Reviews (15)

  • To start with this show is super entertaining and is a lot of fun ... Fiji is just beautiful and the show displayed the island in a beautiful way. The camera work is amazing and the hosting by Bear Grylls is Good too. All the challenges put forth seemed to be very demanding and it was interesting to see the participants conquer every task at their own pace and intellectual level. Any person who likes even a little bit of adventure will love watching this show. None of the episodes seemed boring however the last 3 episodes became a little less interesting as the winner of the race was announced on the 7th episode itself.

    The only thing that i didn't like about the show is the amount of screen space that the American teams occupied. The backstories of certain teams were inspirational I agree but all the teams with an inspiring back story happened to be American and they ended up getting most of the screen time and to be honest, even certain American teams with not much of a backstory ended up getting more screen time than the other teams. The irony is that none of the American teams made it to the top 10 but despite the positions, all the American team got enough Screen time than any other. For example, there is a team called "The Able Abels" and this team quit in the middle of the race for no profound reason and still, you could see more of this team on the show than certain teams that made it to the top 10 and this is unfair. One could say that this is an American show and that's why the show was focused on the American teams but I would not agree because it doesn't make sense to invite teams from all around the world and keep focusing on the American teams just because the makers are Americans. If the makers wanted to display the American teams so badly then they might as well invited only the Americans to participate in the race.

    having said this, The Worlds Toughest Race has every potential to become on the best adventure racing showers to be ever made and it all depends on if the makers are able to find a common ground from the next season and display teams irrespective of the country of origin in a fair manner. Looking forward to more of this show.
  • I am not denying the fact that this show is entertaining and fun but what keeps running in the head is the behaviour of all characters in this show .. Is it exaggerated or do all High school teenagers behave like this in reality nowadays? When I question the behaviour of the students it is not in a good way... Majority of the students(characters) are spoilt. I have been a teenager myself so I can understand that these people are in their Maturing phases and not everyone is in the best of their behaviours and I can also understand how much Sex, Alcohol and Drugs are in the mind of every teenager but I honestly feel that every aspect of a teenager's life is portrayed exaggeratedly on this show. Most of the characters in this show lack Respect, Discipline, Politeness, Responsibility, Courtesy, Integrity etc. The attitude and behaviour of these students toward the people around are questionable and there are also scenes where they isolate their fellow school mates for Biased and Selfish Reasons. Again let me reiterate, I have experienced and also been responsible for some of such things that I have done as a teenager but I have never experienced nor done anything so wrong or ill-mannered to the extent of how its shown in the show... So has this become the new reality for teenagers? Thinking about sex and being ill-behaved all the time? If that's so it is a sad thing and I hope when people watch this show they see the behaviour of these teenagers and take it as an example of how not to be rather than getting influenced by them and practising it in their day to day life.
  • Major part of the movie is a group of people moving in and around a property trying to find a way out . This is a typical B grade movie where most aspects of it is Mediocre . The acting is amateursih , the characterisation is preposterous and the screenplay isn't that good either . The action sequences that comes here and there are the silver linings of the movie otherwise even for the standards of a B grade movie there isn't anything Note worthy about it. If one is choosing to watch a B grade movie they Probably know what to except , one obviously will not except a "Halloween" or a "Friday the 13th" while choosing such movies. Keeping that in mind one can decide whether to go for this or not .
  • So yeah the movie is actually pretty engaging and its backed with an amazing backdrop and a solid performance from Nikolaj . However this movie is far from being unforgettable as it is let down by a cliched climax. The last 15-20 mins of the movie makes its feel like its just an another serial killer movie .. The movie lacked originality that at some point it had to resort to the way a serial killer movie would usually go. People who are fond of this genre could enjoy watching this movie without any expectation once ..
  • This movie is nothing but 70 mins of what the heck is going on .. 15 mins into the movie I lost my interest to watch it further but I sat through waiting for a moment where everything will make sense .

    This movie is downright boring ... there is literally nothing in this movie to spend your 70 mins for ... I only blame myself for choosing this movie on a Friday night .
  • The only advantage that this movie provides is that its not that boring , Otherwise the movie has nothing noteworthy . People just use their guns every 5 - 10 mins because its an action move , There are no actions sequences that stands out .. the plot is so predictable that you could literally guess in the beginning how the antagonist is going to die at the end of the movie . Not sure what purpose Mel Gibson had to be a part of this movie .

    Not much of movies are releasing in this COVID time and you would have probably run out of movies/shows to watch ... Pick this movie play it on the TV and do some other work of yours on the Side . 90 mins of undivided attention is not required for this movie..
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Honestly I had no idea about this movie I only watched it because of the 8.2 rating in IMDB. The Movie started of with relatable and light moments which were pleasant and satisfying. Introduction of Adi's character was the best part of the movie ... The whole movie became enjoyable after his introduction. His character , His relationship with his mom , His attitude and his approach to life were all mesmerising .There is a particular scene where Adi takes Dia to a Graveyard and gives her some advise on life, Those advises were just so realistic and Sincere that's I felt that how good one's life would turn out if they started to Follow it . The movie Should have ended when Dia realises she is in Love with Adi and they both Hug it out in the train But instead the Director Probably Felt Hmm I can't end the movie like this .. the audiences should feel shock .. so let me just add another 40 mins of drama and Hypocrisy and spoil a perfectly well made Movie .... Having Been so impressed with Adi's advise in the graveyard I just can't accept the fact that he would resort to suicide in the climax of the movie ... The entire drama that happened in Adi's Life was just so Unnecessary and Unwarranted . The Stupidity of the last 40 mins has made me repent this movie irrespective of the pleaseantness I felt during the former part of the movie .
  • I saw a few horror movies which were released in recent times like mama,the possession,apparition,etc.. and i was not really impressed with the outcome of those movies so i kind of lost interest in horror movies and i was not at all interested in watching the conjuring in theaters but the raving reviews in all websites made me change my mind and i decided to give the conjuring a go.After watching the movie i was thoroughly satisfied with the outcome of the movie, everything about the movie was almost perfect.Acting, story and screenplay all were top class.there were a lot of scenes which gave me goose bumps and i raised up my back a little from my seat out of scare and these scenes are the highlights of the movie.Overall this movie is definitely worth the money and it is a must watch for all.
  • As Red 2 is a sequel to Red and its very obvious that it will follow the footsteps of Red.For a sequel to become successful it should either be better or equally good as its prequel, Red2 is neither better nor worse, Red 1&2 are equally good.The audiences who made Red successful will definitely make Red2 Successful as well but if the team is planning to make Red3 they should make sure that its better than Red1&2 For it to become successful.

    To talk more about Red2 i would say that the Story line & screenplay is pretty good and the Performances of lead actors is superb"John Malkovich's performance is the best amongst all", The fight sequence between Bruce Willis and Bryung-Hun Lee is very good.One liners from Willis is really really hilarious & Malkovich's body Language boosts up the fun.

    A movie like Red2 should be loaded with action and i found the amount of action sequences lesser than expected and this is where Red2 let me down, Either the existing action sequences should have been longer or there should have been more action sequences.

    Overall, Red2 is a good entertainer and it will surely be liked by those who liked Red.
  • Firstly i would like to make some clarifications regarding the genre of this movie.I don't think this movie should be put under the category of action or comedy or thriller, if i was the owner of this title i would have put it under the category of "BOREDOM". This movie definitely fails to thrill and there was hardly one scene which made me laugh, So if anyone is expecting to have a good laugh or thrill by watching this movie "Cottage Country" is not the right movie to watch. There is nothing different or new in this movie, this movie is nothing but bits and pieces of other horror movies put together. Tyler Labine's performance is the only positive factor in this movie and that's the reason why i am rating it with 3 stars and not 1. My advice to those who are thinking about picking this movie is to omit this movie and pick another.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first 20-30 mins of the movie is really good, i had a very good laugh and it made me feel that the rest of the movie is going to blow my mind but it did not happen the rest of the movie just collapsed and fell apart. In this movie the hero "charlie" falls in love with the heroine "cam" and when things start to go well between them he starts to fear that he might lose her because of the so called "lucky charm" factor and he does lose her and the movie does not end there as towards the end of the movie charlie wins her back and this part of the movie really amused me because he just did it so easily, it was as if charlie misplaced his wallet and after searching his house for some time he has finally found it and i also found the reason behind cam leaving charlie very stupid because if cam was really in love with charlie she would have understood the situation which charlie is in and as a girl friend she would have helped charlie out of his situation, but instead of doing that she decides to stay away from charlie, she doesn't even make an effort to help charlie out of his situation and i don't call this true love, the relationship between charlie and cam is much inferior to love.
  • Jackie chan who is well know for martial arts and dare devil stunts does not disappoint his fans in this movie.Chinese zodiac packs a punch, this movie has a very good story line and a lot of action sequences which are choreographed brilliantly and are a treat to watch.Jackie chan is 59 years old and the stunts he has performed in this movie proves that age is just a number and his body is very young as always.The only flaw in this movie is the dubbing, i found the dialogues hard to understand without subtitle, so i had to watch the movie again with English subtitle to understand the story of the movie.This movie should not be missed by action movie fans or Jackie chan fans, its a must watch!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well the story line of the movie is pretty simple, its about an army guy who comes back to his town after 8 years and he finds that things have changed and the town has gotten into the hands of bad people and he fights to get the town back like before.the movie runs for around 75 mins(without taking end credits into account), this clearly shows that there is not much of a story involved in the movie & there are no unwanted scenes which are not part of the movie either, the screenplay of the movie is pretty compact it concentrates only on one thing which is the basic plot of the movie and this makes the movie interesting and not advice for those who want to enjoy this movie is that to watch this movie without any high expectations.
  • From the beginning till the end singam2 is an all in all action entertainer, Surya's acting & screen presence boosts the screenplay of the movie.Though Danny sapani does a fair enough job a villain like Prakash raj is missed.Addition of Santhanam to the cast provides better hilarious scenes & hansika motwani does a brilliant job to her role, i don't think anyone else could have done a better job.Songs are visually good and they fit perfectly in the movie as there as no unwanted songs at unwanted situations. Director Hari should be appreciated for not repeating the mistakes which he committed in singam1. Overall singam2 is a perfect sequel for a perfect entertainer !! don't miss it !!
  • The genre of this movie is one of my favorite genre's.This movie has a very good script & the lead actors have done a very good job by satisfying their roles in the movie, the movie also has a few touching moments and the best part of the movie is the locations, The natural beauty of the places like ATTU ,NEVADA..Etc are portrayed very beautifully in the movie, in fact it has made me want to visit these places. But all the good things about this movie is let down by a very average screenplay.The narration part of the movie sometimes irritates. The movie would have been much better if it was more of drama-adventure instead of drama-adventure-comedy or the movie makers should have had a better sense of humor for the comedy part to work in the movie. This movie should have definitely been better, the story deserved a better movie than this.