
IMDb member since December 2013
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Keeper of the Ashes: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders

Morbidly repulsive
How Kristen Chenowith can piggyback this horrendous crime in such a vulgarly self-serving way has to be seen to be believed.

Terrible travesty to those three dead girls, to have this tin-pan hoofer warbling like it's an X Factor audition.

The rather linear storyline of the crime, it's investigation and the failure of the police and intrusion by the media is nothing new or shocking. If anything we're far worse now - but it's staggering to see how modern 'docutainment' can be hijacked in this way. Tenuous connection is an understatement. Criminal vulturism.

How the hell did this even get made?

Wonder Woman 1984

Straddles camp at the cost of credibility
I really hoped for more, but this is more silly than cute, more corny than ironic. Misses the mark with some dull and poorly executed set pieces.

I mean, in the middle of the desert road chase, they have the obstacle kids out playing soccer? Didn't Austin Powers do that gag?

Add to that some curious physics and badly executed CGI, it's a let down but not a disaster

Bon Voyage

Is this a parody?
Dumbest, ham-acted nonsense that had me gripped, if only to see what ludicrous turn would happen next. Other negative reviews have covered the ludicrous elements of this 'movie' so I won't gold the lily. Absolutely embarrassing effort. Should've known better when 'Faye Ripley' is announced as the lead star, and she turns up with her shuffling norther housewife act. Ridiculous.

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