
IMDb member since October 2013
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La casa de papel

most addictive tv show
Most addictive tv show i have seen so far. First episode would not give u any clue as to what the viewer is in for. Great series. Brilliant cast and production. Underlying story tells you to prepare for unexpected in any situation. How one should assume and predict next cause if action.

Black Mirror: Fifteen Million Merits
Episode 2, Season 1

waste of time
Waste of time for audience and anyone involved in this whole series. Creators of this are trying so hard to be different and something special for the audience. It is definitely not special nor anything remotely has artistic value.


Don't you be fooled by the preview. Rubbish movie.
what a waste of space. Rubbish movie. Terrible directing. Good stars bad editing. Preview made me watch this movie. Don't you be fooled by the preview. There is nothing good about this movie. Story is crap. Aliens shooting and abducting humans for what ..!!? Comes to the end of the movie someone crash their ship with an EMP..!!! And All fine. Totally loose the audience.


Excellent Creation by the writer well justified Director
Creative and realistic storyline. Got to watch it at least twice to understand the sophisticated tangle that Anthony Hopkins role plays. One of the best I have watched in modern history. Both main actors the Lawyer and Billionaire the aircraft architect have done justice for their characters.

Young wife with natural needs not satisfied by about 20years older billionaire husband. Naive, opportunistic detective with a lost soul who obviously has no regard for relationship nor marriage simply satisfying his desires.

Highly intelligent, innocent man with money who just witnessed infidelity. He has a plan where everyone plays roles like stage drama.Only difference is the players don't realize they have been played by someone without their knowledge.

Person of Interest

Excellent All Time Best
Excellent creative Story line.

All time Best. It's season 3 now but has not lost bit of the quality and the interest of each one of the episodes.

Big Salute to the team and the creator behind this Series.

Each episode has a connection however, anyone can enjoy any given episode without having to watch the whole series from season one.

Highly Recommended to anyone who loves a good, intelligent and most importantly credible story line to watch Episode one of Season one and be the Judge.

This is a must watch one.

Don't waste time on soap series.

You will never be disappointed.

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