
IMDb member since May 2014
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    10 years


Ufak Tefek Cinayetler

Season 1 was brilliant. Season 2 was confusing.
Season 1 alone was probably my all time favorite Turkish series. The music was gorgeous, the acting was on point, the cast were lovable, the fashion was extraordinary, and every character showcased a very unique point of view. It is interesting that I hated the protagonist, Oya, and tended to root for the evil Merve. I was also drawn to shallow Pelin and I did not really care much about hypocritical Arzu. The characters were developed very nicely and the script was well written.

Modern Family

Nine enjoyable seasons and a rushed one!
I really enjoyed the first nine seasons but sadly the tenth season is quite underwhelming. Still a good one but not even close to the previous nine. It would have been a 10/10 if season 10 had delivered.

Kardesim Benim 2

That Tato guy was just a waste of space
I quite enjoyed the dynamic between Murat Boz and Burak Ozcivit but that Tato guy was plain disgusting, not even funny. So painful to watch. The girls are quite pretty but their personality were not really well developed here. Without Tato, I would have given this a 7.5.

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