
IMDb member since March 2012
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    12 years



Better to go for a walk instead
I am generally ok with romcoms at the right time and place. This film was on local TV in Hungary so I sat down with family and watched it. Wish I hadn't.

The script is just plain boredom. Lines thrown in at random, no real storyline or characters. Really? This is what comes out of a 900M HUF budget? I have seen some shambolic acts in my life, but this is one of the top ten.

With my friends we used to make sport of watching IMDB's bottom 100 films. We came across some really bad, that deservedly belonged to the worst 100, but definitely watched one or two that can easily be replaced with a film like this. This film is definitely not in the region of 6.x points. More like between 2-3.

Thanks for reading.

Magyar vándor

It is just so bad... painful.
One bad thing with movies as a commercial product as opposed to for example a piece of clothing bought in a shop that you can not get your money back once you pay for your ticket and the show starts. You simply can not unwatch a movie and tell the cashier you do not like it, so want the money back. There is also no possibility to claim your wasted time. Now, thse were the thoughts that came to my mind when I walked out after about half an hour. This film is just a clear example of bad writing, film making and production. I wonder how producers saw any potential in the script in the first place. Well, I have wasted enough of my time on the film, this is only to warn people against watching it. Stay away!

Destination Wedding

Awful, just simply awful
I am quite sad that the producers were able to lure two talented people into the roles. The result is watching a two hours dry conversation with some admittedly witty lines, but other than that not much happens. There are no supporting characters with a proper line to add to the whole experience or to the storyline either. It feels like the script had loads of potential, but was delivered at a high-school film/drama class level. Fortunately I have not paid to watch it, but took 100 minutes of my life that I will not be able to claim back from the makers of the film. Stay away from this film and spend your time with something more meaningful.

In the Land of Blood and Honey

Exceptionally..... bad.
It was just too much to watch this film. Not in sense of what it wants to say but time wise. Wanted to leave around half time but was together with friends so stayed. I recommend you not to bother watching it as it has nothing to offer that a European does not know about the Jugoslavian war. From the perspective of romantic storyline it is also very shallow. The unfortunate thing about this film is that a talented actress tried to make a film with quite a good cast, but none of them will be looking back at it proudly.

Money not too well spent (meaning here the budget of film and the price I paid for the ticket).

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