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Geheimakte Tunguska

Fantastic Addition to the Point-and-Click Genre!
With previous point-and-click game series like Syberia, Monkey Island and The Longest Journey, Secret Files: Tunguska is an amazing addition to this dying genre.

Most games today are either shooters, or well, shooters, and there are many people (like me or you) that have no idea how to control a shooter game or how to play it. With a genre like this, it is easier, but still just as much fun as other games. Not to mention when a game like this comes out, it contains such nice visuals that you are practically drooling over how real and inspiring the background are. The littlest things are made with such detail that the visuals of this game alone is a pull factor towards playing it. With such locations as Germany, China and even Tunguska itself, you know that the creators had a great time creating these backgrounds. The cut-scenes, while there are plenty of them, are beautiful to watch and not only because the characters look real, but because it feels as if it is a true cinematic experience. Its almost as if you're sitting in a theatre and watching an action movie.

The puzzles in Tunguska can be hard at times, but mostly they are just fun, silly puzzles that take maybe 2-3 minutes to figure out. True, there are some puzzles that will obviously take longer, but using the combination of inventory puzzles and using those to interact with the objects in front of you, it is simple. The only problem though is that sometimes the puzzles go to much over-the-top and sometimes frustrating. Another problem is that some of the puzzles are unimaginative and have been used before (mainly in the games mentioned above). Other than those few little complaints, the puzzles are fun and in no way take away from the overall outcome of the game itself.

The characters you get to interact with in the game are fun, sometimes fascinating. With a wide range of location, you can meet many people around the globe with their own personalities and features. The voice acting though on the other hand, wasn't the greatest. Hopefully they will improve that in the second game.

As I have just said above, there is a sequel being made as I type this, currently titled 'Secret Files 2' and hopefully a real title will be announced soon. In the meantime, play this game, recognize the stunning visuals and just have a blast and get ready to witness another classic point-and-click game series in the making!

9 stars (out of 10)

The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Review
People have gone on and on about this is fact this is fiction, and have come up with silly reasons to deny the book and Dan Brown. Well let me start off by saying that he is a brilliant writer, and this movie was brilliant.

Let me say that Tom wasn't exactly my first choice for Mr Langdon, and whats up with that hair? Well he actually in my surprise, pulled it off. He had a nice look (not that I'm gay :D), he was a wonderful actor, once again, and I felt that he pulled Langdon off very well.

The other actors were very well also, including Ian Mkellen, Paul Bettany and others. They all fit there part is what i'm trying to say.

Director Ron Howard made the movie feel like the book, and it was directed wonderfully. It had nice settings including Mona Lisa, the Last Supper paintings, and nice scenery. The movie followed the book very well, nothing important was left out, and everything was explained very well.

So i would definitely give this movie a 10/10, and go see this movie, enjoy it, and maybe go make yourself a cool treasure hunt. (thats what i wanted to do when I left the theater)

The Thief Lord

A Movie That Blew Me Away!!
After finishing reading the book, I heard about the movie coming out in 2006. Of course I didn't expect much, only because books being turned into movies turn out bad. But i have say, this movie was probably the best movie i have seen in many years. This movie just blew me, and not only me, but my family away. The film was amazingly detailed and explained the character very well. The effects for this movie were just magical. This film isn't the blockbuster of the year, but this movie did have amazing acting, the effects were really well done for a low-budget movie. And, the most important, it did stay very true to the book and left very little out. Looking back on some book/movies, they leave a lot out and some of the movies don't turn out that great for some people. But this movie left out very little, and a lot of people will be very pleased. The movie overall will get a 10/10 because Cornelia Funke is just an extremely amazing writer, and the movie was just so magical and exciting, all people of any age will love it. And don't forget to catch Cornelia's soon to be made into a movie, Inkheart.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Begginnig Rushed, Rest, Pure Brilliance!!
I just got back from the opening night of Goblet Of Fire in Canada and i loved it! I mean it can;t get much better, except maybe the beginning could have been longer. After when Harry goes to Hogwarts, it doesn't seem rushed at all. I love Mad Eye, perfect casting by the way, and the Triwizard Tasks worked out perfectly. Ralph Fiennes is just amazing acting, but the thing that got me a bit was Voldemort. He wasn't as scary as i pictured, but it still wasn't totally disappointing. Anyway this movie is the best out of all movies, and definitely one of my favorites. This movie will definitely make a huge opening, and will be loved by Potter fans everywhere!--10/10

War of the Worlds

Better Than Independence Day!!!
Who else thought that this movie was better than Independence Day. Like i mean come on, in this film it showed like tripods and war machines. And all it showed in Independence Day is an alien and inside an alien space ship. This movie has way more Special Effects and looks pretty darn good for a Spielberg movie. LOL! But still if you like watching Cruise being torchered then this is a good movie. I really like the casting in Independence Day better though, because Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum were really funny working together. In this film the best actor they could get was Cruise. And he kind of ruined his reputation on Oprah a few months or something ago.

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