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Two Graves

There's something not quite right with this film; I can't quite put my finger on what it is, the lack of continuity, the 'Instagram' filter that passes for colour grading and one assumes has been added in an attempt to add atmosphere, the thoroughly dislikeable characters, the poor script, or the even poorer storyline.

Whatever it is, I can only assume David Hayman and Cathy Tyson both had big credit card bills due, because I can't think of another single reason either would have sullied their good name with this drivel.

Seriously, don't waste your time.

The Ritual
(2017) bad
How anyone (who doesn't work for the production company) can give this unmittigated drivel 8/10 is beyond me.

The acting is awful, the script poor and the basics of the story so hackneyed it beggars belief.

Absolutely nothing going for it, I'd give it a minus score if I could...


Original, well-written, well-acted...
... none of these can be said to apply to Guilt, it is, without doubt one of the most painfully-bad series I have ever waded through.

As noted elsewhere, the writers appear to have had little or no understanding of how the English legal system differs from that in the US, nor do they appear have had a single original idea, every plot device having been lifted from another series or film.

If you find yourself at a loss for something to watch I'd recommend almost anything other than this.

Cleaning Up

A waste of talent
The basic premise, whilst not original is sound enough, what lets Cleaning Up , err, down, is the execution.

From the lack of basic security in the office to the loan shark who calls the baliffs in to recover the main character's debt, the plot is so full of holes it is difficult to know which is the most ridiculous.

A real shame, as a little bit of effort in making it more realistic, and perhaps a bit darker, would have made the whole thing far more enjoyable.


High hopes, dead in the water...
Safe started out well; the basic premise is good, the cast excellent, the production glossy. Where it falls down, and does so badly, is in the execution.

As the story progresses holes, and rather large ones at that, start appearing in the plot, throw in the soap opera-like connections between the characters and suddenly Safe starts to feel like a burnished version of Eastenders.

This could have been an easy 8-9 out of 10 with just a little bit more thought put into the characters and a little bit more attention paid to the aforementioned plotholes, as it is I was left feeling deeply unsatisfied by it all. Which is a shame.

Bad Move

A turkey of Christmas magnitude...
I was shocked to learn that this hackneyed drivel came from the pen of the great Jack Dee himself. Poorly drawn characters in lazy and predictable "comic" situations.

Unfunny and a torture to watch.

Hell or High Water

A genuinely excellent little movie
I'm always skeptical when I see a load of 8, 9, or 10/10 reviews, followed by several 2 or 3 star ones - is this a truly awful movie shilled by production staff, or a little gem, misunderstood by the few?

Happily, Hell or High Water is one of those rare films that falls into the latter category, I'm not going to spoil it with any details, I'm simply going to recommend it if you enjoy that rare thing today, a genuinely good movie.

One Less God

Absolute drivel
Poorly acted, poorly directed, a soundtrack that appears to have been devised for an entirely different movie. At best this is a second rate tv movie.

I can only assume all of the 10/10 reviews are from people with a stake in the movie.

Don't waste your time with this rubbish.

White Settlers

Just awful
I really don't know where to begin with this one, set in Scotland, but obviously filmed in England, the lead couple are instantly dislikeable, in fact I spent the first 10 minutes dreaming up ways for them to meet their end.

Both the script and its delivery are poor, and the "Scottish" locals all appear to be played by English actors.

Just an utterly appalling waste of 80 minutes.

Den of Thieves

I really wanted to hate this...
Another Heat rip-off? Yawn.

Actually, it was reasonably entertaining, if a bit far fetched. I would probably have given it another mark were it not for the one rather huge hole in the plot about 3/4 way through (see if you can spot it), however even that didn't really spoil the movie for me.

This isn't a film destined for cult status, but as piece of lightweight entertainment then it ticks all the boxes nicely.


Another "gem" from Nick Love...
Think of it as a 6 episode rehash of Love's awful Sweeney remake. Same basic car chases, same badly drawn characters.

Absolutely nothing to recommend it.

Romper Stomper

Third-rate parasitic rubbish
Essentially what we have here is a third rate tv series playing on the name of a cult movie from a previous generation.

The production is, at best, average and the cast appears to consist of Home and Away rejects.

One of the previous reviewers compared the series favourably to Underbelly, I can only assume they either work for the production company or have never seen an episode of that.

I suspect that without the Romper Stomper name that this mediorcre piece of work would have been unlikely to receive airtime, it really is that bad.

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