
IMDb member since May 2004
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dark yet beautiful
'Blinded' is a dark movie, in a sinister setting in Scotland. Love, murder, adultery and deceiving are the key words in this beautiful yet moody film. Divine play by most actors. Some scenes reminded me of urban legends, where someone is, by chance, trapped in a desperate situation with terrible (or in this case acceptable?) consequences. The soundtrack is quite strange, but seems to be perfectly in harmony with the desolate and depressing environment. I saw the movie today during the International Film Festival in Ghent, and the audience (at least the people who accompanied me) all liked 'Blinded'. In a short interview we were told that the character of Rachel was based on a collection of Danish paintings owned by Michael Palin (!).

Ma mère

daring, but not cheap
As I watched the movie, I felt (probably like many others) somehow shocked by the powerful and explicit images. Yet it can't be said that this is merely done to make a controversial film. The viewer gets a slowly developing picture of the relationship between mother and son, or more correctly of the adaptation of mother's lifestyle by her son. Finally everybody is invited to morally judge the relations, actions and sayings of the main characters. But as most viewers are likely to enjoy the "forbidden" relationships or explicit scenes, who are we to give criticism? This film puts a whole new dimension in the concept of what is normal, allowed or understood as morally acceptable. It's sometimes almost revolting, and yet when you've seen the story-lines that led to these scenes, you may find the actions acceptable (or maybe I've a twisted mind). I would like to call the attention to the beautifully chosen soundtrack and the abrupt ending, which leaves the viewer a little bit disturbed.


good-looking but rather 'flat'
I think this movie is a good way to get a rater comprehensive image of pre-classical Greek culture, for those who have never read the iliad or been in touch with the ancient Greek civilization. The battles look spectacular, the setting is quite detailed and the cast is OK. For those who have actually enjoyed (or struggled their way through) Homer, some parts might be disappointing. The characters are rather flat and sometimes completely different from the original (Agamemnon and to some extent Hector). The romance between Achilles and Briseïs is overdone and it looks like somebody was desperately seeking a love-story in the iliad, couldn't find one (though the love of Andromache for Hektor was an opportunity somewhat maltreated)) and invented Achilles' love for Briseïs. The ending of the film is an actually violation of Homer's story (Agamemnon killed in Troy??) and poorly represents the 'the bad ones get what they deserve'-motive. Ah well, maybe I expected too much...Anyhow, nice try, and I hope this movie will encourage people to read the Iliad!

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