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The Intruder

I expected much more violence.
Caxton is a small town in the southern U. S. The town has a high school. A change is about to happen there. They are going to accept black students. But there are a lot of people who doesn´t like this. One of them is Adam Cramer. He is a young, handsome and charismatic racist. And he is also a man with a plan. He intends to stop the newly arrived black students.

Yes, I think that this movie is quite good. But I expected much more violence. Racism is, in my opinion, totally wrong. It can´t be extremely easy to portray this topic in a movie. Both psychological and physical violence exist, but I can only see a bit of them in this movie. I felt discomfort and irritation, but not much more.

And I was a little bit disappointed with one scene. I could barely see the text because of the color choice on the background. Both of them were light.

But all in all, I liked "The Intruder" quite much. I´m not entirely sure who I would recommend this movie to. Maybe for someone who is interested in the history of racism?

Raise a Glass to Love

Cheers to gender equality, romance and bravery.
Jenna grew up on her family´s vineyard. Her interest for wines grew stronger as she got older. As an adult, she´s trying to pass a test. And not just any test. If she passes, she will be a master sommelier. This isn´t her first attempt and, quite unfortunately, she fails again.

Quite a long time comes and goes. Jenna has made a decision. She wants to study and retake the master sommelier test. She returns to her family´s vineyard, mainly to see her parents and get some studying done. She also meets Marcelo, the vineyard´s new winemaker.

I don´t drink alcohol. You might ask me why I decided to watch this movie. I saw a beautiful picture from the movie, got a little curious and decided to give it a chance. And I´m glad I did. "Raise a Glass to Love" isn´t just about wine. I can see gender equality, romance and bravery in this movie too. I would recommend this movie for those who are interested in wines. I only missed a little more romance.


Splendid French food drama.
The year in this movie is 1789. Pierre Manceron is a Frenchman who works as a cook. His employer is the Duke of Chamfort. But after Pierre includes a new dish on the menu, the Duke makes a decision. Apologize or get fired. Pierre chooses not to apologize.

After that, Pierre and his little family move out into the countryside. They get an unexpected visit one day. Louise wants to become Pierre´s apprentice. But he is reluctant.

I really appreciate this movie. It is, in my totally honest opinion, a splendid French food drama. I think that the story and the characters are interesting. Yes, I would really like to recommend this movie, especially for those who likes French food. I would also, without any doubt, like to watch "Delicious" again in the future. The cast and crew should be proud of this movie.


Less confusion, please.
Claire is a thirteen-year-old German girl. She is on a vacation in Spain with her older sister and their mother. Zoe, the sister, isn´t very interested in spending time with her sister. And Sophie, the mother, rarely cares about her daughters.

All of this leads to Claire spending much time on her own. One day, that changes when Claire meets Amram. He is a Senegalese boy and works as a beach vendor. Claire and Amram soon become friends. But their friendship is tested when it turns out that his future is uncertain.

I´m a huge fan of clarity. And "Sunburned" could have offered me less confusion. One example of this is the location. The movie takes place in Spain. But there is almost nothing of Spanish origin in the movie. Why is that? In another scene I had questions about a clothing choice. But all in all, I think that this movie is quite good. Not fantastic, but watchable. I don´t know who I would recommend this movie to. Maybe to someone who likes beaches?

The Nightingale

Brutal violence and a strong desire for revenge.
The year is 1825 in this movie. Clare is a young, beautiful and strong Irish woman. She is living with her husband and their little daughter in Australia. Clare and her family are subjected to a brutal attack. The perpetrators are three British soldiers. Clare is the only survivor. She quickly wants revenge. To help her, she has Billy, an Aboriginal tracker.

Brutal violence and a strong desire for revenge. If you dislike or hate those things, please avoid this movie. I love romance and comedy when it comes to movies. So why on earth did I watch "The Nightingale"? Because I decided that I wanted to challenge myself. The age limit for this movie is apparently 15 years. It should be a bit higher if you ask me. I admire Clare. She has, in my opinion, an enduring strength. She doesn´t give up. I can say the same about Billy. What did I miss in this movie? One scene could have been stronger, another scene lacked a little clarity and a flashback could have been included.


Poetic, beautiful and quite melancholic.
Anton Abildgaard is a young and handsome man. He fills his days, shortly before the First World War, with cavalry training. He tries to make everyone around him satisfied.

One evening, Anton is invited to dinner by Baron Løvenskjold. Edith, the baron´s daughter, became paralyzed after a tragic riding accident. She and Anton soon form a friendship. But can their friendship grow and blossom into love?

I honestly don´t regret watching "The Kiss". Yes, in my opinion, this movie is quite melancholic. But I also think that it is poetic and beautiful. The cast and crew should be very proud of this movie. If the movie had been less melancholic, I would have given it 10 stars.


I quickly saw a pattern.
Eight women works as dancers at the Circus Revue in Denmark. They face many difficulties. Sexism, ageism, financial issues, thefts, domestic abuse and other problematic family relationships.

Yes, I quickly saw a pattern in this TV series. I could see and feel what the female dancers went through. I have never worked as a dancer, but I have danced sometimes. But I certainly wouldn´t like to work in a sexist workplace. Therefore, I wouldn´t switch places with the female dancers in "Chorus girls". They seem to experience so much pain and several disappointments.

Kate, Sussie´s mother, could have shown more support for her daughter and granddaughter. They really needed that support! But that was the only thing that I missed. In other words, I can recommend this great TV series.


The search after a father figure.
Lyz Lopez is 15 years old. She has started studying at a boarding school. The students have some things in common. They are all promising young skiers. And yes, in addition to the usual studies, they also practice skiing. Fred, the skiing coach, is a former skiing champion. He sees huge potential in Lyz. Therefore, he gives her much more attention than the other students. But the road to becoming a professional skier turns out to be tough. How far is Lyz willing to go to succeed? Does she have what it takes?

I´m not a parent now. But I´m an aunt. I think that an adult should care about what the child needs and wants. I think that I care about that. And I also think that Lyz is searching after a father figure. Where is her biological father? And her mother´s parenting is, in my honest opinion, quite sloppy. Does she really care about her daughter´s well-being? And Fred seems to be living his own skiing dream through Lyz. Why, Fred? Why? Help me understand you.

I missed more clarity and girl power in "Slalom". I´m not sure who I would recommend this movie to. Maybe for those who love skiing?


I honestly don´t regret watching this movie.
"Rush" portrays the rivalry between Niki Lauda and James Hunt, two of the most legendary and successful racing drivers. We also get to see a tiny bit of their private lives.

I have seen "Superswede" (2017), the documentary about the Swedish racing driver Ronnie Peterson. I have even seen it twice. Why? Because I liked it so much. In other words, I knew a little about Lauda and Hunt before watching "Rush".

I honestly don´t regret watching this movie. I could see Lauda´s and Hunt´s love and passion for their sport. I only missed one thing in this movie. I would have liked to see more of Niki´s and James´ private lives. It would, in my opinion, have given the movie an even stronger depth. But yes, I can recommend watching "Rush".

Hans Majestät får vänta

Actually pretty good.
Carl-Johan Stjärna, a Swedish count, lives and works in Stockholm as a chamberlain. Stjärna has many debts, therefore he also has huge financial problems. He tries to get more money by having Frans, his manservant, visit a pawn shop. And yes, Carl-Johan also gives attention to some ladies. One of them is Eva Linde, a young and beautiful telephone operator.

"His majesty will have to wait" entertained me a little. I giggled and smiled while watching some scenes. In other words, I actually think that this is a pretty good movie. I would have liked more romance, but I guess that the society wasn´t ready for every intimate moment in 1945. Who would I recommend this movie to? I´m not entirely sure about that. Maybe for people that like the 1940s, royalty and funny misunderstandings.

Heja Roland!

I feel disappointed.
Roland Jung lives with his wife Hanna. He wants to write and yes, they have financial problems. In an attempt to solve these problems, Roland takes a job. His new workplace is an advertising agency. Roland receives a work assignment. He is going to advertise a new product against pimples.

I have, for example, watched "Elvira Madigan" (1967). I really liked that movie. Tommy Berggren did, if you ask me, a truly great job in that movie. I have also seen quite many productions with Mona Malm. I know how great she can be.

But I must admit that I, on multiple occasions, yawned and almost fell asleep while watching this movie. "Go Roland!" (with "go" as in cheering "go") is, in my opinion and in other words, boring. It took me a while to realize that Roland and Emma are married to each other. Where is their love? I just can´t see or feel it. I am planning to watch "Elvira Madigan" (1967) again and, of course, review it. But I won´t watch "Go Roland!" again. When I think about this movie, I feel disappointed. Therefore, I can´t recommend it.

Oss emellan

I almost fell asleep.
Per Oscarsson is/was, in my totally honest opinion, one of Sweden´s greatest actors. I have, for example, watched "Ronja - the Robber´s Daughter" (1984). I have also read the book which the movie is based on. "Can You Whistle, Johanna?" (1994) is shown on TV during all Christmas Eves in Sweden. And Per Oscarsson also played Gustav Jörgensson, a Swedish police chief, in a TV series.

But what happened here? I´m sorry, but I almost fell asleep. "Oss emellan"/"Between Us" tells the story of an artist/teacher, his wife, their kids and ... uh ... I happened to lose a bit of interest after that. Why on earth did I finish watching this movie? I don´t know. Maybe because of Per Oscarsson? In other words, I´m not going to recommend this movie.

Notre-Dame du Nil

A mixture of serenity and rebellions.
In this movie, we meet the students and the staff at a Catholic boarding school in Rwanda, Africa. The movie takes place before the 1994 Rwandan genocide. All students at the school are girls. They will, very shortly, learn more about life, love and each other.

A mixture of serenity and rebellions. Add a pinch of "Mean Girls" (2004) and "Lord of the Flies" and yes, then you have, in my honest opinion, a description of this movie. Some scenes confused me. Then a little too many questions were raised. In other words, I missed a bit more clarity. But all in all, I think that this movie is interesting. I would like to recommend it, especially if you are into African history.


Shouldn´t this case be taken up in a court of law?
Maryam is a young woman. She is convicted of the murder of her much older husband. Mona, Maryam´s late husband´s daughter, has a decision to make. Will she, in a reality TV show, forgive Maryam and save her from the death penalty?

I must say that I´m very confused. Shouldn´t this case be taken up in a court of law? I really think so. And some characters in this movie made, in my opinion, a little ill-considered decisions. But yes, I can also see Maryam´s and Mona´s strong emotions. And those emotions made my rating go from 6 to 7 stars.

Would I recommend "Yalda: A Night for Forgiveness"? Hm, I´m not entirely sure. Not everyone will probably like this movie. It has low-key action if you ask me. You should, in other words, avoid this movie if you love action above all else. At least according to me.


Bad for my nerves.
John works as a librarian. He has financial problems. Those problems also affect his family. John tries to solve those problems by stealing many, very valuable and old books from his workplace. He then tries to sell those books.

I absolutley love books! And yes, I have also read many books throughout my life. I refuse to, in any way, damage books. This especially applies to books that I own and borrow. Since I have these feelings about books, I think, without the slightest doubt, that John is acting completely wrong. When I thought he couldn´t sink any lower, he went even lower. His handling of books is bad for my nerves. And he should be honest with his family and colleagues. And the fact that this TV series is based on real events is, to me, truly terrifying. But I also think that this TV series is interesting. Therefore, I recommend it.


A rather tormented man with a heavy past.
John Ausonius, one of Sweden´s most notorious criminals, is portrayed in this TV series. Ausonius used a rifle with a laser sight. Hence his nickname became "the Laser Man". His targets were primarily immigrants. Ausonius was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Ausonius must, in my opinion, be a rather tormented man with a heavy past. I think that David Dencik, in this TV series, portrayed Ausonius in that way. I can see the pains, the sorrows and the clumsy attempts at relationships, romance, love and affection.

I would have liked to see more of Ausonius´ family life, especially when it comes to his father. But all in all, I would recommend this TV series, especially for those who find Swedish crimes interesting.


I would have liked a flashback.
Gerda and Kristoffer want to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. To do so, they travel to Rome. When Gerda was young, she studied art there. Gerda and her husband goes to a restaurant in Rome. Johannes is there. He used to be Gerda´s art teacher and lover.

First of all, don´t confuse this movie with the "When in Rome" from 2010. They have some things in common, for example art, love, Rome and the title. But the main similarities ends somewhere there. Gerda explores her past. Her soul seems to be young, but she has lived a long life. She has accomplished many things. And quite many of her decisions seem to have been good.

Filming took place, not entirely unexpectedly, in Rome. I have read that this was Rolf Lassgård´s first visit to Rome. And he and the rest of the cast and crew seem to have enjoyed the experience. What did I miss here? I would have liked a flashback. But that is the only thing. The rest is great!

The Little Princess

It made me smile at once.
"The Little Princess" follows the young girl Sara Crewe. Her father is Captain Crewe. He will soon fight in the Second Boer War. But first he has to leave his daughter at Miss Minchin´s School for Girls. At school, Sara and her father are shown to her room. After an emotional farewell he goes to the war front.

After a rather short time, Sara receives terrible news. Her beloved father is missing and presumed dead. What will she do now? Should she stay at school?

This movie made me smile at once. The intro was, in my opinion, very cute and nice. Shirley Temple and the rest of the cast and crew did, if you ask me, a very good job here. What did I miss in "The Little Princess"? Hm, maybe a little bit more romance and passion. But all in all, I would like to highly recommend this movie. I certainly didn´t regret watching this.

Trevlig julhelg

Björn: Why are you a priest?
"Trevlig julhelg!"/"Nice Christmas weekend!" is, if you ask me, entertaining, interesting and nice. The residents of Västerköping celebrate Christmas in different ways. But one of them stands out in my eyes. Yes, I´m talking about Björn. Why is he a priest? It would make so much sense if someone, for some reason, forced Björn to choose a career as a priest. It would explain why he, in my opinion, acts like an atheist.

Christmas can be stressful for a lot of people. And the residents of Västerköping have, if you ask me, that kind of stress. My Easter celebrations tends to be calmer than my Christmas celebrations. During Easter there are fewer musts for me.

Yes, I would like to see how the Easter in Västerköping is. It sounds like a good idea in my ears. And yes, I would also like to recommend this TV series, especially if you enjoyed "Trevlig helg!"/"Nice weekend!".

Trevlig helg

I understand why this TV series got two spin-off series.
In this comedy series, we meet some of the residents in Västerköping. They have different jobs and personalities, but they live in the same place.

Terese is, for example, a grocery store cashier. She is, if you ask me, very curious about her customers´ lives. And no, I don´t think that she is nice all the time.

I´m a Christian. At one point in my life, I wanted to work as a priest. But I, who don´t have a higher theological education, would have been a better priest than Björn. Has he even read the Bible?

I really have an advice for Anton. He needs to learn that the word no exists.

And yes, I think that Tom needs to grow up and take more responsibilities.

"Nice weekend!"/"Trevlig helg!" is, in my opinion, funny, entertaining and nice. I understand why this TV series got two spin-off series. Why? Because I think that the cast and crew did a good job!

Fanny och Alexander

Strong family drama with a personal touch.
The Ekdahl family gathers their loved ones to celebrate Christmas together. Helena Ekdahl is the matriarch of the Ekdahl family. She has many relatives. Among them you can find her three sons, three daughters-in-law and a bunch of grandchildren.

Fanny and Alexander are two of Helena´s grandchildren. Their parents are Emilie and Oscar Ekdahl. One day something terrible happens. Oscar falls ill and dies. Everybody is devastated.

Bishop Edvard Vergérus was the one who held Oscar´s funeral. He marries Emilie Ekdahl, but their marriage begins to crumble quite soon. Why? Because bishop Vergérus is strict and conservative.

I really like this TV series. I watched it on SVT play. It was edited into a feature film. Yes, it is very long and yes, I took breaks. But I didn´t feel like I was wasting my time. I think that the cast and crew knew what they were doing. Ingmar Bergman took inspiration from his own life in "Fanny and Alexander". And the result is, in my opinion, a strong family drama with a personal touch. I would have liked to get a little more clarity, at least in a few scenes.

I´m looking forward to watching the shorter movie version, but I want to know much more about Ingmar Bergman first. I suggest that you watch "Fanny and Alexander".

It's a Wonderful Life

I look up to him.
We meet George Bailey in "It´s a Wonderful Life". He works in the family company Bailey Brothers Building and Loan. George is married to Mary, one of his childhood friends. They have 4 children and yes, their life is very good.

But one day the family company´s money ends up astray. The mean bank owner Henry Potter decided to trick George. He has their company´s money and yes, his intention is to keep them.

George becomes very sad. He begins to consider committing suicide. But thankfully, George´s guardian angel appears.

Yes, I can honestly say that I look up to George. He is nice, helpful, generous, brave and resilient in my eyes. I can see love between George and Mary, but I would have liked to see more of it. I don´t regret watching this movie. See it if you want to get in the Christmas mood.

Out of Rosenheim

Yes, I wish I could have liked this movie more.
Jasmin, a middle-aged German woman, has an argument with her husband in the Mojave desert. They separate, maybe even legally. Jasmin finds a small cafe and a motel. Brenda and her family own and run the, unfortunately slow and not so successful, businesses.

Brenda is feisty and bossy. When Jasmin arrives, Brenda is suspicious. She doesn´t like her right away. But eventually Jasmin revives the cafe and the motel.

I wish I could have liked this movie more. A few camera angles felt a bit strange according to me. And I wouldn´t have minded getting a little more clarity, especially with the marital problems. And it wouldn´t have hurt with a bit more romance. I don´t know if I will watch "Bagdad Cafe"/"Out of Rosenheim" again, but who knows? Maybe.


The message is clear.
This movie is based on true events. Vipeholm Hospital was inhabited by patients with intellectual disabilities. The sugar experiment was a part of the Vipeholm experiments. A lot of sugar was introduced in the hospital food. Many patients suffered. Their dental health became very bad. Eventually the hospital was shut down. Now you can find Vipan Secondary School in the former hospital buildings.

We meet Johanna in this movie. She is a patient at Vipeholm Hospital. She is in love with Vilgot, one of the other patients. Both participate in the sugar experiment. It doesn´t take long before Vilgot gets seriously ill.

I dislike dangerous experiments. And the sugar experiment must have been extremely dangerous, especially without the consent from the patients. Almost everyone in the hospital staff treats the patients badly. And the mean hospital employees have, if you ask me, a clear message to the patients. The message is: "you are nothing more than laboratory rats to us".

I like Johanna´s and Vilgot´s sweet relationship. I can see and feel that they really care about each other. But I would have liked more clarity about their families. Where are their parents during the sugar experiment? Does Johanna or Vilgot have any siblings? Why did they end up at Vipeholm Hospital?

All in all, I think that "The Sugar Experiment" is an interesting, strong and important movie. Avoid it if you are extremely sensitive. Watch it if you are interested in the theme of this movie.


Is he supposed to be a criminal?
Pepe le Moko is a wanted jewel thief. He resides in the Casbah of Algiers. He doesn´t want to leave the Casbah, but Gaby might change his mind about that. She is a young, beautiful, engaged and French woman. While the police force tries to catch Pepe, he is drawn closer to Gaby.

I have one question about Pepe. Is he supposed to be a criminal? I can´t see or feel a large amount of violence in his life. And there could have been many more threats in this movie. And I also missed more romance and passion in "Algiers". I even forgot the title of this movie. It happened just a few days after watching it. Will I recommend this movie? No. Will I watch it again? No. Do I want to watch "Pépé le Moko" (1937)? Probably not.

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