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In the Absence of Good Men

Rushed, But Solid
Where I found myself very entertained by this movie and the excellent performances within it (especially by the lead and the guy playing Al Capone), there are MAJOR flaws in this movie. The biggest of these is the pacing. Major time jumps happen constantly. This film could've benefited from a two-hour runtime. Seriously.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. I think this director tried his best, and actually accomplished some awesome work, here. But it needs some re-editing hahah.

Jodorowsky's Dune

Pointless Windbag
I can't even begin to believe how stupid and pointless this movie was. I love documentaries, and this seemed like it would be up my alley. A movie about a movie never made? Great.

Turns into a self-fapping, self-appraising ego-boosting film, for Jodo.

Let's be clear: Lynch's movie sucks, but Jodo's would've sucked worse.

I don't even consider myself a fan of Dune, in any way, shape, or form, but this relatively well-made documentary was nothing more than a bunch of weirdos talking about how great the film could've been. Even my favorite director, Nicolas Winding Refn, is in the film, and he gargles all over how great the film could've been.

Don't waste your time on this crapfest. It was such a freakin' letdown.

Channel Zero: Welcome Home
Episode 6, Season 1

Season 1 Review
So I started watching Channel Zero with the fourth season, and I've loved it ever since. I grieve the notion that it's been cancelled. How can American Horror Story outlive something as genius as this show? I recently got the complete series boxed set in the mail, and I've been burning through it for a week, now.

The first season of this creepypasta-semi-adaptive show is about my first-ever creepypasta, Candle Cove. I read it on an app in my high school years, and loved the story so much that I then read it out-loud to my cousin. It's still an eerie story, to this day. Each season adapts these random, famous creepypasta horror stories from the internet into a six-episode season, always with a brand new cast.

This season was focused around a fellow named Mike Painter (a name from the original story, I'm proud to say) going to his childhood home area, after many years, and looking into a case of five child murders, back when he was a kid in the 80s. At the time of those murders, there was also a tv show for kids appearing on television, titled Candle Cove. When the murders stopped, so did the show. Most people don't remember it, unless they were the same age as mike. He begins to wonder whether there may be a correlation between the two.

The acting was fantastic, the writing and pacing were exceptional, and the music was beyond eerie. There's an atmosphere to every single season of this show, and it always looms over each episode. There's many twists and surprises. The genius with this show is the shortness of each season; they're so dense with so many details that matter, every second feels important.

There's so much to take in from this incredible show. I would argue it's also one of the most well-directed anything, ever. The camerawork is very good here, as is the cinematography, but it improves significantly in the second season.

I think my favorite element of this first season was the Candle Cove puppets that haunt Mike's past. When they are incorporated, they are horrifically stunning.

Again: check it out, if you tend to find yourself disappointed by most modern horror things. This show is incredible.

Kris Straub, the author of the original Candle Cove creepypasta story, should be very proud of what they've done with his tale.

The Invisible Man Returns

Really Enjoyable!
Definitely a watchable film, if not indeed as classic as the original film, starring Claude Rains. This one has Vincent Price in a very early role in his career. He's been framed by someone for the murder of his own brother, and a friend sneaks him a way to become invisible inside his jail cell so he can escape, and find out who killed his brother.

The story's execution, for the most part, is solid and fun. I liked it. But I wouldn't say it was as engaging as the first film. The special effects heavily make-up for that, though! I LOVE when we can see the figure of the invisible man in smoke and rain! It's so neat, and shows the creativity behind filmmaking, in these good ol' days.

I enjoyed the movie, but I don't love it. If you like the first film, I'd definitely recommend it to you.


So Boring
It feels like, at times, these folks wanted to make a good, tense film. Some scenes work, in that respect. Most of the time, however, stupid decisions amongst the two leads are carried-through.

Where these two main characters-a wife and husband-are well-written, as people, the rest of the movie has some of the most bizarrely dumb moments to it. One of the most unintended, hilarious lines in the film is the killer knocking on the door, asking in a Fire Marshall Bill voice, "Can I borrow some sugar?"

The film feels like a total rip-off of the classic "The Strangers". That movie felt full, and well-rounded. This film has sharp edges that poke you. No one likes that.

Movie was just plain dull. And dull can be worse than straight-up bad, sometimes.

Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker

WHAT THE ****?!?!
Bruh! I can't believe I'm saying this, but this might very well be my favorite of the original Silent Night, Deadly Night series! The remake remains my favorite, easily, but this was one fine horror flick. Kind of a twist on Pinocchio. Absolutely fun.

The ending messed me up so bad-I don't even have the words to explain it. Absolutely nuts.

13 Ghosts

Underwhelming And Disappointing
I was really hoping this original 13 Ghosts would be good. It was so dull and boring. It hasn't aged well, at all. The concept was such a great idea. The execution, however, was a sloppy bore. I've loved a bunch of Castle's films, so far, but this just was not good. It's as boring and lame as 13 Frightened Girls (another William Castle film).

I'm a little surprised people liked this so much, in recent years. I actually think I (barely) prefer the remake over this original flick.

Mr. Sardonicus

Absolutely Horrifying!
I've wanted to see this movie for so long, and on Black Friday of this year, I saw a boxed set in FYE of William Castle flicks. The Angry Video Game Nerd (James Rolfe) is the one whom brought this movie to my attention. I looked everywhere for this movie. I'm so glad I got that set.

Mr. Sardonicus, like Eraserhead, is one of the scariest and most unforgettable horror movies I have ever seen, and ever WILL see.

The tension builds and builds masterfully. The actors did a unanimously wonderful job. The finale was absolutely GENIUS. The graverobbing scene was terrifying. And Mr. Sardonicus himself was absolutely the scariest thing I've ever seen. When I was a child, I always loved horror. It started with the Goosebumps and Twilight Zone TV shows, for me. There was always a scary, zombie-like man I had created in my head that just smiled in the scariest way possible. When I first saw pictures of Sardonicus in this movie, something horrifically primal snapped in my head, and I didn't realize what it was until I saw the film, Black Friday night. I hadn't realized how much Sardonicus looked just like the scary man I had always imagined in my head. I'll never forget the movie-alone-for that reason.

Such a masterpiece. If you had any interest in seeing it, go out of your way to find it. It'll be a new favorite. I'd argue that either this or House On Haunted Hill are William Castle's best films. Such an underrated fellow.

The Grinch

Not Bad! I Was Surprised!
My fiancé and I hated the trailer for this remake. So we avoided it. This Black Friday, it was on sale for about $8, which I thought was a reasonable price. I picked it up, and she and I watched it. Now we regret not seeing it in theaters.

It wasn't perfect, mind you. There are many changes we didn't like (Cindy Lou's mother is a single mom, for whatever reason; they also RUINED the original Grinch song). But the humor was there. It worked. Our biggest fear was that, since this was made by the Despicable Me people, this would be as bad as all of those flicks. It was much, much better, I'm thankful to say.

I'd certainly say it's not even close to the quality of the first two Grinch flicks. But it was nice, and we laughed a lot. How many kid films make you laugh, these days? Not many.


HOLY S***!
Bruh! This movie messed me up, tonight!

I recently bought a boxed set of William Castle's films (saw Mr. Sardonicus, and bought it for that alone). I've been watching through the other films, since Black Friday. I'm 25. I went into this not knowing a single thing about it. Not only was I genuinely shocked by the gore in the first twenty minutes; the finale absolutely blew my mind with its twist! I know many people say Castle simply ripped-off Psycho, but I've always wondered what it would have been like to see Psycho without knowing the twist, and how my reaction might have been. This gave me that very opportunity, with how good the twist was lol.

I honestly couldn't recommend this big ol' surprise of a horror/slasher flick enough! Such a shocking movie that came completely out of left field!

Dressed to Kill

How Much More Boring Could It Get?
I've been getting into Sherlock Holmes stuff more and more, over the years. Love the black and white adaptations. This came in a pack of four movies I bought at Ollie's Thrift Store, and I was so excited to see them. But, frankly, this movie sucked so bad.

I love old movies. But this was just so slow, and the plot was so limp and thin, that I just didn't care about anything happening. Best scene in the whole movie is Watson trying to comfort a little girl by making duck noises. Hilarious to watch, as cringey as it was. Redlettermedia should react to that clip, sometime.

Other than that, I still don't understand everyone's obsession on the freakin' music boxes. I dozed off a bunch of times, so I probably just missed the explanation. Still doesn't interest me enough to go back and find out what happened.

It's one thing to have a bad movie I can make fun of. It's another to have a boring, well-made movie, with good performances (like this one had-the gentleman playing Watson and Sherlock were fantastic!). Boring is boring, no matter how good certain elements can be.


From Someone Whom Didn't Grow Up On It . . .
I love this movie. I've been watching it every December for nearly five years, now, and I can't believe I didn't watch this when I was a kid. It's so much fun, and so childish (in a good way).

I didn't believe the hype for this movie, when it came out. I wasn't much a fan of Ferrel, at the time (hadn't seen The Good Guys or Talladega Nights, yet), and so I didn't have an interest to see the flick. But Jon Favreau made it (the director of Iron Man-as well as the parent of the MCU). My intrigue began there, and I finally saw it. Loved it ever since.

The cast is fantastic. The music choice is fantastic. The colorfulness of the film is fantastic. The wit of this script is so perfect.

Now I'm still trying to get my own family to watch the film, since we all love Christmas movies.

To see something so creative be released in the early 2000s is still shocking, to me. Favreau just seems to continue to make classic after classic, in American culture.

April Fool's Day

Ending Ruined It All
I was really into this, when my mother and I were watching it. I really enjoyed the tension building, and the mixture of darker comedy into the flick.

And then that awful plot twist happens, at the end. Ruined everything the film had going for it, in my opinion. One of the most divisive movie endings ever, in my opinion.

Aside from that, the cast was fine, for the most part. It's a slasher, so how much would you really expect from this thing?

Competently made, not satisfying or rewarding, in its finale. For that matter, the finale doesn't even make any logical sense. "WTF" endings a masterpiece don't make.

Night Key

Very Solid And Fun!
Hadn't heard much about this film before. I knew Karloff was in it, and that was just about it.

Had such a fun time watching it.

Boris was so great here, and the actress playing his daughter was also great. They actually felt like a realistic portrayal of a father and daughter's relationship. I also think the lead mobster guy was fantastic! There were moments where he didn't have to say anything, and yet his performance was very strong.

I highly recommend the movie to anyone whom hasn't seen it before-especially to Karloff fans. He steals the show, here.

Toy Story 4

Surprising and Beautiful
Once again, Toy Story has succeeded at making me cry. Man, oh, man, is this another good one. I love all four of these films so much.

In some ways, I wish the series had stopped at three, but this was too good for its own good. I hate that I missed this one in theaters. There aren't many movies like it, these days. What a blessing of nostalgia and beauty. There was so much heart and care put into this movie.

And the ending tore my heart out, again. It's 3:30 a.m., where I am, and I just want to be alone, after watching this.

Doom: Annihilation

Not As Bad As People Say
I love Doom. All the games. The first movie. But this could've been a lot better, honestly.

I think it's unfairly attacked, but I understand and agree with many of those attacks, like Doomguy-once again-not being in the movie. By now, he should've been. But it's hard to put Doomguy in the forefront of a sci-fi horror mystery film, and I completely understand it. Many folks are saying the female lead is an SJW thing, but I'd have to disagree. It doesn't come across like that to me, at all, but the movie definitely doesn't feel any closer to the games, as an adaptation. I get why fans would be mad. At least the first film adaptation had tons of gore and cool moments. It's very stylish, which is a plus. This film doesn't feel anywhere as cheap as most low-budget sci-fi flicks, but it certainly feels like a straight-to-DVD flick (which it is lol).

I will say this: the last ten minutes or so were awesome, and I wish the budget allowed for way more of that. THAT was what cinematic Doom's film adaptation should be more like, by the time it ends.

In the end, I'd say the film doesn't drop the ball, but it certainly struggles to hold it still.

It's a big, dumb horror science movie, and it doesn't need intelligence (just like the games).

You've Got Mail

Decent Flick
My fiancé loves this movie, and she wanted me to watch it, since we had run out of Hallmark-y Christmas flicks to watch, on amazon. I was a bit reluctant, at first, but as soon as I realized Tom Hanks was the main character, I was all-in. Love that guy. Dave Chappelle, Steve Zahn, and many other folk are involved with the flick, too, which made it even more interesting, for me, since I love those folks just as much as Hanks.

I'm obsessed with bookstores, and reading. The film is focused primarily on that, with Hanks' enormous Barnes and Noble-type of store trying to deplatform Meg Ryan's small, homely children's bookstore (which had a display of Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark, I might add). But they both have been talking to each other over the internet without even knowing it, even throughout their spat.

It was cute, and Hanks is always fun to watch. The guy really pulls the comedy off well, here. Ryan was pretty and sweet. The ending was touching, like most romcoms.

That's all it has to offer, and that's all it really needed, for the audience it's going for. It was nice, and I'd recommend it to anyone who's looking for something like this, within the genre.

Dolly Dearest

A Nostalgia Bomb, For Me
I saw this movie once, when I was very young-nearly ten years ago-, and it truly creeped me out. There's just something about the dreamlike feeling this movie has going for it. It works so well with such a small budget, and it's clearly a rip-off of the Child's Play flicks I adore so much.

The animatronics and design of the possessed doll is absolutely horrific, and anyone with a phobia of such a thing will be as bothered by it as I am.

Definitely a big recommendation from me-and easily one of the best living-doll-genre movies to ever exist. I can't believe how underrated Dolly Dearest is.


Actually Kind Of Creepy
Really has a lot to offer, in atmosphere. Very eerie, and honestly a really uncomfortably freaky ending, for someone like myself, who is bothered by dolls.

I actually believe the film to be way more creative than is credited for.

Stop motion for the dolls looks spectacular, for a movie this old. Took my by surprise in almost every way. There's even some truly frightening imagery within it, and it would terrify children (even though it's not a child's flick).

I enjoyed it, and definitely recommend it to anyone that likes this kind of thing.


So I watched this with my mom, today, because we like movies like this.

I enjoyed most of the movie, but, man, oh, man, is there some stupid stuff in this flick. Some of the character's choices are absolutely ridiculous, and are things even I wouldn't do in this situation.

The movie itself was very tense and scary. I thought it had a lot to offer, in very hefty moments of silence. It worked really well. The CGI gators look pretty fantastic, too, most of the time. It ain't great, but it's fine for what it is.

Tales of Halloween

Lots of Halloween Fun!
Really fun flick. I had heard of the movie in passing, and I'm really glad I finally saw it.

There's a lot of gore, here, and a lot of comedy with it. It all works pretty well, too.

"Tales of Halloween" has some really good shorts, ranging anywhere from parodies of Friday the 13th to Pumpkins that eat humans (which is my favorite segment, I think).

I was surprised at all of the creativity in this very obviously low-budget flick. Give it a watch, if you're a fan of this kind of thing.

Snowcapped Christmas

Such A Sweet Movie!
My fiancé and I watched the film, last night, and we had so much fun. We love these Hallmark movies around Christmastime, but we've now watched this one in late September lol.

The film was sweet, and really made us have that warm-and-cozy feeling that most modern Christmas films never seem to have. This was special, and we enjoyed it tremendously, even if it's formulaic for this type of movie. It worked on every level, and all of the cast were good.

I'd certainly recommend it, if you're a hardcore fan of Christmas stuff like we are!

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you, and merry Christmas!

The Colgate Comedy Hour: Abbott & Costello
Episode 13, Season 3

Very Funny
This was a nice stage play-style comedy set from the wonderful comedy duo I still find underrated, to this very day. There were some exceptional gags, here.

I watched the film on a digital streaming service, and I was surprised with all of the entertainment aspects, like gymnasts doing flips on monkey bars, tap-dancing brothers, quite a bit of singing, and TONS of old commercials I had never seen, since I'm a 90s baby! It was a blast!

Our two leads were as sharp and genius, as always, and I found myself getting ancy during a lot of the breaks between sketches, due to Abbott and Costello being the highlight of this whole special for television.

I recommend it.

Also: I saw the color version, just for reference. Very fun.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you, and Merry Christmas!

All Hallows' Eve

A Really Underrated Flick
I enjoyed All Hallows' Eve quite a bit. Interestingly enough, I wasn't so interested in the short films the main character (a babysitter) finds-a lot of my interest came from that babysitter's storyline, alone. Thought it was pretty bizarre, eerie fun, especially in the last ten minutes or so. But the short films themselves aren't much more than silly, low-budget gorefests (which I'm fine with, but these weren't all that great).

The music is freaking amazing, and so is the guy playing Art the Clown. You might know Art the Clown from the recent huge horror hit, Terrifier. It's a different actor for this film, but he was nonetheless fantastic.

If you like anthology horror films, I'd certainly recommend All Hallows' Eve. It's not the scariest, but it's fun and fine.

Pet Sematary

What a piece of junk.

The book wasn't great, the original film wasn't that good, the sequel to the original film was laughable, and now this absurd turd exists, too. Pet Sematary just isn't very good, all around, in my opinion.

They won't even call the Indian Burial Ground an Indian Burial Ground. That's how PC hellywood has become.

And, again: this film is laughable. Zombie daughter doing ballet, breaking things? Brilliant idea, guys. We should definitely pay you millions to craft this.

Even Jud is written terribly, here. No charm, like in the book or original film, and I'd argue that he's one of the best characters ever written in books, much less a Stephen King story.

Skip this mess. The trailer looked awesome, and it's so damned sloppy it'll make your head spin. And that's coming from someone who was excited to see this.

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