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Surprisingly Good
I was surprised how much I enjoyed this popcorn flick. Just don't take it too seriously. The plot is convoluted as heck, and there are some major plot holes, like (1) face-replacement surgery that leaves no traces; (2) the bad guy wearing the good guy's wedding ring, though there's no reason that he would've known the FBI guy had taken it off before surgery, or to whom he had given it.

Some of the stunts are hilarious. Barefoot waterskiing during a high-speed boat chase was particularly a good way!

The visuals were excellent: Funeral scene in a church with white doves flying in slow-mo. Very cool.

And, the final tear-jerker moment when the orphaned boy comes to live in Archer house. Sweet. I actually shed a tear. That's good story telling.

All leading into the final credits where swelling strings give way to a rockin' INXS song!


Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

My goodness this movie drags!

Glacially slow pacing. Flabby scenes where a character gets out of his car, looks left, looks right, takes a step, pauses, lights a cigarette, looks left again, etc, etc... I ended up cutting my fingernails and doing some light cleaning to pass the time.

I won't say it was all horrible; there were some nice moments in the first half - Rick Dalton's conversation with the girl actor at lunch time - and the final 20 minutes is fun. But, even the end is just a rehashing of the concept from Inglorious Basterds.

If I don't care about a movie's characters then I can't give a passing grade. And, TBH, I didn't much care about any of these characters. RIck was a sniveling, coughing wreck and Cliff Booth was so cool it was unrealistic. Like, he went to Italy for six months, but kenneled his dog? On an out-of-work stuntman's salary?

Much has been said about the immersive aspect of the set designs. Yea, I guess so. But, Oliver Stone's, The Doors, is more evocative of the 60's, IMO.

***Not Highly Recommended***

Never Let Me Go

Original and Excellent
It's refreshing to watch a movie with an original idea. Never Let Me Go has that: a class of humans being raised for body parts. This film explores whether these humas are human at all. I suppose the conclusion is that they are. In fact, the only difference b/n them and regular humans seems to be how tranquil they are in accepting their fate. Sure, there's some mild pushback, but not very much.

Slow pacing kept me from embracing this film until the scene where Ruth asks forgiveness for inserting herself b/n Cathy and Tommy. Those lost years of love are magnified due to the donors' short lifespans.

My favorite scene of the movie is when Ruth is on the operating table and the doctors remove an organ from her belly. The beeps of the monitors go silent, but the doctors make no attempt to resuscitate her. They walk out of frame leaving Ruth bloody and alone; she has "completed".

8/10 ***RECOMMENDED***

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Awful Message, Awful Movie
I actively disliked this movie. Plodding, scattered, ridiculous, annoying, immoral...

PLODDING: My goodness A. I. is slow paced. Spielberg directs like he's a college student working for the first time with fancy tools. Every shot is established from multiple angles, fade ins from hazy to clear, walk arounds to change perspective, etc. Just get on with it already. No reason this needed to run 2:26:00.

SCATTERED: There were basically three separate movies smushed into one screenplay. The replacement boy story; the humans hunting and killing robots story; the alien story. The first two were interesting, the third was just a contrivance so as to have a happy ending. The movie should've ended when David committed suicide.

Note: The opening narration about the polar ice caps melting due to greenhouse gases made my eyes roll all the way back in my head. Hilariously, that had zero effect on the story until 3/4 thru. Somehow, the hundreds of millions of ppl dying under 300 feet of water didn't hamper the production of electricity, robots or much else, haha.

RIDICULOUS: Somehow David (Haley Osment) and Joe (Jude Law) both knew how to fly a helicopter. That was convenient. And, Coney Island being located in Manhattan...also convenient. The fact that the "mommy" was resurrected, but only for a single day due to the space-time continuum(?) - and she has no memory of her husband or human son - is so dumb. How is this movie on the list of Top-100 of the 21st century?!?

ANNOYING: Sorry, John Williams, but your score is bland and melodramatic. A good score should hardly be noticed. This one I couldn't stop hearing. Partly Spielberg's fault, too. Overuse of dramatic cues!!

IMMORAL: The whole idea of bringing back a human who has been dead for 2,000 years is pure evil. To do this, David shows not love, but selfishness. The filmmakers obviously wanted a "Pinocchio" ending, but I was rooting against David at the end. The fact that he turns into a real boy by falling asleep into a dream just felt like a half-measure. Chickensh17.

Note: If my 11-year-old son was calling me "mommy" (or "daddy") I'd put a stop to that! What is he, 3?

The best parts of the movie were: (1) the younger brother and his friends razzing David, and (2) Brendan Gleeson's impassioned and morally correct speech at the Flesh Fair about how corporations are mimicking human emotions and implanting that into child bots. Being a Hollywood movie, though, Gleeson was framed as a bad guy.

The Clovehitch Killer

Tale of Three Movies
Clovehitch Killer (1) Starts out strong. A seemingly normal family with a Christian, Scout leader father. Slowly, the teenaged son uncovers some disturbing things in dad's secret hiding places (bondage porn, etc.). Does this connect him to a serial killer that plagued their town a decade earlier?

(2) We rise to a climactic moment then get shunted back several days and relive those hours again, now seen thru eyes of the son rather than the father. This section of the movie drags a bit, but I was still on board.

(3) The ending leaves all sorts of plot holes.

***SPOILERS*** The son and his friend follow the father to his next victim's house. They save the distressed woman and confront the father/killer, eventually knocking him out. Then they somehow drag him into the woods to set up an apparent suicide? Huh!?!

It makes no sense! This case would've triggered the largest forensic investigation in the history of the town; a serial killer strikes again after a decade. The teens + the vic = three witnesses. Yet, the son never appears to be questioned by police. Do they not know he was there? Did the victim not see him and his female friend? She wasn't unconscious.

Argh! A good movie fumbling the ending. I hate that!!

***SOMEWHAT RECOMMENDED (for the first 2/3)***

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Can Surrealistic Art Be?
Grand Budapest Hotel is similar to all other Wes Anderson movies: surrealism reaching its own limitation when stretched over a 2-hour runtime.

Some of the scenes are really beautiful, like the chase scene between Willem Defoe and Jeff Goldblum thru the museum; some scenes are LOL funny, like the chase scene down a bobsledding run and over a ski jump...but what never connects for me are some of the core emotions. For example, the older Zero waxes philosophic about his dear, departed wife Agatha who died in childbirth, yet he tells that part of the story in only a sentence or two compared to the long narrative about his mentor, Gustav. Agatha's death had no impact on me, emotionally.

Anderson inevitably chooses quirk over substance. The jailbreak sequence is another example. The crux of the action is that Agatha smuggled them in some tools. OK, fine. But, the convolutions of the escape itself go on and on with no context. We know that they filed into the sewer pipe, yet magically none of the prisoners are covered with filth when they reach the outside. Quirk over substance.

Don't get me wrong, there are good things about the film, too, like the framing - older Zero telling his story (a la Amadeus). Also, Ralph Fiennes' character is delightful. He unapologetically loves the finer things of life, and his worldview (respectful rejection of incompetence) carries the day in most circumstances. Sadly, by movie's end, I had pretty much lost interest.


Gojira -1.0

What can I say other than...Well Done!

On a teeny budget of $15M this Toho Studio movie lacks for nothing. The action kicks off right away with a Japanese pilot touching down on a chunky island airstrip. He's questioned as to why he has returned (was supposed to be a kamikaze mission, I think. I watched a no-subtitles version). Next scene, BOOM, Godzilla!

Note: Gojira = gorilla + kujira/whale.

There's plenty of human drama laced into the story. The toddler gives an award-worthy performance. My goodness, when her face crumples up in a sob, you'd have to be a block of wood not to shed a tear yourself.

It's refreshing to see a movie stay period-accurate; notice that all the scenes of decision-making and naval heroism are all-male. Women play a role in the plot - the main character's life is saved by a woman - just not in the attack against the monster.

My criticisms of the movie are as follows: ***MILD SPOILERS*** (1) There are too many rousing speeches rallying the spirit of the troops. Godzilla conveniently disappears for large chunks of the run time.

(2) One consequential scene that happens midway thru the film gets undone in the ending. That felt cheap.


Note: A second release of this movie called "Godzilla Minus 1/Minus Color" will be coming out in mid-January. Black & White, baby!

Under Suspicion

Please someone make it make sense! I give this movie an 8/10 on the strength of its acting, editing and pacing, but I'm baffled by the ending.


After 2 hours of deny, deny, deny, suddenly Gene Hackman's character confesses to the rape and murder of multiple children, only to find that the "real murderer" was just caught in the act while Hackman was in for questioning.


All I can think of is that: (a) He was pushed past the breaking point and gave a false confession, simply aping all the details the cops had fed into his brain, or (b) He was trying to protect someone. But, since we never find out the identity of the real killer, it's impossible to know who he might have been trying to protect.

So, I'm left baffled.

Lady Ballers

Some Honest Laughs
Watched Lady Ballers this morning. It's available only on Daily Wire+. The movie reminds me of comedies from the 80's or 90's; silly and irreverent. No nudity, but there are some racy jokes about body parts and bedroom acts.

Jeremy Boreing plays the head coach of a men's basketball team who all decide to identify as female to win a women's tournament. The jokes practically write themselves. To be honest, some land and some don't. Enough land, however, to rank LB at 7/10.

Matt Walsh playing against type as "Kris" the hippie was delightful. Couldn't stop laughing whenever he was on screen. And, the actress who plays coach's daughter is very sweet. She steals the opening scene.

What I didn't expect to be so wow-ed by was the musical score and beautiful drone shots of Nashville. The opening theme song is earnest and oh-so cheesy; a la American Flyers. Love it! There were lots of musical changes of pace, too, like the switch to an old-worldy accordion tune for the scene where coach is getting roughly handled by the dominatrix reporter. "Furnace burn!"

I've also got some quibbles. For example, the final, fade-to-black image was totally unrelated to the rest the movie. Just oddly edited. Also, the players were too often either fighting or high fiving. That got old quick; as if dudes can't just sit and chill without punching each other.

Overall, it was fun.

Back to School

Cringey Time Capsule
It's been a long time since I saw this movie last. Some of the gags were just cheap and skeevy, like when Rodney accidentally walks into the women's dorm and right into the shower room where he opens a curtain to reveal and naked woman. I mean, come on, that's not even sexy. Then he's shown paying off the police officer sent to arrest him. Dang, Hollywood showing its true 1980's colors.

Another anachronism is that Rodney is dating his English professor. That would get her fired in a heartbeat nowadays.

Add to that the ridiculous way all the characters just happen to run into each other whenever the plot requires it...and frankly this is not a well-made film. But, it is fun to see baby-faced Robert Downey jr. And, some of the bits do land. For example, Sam Kinison as a battle-fatigued Vietnam veteran History prof. They should've had more of him!!


A Quiet Place

Good, but...
This movie was suggested to me by my 13-year old kid. It was on amazon Prime, which was perfect. It reminds me a lot of I Am Legend (killer creatures suddenly populate the earth), except in that movie there are more moments of calmness. A Quiet Place gives the audience almost no breathing room; it is relentless stress.

As I was watching, I found myself starting to question many plot holes, like: (1) Without humans, do all the nuclear power plants melt down? Is the air unbreathable?

(2) How did they plant so much corn by without machinery?

(3) Where are they getting the power to light the hundreds of bulbs strung over their crops?

(4) Why did the brother and sister sink in the silo corn, but the creature didn't?

Etc... SPOILER: The best moment of the film, IMO, was when Emily Blunt descends the staircase and steps on the...Well, I shouldn't spoil too much. I groaned so loudly, I was shushed in my own house, haha.

This movie is not bad, but there are parts that don't really make sense. Like, why is the hearing aid acting as a piercing sound generator? And, why is the baby in a diaper immediately after being born in the most gruesome circumstances?

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Good Thrills
This is the first Mission Impossible movie I've seen. Without too much SPOILERage, I'll give 3 things I liked, and 3 things I disliked.

***LIKED*** (1) It was a bit campy, which was good b/c some of the scenarios stretched believability. Like, the way Luther was hacking satellites on the fly to patch up communication gaps, etc.

(2) Obviously, the stunts were amazing. The motorcycle jump off a cliff; the train dangling off a bridge, etc. That latter scene lasted quite a while, too, it wasn't just a single close call.

(3) The acting of Pom Klementieff. I had no idea who she was before this movie, but now I will watch anything she's in.

***BAD*** (1) As with any pick-pocket/double cross movie, you never know for sure who's got the Mcguffin. That gets frustrating.

(2) The pacing is so "all-out" from start to finish, it's kind of exhausting. The only calm moment I can think of was when Tom Cruise and one of his accomplices are on the patio overlooking Venice and both mention how they have never been to the city before. Then your jammed right back into the action.

(3) It's just part 1.


Darn Good
A like in this movie from the storyline to the simple-yet-beautiful animation to the humor of Eddie Murphy, etc. I take away a couple stars for the following reasons: (1) Getting hit over the head with the female empowerment message. By the end, Mulan is basically a superhero. The finale at the castle was just ridiculous.

(2) The bad choice of music to start the credit roll: Stevie Wonder doing a loud, up-tempo number with harmonic. WTH did that have to do with anything that came before? Totally took me out of the mood.

The reason I watched this movie today is that I read a scholarly paper on Disney princesses. The writer argued that Mulan was the genesis of the present era of progressive female leads.


This movie stinks. It's a collection of cliches.

THE GOOD: (1) One of the few highlights is the relationship that forms b/n Paden {Kline} and Stella {Hunt}.

(2) The other good relationship was b/n Mal {Glover} and his father {Seneca}.

(3) The only other good aspect of the Silverado is the live animals. The stampede scene and river crossing scenes were well done.

THE BAD: Where to begin?

(1) Everyone punched is instantly knocked unconscious; everyone shot or stabbed is instantly dead...except the heroes, of course, who always survive.

(2) Theatrical violence (bad guys fall off balconies)/absurd feats (Jake does giant swings on a farm roof beam - Jeff Goldblum must've been paying attention b/c he too does giant swings in 1986's The Fly).

(3) Too many characters. 4 heroes; bad sheriff; bad rancher; bad sheriff's assistant; several families related to the heroes; a love interest, et al.

(4) Ranchers vs. Farmers. Cliche!

(5) Why does Paden {Kline} end up with Hannah {Arquette}? They had one brief conversation early in the movie, yet end up together after all the killing. Why? It would've been better for Paden to end with the Stella the saloon keeper.

(6) Even the music was cliched and over the top.

The more I watched this movie, the less I liked it.


Me, Myself & Irene

Mostly Enjoyable
This movie came highly recommended by a person I respect. I wouldn't say it rose quite to their hyping of it, but for a silly comedy it's not bad.

The movie sets up its vibe right off the bat with a misunderstanding over "the N word". Carrey's wife leaves him for another man and she swaps out her ridiculous bf photo T-shirt for a similar photo T-shirt of the new guy.

I admit to cracking up at many of Hank's absurdly aggressive moves and dialogs, like shadowboxing as he approaches a foe or saying to the father of a boy he's going after in a restaurant, "I've got no beef with you mister, this is between me and the kid.

That said, the story line leaves a ton to be desired, and I'm not sure how Zellweger knocked a grown man out with a floppy rubber phallus.


Cold Mountain

Stuck Close to the Book
I gave this movie a 9/10. I appreciate that it stayed true to the book. IIRC, the section where Inman (Jude Law) stays with the widow (Natalie Portman) lasts quite a while longer in the book; he slaughters a hog for her to make it thru winter, etc. But, basically the movie stays on the page.

The piano-themed portions of the score were just right; not too advanced or complex, a good addition. The letter being read to Inman by a nurse - fading into Nicole Kidman's voice - then fading back to the nurse's voice was very well done.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman steals every scene he's in. What a massive talent lost :-(

Renee Zellweger deserved her Oscar. Ruby was such a fun character in the book, and she nails it! The goat lady was my other favorite character; also very well depicted in this film.

A few minor quibbles: (1) The font they use for information on screen is way too small!

(2) One nighttime scene goes by where the men's faces are so dark that I didn't know who the characters were.

(3) The sons running out of the barn to save their mother, then instantly getting themselves shot, was ridiculous. Weren't they runaway soldiers? They didn't learn any tactics while in the service?

Overall, very good movie. RECOMMENDED.

Altered States

After WIlliam Hurt died last year, I bought this DVD; haven't seen the film since it first came out on Showtime or HBO back in the day. The originality of the story makes it worthwhile. All the actors are very good at "talking the talk" of high-brow scientists. Charles Haid's character Mason is especially funny when he gets angry and shifts from doctor-speak to gutter talk.

Altered States deals with "Big Ideas": Can one regress to more primitive states of mind? Can one regress to more primitive states of physical being??

What I noticed this time thru is the overwhelming SFX. The first few trippy sequences were cool, but by the 7th or 8th time down the rabbit hole, it was bit much. What started as a quest possibly for God became an ape-man quest ending in nothingness. That's where the movie breaks down a little bit, IMO.

But hey, at least this movie aims toward Big Questions.


It's been a long time since I was laughing so hard. This movie is kinda like Airplane in that there are so many gags buried under the surface (the name on the side of hospital that doesn't quite fit right, or the cars driving off the broken highway and landing in a huge pile of other cars, for example). And then there are all the laughs on the surface like the men being so totally dumb for sex that they're not functioning properly...Oh wait, that's true even today, haha.

The writers do use a word or two that are no-no's in 2022, though. Surprised the cancel mobs haven't come after this movie yet.

Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph have good chemistry together. And, I liked the cameo by Thomas Haden Church as a corporate boss. Oh, and FOX News with its shirtless anchors! Too many laughs!!.

American Made

Rebel Adventurer
That's the title the movie should've used. It's what's written on Barry Seal's gravestone. He seemed to know he wasn't long for this world.

I like this movie. It walks you thru the steps to see how a person living a relatively mundane life can start down a different path that leads to chaos.

Tom Cruise did all his own flying, which is interesting in its own right. That makes for some excellent long takes from the cockpit.

The director was pretty even-handed with the politics.

The locations were phenomenal: jungle air strips, low flights into Louisiana past gulf oil rigs, dropping product in the swamps, etc. Very place-specific. Well scouted.

The acting was solid. The wife, in particular deserves some plaudits for being more than just a hand-wringing ditz. She had depth and a backbone. Whether or not her character made a wise choice sticking with her husband, is arguable. But among the generous special features on my DVD copy (much appreciated!) there is an interview with one of Seal's children who was 9 when his father was killed; the man still calls his dad his "hero".


The Revenant

I have never seen a movie more void of colors. Occasionally there is a pale blue sky; beyond that get ready for 2.5 hours of greys and browns; cold and misery.

The movie is ostensibly about trappers, but there is virtually no content along those lines. 10 seconds in we are already into ultra-violence, and that theme never stops. Leo is mauled, choked, stabbed, shot at and he even falls off a cliff. He barely speaks or ambulates throughout. Instead, we get long hallucinatory sequences full of magical Indians who inhabit the spirit realm (Hollywood loves their magical Indians!)

Toward the end, I really didn't care. There was only one thin story line, revenge, and we all knew how that was going to turn out.



Great Slow Burner
Understated but never dull.

Riveting interaction b/n Cruise and Fox's characters.

Voyeuristic look at Los Angeles.

One for the time capsule.


Top Gun: Maverick

Big Budget, Mediocre Story
Saw Top Gun - Maverick in the theater yesterday. Glad I did b/c it feels like I participated in a cultural moment. But, I doubt this movie will ever be ranked as a classic. Glad that Hollywood was able to produce something fun and non-divisive (no identity politics agenda), but there really isn't much about the story line that's compelling. Kinda cliche, actually: Cruise fighting against the end of his career; the manned fighter pilot program being phased out by drones; and a love interest who has zero depth.

And, for all the talk of the amazing aerial footage, my favorite shot was the straightforward take-off sequence of Cruise's plane launching from the carrier ship. That was probably one of the least technical shots to film, but it looked (and probably was) totally real.

Oh well, get your popcorn and strap in for an assault on your senses, complete with flashbacks and long looks at old photographs of Goose and Iceman...


p.s. Why do theaters crank up the volume so dang high? We're not deaf!

Left Behind

Not Bad
Laugh if you must, I thought this was a decent movie. The lead up to the rapture was admittedly slow, but right at the moment of maximum cheese, Whamo!

The passenger dialog kept me engaged; Cage trying to land the plane was interesting; and the daughter climbing to the top of the bridge gave the feeling that all rules were off.

Sure, some of the scenarios were a bit unbelievable/overly-convenient, so I took off some points. But, this movie is much better than its IMDB score of 3.1/10.

Terror on the Prairie

Certainly not the worst movie I've ever seen. But, I couldn't stop picking things apart in my head while I watched. It started with the too-low volume dialog. Then...

(1) Nobody could hit the side of a barn with their shots. Seriously, there must've been 100+ gun shots in the movie, yet only about 5 hit their mark, and those were mostly point blank shots.

(2) Setting her own house on fire accidentally, which 100% would've killed her baby from smoke inhalation.

(3) Watching while the main bad guy slit your neighbor's throat, but not shooting him before or at least right afterward. Why?

(4) The suicide mission of the mother sending her son out to release the bad guys' horses from behind their barn/hideout. Huh?

(5) The husband returning and jumping on one of the bad guys, but then immediately getting caught. Stupid!

Well, I shouldn't pick too much. It's good that a new film studio has sprung up, and that Gina Carano got to make a new movie after her cancelation from Disney.

Here's to many more! CHEERS!!

Death Wish

Saw this for the first time tonight. Impressive. Good story, no fat. I love the final image where, after all the vigilante killings in NYC, Paul (Bronson) moves to Chicago...and the first bit of street harassment he sees...Well, you should watch the film.

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