
IMDb member since August 2013
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The Invitation

It's more than you might think
When I started watching this film I was expecting for obvious reasons for it to be a thriller, but it's so much more than that, it's about the loss of a loved one and how it can deeply ruin people. The director plays with this element to create doubt and paranoia not just into the main character but also in us, we start to doubt everything and everyone.... Until you realize he was right all along which I didn't really appreciate though it doesn't retract at all from the acting and directing which was at all times great, but I was enjoying a bit too much that character study.

Misutâ Ron

A beautiful study on human emotion
As I was looking through the comments of this fantastic film I came across a comment which stated "Mr. Long" as being "John Wick" if directed by Kore-eda, to which I couldn't agree more! but then I realized this wasn't being stated as a complement, but it should, because it's exactly what this is in the best possible way.

I was hooked from the moment I read the synopsys, a trained assassin ready to leave his life behind and start over after a job gone wrong, but this was SO much more than I could ever expect, when this film needs to be ruthless it is without a shed of mercy, but when it needs to be tender, it is with all it's kindness, this is above all else a study on human emotion, whether it's rage or compassion, it's done with so many care you can't help but feel deeply connected to every single character, and you can feel that everyone envolved is giving everything they have.

The acting is suberb, for a film with minimal dialogue the acting team does a wonderful job at delivering every string of emotion to the screen, Mr. Long himself who doesn't speak a word of japanese spends most of the film completly mute and serious but you can still feel everything he's feeling, giving special props to the ending that gave these intense goosebumps.

Usually I don't like writing reviews for films liked as much as I did this one because I don't feel I can do them justice, or I can say anything that hasn't been said already, but I can't help but write one for "Mr. Long" because I feel it doesn't get enough praise as it should, it's a project filled with dedication and love, the director obviously thought about even the tiny details, small things you might not get at first but will definitly hit you days after you've seen this because trust me it's a film you will be thinking about days, if not weeks down the road, it doesn't go without it's flaws obviously, but it's damned worth it, if you're in the fence about watching this don't be, you will not waste your time!

The Night Comes for Us

Brutal and Vicious
Brutal and vicious, this movie isn't afraid to show true violence. With much of the same cast of "The Raid", Timo brings to life one visceral story of redemption. Ito is the main character here (played by Joe Taslim), a man who has ties with the Triad and after crossing them for an act of Mercy, decides to go all out against the ones with whom he once worked, and in some cases, was friends with. The acting is as usual from action Indonesian films absolutely flawless, not only the actors are unbelievably amazing martial artists by they once again show they're much much more than that, they are absolute actors in the entire sense of the word. The director also did an amazing job with a lot of risky but overall great shots, the only flaw I could point out is the inevitable need to almost make the main character invincible in the face of hords of enemies, which to me brings the realism down so much it breaks the fantastic atmosphere this movie has. With that said "The Night Comes for Us" is an absolute must watch to anyone even slightly interested in martial arts and great story telling, to anyone who liked "The Raid", you will without a doubt like this great movie.

Seullou bidio

Great idea not very well accomplished
Great idea wasted by the lack of courage to try new things. This review is going to be a bit biased because when it comes to Asian cinema I really dislike when american companies put their hands on these projects. What attracts me the most to Korean cinema the most is their lack of fear of trying new things or even doing certain scenes most audiences would find too shocking or intense to be shown, so when american companies intervene in these projects you can almost feel something is not right. I'll note I didn't know 20th Century was behind the project until I finished the movie and started researching, but I knew it had to be an American production for the way the movie felt, there was this lacking of freedom most Korean movies have (oh the irony). With this I'm not saying american productions aren't good, I'm saying they are different kinds of productions. While the acting was what I would consider okay, granted this isn't a movie where any actor would show his/hers acting chops but the actors still made a good job overall, with one scene in particular coming to mind where the actor made a great job. The movie overall is enjoyable with a particular scene I consider a really creative try on the director with the condition of the main character being a source of great potential to make funny and interesting scenes, great work by the director and scriptwriters on the majority of the project, though I believe the movie could be much more than it actually came to be and offer, it's still and enjoyable ride and could be appreciated by many.

Na-eui PS pa-teu-neo

A romance for the ones who don't like romance
If you don't like romantic movies, this movie is for you. Although it has some of that typical romance movie, it brings a fresh cut to the table with various types of relationships being presented at once, with the main two actors getting in a unusual kind of relationship themselves. In terms of acting there isn't anything worth saying, it's okay, this isn't the kind of movie or plot made to work around the best of their acting skills but it's a rather simple one. The story itself is where the movie shines since it felt as a breath of fresh air in terms of romantic movies, although with some typical romantic scenes it also had some very original ones worth seeing. All in all it's a great movie to see no matter the mood you're in.


A craze fuelled artistic question of a movie about love and suspense
A craze-fuelled artistic question of a movie about love and suspense. Burning is a slow movie but that doesn't mean it's boring at all, it actually works in a proactive way to build the growing tension throught the movie. This isn't a movie for the thrill seeking person, this is a movie that will make you question things and make you look for an answer. The acting is flawless from the three main actors, Steven Yeun takes a try in Korean cinema and shows his acting chops are no joke making me looking forward for his future roles. Directing is without a doubt one of the main focuses here, Lee Chang-dong made a terrific job throught the movie, without much movement he can develop an entire scene with so much emotion as one could get. If you're into mystery and drama this one is for you.


Smart, funny and fresh.
Smart and funny are the words that best describe this movie. Although the plot is a very basic one we've seen thousands of times before, it still manages to hold up to most movies with it's fresh humor that will for sure bring a smile on your face. It has been called the Korean "Love, Actually" and I can see why since it most certainly inspired the plot of this movie, with various subplots that tangle themselves while the movie goes on, it still can separate himself from it's English counterpart. A good watch if you're in the mood to see a romantic comedy.


Amazing performances, not so great plot
Review: Although the script and idea were good, the movie overall felt pretty unachieved, with a main plot that felt unconcluded and forgettable characters with whom I felt no connection. With that being said the movie overall is okay to see in an afternoon where you have nothing else to do, the acting is top notch from both main actors, which present themselves as two promising stars in the Korean scenario, particularly the main actor Jung-min Park who also appeared early this year in "Keys to the Heart" with an absolutely fantastic role as a handicapped kid, now plays a completely different character being a unachieved rapper with a lot of unresolved childhood issues. Worth seeing for the performances.

Neoeui kyeolhoonsik

Funny, Innocent, Raw and Real
This movie hits you hard. Whether you've been in a relationship before or not, it isn't an easy and beautifully perfect thing most movies tend to show you and this movie doesn't have a problem showing you the reality of things. It's raw, it's hard and it's true. It starts off pretty innocent and simple with an highschool romance, a bit silly even but as time goes on and the characters grow up the movie keeps up with the pace and that to me was an amazing work on the part of both main characters and the director. I don't think I really need to comment on how amazing both actors are, each showing how versitle their acting power can be, from being a teen again to being an adult, to showing raw emotion so realistically one might think for a second if the actors really didn't have a relationship to begin with. Very worth seeing.

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