
IMDb member since October 2012
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    11 years


Le passé

A great story, simple and realistic.
Drama is beautifully presented through a regular daily life we all have but barely pay enough attention to. The way all characters are involved in the story line, each playing a role in making us look at the story differently is astonishing. Also, the way Farhadi shows us how unreasonable we are when, without knowing a true story, judging, concluding and making decisions and even insisting on them is significant. He is a master, as he showed in his previous works particularly About Eli and A Separation, in combining characters with different mentality and let them complicate a story by their various rationality. Everything is gray in this movie which might be seen lighter or darker by the audience based on what character he or she makes better connection with.


Different Feeling!
First I was expecting to see a science fiction movie presenting an out of space travel with several repetitive happenings everyone could expect. However, when I watched it, it was not. It was more a philosophical thought incurring in a right place to invigorate the main points of the story. While, I believe, every one was immersed in how every thing could be so strange in a zero gravity, I was thoughtful about how lonely one can be whether she is among thousands of people or away from them thousands of miles. And then, it is the matter of how it all depends on yourself in either case to deal with it and pass it. These feeling started to become even more after everyone except her were dead and she was far from every thing with every single different laws of physics affecting her. In other words, that was a sense of familiar loneliness in a different context. The other part of the movie that thrilled me was when she touched the earth soil with a mellow sense of happiness in her face. It was not the soil of one particular area of the world. That would not matter. In that scale, that soil was familiar to her. That was where she belongs to without thinking of the borders, countries and people she might see. You might belong to a neighborhood, a city, a country, or a sphere depends on how you look at it.

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