
IMDb member since March 2013
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True Lies

Excellent I would compare to Remington Steel
I do not know where the negative reviews come from, I can only assume basement dwelling troll. Lots of chemistry and Ginger is a delight to watch. Sure the plots have all been done before and I ask how many times has Romeo and Juliet or Cinderella been done! The core story for virtually everything has been done before. The trick is to dress the story with interesting characters and dialogue. In this respect the characters ate well cast and comfortable and believable in thirty roles. This is an amusing fantasy, light and entertaining. It has elements of Her Smart , Remington Steel and other younger in cheek spy shows. A very watchable cast should make this a hit.

Your Place or Mine

Light pleasant romcom
Very good rom com with a good plot. It is substantially better than your average Hallmark or Lifetime movie. The low rates are totally unjustified! Reece plays a totally recognizable character we have all seen before as does Ashton. The plot and dialogue carry the movie along very well. Are the plot points mostly predictable? Yes, because the story lines have been around since Romeo and Juliet. In this case there are several twists and turns that make the story interesting with a potential for several endings. The acting and casting are what carries the story and in this case they are a quite good and a pleasant way to pass an hour and a half 😇

Funny Thing About Love

Harmless entertainment
Clearly not a 10! I have no idea how anyone could honestly rate it that high. It was nice and clean but the acting was daily soap opera or below. Overall plot was OK but much of the " comedy" was forced. I am not sure why Barry Corbin was there, I am a fan but the grumpy grandpa role was forced to say the least. The eventual outcome was not hard to predict as the current boyfriend was clearly a over acted phoney not suited to the female lead. So the interest is just how the impending train wreck will unfold. The acting got better and more natural as the movie progressed. Not a bad way to pass a little time on a rainy afternoon.

Infinite Storm

Good movie but not for everyone
I spent 3 years stationed in the Town mountains in West Germany and several month in the Alps as z Infantrynan. The first winter was the coldest in 100 years and we were out in it for months at a time. The photography and physical struggles brought back a lot of memories. There was a lot more skin exposure than I would expect realistically but necessary for dramatic effect I suppose. I dont get the water exposure if it was part of the rral story surviving thst seems impossible in thay cold. You have to hand it to Noble ,in her early 50s, no makeup she really committed to the role. Anyway I really liked it and not slow just real. People who have experiences real loss sill get it.

Sister with a Secret

Actually a good plot
My wife and I like to watch these sort of made for TV movies and say the lines before the actors do and guess the various plot moves before they happen. This one was pretty good. We got a lot of the lines so the dialogue was not too original but several plot twists totally caught us by surprise. The acting was OK soap opera level, neither of us understand why the women are always so emotional and weak! She constantly shouts at the TV once you get him down finish him!! I guess the writers want to keep the story going but women are really tougher than that. Overall a reasonably interesting way to spend 90 minutes.


One of my all time favorates
Th movie was made at a time when we knew who we were as Americans and a lot of people were still around from the era depicted. A lot of Hollywood in it but the feelings from the rough housing clay and straw bricks, ox drawn freight wagons were on the mark. The fourth year old Jean Arthur at full gallop brandishing a pistol is a wonder holding her own with her twenty something costar. No echo and some real horse man ship and rough riding during the stampede scene and I saw at least one rider really go down and a rider on a spooked house earning his past hanging on. I particularly liked the scene where the Sharps car bones were proop ft felt described as taking linen cartridges and Jean Arthur gifting the Henry rifle. Good story with the classic western morality play theme.


Not bad, watchable with competent acting
One of the things I judge the actors on is if I like, dislike or am irritated by the character they play. The female lead was irritating by the combination of her fear and snooping Nd the husbands just too perfect helpfulness. All the plots to all these storyline have been done the trick is how the story is told and the meat on the bones of the plot. This was OK. Some of the reviews are by overly critical snobs.

Resisting Roots

Cute Hallmark with a little sex and profanity
This is exactly what it is intended to be for the target audience. I have to make it longer to get it posted but the first sentence says it all. Two beautiful people that are easy to watch. The acting is just fine, the story line is good and the dialogue is natural. Jus relax and enjoy for the entertainment it is intended to be!

The Princess

Pure kung foo fantasy in a different setting, entertainong
For the haters this is no more or less fantastic than Game of Thrones, Lord of The rings or Star wars, just not a big budget. Fight scenes were well choreographed and the Acton never stops. Very much a " girl power" movie. For real if you ever get a opportunity to pick up a civil war cavalry sabers do it and you will realize just how fake every sword fight is in the movies. Just let go and enjoy. PS my wife likes to see girls Kicking ass fake as TV wrestling.

Tian · Huo

Great special effects
Formula disaster movie complete with the disaster denier motivated by greed and the selfless scientist giving a warning that is ignored. Acting is good, special effects are excellent. Nice escape and don't take it too seriously. I always like to pinpoint the propaganda in these films approved by the Chinese Communist party. They are much smarter and clever than in the past. Everything produced in China has a propaganda message. Self sacrifice and commitment to the team and the evil of greed seem to be the theme in this one.


This is a science fiction adventure
This is OK for a made for TV movie. Actually a lot better than some made for theatrical release. The acting is not mad and the fight scenes very well choreographed. It gets a little woke preachy at times but overall watchable if you consider it as science fiction.

The Valet

Rich people manipulating the press for personal reasons, very topical!
Great change from formula stuff we are usually subjected to. Solid performances across the board. Gods timing, sight jokes and combination Spanish and English handled well. Much better than I expected.

The Wedding Trip

Very cute ROM com with nice plot teists
A lot of talent and chemistry from relative unknpwns. There is a lot of untapped talent out there. At first it looks like it will be an entirely predictable plot. However as it proceeds there are several " I did not see that coming twists" which keep it interesting. Nice story, well done and pleasant to watch.

Tomb Raider

Good solid quest action movie
Action from start to finishh. Excellent special effects and of course impossible situations and escapes. Just enjoy it! Alexis does a great job with a very physical performance and I hope we see a lot more of her in the future. Acting is generally solid and the script is also solid with some twists but overall predict able. The action is the thing in this movie not a complex mystery and lots of room for a sequel. I have no issue with follow on movies as long as they are well done and this is just as goog ad either Laura Drift movies.

The Beta Test

Interesting concept but flawed
The concept of assembling internet data and setting up a honey trap for blackmail is solid. However, I can not imagine a successful executive would be stupid enough to go into a hotel room blindfolded and it just gets worse. It could have been so Mich better.


Screw all the bad reviews
The story has been done almost as often as Romeo and Juliet or Taming of the shrew so no surprise there. My wife and I ( two conservative over 70 ) enjoyed to lively music, costumes an the actors performances overall. We were hardly the target demographic but it was a nice bit of fluff. I think some of the reviewers take themselves far too seriously!

Milosc do kwadratu

Cute movie
My wife and I both enjoyed it. Not a smooth Hollywood production or Hallmark sweet. A decent plot, nicely dubbed in english. Pleasant way to kill a couple of hours.

Sweet Pecan Summer

A relaxing and enjoyable two hours.
Comments about the plot are sort of silly because all ROMCOMShave essentially the same plot. The setting. Background characters and on screen chemistry make the story. I liked to on screen chemistry and the characters😁. A relaxing and enjoyable two hours.

A Man for Every Month

Cute romantic comedy
The critical reviews seem to forget this is a Hallmark movie. The cast was attractive and handled their parts well. Pleasant to watch. The plot is very basic bot the cast carries the show. And the dialogue is quite good for this type movie.

Those Who Wish Me Dead

Excellent thriller ignore any review to the contrary
I do not know why people are so negative. She did NOT have perfect hair and makeup, in fact looks beat up most of the time. There were multiple hero in the story. Special effects were great. A movie tells a story and must compress time and space to do it. I have been in some dramatic firefights but it would have been a total bore to watch it on tv for several hours. All bolt action "deer" rifles started as military rifles. The only part I thought was too Hollywood was when the wife shot the bad guy. A hunting rifle in Montana would be selected to handle Elk, Moose and brown bear. A person shot in the trunk of the body to with one of them is down period. My wife really likes it too based on her comments " hit him again kill him"! Boom movie I may watch again.


NOT a bad movie
This is a good solid movie do not believe the trash reviews. That is the only reason I wrote a review.

Tayna pechati drakona

Silly fun
Lets face it you have to suspend all rational logic for many movies. I loved Game of a thrones but it was a total fantasy, warp factor four, stay wars! This has some great special effects just relax for some mindless entertainment.

Pieces of Easter

Good movie better than expected
Katie carries the movie and does a great job with the physical comedy and dialogue. Strong Christian theme but not too heavy handed. Good positive movie well done.

Still Today

A romp
Just fun to watch these two work together. A lot of movies try for the fast paced madcap comedy pacing of classic 30/40s movies and miss but this hit the mark for me.


Good thriller
I agree some parts are not logical. Finding c someone in the woods is not likely when you consider hundreds of searchers can't find a kid that just wandered off. However, you really have to suspend reality and just go with it. After all there are no space ships, ghosts or other movie fabrications we love. The acting was very good. My wife and I both got into it and enjoyed it very much.

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