
IMDb member since June 2005
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    19 years


White Banners

Great film!
Just happened to wake up very early this morning and stumbled upon "White Banners" on Turner Classic Movies. What a nice little film. Fay Bainter, normally known for her outstanding support of many a fine lead actor, is given a chance to shine in a more substantial and pivotal role. Claude Rains turns in his usual fine performance and there is fine work from young actors Bonita Granville and Jackie Cooper. In lesser hands this film could easily lapse into a puddle of maudlin sap, but these fine performers truly elevate this moving and interesting story. The film is based on a Lloyd C. Douglas short story. Douglas was also the author of "Magnificient Obsession" and "The Robe. Would love to see this one on DVD someday. Until then, I'll be watching TCM's schedule for it. A film not to be missed!

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