
IMDb member since May 2014
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Brigada en acción

A horror show
It is vox populi that this film was used as a method of propaganda to exalt the terrifying military dictatorship in Argentina, it only goes to show that this government was trying to hide all the blood they shed under a carpet of "good" values and a treacherous exaltation of religion and family tradition. It really has no plot, only a series of unrelated chasing scenes and awful, terrible jokes that would make anyone feel embarassed (With Carlitos Bala as the comic relief), and many scenes of policemen perfoming stunts and showing off their discipline. What's most creepy about this movie is that it was released during winter recess and was aimed at a juvenile audience (mostly children). Those children are now adults and of course they were highly influenced by that dark historical period. To sum up, this is only interesting as a piece of history and nothing more.

El profesor hippie

The portrait of a conservative society
Pretty much a novelty, light-hearted comedy about this "nutty professor" (a stereotype that we've seen many times as of now, but back in the day it was kind of new), and his students, whom he takes care of. It goes to show that this film is a portait of (innocent) youth rebelness in a context of pure conservadurism in Argentina. It doesn't have much to offer and it hasn't aged well, but still, it's a good example of family friendly cinema.

El extraño del pelo largo

Very interesting, yet overly polished
Although it's a very interesting film about the begginings of rock/beat music in Argentina, it's mostly seen from an hegemonic and corporate point of view. Once the hippie scene became mainstream in that country, film producers decided to give it a chance and show a very clean and family friendly rendition of the origins of beat music. It's pretty much shallow and a huge piece of fan service for early 70's hippie-alligned youth. Still, it's very interesting to see the idiosyncracy of argentinian consumerism towards music and arts in general.

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