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Victor Frankenstein

" Don't Speak to me of God "
It seems to me that the more versions we have of Mary's Shelly's book the more defined her characters become. In this versions it is Igor who relates the saga. From his (Daniel Radcliffe) perspective the audience shares the story view from the Hunchback's point of view. In doing so the tale is broaden and the movie itself is enlarged to see it from his life. In this way, it is he who tells the story and he is transformed from a minor character to a intelligent being who shares the credit the creation of The Monster (Spencer Wilding) along with Victor Frankenstein) The movie is great and the special direction it is given spins off in a new and orbit. It is well acted and the audience is well deserved of the new appreciation from this version. Well done and with it a new Classic is born. ****

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

"Through the Eyes of a Child we view his life "
It isn't often, we as the audience are able to accompany someone in a films which not only entertains us, but often allow us to share their lives through their entire progression. This is our reward as we view a very young boy named 'ToTo' (Salvatove Di Vitoe). As he becomes enamored with early films shown in his tiny Italian Village. The Projectist is an old man who tolerates his visits. Day after day the boy not only becomes a help to the old man, but soon develops a love for films, but learns to appreciates them throughout his life. His own life is filled with love with a young beauty and events which effect his town and it's people. As these events parade through his life and his family, he never loses his life for movies. Through each event his own life takes it's toll as we see him age, while he learns the value of love and friendship, plus the price each has on him. 'Alfredo,' The old man (Philipp Noriret) Gives the boy some advice which doesn't always pan out. Still the film garners many awards from around the world. Interesting enough it is rated R and after seeing the film twice I can't see why. There is nothing in the film which promotes all the objections such as overt nudity, sex or violence. And yet, the village priest see's to it that not even Kissing is allowed to be viewed by the audience. Never the less, it wins many awards and is worth keeping as a movie. The actors have given us a view of their lives and we can't see an reason why the family shouldn't see it as well. ***

The Imitation Game

" Never Lie to someone who is expecting you to Lie '
There are many stories of people who helped win World War Two. Among them are the unknown agencies who help bring about the Nazi downfall. One of them was called MI6. Given the nearly impossible task called " Enigma ', their job was to unravel it's secret messages send by their superiors to their military forces in the oceans of the world. This serious drama is called " The Imitation Game. " It's main star is ( Benedict Cumberbatch and Alex Lauther) who plays Allen Turin. In this role, which highlights their efforts of his special group, illustrates the difficulty they faced in trying to break the German's Crytic codes. At the same time in his life, Turing reveals his own secret to the audience of being Homosexual at a time when it was Illegal and could very well send him to prison. This is a very profound film and the cast are extremely well selected as they deliver a well-crafted story. While giving a star rated performance, Cumberbatch, delivers much of what is expected of a lonely isolated man who is forever afraid of being found out in a place where secrets are expected to be revealed. Admiration must given to those who make up the cast. Brilliant and inspirational is the result. Well done!! I suspect this movie will become a Classic. ****

In the Heart of the Sea

" A Classic is Born "
In the great Making of a Good Movie One Needs to remember to include the right Cast, a leading man and a sound script. In this film " In the Heart of the sea " this also includes the right Director. All this was accomplished with Ron Howard. In viewing this film, one sees that everything was selected just so which includes the selection of a solid top name in Brandon Gleeson. The movie is great in every sense of the word. The casting is 1st rate. The screen is well acted and the story is right on. The movie is then picture perfect in every sense of the word

Well Done ****

Captain Newman, M.D.

" I left a part of me in that war, but which was it? My soul or my memory "
Among all the great movies which Gregory Peck acted in, this one touched me deeply. Capt. Josiah J. Newman, MD. Peck portrays a psychiatrist, dealing with combat veterans traumatized by horrific incidents during the war or P.T.S.D. Among the worst case is Col. Norval Algate Bliss (Eddie Albert) who assumes complete responsibility for the men he ordered to their death and the loss of his entire command. Always short of qualified staff, Newman recruits people from wherever venue he can and none more qualified for the mental ward than Cpl. Jackson 'Jake' Leibowitz (Tony Curtis). (One of his best) Other cast members include James Gregory, Robert Duvall (Superior role) Dick Sargent (Before his role in Bewitched.) Larry Storch and Vito Scotti as a P.O.W. The film explores the many aspects of todays Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Although listed as a comedy, the movie does little to spark laughter. Instead it is filled with lighthearted humor and serious venues dealing with veterans who need mental help. A find movie and one which Peck himself listed as one of his favorites. Easily Recommended. ****

Rio Conchos

Across the land and further south, we've established a new confederate country "
Gordon Douglas took this Clair Huffaker novel and directed the Great Jim Brown in his first Hollywood movie. The story concerns two officers from the America Civil War, Richard Boone and Stuart Whitman and pits them against one another south of the border. A wagon load of repeating rifles is high-jacked and smuggled across the border to Mexico. There the shipment is traded to marauding Apache Indians, who threaten to ignite a war with the U.S. Anthony Franciosa, Jim Brown,Vito Scotti and Edmond O'Brien head an all star cast. The script however is poor and the story line as wells at the action leaves much to be desired. Still, Boone and Whitman do their level best to make for an exciting drama, Anthony Franciosa shines as Rodriguez. However, it's up to Edmond O'Brien to carry the burden of the film as a demented Southern General. Recommended to audience who enjoy his films. I do. ****

War and Remembrance

" War is an argument that got out of hand "
There is little doubt, Herman Wouk's comprehensive novel " War and Remembrance " will become a True Classic and it follows too, the film version directed by Dan Curtis will too. Upon viewing the 12 part Mini-Series staring Robert Mitchum, I was most impressed. The acting, the dialog and the international cast was superb. The mesmerizing story concerning two families is told in segments and when traced across continents reminds one of a great novel; once begun, hard to put down. A serious assemblage of fine actors have gathered to create a remarkable movie. They include Robert Mitchum as Capt. Victor 'Pug' Henry, Hart Bochner as Byron Henry, Sami Frey, William Schallert, Jeremy Kemp, Steven Berkoff as Adolf Hitler, Robert Hardy, Topol and Ralph Bellamy, as President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, along with Jane Seymour, Victoria Tennant and Polly Bergen. Together this fine cast creates a touching and heartfelt series not to be missed and which also lays the foundation to be easily recommended for anyone interested in seeing living history in the making and that includes the Jewish Holocaust, which I highly recommended as a great tribute to great theater and should be kept and shelved as a Classic. ****


" The secret to breaking codes is to remember that mathematics is the key "
During the war most of the men who served in the War department were soldiers off in some country trying to kill one another. Thus women with nothing more to do than answer telephones and take messages, were recruited to play with words and numbers. Thus the thrust of this film called " Sebastian " who is gifted with a remarkable ability of breaking intricate secret codes. Dirk Bogarde is Sebastian who assembles a bevy of women to work for the Civil Service breaking secret codes. He is serious about his work and is diligent in remaining single minded towards his job. However in selecting an all female staff, he inadvertently selects one who is attracted to him and this leads to complications. Secrets are the mainstay of his work and that leaves little time for romance. However his latest acquisition (Susannah York) soon causes much disturbance in his private life and that allows a criminal element (Ronald Fraser) to use it against him. Donald Sutherland plays the America, Ackerman who invites Sebastian to help him break a very unusual and complicated Russian spy code, The movie is interesting and primarily a romantic chick flick, but It is also interesting to see an international film star like Sutherland playing such a bit part in his early career. Still, I would recommend it because of the two serious actors combine to make his movie a Classic in the 1960's. ****

Robinson Crusoe

" The only island that can house a man properly is the grave we make of our world "
William Defoe's original novel has been done several times, but I've found this version to be the most true to his book. Dan O'Herlihy stars as the famed survivor of a the English shipwreck who spends years stranded on the Caribbean island making his home in isolation, Through his ordeal Crusoe makes do with what little he has. His efforts are what today's survivors programs are all about. However, in todays world audiences are fully aware of lack of authenticity. The movie is a superior version of the Defoe's novel come to life and the acting is superior and this includes Jaime Fernández who takes on the role of Friday his friend and companion. Easily recommended for all audiences as a true Classic. ****

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

" I know who I am, but it feels like I'm some one else "
This movie has a great many innovations but it seems like there is way too much of a good thing when it comes to romance. So much so that one could easily decry that this is a Chick movie and destroys the Guy elements in it's efforts. Sure there is much excitement, action and story line, but it gets buried in too many branches of the Spiderman myth. Andrew Garfield returns as Spider-Man / Peter Parker and Emma Stone is Gwen Stacy his girlfriend. Theirs is a cursed relationship but they do try and hold it together with a lot of web action sequences. In addition, a new villain, Jamie Foxx appears as Electro who I think was a waste of great talent as the director cloaked him behind way too much makeup which we lose during his transformation. However were it not for the dark settings, audiences could keep track of it all. The best part of this movie is the reappearance of Stan Lee, the creator of the Marvel characters. Sally Field also returns as Aunt May Peter Parker's remaining relative. The most interesting part of this movie waits till it's conclusion and then it awakens audiences with a new villain called Rhino for a the movie itself is concern, it remains a let down and I hope the next will be more cohesive. ****

Last of the Comanches

" Our lives will have to buy us time until the Calvary arrives "
This story was originally written by Kenneth Gamet and interestingly directed by Andre De Toth. Indeed, this film which nearly duplicates the previous film called 'Sahara' which starred Humphery Bogart, now uses actor Broderick Crawford as Sgt. Matt Trainor for it's lead character, but entitled " Last of the Comanches." The story relates the tale of a small group of survivors who join together against a huge band of renegade Indians in a desert setting fighting for their lives. Out numbered, out-gunned and short of water decide to challenge a band of Commanche in a remote and abandoned watering hole. Discovering there is no water, they nevertheless convince the enemy, that there is plenty of water to be had if the Indians will surrender their guns in exchange for badly needed water, Although, the acting in the Bogart version is much more superior, this remake nevertheless has it's moments. The additional casts includes Lloyd Bridges, Mickey Shaughnessy and Martin Milner makes for a good remake. There is sufficient action to warrant lasting interest and also enough excitement and serious dialog to hold audiences to it's conclusion. All in all, a good remake of an established Classic. Yes I would recommend it for viewing as a mirror classic of a previous era. ****


" If the sword is all you're prepared to give us, then be prepared to carry it with you
Noted director Lindsay Anderson took a short script called 'The Crusaders' and brought it to the silver screen as " If, . . . ." which has since become a monumental giant from the 1960's. Revolutionary in it's day, it has since morphed into a Avant Garde, stand-alone film which has since earned it's place among the fore-runners of our modern movies. So to has it premiere English movie star Malcolm McDowell who has established himself as a true Thespian. The movie is set in a Traditional military school with it's deeply rooted equally traditional standards which center on rules, adherence to discipline and harsh punishments. However, in among the returning students are several 'misfits' who will not accept the standard rules and regulations and decide to rebel. Everything the 'Whips' or upper classmates demand, such as short hair, obedience to orders, and strict adherence to morality, is fodder for the rebels. Thus the school is ripe for rebellion and the rebels do everything to disrupt the school year. The movie is in short order a setting between the old guard and the new order. The color film is filled with innovations such as splits to Black and white which add to the odd assortments of images which create a new way to viewing a story. New additions to the screen include Sean Bury as 'Jute', David Wood, Richard Warwick and Rupert Webster. All in all, this is a groundbreaking film and has stood the test of time. Thus; in it's own way it has become a Classic. Recommended to anyone who wants to view something completely different. ****

Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

" You can never trust a woman, any more than you can trust a Revolver "
Jimmy Cagney and his real life brother bankrolled this movie believing it to be a winner. With Horace McCoy as the writer and Gordon Douglas as the director, this film could go nowhere but up. The movie begins with a Cagney special, a shoot-em-up a Prison break. His name when the movie begins is Ralph Cotter (James Cagney) an escape murderer who with his friend's sister (Barbara Payton) make their get-a-way and immediately land right back into trouble. With a score of quick hold-ups they begin with minor success, when they run smack in to two Dirty cops (Ward Bond) and Lt. John Reece (Barton MacLane) who shake them down for a percentage of their loot. With the cops in tow, they join a scheming lawyer who in turn introduces Cotter to high society and a rich man's daughter. In between hold-ups. love-scenes, mayhem and extortions Cotter gets to dreaming of making it big. Were it not for his ambivalence towards good advice, he stands to lose everything. The movie is in Black and White and displays Cagney at his troublesome best. Fine cast members help to shore-up the movie. Members like William Frawley, Kenneth Tobey, Neville Brand and and Steve Brodie as Joe 'Jinx' Raynon. The movie is easy to follow, though a bit melodramatic, but it has a final scene where Cagney does what he does best, , , ,entertain. ****

Il ladro di Bagdad

" There are few people like yourself who are willing to help the poor "
From the great and fantastic tales told in ancient Persia by the story teller Sharhahrazad, this is one of the more popular. It's called " The Thief of Bagdad." Arthur Lubin directs this movie with all the color schemes of M.G.M. and that goes with selecting a bevy of gorgeous woman to dot the landscape. For our hero, MGM chose Steve Reeves the herculean bodybuilder of the 1960s' His acting is good, but does need seasoning. In this case we see that Edy Vessel is Kadeejah, the magical Geni who guides our hero to his true love in a great quest to find a Blue Rose. There is much entertainment in the movie, enough to enthrall a theater full of amazed teens and pre-teens. Alright there is much to want in this film, but for those of us who grew up with wide eye wonder, this movie has become a Classic. Enjoy it while you still have wonder in your heart. ****

The Wings of Eagles

" The life I always wanted and a good time living it, with few regrets '
John Ford took the inspiration for this film from the actual life story of Frank 'spig' Wead, (John Wayne) who was a naval aviator and Hollywood writer. The film follows him through his early days after Annapolis and his life time competition with the U.S. Army. Despite it being a comical look at the silly escapades with his life-time friends in the army and navy, it also illuminates the guilt laden sorrow between his wife (Maureen O'Hara) and the unfortunate tragedy like the loss of his first son which the couple had to endure. Among them was the accidental fall he took at home which left him paralyzed. Through it, he was blessed with friends like 'Jughead' Carson who nursed him back through his mishap and onto the deck of a Naval ship. John Dale Price (Ken Curtis) and Herbert Allen Hazard (Kenneth Tobey) life times friends who saw their friend into the sunset of his life. All in all, this is a fun film for all and a definite inspiration to all who think of losing hope. A Great film for Wayne and a movie which became a Classic for his fans. Easily recommended to all. ****

The Snows of Kilimanjaro

" At 17,000 feet is a dead and Frozen Snow Leopard, but why was he there? "
This movie is based on the memoirs of Ernest Hemingway and is directed by Henry King. In a nut shell the story arises from a injured man who's leg is infected from a thorn lodged in it. The dying man is Harry Street (Gregory Peck) who believes he is dying and begins to reflect on a wasted life. With his third wife (Susan Hayward) at his side, Harry recounts what he considers are the highlights of his writing career. Each segment illuminates the drama of Bullfighting in Madrid, participating in the Franco Spanish war, boating in the Mediterranean sea and on safari in Africa. However, despite all his adventures and having to write his personal exploits, he feels that none of them ever measured up to his real ambition or success. Further, none ever brought him closer to answering his uncle's riddle of 'the snow leopard on the summit of Kilimmajaro.' For fans of Gregory Peck, this movie is slow to excite or entertain as Peck is known as a man of action. Indeed, his cast members which include Leo G. Carroll and Torin Thatcher neither lend or detract from the film. As a result, Peck's death bed recollections are anticlimactically to his other screen roles. Still, his screen appearance is enough to warrant audience attention. Taken as part of his life works' this film is a must, to see or to put it on a shelf as a Classic. ****

Fort Apache the Bronx

" When you inform on another cop, you cleanse your conscience, but cut your Throat as well. "
From the actual true lives of several New York police officers, comes the Inspiration for Heywood Gould and this movie called " Fort Apache, the Bronx. " Director Daniel Petrie tried to mirror the harsh living conditions which surround the actual police station which is located in the very heart of the Bronx. Here one eighteen year police veteran (Paul Newman) named Murphy guides his partner Officer Corellie (Ken Wahl) through the work-a-day routine of being a cop on the streets of the neighborhood. It's not an easy task, indeed is a murderous nightmare for them and their fellow policemen when they have to deal with every manner of street criminal from drug addicts, prostitutes, pimps, elusive thieves, murderers and inner corruption within the police force. Their job becomes more difficult when Connolly a by-the-book, no nonsense, Police Captain (Edward Asner) takes charge of the precinct. In addition, Murphy is witness to a murder when one of his own men is charged. Finally, there is the fact that a burned out, strung-out prostitute (Pam Grier) is sought for the cold blooded killing of two rookie policemen. The movie is harsh in it's abject portrayal of the dark, gritty, street life and that includes the troubled lives of the men in blue. This movie which gave rise to films like 'Hill street blues and the streets of New York is very graphic. If you're looking for a true life cop story, this is pretty close. Mild nudity but Recommended ****

The Bruce

" The Spider's web has looped six times and Sterling Castle awaits for a seventh time "
From the annals of Scotish history comes this story and film which tells the legend of Robert " The Bruce (Sandy Welch)." The Scots, having endured years of brutal English rule, once again take up arms against the insufferable tyranny and do so under a new crown king of Scotland. England is ruled by Edward I, the brutal king of England in this film played by Brian Blessed, who plays it to the hilt. Other notables in the film are Oliver Reed and Michael Van Wijk. The movie itself is lased with an assortment of English and Scotish notability, but because the director Bob Carruthers decided to keep all characters in 'scrag' weaponry, motley costumes, shaggy long hair, five day old beards and despicable dress even after war time battles, everyone in the film are terrible looking to the audience members. As such, one can hardly distinguish between friend and for alike. The battle scene are authentic looking, but if you have a 'stop-frame' recorder, you may notice that several combatants fighting each other are not very convincing. In many respects, this movie should follow historically on the footsteps of the Mel Gibson film ' Braveneart. ' As such, the audience does it's best to follow The Bruce with patience and understand. So enjoy it if you can, but don't expect too much. I'll recommend it because the late Oliver reed is in it. ****

David e Golia

" Am I a Dog, that you would send a boy unto me? "
From a free adoptions of several biblical sources, Umberto Scarpelli, gives forms to this biblical story, which is then directed by Ferdinando Baldi. Among all the several versions this is my favorite. It relates a time in ancient times when the first king of the Isreal, Saul ( Orson Welles) having been anointed by the prophet Samuel (Hilton Edwards) is seen now in the last stage of his rule and once again Summuel has advised Saul that a new king has been chosen. The choice is a son of Jesse called David (Ivo Payer). Saul's army has been challenged by the Phillistines and their new champion called Goliath. played by Kronos. The story of David and Saul is easily told, but in this movie version the writers have added, love, inner family conflict, ambition, and royal jealousy. As such the film begins to drag towards it's finally. Despite the dueling arms, little is seen which can add to the over-all movie. Still it's color is great, so too the panorama, all in all it's a great film for the 60's. Recommended to those who have time to watch a long drawn out biblical story. ****

The Black Swan

" The Ship's flag is as black as your heart, But I'll change that "
Ben Hecht wrote the screen play which powered this exciting movie. The direction fell under the talent of Henry King and tittled the movie " The Black Swan. " To date few actors at this time could wear the mantel of both heel and hero as does Tyrone Power who plays Jamie Waring a one time Pirate, now turned privateer working for none other than Capt. Henry Morgan (Laird Cregar). who in turn has been appointed Governor of Jamaica. Morgan's task is to take all of his former pirates and have them fight for the English crown. Most agree, but a few do not. It's these few renegades who decide to keep pirating. With such a task, the movie becomes a rousing sea laden battle royal between the King men and the sea fearing pirates. The cast is loaded with notable names such as Maureen O'Hara, George Sanders, Anthony Quinn (in small part) and Thomas Mitchell as Thomas Blue. Nevertheless, if you like Ship to ship war-fare, here is one you should see. It's become a Classic and you should mark it as such. ****

Broken Arrow

" There is a land called peace, it begins when people want it more than war "
The novel ' Blood Brother ' is the basic for the film " Broken Arrow." Losesly based on the real life efforts of Tom Jeffords who tried to negotiate peace between White Settlers and Cochise (Jeff Chandler) the Apache. It begins when our hero Tom Jeffords (James Stewart) saves a young apache boy wounded and dying of thirst. Later he encounters a multitude of other Apaches who do not spare other white men. There after, Jeffords is determined to bring the two sides together to sign a peace treaty. It's not easy as there are many hot-heads and hate mongering on both sides. In addition, While at the Apache camp, Jeffords falls in love with a native girl called Sonseeahray (Debra Paget) and must convince Gen. Oliver Howard (Basil Ruysdael) and Indian hater Ben Slade (Will Geer) to honor the peace. From it's beginning, Audiences await a bloody outcome of the Indian war, but keep in mind this movie is Hollywood's attempt to turn a new leaf in the cycle of violence on the big screen. I think they did a good job and thus this film becomes a Classic for Steward and Chandler. ****

North West Mounted Police

" Bachelors know of only one mistake you can't make twice "
A great novel written by R. C. Featherstonhaugh is the basis for this rousing, well directed movie by Cecil B. DeMille and is called " North West Mounted Police ". It tells the story of a courageous and determined Texas Ranger named Dusty Rivers (Gary Cooper) who's task is to ride to Canada and bring back Jacques Corbeau (George Bancroft) a murderous outlaw to stand trial for murder in Texas, U.S.A. Complications arise when he arrives in Canada he learns, the Mounted Police also want the outlaw to stand trial there. In addition, among the friends Rivers' makes is Sergeant Jim Brett (Preston Foster), Ronnie Logan (Robert Preston) and Constable Dumont (Robert Ryan). Further complications involve are the women he meets while there. Although he tries to stay clear of the Canadian police, it's nearly impossible and he becomes personally embroiled in their rebellious uprising and Indian war. The film is colorful, interesting, well structured, and sure to entertain audiences. Although not the director's first choice, Cooper holds his own and with the other exciting cast members like Madeleine Carroll, Paulette Goddard, Akim Tamiroff, Lon Chaney Jr, and Regis Toomey, allows the movie to become a major Classic on it's own. Well done. ****

The Legend of Hercules

" The first of the twelve Labors is the Nemean Lion, it's only the beginning "
The director's name is Renny Harlin, the writer is Sean Hood, the film's name is " The Legend of Hercules. " Together they have produced a monumental Picture. Their task was to select a mythical hero (Kellan Lutz) and develop a movie around him. They did, they selected the son of Zues a true myth. However, since the story has been set in stone from the ancient stories. Historians have documented all of this hero's' exploits and now modern directors must try and make it relevant for modern audiences and interesting enough to satisfy their craving for action. Thus, their need for Literary license. For this, they took the original story and tried their best not to lose the audience with changes. Indeed, one cannot do that and please everyone, but the greatest numbers in the audience. Hercules was born to a mortal woman and who's father was Zues, kings of the Gods. Thus as a half man, half god he must endure the trials which include, the possibility of death. Indeed he is able to fall in love and develop hatred for his brother who is ambitious and wants to be the next King. King Amphitryon (Scott Adkins) and his son Sotiris (Liam McIntyre) plot to have Hercules sent on a fool's errand where hopefully he will be killed or imprisoned. Rade Serbedzija who plays Chiron his teacher, tries to warn him but fails. As a result, the hero is enslaved and forced into an Egyptian arena. By the time he is aware, the hero returns to learn that his love Hebe (Gaia Weiss) is to be married to his brother. From start to finish this movie is action oriented and adventure minded. Depicted Military scenes follow the type found in '300' and 'Gladiator' and the audience is wowed by their outcome. Thus Artistic Linence is granted for the myth follows to a inspiring climax and I for one accept it. Great Movie follows and I predict it will be a Classic. ****


" In the lair of the Minotaur, many go in, but no one survives the Beast "
The legend of the Minotaur originated in antiquity when first related by the great storyteller Homer. Now in modern times several movies have been created and I've seen five. From among them all, this is the very best. The director is Jonathan English, with writers nick green and Stephan McDool. The tale is retold here and it tells of a peoples who lined the Mediterranean and fell under the tyrannical power of King Minos, who was cursed When he offended the Gods and who in return was punished by them. He had asked for a son, but was instead given one who fed on Human flesh. Each year, the king sent his warships throughout the land and forced his vassals to give him tribute in the form of young boys and young girls to be fed to his son the Minotaur. However, Theseus, the half-son of Zues volunteered to be among the victims and offers himself to the group to be sacrificed. Unlike others stories where the King's daughter fell in love with the heroic youth, this version is flagrantly dark and there is much violence, blood and gore to satisfy action oriented audiences. The film is more violent than others, but it's necessary to meet the requirements of advance theater goers. The star of this film is handsome, Tom Hardy who plays Theo or Thesus. Tony Todd is Deucalion the tyrant king who plays it to the hilt. Other cast members include Lex Shrapnel, Jonathan Readwin and Rutger Hauer as Cyrnan. There is a great deal of violence as I said, but it goes hand in hand with fiery, dark caverns, the amazing Minotaur and especially the explosive finally. Take it from me, this version will become a Classic and thus I recommend it enthusiastically to one and all. ****

49th Parallel

" Your leader is hell bent on wrapping the world in Barbed Wire? "
Emeric Pressburger wrote the book which inspired this movie called " 49th Parallel " or 'The Invaders' and which was later directed by Michael Powell, neither could have dreamed, such a small movie could have ever garnered such world wide attention. From it's inception to the finished scene, one is impressed by the remarkable journey of the main characters and their trek through the rugged Canadian wilderness. That journey begins when a German U-Boat surfaces in the waters of Canada. Stopping for supplies, the Submarine is suddenly attacked by the Canadaian military and within minutes is sunk. Only a handful of men escape and they proceed to the interior of the country where they hope to be rescued by German compatriots. all the while they kidnapped, maim and murder anyone who confronts their Nazi Philosophy. Throughout the rest of the movie the Germans which include their leader try to blend in wherever they travel weather it be through religious settlements or high mountain campsites. For American audiences, it's disturbing to visually search for the international actors like Laurence Olivier, Leslie Howard and Raymond Massey scattered throughout the film. Still, it's worth it as they do so well at keeping our interest glued to the screen. It's also noteworthy to learn the film and it's author as well as the director secured a multitude of awards. Therefore, the movie is easily recommended to any and all seeking entertainment. ****

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