
IMDb member since November 2014
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    9 years


A Thousand and One

A well paced masterpiece
This? Is a story about a community and how they live this? Is A? Story about? Family this is a story about trust. This is a story about lies. This is a story about running this is A. That will stay your mind for a while it shows that the bond of a mother that's willing to do anything for Her child. It shows a complication of the system that is flawed And somehow not all crimes are bad summer actually the most kind-hearted crimes you can never see we can never imagine but at the end of the day. They're still crimes so it's either runaway or face. The music. Obviously wouldn't be fun if they just face the music.

Killer Cheer Mom

Well was not what I expected.
I did not think it was going to be bad but did not think it would actually be this good. Very different seing Denise Richards in this more serious and more intense kind of chararcter role ...and she did amazing really impressed. The story Was very well paeced was no part in the movie that was dull or in there just to fill time .Overall very good movie as all of these movies though plot becomes clear early on but that does not take away from the good story and film.

When Today Ends

Finally a movie that shows it the way it is
That shows the effects of bullying and self loathing and what it's like to live in pain and show the true signs of needing help are often hidden. It also shows how many ask for help but get none. This movie is gold and think everyone who lived pain or caused it should watch to either see your not alone and for those who caused pain to show how deeply their words, actions, hate, bullying and violence affect people scaring them forever or leading to suicide. If anyone seems to need help reach out to them and be there for them can make a world of difference... even if you don't know them every act of kindness can make a world of difference.

A Ghost Waits

This 'movie is a interesting spin on boy meets girl story... The ending is adorable and romantic but overall movie is great well paced no long moments or useless time filler scenes. It is a low budget but was well presented and overall very satisfying.

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