
IMDb member since June 2014
    2020 Oscars
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    10 years


Piata lod

A great lyrical story of neglected children
A little girl and her neighbor boy, each otherwise neglected by their parents, find refuge in a small garden cottage above the city. The children, with parents who don't care for them, find the abandoned infants in a pram and begin to care for them in their own childlike way.

A graphically beautiful, lyrically told story of children giving infants what they themselves longed to receive.

The film is inspired by the book by Slovak author Monika Kompaníková, and was the book of the year 2010.

The movie portrayed in pictures what the book portrayed in writing. The story is inspired by real events.

Známi neznámi

Excellent version of the licensed movie script
I have seen several versions of this movie, including the italian original Perfetti sconosciuti (Perfect strangers). This Czecho-Slovak version seemed more exciting to me, despite the fact that I saw 4 other versions.

It is available on Netflix and I highly recommend it.

The basic story is - 4 friends (3 of them with wives) start playing a game with mobile phones during the New years eve party - every message and every phone call during the party must be public so that everyone can prove that they have no secrets from their partners and friends. And the fun begins. The tension starts. The conflicts multiply.


An intimate horror of the breakdown of the marital relationship and of the human body
In the film, we look into the apartment of a married couple for a few months. The image and camera ingeniously depict the pursuit of perfection, the complete control of every aspect of life. From trying to conceive a child, through maintaining weight, to endless training, thanks to which the cyclist's husband would like to get on the Tour de France. The couple is going through a crisis because everyone takes care of their own goals. An intimate and brutal view of a two-career relationship. Music and footage make you feel like you're watching a horror movie. And in the psychological sense, you also watch.

Absurd Planet

Absurd animals, absurd voice over, absurd songs and absurd fun
Don't expect classic narration. It makes fun of narrations. It is sometimes loud, crazy, nasty but not vulgar, but it is definitely fun. Especially the one with hypnotic, slow pronunciation. And the songs are also great. And yes, you can also watch it without sound and enjoy nice pictures of nature. But the narration is what makes the docu-series original and interesting.

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Brat Pitt at his best, but not Tarantino
This movie could be one hour shorter. I would not missing DiCaprios parts, even they were good - but the there were two stories. First was the adoration of filmmaking and acting, second was the funny alternative revenge story to the Manson gang-cult. Brat Pitt was absolutly gorgeous as a character and a man. Carrying, adaptive, curageous and respectfull to underage girls :-) He had no fear loosing his job, or agains 3 Manson gang members or entering the Manson cult camp. He was mindfull like a budhists monk.

Five Feet Apart

Great Romance about endurance
Story of 3 friends in hospital dealing with cystic fibrosis. Movie shows not only romance but also different approaches how to deal with such a cruel and long therm never ending disease. How to live when your life is always in danger? How to love when you cannot touch your loved?

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