
IMDb member since December 2011
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Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

OK gameplay, Bad story
The rather positive things first: the gameplay as well as the graphics are fine. Some levels are really beautiful others feel very messy optically. They are also very very linear except for one, but that one is all over the place and they should have stuck with linear. But it's fine if you ignore that not even knee high barriers often won't let you through, but that's rather me hating stuff like that and not of real consequences. I just wish they wouldn't do that.

The jobs system is very nice and kinda carries the whole game motivation wise and was the only thing that kept me playing. Though the main difference to me was still which weapon you were using though also some lost potential there.

But here the big negative that makes me feel like I wasted the roughly 20 hours I put into the game: the story and the characters were as dull as a prop knife. The voice artists didn't help much either (at least for the English version), almost all dialog felt lifeless and sterile. To be fair, the twist at the ending was quite nice, but still not enough to make up for all the dullness before.

Doctor Who: The Devil's Chord
Episode 2, Season 1

Sure much potential...
... but it gets ruined because RTD can't play it straight.

I kinda wish they would still have a pauper's budget again, because it seemed to have worked mich better during his first run. Yes he was also campy there and also at times edged on the thin line between "a little silly" and "completely bonkers". But with this episode he completely wrecked that line.

The villain was extraordinary. Or could have been if they didn't run their mannerisms into the ground. A little less forced drama, a bit tighter pacing, especially during the "final battle" and this could have been an absolute delight.

And don't get me started on that musical number at the end. I enjoyed it in the first episode, but here it felt so overly forced and was not fun at all. More like a parody of Austin Powers. Horrible.

The Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor
Episode 7, Season 1

Most stupid battle tactics since GOT's long night...
Seriously. How hard can it be to film a decent big battle. Me to to nothing here makes sense. The syndicate's battle tactic is just as ridiculous stupid as is the way Boba Fett's army is fleeing (if you ever get hunted down by heavy weapons, disperse in separate directions, do not start together as a big group and just run down the straight big road they can easily follow you)

Psychonauts 2

A weird game
A weird game in the best ways, from art design to game mechanics as well as the story. They basically did everything right. And that's where the real "weird" for me kicks in. I feel like I liked this game way less than I should have. It's very unusual to me to grow tired of a game I like, but it happened quite often with this one. Which it shouldn't have because it's simply an amazing game... A yeah... Weird...

The Simpsons: The Star of the Backstage
Episode 1, Season 33

People are being too dramatic...
Was it a great episode? No certainly not, but it also wasn't the trainwreck many people make it out to be. Sure, musical episodes are always kinda hit or miss and I'm not the biggest fan in general either, but they still got a few cute ideas in there. As I said, not a great episode, but still ok.

Mortal Kombat

I'd rather watch the cutscenes from MK11 again.
I don't have that huge of a history with the game, so maybe I missed a ton of easter eggs and fine details that would have made my experience with that movie better. But even if the target audience are just the hardcore fans of the he genre, a lot of the fighting felt clunky and didn't make any sense at all.


Don't understand the negativity
Is it great television? No, it isn't. Like the original show wasn't great television either. It wasn't even great when compared to other stuff at that time. I understand that nostalgia is a thing and I too enjoyed the show back then. But the show got the problem every reboot has: if it strays from the original it's not true to "original material", if it just does everything the same way it's not innovative enough. Also and I can't stress that enough, the "original material" was a very basic TV show itself. Not sure if I'm gonna continue watching it, since there's still tons of supposedly better stuff on my netflix watch list, but it's no way as bad as folks make it out to be.

Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth
Episode 1, Season 11

Solid for introducing a new doctor and a whole new team
Not the best episode I have seen, if this was in the middle of season I might tend more to a 7 maybe, but as it's a new doctor and new companies I think I it's ok to give them some time to grow together. I mean, of course the characters are not fleshed out yet, but I see potential. I also like Jodie's doctor... I like her accent and her quirkiness is something fresh again after capaldi's grumpiness, but we will see how this developes further. I'll admit that the monster was a bit generic, but I'd rather don't have an overbearing entity in an episode which mostly is there for introducing new characters. But i really hope we see something better in the rest of the season.

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