
IMDb member since October 2003
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    IMDb Member
    20 years


El extraño amor de los vampiros

Beats the hell out of INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE!!
Delirously, delicious Spanish vamp-opera!!

Don't know if Neil Jordan ever has seen this one.

but the similarities are striking, with the showing of the "alternate" vampire society.

But this one is rather more enjoyable than Ho'woods multi X $$$$$$$$$$ X hype (and so called "clever" scripts".

Leading girl is just so neck-bitingly juice nice,

how can you blame an aging, lonely count? With nice, lush cinematography (or photos as the credits claim),

super lovely 70s girls, nice atmosphere, and with the sort of dubbing you've come to expect and love for a good piece of 70's Eurotrash (way off).

Sahara Cross

Can a film with Franco Nero go wrong?
This gem is quite unusual for italian films of the area. It's a contemporary actionthriller taking place in the Tunisian desert. Franco and Co. is a team of oilprospectors working for a huge corporation. At the same time the region is plagued by Redarmy-style terrorists. Franco is great as usual, so is the rest of the cast. And the on-location direction by Tonino is spirited and features Steadycam-work (the first for an italian production?). And there's even a man to man battle with heavy machinery. The music, so essential to the flavour of italian films of the time, is by no other than Riz Ortolani and perfect for those selfmade bootleg soundtracks.

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