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Srpski film

Horrible and disturbing
This is a snuff wannabe movie. If watching a minor being sexually abused on film does not disturb you (which happens in this one) I bet insinuating sexual abuse of a murdered minor would. Also humiliation of women in chains, receiving all kinds of violent sexual attacks are there and non stop. At a moment main character gets raped under influence and this is when that main character realizes what he had been doing was nothing but wrong. Film crew seems like they enjoyed every moment of this. And it comes to a point where you think it is not a movie anymore it is like watching war crimes during Bosnian war. Really disgusting. Sorry not sorry for the spoilers!


Worst film of 2021 so far
I thought Shyamalan's "Old" was the worst film of this year until I saw this one..Acting is OK, filming is not bad. Altough the plot has a lot of potentials the final product is filled with pointless cliches. But it is such a boring film. Also what makes this a terrible film is comes from director's signature habit. Peele likes his plots dipped in poliitics. This time it is unbearable. Because it is too obvious and clumsy, for every victim who were destined to have horrible endings on screen are all white people. I like watching horror movies. But I certainly do not like films pretending to be horror movies but ending up as racist manifestos. I do not like racist films.

Midnight in the Switchgrass

Lame screenplay, boring film
Plot goes too many different directions at the same time and it does not arrive anywhere in the end. Bruce Willis sits down all through the film: this is not a walk and talk role for him. Hircsh has annoying accent and overacts non-stop. Story does not get beliavable for a moment. It does not get scarry, it does not get clever. Watchable only for laughs.

The Tomorrow War

Boring movie with scenes delivered from blocbusters
Stupid screenplay in every aspect written with a formula of five minutes of alien attack, five minutes of sentimental dialogue. Delievered scenes randomly from many blockbusters such as Aliens, Terminator II, The Edge of Tomorrow, World War Z.... And supposedly seven days passes without a night. ( sorry for this spoiler and the next one I am about to write...) In his shirtless scene Chris Pratt had to pull his stomach in that was funny This film falls into the category of never ending movies, when you think it is ended, it is not it still has twenty some boring mins left.

Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

Dynamic and thought provoking thriller in a documentary form
I'm blown away. Amazing documentary about a killer. Many plot twists and turns; you might feel disgusted by the idea of tortured pets and get very angry, but believe me it never falls on the graphic side. It leaves you with a question that needs an honest answer: Pop culture, movies and movie stars on one side and the voyeurs on the other side. And how much do we encourage the sick ones by being there all time, peeking?

When a Stranger Calls

Oh my Gosh!
I can not even believe this punch line "the calls are coming from inside the house" was first used in this movie. And it is not even a punch line in this one. Film has three parts. The first and the third part can be counted reasonable to some extent... But.... What was that almost an hour long second part? Made NO SENSE! This film is so miserable.

Ufak Tefek Cinayetler

A messed up mesh up
This TV show is obviously inspired from "Big Litte Lies". Designed for torkish female audience who'd like to see women in high fashion outfits. Has a hard to believe plot line and also poorly executed. No wonder this show has been cancelled in the middle of it's second season.

Into the Woods

I'll remember this one as "that darn musical!"
Film starts very fast, different characters and their stories seem to develop in a promising way with a song which has a catchy melody. And these are just about all good things I can mention about this movie. Then you begin to notice that the catchy tune is annoyingly repetitive and could be heard all thorough the movie in every song. A good musical should have at least three or two good songs. But this one hasn't got any that you'd like to whistle after you leave the theater.

As soon as characters' paths in the film start to intersect, lots of pointless stories begin to develop and none makes any sense, no character gets any anticipation. Film gets weirder and weirder.

Plot line doesn't have certain direction, it goes all over the place, in this case all over the woods. Then you get fed up with all this nonsense going on, stop caring what happens to whoever on the screen.

There are also disturbing moments. When Mr. Wolf meets Red Riding Hood. I don't know how to put that politely, but at one point, Johnny Depp's character seems like, he's trying to make pass at Red. Excuse me but this is repulsive. It seems like this scene is designed especially for satisfying some pedophile's dream. And believe me this is not the worst moment, gets worse. Some following scene, Baker takes of Red's hood, and as leaving her alone in the woods he kisses her on the cheeks. Creepy.

If you hadn't seen it yet, I recommend staying away.

Pek Yakinda

What this film is suffering from...
I had sworn not to view any of Yilmaz's movies after watching A.R.O.G couple of years ago. Since plot was similar to at least half a dozen of movies focused on prehistoric times and the jokes were made for an average of 11 year old viewers. I decided to call this kind of movie for dim wits.

So... after being raided by the teasers on TV for about two weeks, here I am. trying to put my dislike of this film in words.

First of all Mr. Yilmaz seems to have not changed his style of movie making a bit after A.R.O.G. I can see something's improved in his story telling but not much. This movie has no politic correctness, while the director Mr. Smarty Pants is making jokes about product placements in movies twice and making three major product placements, all lasting more than three minutes each. Minutes are valuable for story and character development in a movie but this one doesn't care for such an important ingredient. Valuable minutes fly away for a soft drink brand. This must be a way of screaming at the viewers face "I am smart you're dumb and you should be drinking this brand for the rest of your life". Nope! I don't buy it. I'd rather watch this brand's commercials than watching this movie. Because, at least commercials have more taste in story telling and they have honesty as a major plus: they admit they are made for selling a product. This movie is mostly focused on selling some soft drink. Not telling a story appropriately. They should be indicating on the posters that this movie is focused on advertising a certain brand so that viewers could know in advance.

And secondly... The conflict in this movie is too weak. Wify doesn't want this hubby. Because his line of work includes distribution of pirated copies of DVDs. Big whoop!Didn't she know what kind of person she was getting married to at the time she made that "commitment"? Obviously she had forgotten and suddenly

"bam!!" "I don't want this husband anymore" This doesn't happen in real life. An when it happens o the screen, I'm sorry, it doesn't make a bit of sense.

Third... Two main characters in this film are portrayed as nothing but two dumb flaming queens with a great will to mumble about a movie project which had been written more than 3 decades ago. And there is no depth to their characters. All they do is acting and talking feminine. Jokes about homosexuals have been made for so many years. So every joke about gay men in this movie have been made more than dozens of million times. How far could you go with old gay jokes in a movie. It gets old and believe me very fast to hear gay humiliation. A director of "this scale" (He considers himself a big one) shouldn't be feeding on such fear, fear of gay people.

Fourth cameos have no function in this movie and there are so many of them.

Fifth... Second half of the film is unbearable because it consists of variations of skits about making film with a short budget. Not only that, they are not laughable. Also another conflict added at the last quarter of the movie feels very rushed into the project at the very last minute. Doesn't tie well to the rest of the story.

I believe, for making a good film you need certain ingredients. A vital one is having a good screenplay. And good scripts need a lot of re- writings. This is a film project is obviously suffering from lack of re-writings.

If you have a lot of time to waste, you must see this film. Otherwise don't bother.

The Fault in Our Stars

Obviously in the stars
I can not believe how high IMDb ratings are for this movie! I give 1 to this one because this film has a simple plot and can be summarized in three sentences.

After you realize the whole film is nothing but a parade of clichés, you may decide to walk out because nothing original is going to happen. Or stay and try to figure out which of the leads would be dying first.

Acting is terrible and the fault is obviously in the stars: Gus character and Dad are not able to act, they only pause for the cameras. It gets annoying sometimes, and you start thinking after 15 minutes into the film, would this guy ever be able to keep his lips closed for once please. And he does not!

Film is so boring and this is nothing, it has more than one ending. So, when you have the feeling that it's coming to an end... this is wishful thinking. You are far from that happy moment. There is still too many ridiculous cliché moments to watch which are aimed to make viewers cry.

Do yourself a favor, do not watch it! And if it's to late, and you had already watched this piece of boredom. Please to others a favor and rate the film.


OK movie with a few wrongs
This is a watchable film if you are not expecting something deeper from an action movie. First of all designs of kind this post apocalyptic future is beautifully made. Plot has no surprises, pretty straight forward and you can easily predict what is going to happen next. Shailene Woodley is superb for the main character and Kate Winslett is great as ever. Acting of the rest is above average. For me this was an OK movie with a few wrongs.

Now I'd like to write about the things that didn't work for me: - Miles Teller's character seemed like that was added in the very last stages of the production. There is no depth to this person, as the film moves on he gets the very confusing, unnecessary. Feels like they'd decided to include this actor in no matter how, and probably they had decided to divide another character in two and open some space for this new invented character. Awkward. Also his acting has problems. Such as, every time he is on the screen it feels like he is reading lines from his previous films. Totally out of sense. - It was very nice to see Ashley Judd after so many years but this was a very small part also. - Jumping off the trains seems fun at the beginning but gets old pretty fast. - And also, why in earth jumping off a building where there is a hole in the ground should be scary for a girl who had just jumped off a train only couple of minutes ago? - And why would two take the same test secretly knowing all is recorded? What kind of secret is that?

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

This years best summer movie so far
Let's assume that you had already seen "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". It is now a decade later, mankind at least in San Francisco is on its knees. Much of human population has been wiped out by simian flu and the rest by wars among the survivors. In this post apocalyptic world the freed aped population hasn't fared much better; living like a stone age tribe, they only learned how to make spears, ride horses and speak some English. Even though human and ape populations haven't met yet, a clash is inevitable. This film focuses on the war between human and apes for dominance.

It has a well written, flawless story. CGI is above average and believable. There is a great deal of it: monkeys, horses, a bear and a very big explosion. Also acting is above average. The casting of relatively unknown actors (except for Gary Oldman) could have been a disadvantage, however it all seems to work.

It smoothly fits the pieces from the last film together and opens doors for another episode in the series.

Is it worth watching?

If you don't like monkeys, don't bother. But it is entertaining, there is hardly wasted time, fast paced and it's a good summer entertainment. This is the best summer movie I have seen so far in 2014.

And one final spoiler. Don't be fooled by the sound effects at the very end of the film, it is coming from the speakers.

The Angriest Man in Brooklyn

Such a waste of my time
I haven't seen such a weak film for a long time. This film falls apart in many levels. Characterizations are flat and none of the plot lines are believable, acting is.. is there any acting? That supposedly Uzbek taxi driver. What was that? Wrong accent, wrong everything. Even the screenwriter had no idea which parts of the movie they wanted to use him. When Robin Williams' character leaves the hospital he takes a cab. And who is the driver? No one in the whole film crew had no idea. Made no sense at all. The only convincing acting comes from Mila Kunis, and she plays the depressed doctor.

This plot is only worth for a trailer not for a feature movie. Just watch the trailer and what you're going to see will be the best moments of this film. The rest is not worth wasting your time.

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