
IMDb member since October 2004
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Over the Top but Funny
This movie had gore and sex galore, but in a deadpan funny way that somehow makes it more palatable. One of the scenes where Danny Trejo spins his machete and kills four guys is priceless.

Lots of stereotypes, all played to comic extremes. I particularly liked Seagal as a villain,he should do more roles like this.A previous poster complained that the movie is too liberal,probably because one of the villain is a stereotyped right wing anti-immigrant senator,ably played by Robert De Niro. Danny Trejo makes the whole movie playing the anti hero.

Tons of blood, don't watch if gore turns you off, but then the title says it all.


Great Movie-Hard to Follow
The only reason I give this movie 7 out of 10 is that it can be hard to follow. It's a little too long but it is a very realistic view of the modern crime families in Naples. The five separate plots, at times, seem to be disjointed but it pays to actively watch the film.

It is not a movie that spoon feeds you with the plot. Instead, this is a movie that demands active watching with respect to details. Also, its worth while to watch it twice to appreciate the details that you may have a missed the first time around.

The depiction of the crime families in Naples seems to be true to life, with a good build up of the multiple characters. American audiences may have trouble with it due to its length and complexity.

Diarios de motocicleta

Good Story-No Matter what Dr. Guevara Did with the rest of his life
I would like to make the point that this is an entertaining and visually beautiful movie The story rolls along at a good clip, showing the different aspects of South America. The scenery changes for the urban side of Buenos Aires, to the pampas, to the Andes mountains and finally to the lush jungle of Peru. It reminded me of how beautiful South America is. Also , no matter what Che Guevara did with his later life, one must remember that he started out as a naive Argentine medical student.

The film is full of good natured Argentine slang, somewhat vulgar. One phrase I remember is "your sister's xxxx" in Spanish. However, this is very authentic. I've lived in South America.

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