
IMDb member since November 2004
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VaVoom VaVoom
Childish storyline ripped off of a lame Hollywood movie, terrible acting, cheesy dialogue, and not quite "up-to-par" sex scenes. That's right another great softcore parody! I enjoyed this film greatly! Sure the acting is terrible, but that part of the fun! The storyline is ludicrous, but some things must be sacrificed when the story has to revolve around girl-on-girl sex scenes. And because it's only softcore (no penetration) the sex scenes were a little bland. But it's like the great god of softcore smut Russ Meyers said "who really cares what goes down beneath the waist." I don't know if I'd agree with Mr. Meyers on this one but what the hell... the flick entertained me for an hour and a half. I give it a C+, it would've been a solid B if they coulda cast more of the girls to look like Russ Meyers actresses. VaVoom! VaVoom!~


I thought this flick was great! From start to finish. The film revolves around Jack Nance and takes us through the sub-conscious of both his and the director David Lynch's disturbed minds. The symbolism used in the film is often times deliciously disturbing in a "dismembered bodies in a car-crash" sort of way. And the score for the flick is amazing. Lynch did the score and it's this type of "audio-holocaust" that continues through the entire flick. A dreary, depressing, droning sound that really sets the mood. The symbolism is difficult to understand as is the story... if you can call it that. Because of such a vague storyline, we the viewers have the opportunity to interpret and play out the story in our own minds to however we see fit. I would have to recommend this film for anyone who likes Lynch's unconventional style or just likes seeing cry cow fetuses.

Bubba Ho-Tep

Cleopatra Does The Nasty
I thought this movie was great. The storyline is so completely bizarre, but the actual film is shrouded in unexpected seriousness. The movie deals with Bruce Campbell the God of B-Movies playing the aging Elvis and a black JFK fighting an ancient Mummy. From first view on might think with a ridiculous plot-line like this the film might be too absurd, but it was just the opposite. Bruce deals with the regrets of a wasted life and not being able to see his daughter and the unfortunate events that happened late in Elvis' life. There is however a good deal of fun camp involved with this film... it's a good combination of the two that are in most of Mr. Campbell's films. So if there is a Mummy flick you'd like to see, toss away any of The Rock's films and check this one out. Good to the last drop.


A seriously divine comedy about the twisted and perverted American family life that only John Waters can deliver.

This film revolves around the main character, an aging housewife played by the transvestite Divine. Divine is married to a smut peddler and has two kids, Lu-Lu a girl who dances for the boys in exchange for quarters and Dexter the paint huffing/foot stomping fetish obsessed son. Than there is a new lover for Divine played by the macho Tab Hunter. Sickly fun for the whole family. John Waters even presents the film in the extremely token Smell-O-Vision. I love Waters' over to the top story lines mixed together with large doses of perversion and sleaze. Watching this movie is the equivalence of being forced to ride Mr. Toad's Wild Ride for two hours in the midst of an Ether binge..... it's just that good.

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