
IMDb member since November 2014
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Worst Roommate Ever: My BFF Tried to Kill Me
Episode 1, Season 2

How many warning signs?
Wow! This episode was so difficult to watch due to the sheer stupidity of the victim.

Why on earth would you go live back with someone who tried taking your child away from you?

Not only that, but you literally tell her how to kill someone without it showing on an autopsy, yet despite several hospital trips, you still don't realise what she's doing to you.

Just typing that makes me feel stupid!

Also, she claims she had nowhere to go, yet 3/4 close family members are literally interviewed, you couldn't stay with them for a while?

Shame, because I was looking forward to this new season, but this is a terrible start.


What have we become?
I'm seeing people rate this 7/10. Am i missing something here?

That rating is practically calling this a very good film, which couldn't be further away from the truth.

Don't get me wrong, my expectations weren't high considering the dire horror films we've had to endure recently, but come on... Why has the spider got super powers & growing at a ridiculous rate? Why are people living in the same apartment despite clearly disliking each other?

Oh & why, when the "dad" finds out the daughter has a dangerous spider, does he do nothing but quietly tells her off? Wtf!

BTW I am absolutely petrified of spiders, so this should be my worse nightmare, but the stealthy & deadly arachnid is so unrealistic that it doesn't bother me one bit, if anything, I find it bizarrely cute.

I hope this trend of horror movies changes because we keep getting told about them being "terrifying & creepy", they're so predictable & not scary one bit.


Instantly forgettable
I'll start with the positives.

In terms of the concept of this movie, I genuinely really like it, it's family friendly & you can so much fun with it.

The young actress holds her own against some big named actors so props to her.

The ending packed a punch & it was probably the highlight of the movie Now the negatives.

The pace of this film was very off, I don't know whether that has something to do with watching with my kids who clearly lack any patience, but it just felt very slow at times.

The imaginary characters weren't that...imaginary?

I thought they could've been far more creative.

& the final critique has to be the lack of jokes or comedic moments, with that cast it simply had to offer more.

I was hoping for better & it's one of those films that you'll forget a few days later, unfortunately!


What ever happened to movies where you didn't know what was around the corner?

You didn't know when the next jump scare would be?

You didn't know which character to trust or not? You didn't know what the twist would eventually be?

Is it because there's too many movies these days?

Or is the simple answer, because films are not given enough attention to?

Directors/producers are already thinking about their next movie whilst making one & you can just tell, it's actually quite sad really.

That's a lot of questions.

Apologies for the little rant but it was required! This film lacks in every department, just like most horrors, the plot is so predictable, I mean the old woman in the neighbour was clearly not normal.

& my word, what was the point of the dad? He literally did nothing throughout the film apart from allow his kids to be horrible to his partner.

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Exciting start but quickly gets boring.
I can't believe I've had to redo my initial review, but it had to be done. Still stand by my initial point that the series starts off exciting, full of mystery & intrigue. But after, maybe the 2nd episode to the end of the 8th, literally nothing has happened apart from pointless dialogue & the main characters have become insufferable to the point where I want Godzilla to eat them all. & that's the next frustration, the title is literally "Legacy of Monsters". Huh? There's monsters in this series? Don't blink because you'll miss them! Even Kurt Russell is starting to look bored, it's so bizarre.

It's not difficult to get these series/films right, the likes of Godzilla/King King are supposed to be action fuelled, the less dialogue, the better, completely understand given this is a series that we're naturally going to get more character building but we've had, I reckon 1% of action so far, not good enough.

Black Friday

Don't see the point
A comedy-horror that struggles to make you laugh and certainly isn't scary. Genuinely struggle to understand the point of this film, which is a shame because the casting was fine.

Halloween Kills

The 6 stars are purely based on the quality of the film, especially the kills. However, the Tommy character completely made me cringe, especially the hospital scene, also Michael Myers is supposed to be creepy and mysterious, instead he was cool and rather funny, wtf?

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

so underrated
Some reviews are baffling, this is an absolute classic, sod the dialogue, Halloween is all about jump scares, which this film delivers perfectly.

Michael Inside

Ireland at it again!
Well well well. Ireland are producing some quality films recently aren't they. This film starts off slowly but once you understand what's actually going on you are quickly drawn into this film. It's sad really but this must happen to a lot of people that go into prison for the littlest of things. Definitely worth a watch

Cardboard Gangsters

Ignore the bad reviews!
I watched this film without looking at the reviews for a change because I just knew it would put me off. And aren't I glad! I'm not Irish but I have heard and seen plenty of videos of what life is like in some places, do people not realize how bad it is? Anyway on to the film itself, the acting was brilliant, the difference between proper gangsters and "cardboard" gangsters is so clear to see which I found so clever. Genuinely couldn't take my eyes off this film clearly vastly underrated and Ireland are producing some really good crime/drama films lately. Please watch!

The Last Horror Movie

Vastly underrated
This movie has everything in it, gore, jumpy, comedy, and really creepy, such an underrated film!

Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

Wow, just wow
Ok so I'm already aware of Lula's crimes before even watching this series, so the videos didn't shock me. But the series has you gripped in this chase and despite his weak looks, probably goes down as commiting the worst crime ever. Just got to add that his mother is so deluded and probably the reason he ended up the way he did

Anna and the Apocalypse

Why the musicals?
Musicals don't belong in zombie-comedies, apart from that the film was actually enjoyable, characters were brilliant. Really didn't like the depressing ending though!

Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma

In terms of comparing this to other gross films, I'd say this is the worst, simply because there's consistent scenes of rape and torture throughout the movie. Considering this was made in 1975 the graphics are so good and the cinematography is on point. Good luck to those considering to watch it. (Don't eat throughout the film)

Child's Play

No, no, no.
This was terrible, nearly fell asleep half way through and in the end turned it off, so stupid, so far fetched.


So good!
I really enjoyed this film, it was creepy and gruesome. The acting was brilliant and the ending was so satisfying!


Horror? Don't insult the genre!
This is not a horror movie, I waited over 1 hour for some actual violence, it wasn't creepy, the woman was weird and the kids were so stupid. Wouldn't advise anyone to watch.

Hell Fest

I was left disappointed
From looking at the reviews, I thought this would've been such a better film than it turned out, it was creepy in parts, hence my rating, but the ending was so poor, worth the watch though.

Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire

Much better than the reviews suggest
This isn't going to live long in the memory, but it's not as bad as people are making out! The familiar creepy clowns in the basement still freak me out, the twist at the end is also very good. Can't see them bringing any more out now, shame.

Dead Man's Shoes

One of the best, ever.
This is probably my favourite film ever, the acting is so good and you go through every emotion possible!

It Chapter Two

You won't be disappointed
Well, I haven't jumped at a horror movie this much since insidious! They weren't surprising either and still made me jump, the first half of this movie is so good, would've given it 10 but felt the last hour got a bit silly!


3 stars is me being very lenient!
I actually enjoyed the first 30-50 minutes, had me thinking so many different things throughout, but then the ending became so stupid, I'm becoming very frustrated with these terrible endings with modern horror/thriller movies, luckily imdb reviewer's are more than likely spot on so in future I shall read them before watching a film!


Best horror movie of 2018
We can all find faults with movies, Halloween isn't any different, but do we really need to be so picky? I can't believe how many over the top, critic wannabes there actually is, just enjoy the movie for what it is! I mean why are you even watching it when the movie is about a half human, half boogeyman if you're going to be so critical afterwards about how fake it is? Jheez!

The Babadook

Make your own judgment
I made the mistake in reading the reviews before actually watching the film, thought the film was very depressing, even at the end when you'd expect them to be much happier, it's very depressing! It didn't make me jump once throughout the movie although there were some creepy parts, and the young child did brilliant in such a hard role.

The Nun

Fortunately I didn't blow money at the cinemas
Find it bizarre how anyone can rate this higher than 5, this has to be the most disappointing horror movie ever, the plot was absolutely crap, I was half expecting some relevance to the conjuring but no, don't even bother watching.

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