
IMDb member since November 2011
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    IMDb Member
    12 years



Unwatchable... not really.
Unwatchable, but not in the way the filmmakers probably intended. They obviously feel they have made a thought provoking and important piece, but they haven't. It is a piece of exploitation I fear they have used to try and further their careers.

The film itself has a self important air to it, but lacks the subtlety, narrative structure or any form of character development (and I do appreciate it is only 6 minutes long) that would make the rape scene as shocking as it should be. Sorry it wasn't unwatchable. You want a shocking scene of violence, consider David Lean's 1948 'Oliver Twist' when Bill Sykes kills Nancy - you see nothing, but feel everything! The Director could learn a lot from watching that.

This was an opportunity to inform and motivate, but sadly it is an opportunity missed. Poorly conceived and directed, this piece of exploitation certainly does not bring to mind Messrs Fincher, Glazer and Cunningham.

As a footnote, I would be curious to know how many of the filmmakers have stopped using their mobile phones or avoided upgrading them recently?

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