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Masters of the Air

Not For The Faint Of Heart
I may not enjoy every series/movie Apple has produced, but the quality of visuals and audio seldom disappoints. This was especially true of this series. My husband was riveted to the TV and it was obvious he was feeling the story as well. At 80 & 74 years old we have witnessed our fair share of wars. Plus, being born at the tail end of World War 2, it was fresh in our parent's minds and depicted strongly in content like movies that we watched growing up.

So this was a reliving of my childhood with an intensity that griped me in each episode. Scenes of airplane warfare often were difficult to watch but at the same time I felt an obligation to share that experience. The depiction's of airplane damage were horrifying and I kept thinking "How do they get back into them?" "How do they keep mending them?" It wasn't as if I hadn't seen the horrors of war before or did not have a personal connection to someone who went to war. I don't have enough fingers or toes to count the amount of movies and series I have seen over seventy years that deal with that subject. Series like 'Band Of Brothers' or the movie 'Hamburger Hill'.

Nevertheless, this series really touched me. If I had to guess why it would be the courage, honor, integrity and dedication displayed that I find severely lacking in the world I live in today. Lying, cheating, hate mongering and the inability of people in my country to put aside personal grievance to work for the common good. It drives home what being a real patriot looks like.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Killing Eve This Was Not!
I never saw the movies so I went into this blind which would have been a good thing if this series stood on its own. However, all the criticism I have read are extremely accurate. It's not that there wasn't a premise here that had possibilities. It's just the way it was produced and the lack of continuity in the storyline.

It's hard to find fault with a fiction piece on the grounds that it's unbelievable because fiction is all about coloring outside the lines. However, there has to be something the viewer can connect with. A thread that ties the storyline together and it can't take forever to get there. This series was about the irony of the relationships of Smith's and although that was interesting and entertaining, too much of the series was devoted to that. Then leaving the series on a cliffhanger, not tidying up loose ends, tends to leave a portion of viewers dissatisfied.

Would I watch a second season? It wasn't so terrible that a second chance wouldn't be worth trying. But I definitely would not sit through another soap opera of 'spy couples finding themselves' again.


A Challenge For Some But Not All
As another reviewer has already posted, this concept isn't new. If one has followed SYFY for many years you would have seen it before. Visuals, audio and acting were fine but no wow moments.

This is a very slow moving series. Scenes meant to depict a double parallel state were okay but some felt awkward. Also, this doesn't get legs until the seventh episode so it's a long investment for a small payoff and a dangling storyline. However, since fiction does not need to coincide with believability or uniqueness, it depends on the viewer's tastes as to whether it will be enjoyable.

Ultimately I would have given this series less than 6 stars if I didn't see room for it to continue and improve.


The Point?
I could not feel the purpose behind this movie. Beautiful video and audio. Captivating sets and staging with competent acting. But it lacked depth and a flowing storyline. The brevity in which it brushed with history lacked the kind of detail that connects one to the subject. It felt like an inside joke that the audience was not meant to be in on.

These long movies often portray a director's vision which evolves into such an abstract form of art that it never translates into a relatable, believable production.

Were we to walk away from this movie thinking Napoleon was a flawed man ... a man of visions or delusions ... a hopeless romantic ... a great military mind or a perpetual failure? And even if we combine all these things together was he a man of intelligent contradictions or a mental case? Would this movie engage people in intense conversations at the dinner table about this figure in history? I doubt it as there wasn't enough in this production to stimulate that kind of response. It just left me feeling bewildered as to what the message was that the director was trying to impart.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Watched This As A Stand Alone
I think like so many stories that are retold, reanimated and reimagined there are those who have followed them through many iterations. These people are often more forgiving or to the other end of the spectrum, extremely critical if expectations are not met. As a person who has no previous experience with any form of adaptation related to this series, I was looking to be entertained by a decent script, good visuals, enveloping audio and respectable acting. For me the lack of believable acting, by the main character, was what ultimately ruined the whole series. It was played way too childish in my opinion. Fine for a very young audience but lacking for a more mature viewer.

Killers of the Flower Moon

Thank Goodness For A Fast Forward Button
This movie was about actors 'acting' and drawn out like taffy. I obviously wasn't expecting a documentary but this voluminous, overly dramatic, star studded presentation of a serious and ugly event in US history deserved a more respectful approach. That is, to be less about art and more about context. This smacked of director and actor ego which is frequently a hallmark of extremely long movies. Using a tragic story to spotlight great acting and great directing does not lend itself well to teaching us about a moment in time that is shameful. If audiences walk away thinking about the production first and the message last, which the length of this movie almost requires one to do, what a terrible way this is to memorialize such a horrendous treatment of native Americans.


Season 5 Absolutely Fantastic
This is picture perfect television. Great script, great acting and an exceptional addition to the Fargo series. The storyline encapsulated subject matter that laid out uncomfortable issues related to abuse, dominance, misogyny, political dysfunction, corporate greed and white supremacy. It weaved into all that ugliness a vein of purity, naivety and forgiveness even while other characters used violence as a means to an end. It was riveting from start to finish even when parts of the story were a bit murky. There was a predictability as to where the story was going, but like a roller coaster, it was the ups and downs of the ride that made it spectacular.

Perhaps some of the bad reviews were because the subject matter hit to close to home?

I Am Not Okay with This

Why Should We Put Up With This Over And Over Again?
Nothing makes sense anymore when a hit show that barely began is canceled. This is especially true when so many shows that could only be described as cookie cutter, uninspiring, mindless repetitive tripe are kept for a second season. The variety of subject matter that is being squeezed into smaller categories is targeted towards serial watchers who want a familiar framework. Not unlike the viewers who follow CSI and its offshoots on CBS. Those offerings cover the same territory and rotate between the different cities the series depict constantly. They hardly need writers anymore. They just need to change a few things here and there, tweak the clues, change the costumes and guest actors and they're off to the races. Netflix still has some standout content but how long will that last?

Unfortunately the truth of the matter is the audience is often to blame. Just spend sometime reading reviews from subscribers of Netflix on any device you own. It's downright depressing to see the lack of intelligence displayed there. This show was not 'The Crown' but it was very well done, interesting and paced itself into something that could have been developed much further. It may not have drawn the largest crowd but does variety have to be thrown out the window and replaced with the same old same old?

This series, and its watchers, did not deserve to be disrespected in this way. My father used to say "Don't start something you don't plan on finishing". Wise words that apparently the parents of executives, representing entertainment companies, weren't taught.

Blue Beetle

Every Review That Gives This Over A 2 is Being Generous
So this is what the new leadership of everything 'Warner Brothers' thinks the DC Universe should be about? The king of reality TV sure knows his audience. This stereotyped, dumbed down, regurgitated storyline is as predictable as sunrise and sunset. There are tons of reviews that accurately point out the issues with this mess of a movie. The problem is that there are about 60% of people that think this movie is perfectly fine. These are people who do not want to be challenged by a decent plot or care about anything more than blowing things up. Unfortunately more and more content is being created to satisfy their tastes. It's simply cheaper to produce. The appetite for mindless television and movies is at an all time high.


It's Almost Over
I picked up this series recently and have for the most part enjoyed it. It is an interesting study in the depths to which people, from both sides of the coin, will go to for power and money. If only it truly was fictional so that it wouldn't have made me feel depressed about our species. All one needs to do these days is follow the news and this series brings that subject matter to life directly into our homes.

The acting was convincing. The interaction between characters was flawless. The story was intriguing with twists and turns that kept the momentum ongoing. It had all the hallmarks of the bad guys you root for and the characters you love to hate. The dynamics of hedge funds verses the law enforcement agencies was easily relatable to past and current events.

There were many strong characters that played well off each other and each of them, by themselves, was interesting. Watching them struggle between their need to excel as power brokers verses their moral character really added depth to the series. Usually they would work together as a team regardless of their differences leaving morals by the wayside.

Most who watched this series found Axe to be their favorite character. I found his character to be predictable, entertaining though, but I was not heartbroken when he left. I found Prince to be much more interesting as a hedge fund manager and much harder to read. The refocusing of the company under his watch often suffered financially as did the employees morale. They found him as unpredictable as I did which was obviously the point of that storyline.

The downside of this series for me was the constant reference quips between Wags and others referencing music, movies, literature and the like. First of all I felt it was snooty to expect the viewers to get these consistent off handed remarks. It was overdone and it distanced the viewer from connecting to the characters as it made one feel out of touch. I almost dropped the series until I decided to ignore them. I did like the Wags character other than that though. Also I did get tired of Chuck's 'I'm really a good guy' in wolf's clothing storyline.

Overall the 'everybody's out to get everybody all the time' content was too close to the real world right now especially when watching this all at one time. It ended up being a downer for me personally however I am rating this on the quality of the show rather than it's affect on me.


Not Good Or Bad
Visuals and audio are excellent which is typical of Apple. As many have said, very slow with too much emphasis on character development.

Complaints about 'woke' content are overblown by individuals who are made uncomfortable about anything not white or straight. I am not thrilled either by having producers feel they have to inject this kind of subject matter wherever they can. But by the same token, I am not impressed by over the top violence and nudity that the 'hate woke crowd' can't get enough of.

Don't expect this series to live up to 'The Expanse' or have deep roots into the SyFy many of us have come to love. It's an artsy take on that genre that will appeal to a more specific group of people. I personally did not connect with the characters which in a character driven series is kind of the point. The aliens were not particularly impressive either. However it wasn't terrible and there are much worse Syfy series to be had on other streaming services. Adjust your expectations and you might enjoy it.

Secret Invasion

Who Does Disney Think It's Target Audience Is?
They had the possibility of a good series with great background material to springboard off of. They had good actors and a promising storyline. They have a huge fan base that's eager for them to expand on the Marvel Universe. And yet, they continue to produce some subpar series under the Marvel and Star Wars names. You can literally feel the lack of heart put into this offering. All the negative reviews have pinpointed the problems and this time they are not just disgruntled Marvel fans. They are simply accurate descriptions on what the series lacks.

Disney is not putting out the same quality of content for streaming as it once did. It's beginning to feel more like cable tv productions done as cheaply and quickly as possible. Banking on it's box office movie productions, and a more diverse audience, it's not feeling pressured to get behind investing in more expensive and time consuming projects. Unfortunately for them, consumers will eventually react to that by not investing their money into keeping the Disney + streaming channel for months on end either. Too bad for both sides.

Twisted Metal

What On Earth Is This Mess?
Whoever compared this to Breaking Bad and Mad Max should be ashamed of themselves. Breaking Bad was a cutting edge series and Mad Max a cutting edge movie for it's time. This is road kill by comparison.

I like spoofs, campy content, dark, easy watches with intense action. They don't have to have intricate plots, the best actors Hollywood has to offer, great cinematography or tight continuity. However, this follows every C watch from the SYFY channel. I have no idea if it accurately follows the game so this may be a reason some find it appealing. However, I have watched several series that were based on games, ones I never played, and they were head and shoulders better than this.

I get that people have different tastes and I can usually see what someone else might find appealing that I don't, but not this time. This is in line with crass content like JackAss, with a thin plot line, which is repulsive in my view. Even my husband didn't like it so that gives it one star.

The Diplomat

I Don't Give Out Tens ...
Unless something is this good. Witty, smart and clever just begins to describe this series. Excellent acting, engaging storyline and superb interaction between characters further enhances the overall appeal of this offering. It encompasses the boundaries of drama, mystery and thriller seamlessly and continues to build anticipation episode to episode. After seeing high reviews for other series which are unimaginative and lack luster, it's highly refreshing to actually watch one that meets the mark, if not exceeds, the ratings it is receiving. One does have to be attentive, and not a lazy watcher, to appreciate the nuisances built into the storyline but that's what makes it a standout. This one deserves a second season.


Over rated ... Not SYFY
If you've come from the cable environment this will seem like a step up. It's certainly not terrible, it's just not great. It's a murder mystery with SYFY scenery. The musical score is so repetitive that it it put me to sleep several times. Acting is mediocre at best but again not bottom tier. The story feels dragged out making it a slog of a watch. I suppose because good SYFY is hard to come by it's understandable that some are giving this rave reviews. It has been awhile since we have had a series barn burner in this category. However, one doesn't have to go that far back to find something noteworthy. Then again perhaps it's just the lack of higher standards, that seems to has infiltrated our society, that makes this 'Wow' viewers. I didn't get people loving the latest Batman movie either but they do both have something in common. They were not 'Strain The Brain' watches.

House of the Dragon

I was really looking forward to this until I watched it.
I'm not sure it's even worth bothering to list the many disappointments I felt watching this series. This does a disservice to GOT enthusiasts and the criticisms I have read so far have mostly been spot on.

From the beginning episode, this failed to lay out an understandable foundation for the rest of the series. The script was written to portray context mostly through innuendo leaving the viewer to try to ferret out a character's thoughts or intentions. This type of delivery should not be used as the bulk of a storyline but sprinkled about to add mystery and interest.

The jumps in time, without explanation, were jolting and disjointing. It felt like a much larger version of the script had chunks pulled out to make it fit the episode count.

The characters often felt superficial as the writing did not give much occasion for the actors to engage the audience.

The Cinematography was uneven and dark scenes were muddy. It was feast or famine which again disrupted smooth transitions between scenes.

There was some standout acting but it was overshadowed by much that was mediocre. I never really connected with the characters as I struggled to find a consistent interesting thread that wove the pieces together. The underpinnings I did recognize were commonplace and showed little imagination.

The whole production came across as rushed almost as if they really didn't plan on this series getting many new seasons. It felt like an exercise in how artful a production could be made rather than stitching meaningful, engaging segments together into whole cloth.

In the end, this did not match the quality of GOT so I was extremely disappointed. I can only surmise that the dragons, violence and sex fueled the higher ratings.

The Last of Us

One Of The Best Of It's Genre
It's easy to see why this series gets such high marks. Primed by other series like 'The Walking Dead' it starts off with an advantage. Use popular actors from other hit series or movies plus base it off a video game that has a loyal following and you've amped it up.

Interaction between the two main characters is engaging and builds during each episode. The storyline is decent, even though there are moments when it's too drawn out, but that is mostly in the earlier episodes. It's an easy watch with enough tension to keep it interesting.

However the third episode, where two gay men surprisingly find each other, just didn't blend with the content well. Yes it was touching and very well played out, tying it into the male main character, but it felt very out of place for me. But having said that it didn't ruin the series for me either. Overall this is a recommended watch but don't expect a mind twisting drama here.

The Winchesters

I am not even going to compare this to Supernatural which was a one of a kind series. The base story lines in this offering are cookie cutter content with more of a rom-com feel. There is a rehashing of plots that Supernatural once used so it also feels repetitive.

Then there are the actors. Having lived through the seventies, and the sixties, a flamboyant gay character who is ex military living openly in a small town is a bridge too far for that time period. Lakita is out of place as well having an unexplained background and a plethora of talents that often felt unconnected. Mary ... well ... 'What about Mary?' The worst actor of the bunch. Chemistry between characters was no where to be found. The whole thing felt like the 'Diversity' box had to get all the required ticks.

This would be a bad series regardless of the subject matter it aspired to. I suspect the only thing that gives it some higher marks is it's association with Supernatural. That is truly unfortunate because even though Supernatural was campy; the play off the relationship of the two brothers, it's signature comedic moments, musical references, interplay between all characters and timeless storytelling of good verses evil, it became relatable to a wide range of people.

Of course this was all during the hay day of the CW where other series such as Smallville and The Vampire Diaries became popular. Yes CW was aiming for the younger crowd but it also attracted adults who enjoyed Syfy/fantasy content that had a drama driven script. The Winchesters is a cheap attempt at that and will not amass enough of a following to go much farther.

Wolf Pack

It Had It's Moments
It's so much easier to rate when something is really bad or really good. This series was a mix of both.

First, the acting was really bad with the exception of some of the bit actors. None of the main actors were believable. They were either stiff, unnecessarily pouty or clueless. Then there was the 'gay' portion of the script. It simply did not fit the story line at all feeling like it was just thrown in there for appeasement. Interactions between characters was jerky and seldom smooth. If bad acting ruins a series for you stay away from this one.

Second, the script was decent but executed clumsily. However, it captured the suspense of its genre and managed to amp it up to provide a tension that made it interesting. The intrigue of knowing who the parent(s) were did not hold out for long. It was obvious but did not take away from seeing it play out. Some of the supernatural scenes were not clear in their connection to context. Nevertheless, the story was the better part of this series.

The whole piece seesawed between juvenile and adult which is often the hallmark of MTV offerings. The setting was again standard fare for MTV with the young adult theme front and center.

It's hard to see how this series can improve a lot in a second season as the main actors were so underwhelming. But, I would check it out anyway as the story is not yet finished.


An Outstanding Series
There just aren't that many series that rise to this level of quality. Fantastic storyline, great cinematography, awesome soundtrack, impeccable character development in a western theme that actually works. The acting is top notch. The setting is beautiful staged. Every element is executed with a sharp eye to detail and scenes flow smoothly into each other. Kevin Costner is incredible in the lead role and the supporting actors are every bit as good. It's one of the few series my husband would actually ask to watch on a nightly basis. Every person we recommended it to also recommended it to their friends. This is truly 'Must See TV'.

Shadow and Bone

A Cut Above Your Average Fantasy/Syfy
I am a sucker for this type of content. I more often than not forgive mediocre storylines and shallow characters to just enjoy escaping into a different world. The first episode of this didn't seem anything out of the ordinary but held promise for something a bit more interesting. As the storyline evolved and the characters unfolded it began to grow into something more unique. The main actress, and her male counterpart, were not very accomplished but the supporting actors made up the difference. Each subsequent episode brought more to the table making this series one of the better ones recently done in it's genre. Also, the series wasn't padded with extra episodes making it flow nicely without unnecessary extra filler. Wether you enjoy this or not will mostly depend on how much you're invested in the world of magical storytelling.


Fed Up With Services Canceling Series Before They're Finished (Don't Invest In This)
Wether we like a series or not, we should all object to companies/studios canceling a well developed series without a proper wrap up. The amount of disrespect this shows to loyal viewers is glaring and it's happening much more frequently. I did enjoy the series and for whatever reason the owners of HBOMAX decided to cancel it ... obviously that's their prerogative. But to cut it off at a cliffhanger without an ending? Well that just means I am done watching series content on these services until each and everyone I want to see is finished properly (Final Season).

I was blindsided on this one because I didn't check, before I started, wether the series would be continued ... my bad. But because of this more frequent type of behavior from production companies, I am one of many people who have refused to begin series until several seasons have been made and news of renewals are posted. And when I find a series will be canceled prematurely, I don't even start it.

FYI, I could care less about what the new directors' visions for the DC universe are. But the new owner of Warner Brothers better start caring about the people, like myself, who will not be investing another penny (long term) into a service that ends series without closure. And you know what that means Mr. Zaslav? One word ... CHURN.

The Resident

On A Downhill Slide
I used to enjoy this series. Not as much as New Amsterdam, which had better character definition, but it was a decent fluff show. However the last season and this one have had mediocre storylines and the new cast of characters is so unbelievable. The acting is weaker and plots uninteresting. There is no real pizzazz in romances, no nail biting tension in the operating room, no unexpected situations which ultimately delegates it to the top tier of cookie cutter television.

Unfortunately, mindless, uninspiring scripts have become the mainstay of the major networks. I suppose having separated from cable, and now subscribing to streaming channels, has changed what I find satisfying. However, it feels more like the networks are dumbing down these shows ... not investing anymore to produce 'must see tv' ... because the viewership left is not demanding better.

Vikings: Valhalla

It Grew On Me
I imagine, like many other reviewers, the series we compared this to is the History channel's, Vikings. That was a truly outstanding and unexpected series with my vote being a 10. So, when this came along I was not thinking it would meet that mark. I was right in that assumption. The actors, acting, storytelling and overall production simply could not compare. This was especially true of the first season. However, by the second season there was improvement enough for me to to continue with it. By the end of the second season there was enough development of the storyline, and improvement in other areas, to make it entertaining especially since I enjoy content from this period of history. Hopefully the third season will step it up. BTW, if you haven't already seen 'Vikings' you can pick the 6 seasons up on several streaming services.

Tulsa King

An Easy Watch
There is no deep storyline here or complicated characters. It does tend to wander a bit which seems like poor editing. However, Stallone is delightful making scenes pop and supporting actors carry their water as well. Comedic one liners are well placed and dramatic, ironic moments do not feel out of place. It's reminiscent of old school content that has been modernized which reflects the gangster who has been imprisoned for 25 years being released into a changed society. We know we shouldn't root for a bad guy but he's so charming we can't help it. So, even though it has some rough edges it's still very entertaining and a definite sit back with popcorn series.

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