
IMDb member since October 2004
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The Tracker

Bloody Brilliant!
The music MAKES the movie. I believe the director of the film wrote the words and Graham Tardif did the music. I would kill to get my hands on the soundtrack. Unfortunately, it is an almost unknown movie, so the chance of finding the soundtrack is next to nil. The tracker, fanatic and follower were great characters, as were the last 10-15 minutes of the movie, which in my book earns it a 10. The BEST Aussie movie I have seen. It belongs in the center of the pool room. I can't get the music out of my head. There are long periods without dialogue, just the viewer, the music and the Australian outback - a beautiful place if you know it. If the scenery appeals to you, and you enjoy a good read, then try The Tree Of Man by Patrick White.

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