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Vampire Academy

Vampire Academy: My (no spoilery) review!
To begin with, I would like to thank @dioptrabooks , feelgoodentment and @MtvGreece for giving me two tickets for the first screening of #VampireAcademy in Greece! The event was held in a cinema in Abelokipous, Athens and we were like 300 fans, or something! It was insane and we, the fans, started getting crazy as we were counting down till the beginning of the movie.

In my opinion, Vampire Academy, is one of the best movie adaptations I've ever seen, since the #TwilightSaga #BreakingDawn part 2. Do not get me wrong; the film has nothing to do with sparkling vampires. The plot line itself was totally different. Let alone the fact that, I have read the books so I knew what I was about to watch.

The movie's plot line stays true to the book's one, but some kick-arse changes occurred and the movie turned out to be more spectacular than expected. Unfortunately, though, the beginning of the movie felt like it was happening really fast. To be honest, had I not read the books, I'd be confused about the three types of vampires (Moroi, Dhampir, Strigoi).

I should probably add that I had my doubts about both the director and the script-writer of Vampire Academy but the film flowed smoothly and it kept you captive its passing minute since there were many interesting changes, as I've already mentioned.

All in all, Vampire Academy is a movie for all ages. It is anything you want to see: action, comedy and thriller. The combination is simply mesmerizing!


Zoey Deutch: She was extremely good. I remember myself saying that they shouldn't have chosen her for Rose's part but now I understand why they did so. She simply rocks!

Lucy Fry: It felt like Lissa's character was written based on her! Many said that she got them bored and all but hello….it's Lissa Dragomir we're talking about! I was constantly mad at her while reading the books! :P

Dom Sherwood: OMG! I LOST COUNT ON HOW MANY EYGASMS I GOT! He's the hottest vampire (after Robert Pattinson, of course) I have seen! Like the previous members of the cast, his rocked it!

The creepiness that was coming out of Christian was there. I found myself be like, "OMG What's he going to do? Is he gonna hurt her? Look at this mysterious expression." It was like I was reading/watching the book for the first time. Like, everything around me was focused on him…

DANILA KOZLOVSKY: with a couple of words: HE IS OUR Russian GOD! Simple as it is! OMG! When he was getting some training done I was gazing up at him like gawk! His performance was remarkable and he spoke fluently English.!

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