over-acting cast and hundreds of characters, all make for a head aching experience. Poor Léa Seydoux who had to go full frontal nude to be in this movie!

Scenes from a Marriage

What's the point of this remake?
It's overacted and lacks convincing characters. I'm not even gonna compare it to the original. Hagai Levi is a pretty good writer and I think that The Affair is a much more interesting study on marriage and adultery than this pretentious remake.

This show is basically a monologue (a duologue?) with two people in it. So for it to be an interesting watch, the script has to be really good and the actors need to be one with their roles. Unfortunately, Chastain lacks the emotional range (she just comes off as mad and/or cold) and Isaac lacks the edge (meaning he's just not very fun to watch. He's never unexpected like Al Pacino and never intense like Ed Norton or Robert DeNiro) needed to pull this off.

A Teacher

Realistic and nuanced about sexual abuse
Someone close to me is a survivor and I must say, this is one of the most realistic shows I've seen about the matter. It's terrifying to read the other reviews as many people don't seem to know anything about predatory behaviour, making it clear just how important stories like this are.

Superb acting by everyone - Kate Mara stands out and really deserves some recognition for this performance.


There's not much to say
I'm a history buff, WWII in particular, I love St Petersburg and I'm used to foreign language films, so I was really looking forward to this one. Unfortunately the film lacks direction. The characters are dull and over acted. It doesn't feel genuine but it's not fun either. The plot is slow and doesn't make sense. The director is relying too much on the camera, hoping to bring meaning to a weak script by simply showing the character's emotions. But without a good script, it becomes difficult to understand them.

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