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The Alienist: Angel of Darkness: Gilded Cage
Episode 4, Season 2

I thought they did a great job with the reveal of Libby as the killer, and the actress does a great job of selling that she's completely messed up. The entire party sequence was also really well done.

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness: Labyrinth
Episode 3, Season 2

Strong episode
This is simply an episode that works really well. The plot moves along really smoothly.

The Owl House: The First Day
Episode 13, Season 1

An okay episode. I think the magic school stuff has been going a little too slowly and has become a little obvious. However, I liked the new faces in this one and the threat was impressive. I'm really liking Principal Bump and this episode was no exception.

Amphibia: Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire
Episode 3, Season 2

The whole character having to learn a lesson thing is getting old, but this was still a funny episode. The first half is stronger than the second.


Good show
Blindspot is a pretty gosh darn good FBI show.

This is just one of those things that is generally entertaining. There is a nice mix of more serious stuff and sakes with some decent humor causing the show to never feel like its trying too hard to be dark or light.

Sure, it has it lows. The filler episodes in season three feel recycled while season four has good filler episodes, but a weak over-arching story. A couple of the supporting FBI members lack chemistry. But it also has some great highs, including some great comic relief, a fine performance from lead Jaimie Alexander, and a unique feel.

I recommend this.

Blindspot: Iunne Ennui
Episode 11, Season 5

Such a last episode!
Holy crap, I'm wowed by this episode. It pays such a strong nod to the entire show. I'm shocked at how hard they went with the cameos.

The story and stakes were so well done too. The "is Jane dead or not" ending is pretty darn controversial but I give the show credit for going big at the end. A crazy amount of thought and effort went into this finale and I tip my hat to everyone involved.

Doom Patrol: Dumb Patrol
Episode 7, Season 2

The Scants are great foes. So many fun bits. Mostly everyone has great moments. For most characters, they're very funny, but Caulder has a wonderfully dramatic part.

Only thing is that recently Rita feels TOO overt-the-top. They could've brought her back a bit and her struggle this season feels too forced.

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness: Something Wicked
Episode 2, Season 2

Continuing well
Same as last episode: great cast, dark story, and sets. However, the villains still feel too broadly written.

Stargirl: Brainwave Jr.
Episode 10, Season 1

Best episode
This is a very good episode. It contains some wonderful moments and fight scenes. It'd be perfect if they didn't beat you over the head with that one steadfastly held assumption of Stargirl. Her theory is handled in such a dumb manner.

The Alienist: Angel of Darkness: Ex Ore Infantium
Episode 1, Season 2

Great start
Glad to see The Alienist hasn't missed a beat. Same edgy storytelling, same great trio of actors, and same great historic set design. Only downside is that the corrupt powerful people feel very broadly written.

Amphibia: The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter
Episode 2, Season 2

Fun episode
Both segments are funny and a little wild. I really liked the new character designs in this.

The Owl House: Adventures in the Elements
Episode 12, Season 1

Parts of this felt a bit basic, but it was pretty funny. Nice to see character growth with Amity and more sides to her siblings.

Doom Patrol: Space Patrol
Episode 6, Season 2

Good episode
Again, a great episode. This is really a character-piece one and it's pretty interesting for something without a major threat. However, the Rita subplot didn't really work for me.

Stargirl: Brainwave
Episode 9, Season 1

Good episode
One of the better written episodes of the show. Brainwave's origin story through video tape exhibition was a particularly striking origin story of one man's descent. However, I felt that they pushed the "dark thoughts of humanity" part way too much. The fact that the lawyer was trying to get his client killed for suddenly introduced reasons felt way too forced.

The Owl House: Sense and Insensitivity
Episode 11, Season 1

A pretty fun episode with some pretty good lines. (King really kills it this episode.) However, I am worried that elements of the story felt a little too much like earlier ones. You can only have so many episodes about someone trying to trick the heroes. (They do it twice, here!) I did like that we got to see Eda and her sister work together.

Amphibia: Handy Anne/Fort in the Road
Episode 1, Season 2

Decent premiere episode
Amphibia is back with the same energy, humor, and characters we've gotten to known. The Anne and the Plantars are traveling outside the valley, and it's already looking promising. The outer lands have been teased since early next season, and I'm pleased to say that so far the area is promising and has this "great unknown" feel to it. I also appreciate how the show's taking a big leap from moving away from the frog town and its folk to a "journey" format. (Though, the journey could only last a little while and the characters return to to town. Let's wait and see.)

I'm glad that the show is back with the same tempo, but I was hoping for the writers to kick things up a notch in the second season like Star Vs. the Forces of Evil and Gravity Falls. However, this is the first episode. I'm probably being too hard.

Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2

Pretty good
I found this documentary show about the creation of Frozen 2 to be pretty good.

The animation process differs from live-action and you learn some interesting stuff. The best parts are what doesn't make it into the film and why. You also get to see the stress of the creators trying to get this movie right and meeting the deadline and the expectations that come with a sequel to a huge hit. Everyone interviewed is dedicated to making this film work and it shows. Co-director and screenwriter Jennifer Lee is definitely the MVP as you can see both her passion and anxiousness.

Most of this takes place within the Disney animation studios, which is also a visually pleasing place to watch.

Be aware that this only the last third of the film's production and not the whole thing. There are a few moments, mostly in the first episode, where people are introduced or intentionally acting for the camera.

Overall, if you liked Frozen 2, you'll probably like seeing what went into it.

Blindspot: Love You to Bits and Bytes
Episode 10, Season 5

Fun episode
Perhaps it's odd to to do a funny episode this late in the game, but it's a nice refresher after the tense events of the last couple episodes. I've found Kathy to be hit and miss in the past, but she works here better than ever before. This'll be the last humorous episode, and I'm glad they gave Rich, Patterson, and Boston one last chance to shine.

Stargirl: Shiv Part Two
Episode 8, Season 1

More pros and cons
Stronger than part one, including a great fight scene and raised stakes. However, the characters still make poor decisions and Cindy can still be too over-the-top.

Doom Patrol: Finger Patrol
Episode 5, Season 2

This episode was definitely something
The darkest episode, maybe a bit much, but well written. Cliff gets a really funny bit. I felt Rita was written a little too farcical in this.

Blindspot: Awl In
Episode 7, Season 5

Low energy episode
Not a lot of exciting things happened in this. Also, a lot of Madeline, which is not a good thing, since she is not an entertaining villain. The actress always seems to have just one facial expression.

Still, I wouldn't say anything made this a particular snoozer, either. Besides, Rich is always fun.

Doom Patrol: Pain Patrol
Episode 3, Season 2

Red Jack provides another fine villain for another fine episode
Be prepared. This is probably the most violently dark episode in the show.

Visually, this episode looks great. At first, I had my doubts about the visual changes from Red Jack's original comic appearance. But, on viewing I really liked the look. The actor does a great job as the villain.

Again, this is a pretty darn good character piece with the whole cast. Another great look at the complex Niles Caulder. However, I did feel that Robotman behaved in a manner a little too cartoonish.

Stargirl: Shiv Part One
Episode 7, Season 1

Pros and cons
Interesting episode as we learn about CIndy and follow her and Courtney's intersecting paths. The main fight is good.

However, the basic teenage drama is still pretty basic. Even as we get to learn more about Shiv some really good ideas are done with her, her constant mean teen dialogue is still vexing. Also, the high school stuff and the dark, dark stuff don't mesh well.

Doom Patrol: Fun Size Patrol
Episode 1, Season 2

Nice opener
We get another strong character piece as we're introduced to Dorothy Spinner. The episode is expectedly nuts.

Doom Patrol: Tyme Patrol
Episode 2, Season 2

Dr. Tyme!!!
Dr. Tyme, they plucked out a minor Doom Patrol villain (he only officially fought them once) and did such a great, fun job with him. Not to mention that they actually successfully managed to adapt one of, if not the, weirdest, most high concept supervillain masks in comics.

As is par with the show, all the characters get to shine, especially Caulder, Negative Man, and Cyborg. Timothy Dalton delivers a nuanced award-level performance as we look at the reasons behind Caulder's actions. Negative Man's plotline is a poignantly tragic affair.

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