
IMDb member since September 2012
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Black Panther

I wanted to like it, but it was honestly bad....
First things first, the culture and music of Black Panther was fantastic. I was wowed with their great way of blending African culture to the modern technology with the signature building and the "mask" plane with were genius design and all. The place was well designed and the deep culture was very believable. Moreover, the moment when Killmonger set foot in Wakanda, the music also changed, signifying the intrusion of him by starting mixing hip hop to tribal rhythm. All the technology was awesome and the black cast was top notch. Every tribes seems to have their own signature technology too. Micheal B Jordan was awesome as a villain and the scene with Killmonger and his dad was gold. However, ....

In before the next part, I am sorry guys, I really wanted to like Black Panther, after so many good reviews and hype from you guys, but I just could not. I probably get tons of downvotes and salt for this too.

The plot is just weird, it seems alright but part of me feels like I'm watching a cut version without some further scene to explain the plot for me.

Some stuffs:

  • Ok, King T'Chaka:

The former BP was forced to kill his younger brother because of his radicalization. N'jobu, his brother, was informing Ulysses Klaue, a criminal, about Wakanda and told him where can he attacked to get the Vibranium.

After killing his brother, he then proceed to leave, without any checking the room for notes, documents or information about Wakanda or his brother's colleagues. Furthermore, he also left the body behind for the cops to find and expose his kingdom to the world. ?

  • The museum heist:

Wow, a stealth heist, with great beginning, surprise, poisoning, hostages.... BANG. Everyone dies!!!

What? So why don't you storm in there, steal the Vibranium, then leave on an ambulance, seems still okay to me. Why planned a heist like that ended up in a robbery.

  • The Korean casino.

So the US wanted the most valuable metal in the world, Vibranium, and they had to buy it from a shady criminal, what should they do? Oh, send 1 single man to buy it, without guards, without planning, without extract points, in a fishy casino is SK.

  • After the casino:

It seems that Klaue miraculously survived a horrible accident with barely any injury. Cool, now let's capture him and hold him in the least secured room in the police station with nothing behind the wall and hope that he does not brings any friend with him that may rescue him. So it seems all Wakandans were just extra careless when it comes to putting Klaue behind bars.

Killmonger, aka Erik, aka N'Jadaka, who was N'jobu's son was a highly trained professional soldier, an undercover agent, a war veteran who was perfect in every way.

Is this not another Mary Sue/Marty Stu thing?

An important character with a tragic past now excel in every aspect in his life, overcome great odd and carry a mission for redemption of his past and takes vengeance to those who wronged him?

I have not lived in US yet, but it seems to me, a son of a criminal, now dead, with mom seems to be not in the picture much, can advance so much while hundred thousand of others kids with same fate ended up worse.

I am not saying he has no opportunity to do these things, it was just so convenient and easy to set him up like that to make him a badass villan and not very realistic too.

  • Erik, killing Klaue:

So Erik killed Klaue to earn some credit from the Wakandan, right? So why he had to struck a deal with Klaue before, seems to be no reason at all. He could just meet Klaue, kill him, come back to Wakanda, and earn some trust.

  • The weird loyalty of Wakandan:

" We will serve whoever sit in that throne, no matter how evil, foolish, dickhead they are". That is what I see in the political situation in Wakanda. Seriously, it is a miracle that this country has not ended up killing each other in civil war or destroyed themselves with Vibranium.

  • The Heart Shape plant:

So this plant gives people super power physically exceeding normal human. Cool. And let's not grow it any where else except this tiny room. In addition, when Killmonger was there, he just seems to be alright with burning the whole things down without thinking about consuming more to be stronger or giving his people this plant so they can rise up themselves.

  • The society:

Who get chosen to be outside herding sheep and who will have the right to stay in the technological advanced city. It is just unfair for people outside.

  • W'kabi:

Saying he is super loyal to the king 5 mins before he betrayed everything he knows including his long time friend and his lover with a strange dude who was born outside and also conveniently killed his nemesis. Hmmmm

  • Shuri:

The whole kingdom's technology innovation lays in the hands of a 16 years old girl without any other older person/scientist in sight. Hmmm

  • T'Challa to Killmonger after the big fight:

"I know you tried to kill me, my mom, my sisters (for fun), my friends, turned the country up side down, probably also plotted to overthrow world's governments, ignite social turmoil, and take over other's nations. But I will let you live."

To me, this moment, every character development, conflicts, ideology clash were rendered meaningless. The king did not learn.

  • T'Challa to the world:

Yes, Wakanda will open to the world, but please also notice that this nation's government is a totalitarian monarchy which leaders elected by a Mak'Gora or a fighting ritual where one can be beaten to dead. We are not barbarian at all.

And also some other things:

Most of the fight was in night time, and the characters were mostly black or in black suit. It just hard to concentrate on the fight. Shaky cams were horrible too.

A private plane flies from South Korea to Central Africa? Nice

Shuri was also kinda Mary Sue imo

The "Sneakers" was never mentioned again in the movie. Shame.

Killmonger's motive was good at first, then turned into weird racial politics with no convincing reason at all.

The Rhino seems to be able to identify friends from foes who actually were allies, too.

Predictable, but in MCU it is okay.

Too much CGI

I loved Thor: Ragnarok, it was a fun movie with exciting moments and fair storyline, but Black Panther did not achieve the same level as Ragnarok. Maybe I went to the cinema with my high hopes and expectation which was failed to be met. I thought a lot about writing this down because it seems contradict with almost everyone's opinion. On IMDB, the movie was first rated 7.1, the a massive influx of 10 pulled the rating to 7.9 where it is sitting right now. For me, this movie deserved a 6/10 at best.

No Escape

Review from a Vietnamese: Good movie but just no there yet
No Escape has me on the edge of my seat for several moments. The intensity of the movie is real. Well done producer, but you still miss the shot by that much.

The story is about Jack Dwyer and his families traveling to a South East Asian movie to settle down so he can work for a water company there. However, they soon find out that a coup has broken out and local rebels are trying to kill all foreigners they see because those foreigners are making them slave by control the water sources. Jack has to walk through hell, fight off enemies to escape to Vietnam.

Cool, really good plot. However, it can be much better. I want to know better about the villain, not just mindless criminals. I want a bit of side story and explanation. Although Mr.Hammond did explain a bit, I feel that detail is just too shallow and it is not developed good enough. I feel that bit is not necessary, a normal coup for power is fine for me. Don't mark everything America with star, stripes and eagle.

The movie also has several errors. Such as when Annie told her daughter to hide in the bathroom and lock, she ran the opposite direction in the bedroom, but later the wife was standing in front of the bathroom next to the main door (hotel, 1 bathroom only).

Also when the sniper try to kill them, Hammond and Kenny did a terrible job on keeping an eyes out. Moreover, if I am a rebel and I know they are staying up there, I will send several men to get them right there, not just staying in the tower and shoot. That is a terrible strategy.

Hammond was really cool character, but he does not have enough screen time, which is a total let down.

The ending scene was not well played, I feel it rushes too much and I feel they take only 5 minutes to get to Vietnam border. And the truck was chasing, if they planned to kill, why don't they just shoot when the boat still on the other side? What hold them back? I would prefer the ending scene on a road than the river. As I want to see a bit more standoff between Vietnamese force and rebels.

LIKE: Good plot Decent Acting Good "South East Asian" Atmosphere Hammond Intensity and violence Vietnam is safe haven

DISLIKE: Plot was not well developed in side story Movie errors and nonsense Screen time for Hammond was not enough Ending scene

OTHER STUFF FOR DISCUSSION: OK, the country in the movie, is not real. So calm down guys. It was filmed in Thailand, people speaking Laotian and minority languages and all the signs are in "up side down" Cambodian Khmer.

It is a movie okay? There is no country's city has direct fly from US and couple of miles away from Vietnam, of course.

I personally like this movie, it reflects partly the truth of several South East Asian countries now. Cambodia is going through big political war between the current gov and the politicians who want to wage a war with Vietnam. Thing was really tense at Vietnam's border couple of months ago.

I saw someone rated this movie bad and said it is a racist movie because white people escapes. Calm the f*ck down, it is an action movie, not a lovely soft humane story. Don't bring the refugee crisis in here, movie is movie, real life is real life.

Rate it 7.5/10

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