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If you have a pulse then stay away from this one
I just finished watching this movie and I was expecting a hidden gem. What I got instead was a wasted two hours. This movie is in no way horrifying, on top of that it lacks a plot. The story is extremely slow moving and one would find more enjoyment in watching paint dry. I think the people who vote so highly on this are people who consider themselves "film buffs" and are trying desperately to seek out the next best hidden gem. These peole come along a film like this and think that because it is different (in a bad way) but nevertheless because they see it's different, they think that it is the next best thing because they equate different and foreign to mean greatness. To them I say this, I am a film buff and have a masters degree in film and media arts and this film in no way ranks up there with the best. I would not recommend this to anyone, steer clear of this one... 3/10

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

Excellent Movie
I went to see this movie with my sister and we both went into it with an open mind knowing that it was no Oscar worthy movie and that it wasn't going to break any Hollywood conventions or clichés. With that being said, we both really enjoyed the movie! It plays out much like the first with the revealing of secret messages that they have to unscramble and different clues of that sort. The story line is fun and it reminded us both of a "Goonies" for adults. So if you were a fan of the first or a "Goonies" or summer action movie fan, go see this, you won't be disappointed it is a pure popcorn movie from beginning until end!


Okay now I went to see this film because people were comparing it to Titanic, a film in which I liked very much. I also went to see it b/c I heard it will most likely be up for an Oscar. The film for me, however, was an overall let down. Sure the film was artistic and had symbolism in it but the story told did not engross me on the screen. There is no real build up of the love or connection between Cecilia and Robbie. Also there is no build up of the longing that Robbie and Cecilia feel for each other as I'm sure there is in the book. So basically there is no real love story although there is supposed to be. This left me with a rather flat view of the circumstances that were to be driving this film. In Titanic, you get the feeling that Rose and Jack have loved each other all of their lives when in fact they have not know each other for more than a week. In Atonement you only get the feeling that they have just met and that Robbie would like to get back to Cecilia; when what you should be getting is the sense that these two lovers are meant for each other and there is nothing that either of them won't do in order to be in each others arms again. I guess what this film is lacking is more obstacles and a lot more character and story development. No way should this film be up for an Oscar. Sure it's artistic but aren't films made to be entertaining, engrossing, and artistic? If so, there are more choices that I would put up for an Oscar before Atonement.

The Golden Compass

This movie by far sets the standard for all these children/young teen book adaptations that are coming out. I hope Spidewick Chronicles follows suit of this film. This film is great from beginning until end. A new world is cast upon you and the way in which things "are" is set up perfectly for you and you are not left feeling left out. From demons to flying machines and battling polar bears, this movie has it all. The story line is a good one and is paced very well. The polar bear is a great character. I don't really want to give anything away, but I loved the movie and anyone who likes the Potter films or Narnia will indeed enjoy this, if not more so, I know I did. This film is not a let down matter of fact I think I will see it again.

30 Days of Night

Town in Alaska, 30 days of night, blood thirsty vampires... almost priceless

30 Days of Night abandons the cliché of the Romantic vampire and instead dives right into their primal nature.

A town in Alaska, last sunset before being plunged into 30 days of darkness, a pack of bloodthirsty vampires... almost priceless. Being that I am an avid vampire film fan and love the allure of vampires in general, I was very pleased with this film. It puts a welcome twist on the vampire and we see them here as more a pack of wolves crying out their morbid call once they attack and feed on their prey. They attack their victims by slashing their sharp nails into their victims like a meat cleaver. They would also use a single victim as bait letting them walk the town crying out for help as they stalked along the roof tops. They even have their own primal language with noises and clicks. The look of a few the vampires was eerie, they had narrow and elongated faces with closely placed and angled eyes. I feel that all of the vampires should have had this look.

The setting is a great one if you are a vampire, no sun for 30 days gives you a constant feeding frenzy not having to worry about the rise of the sun. This is what gives the film it's edge. You are right there on the edge of your seat watching and wondering how these poor townsfolk who are cut off from the rest of the world for 30 days will survive when they don't even have the hope to survive until morning when the sun comes up.

This was almost a great film. Lots of blood and killing, a new approach to the vampire, a great setting and tense scenes throughout. The only thing this movie lacked was a little bit in the set up but I'm not sure it is really needed. However, we never find out where these vampires come from and how they got to Alaska. But the thing that really kills this films greatness is the ending. It just ends! Where did the vampires go and why, they just disappeared. It seems like the writer took the easy way out. Even though the ending was lame I still rank this as a must see and a must buy once the DVD comes out, my overall rating 8 of 10.

Good Luck Chuck

Comedy, Alba and Boobs "Oh My"!

Good Luck Chuck is at it's base your typical guy meets girl, guy falls in love with girl, guy messes it up and girl gets mad, guy has to try and win girl back film. But it is funny.

The basis of the film and the belief of the main character Charlie Logan (Dane Cook) is absurd. Charlie believes that as a result of him sleeping with a girl, the girl then finds true love and gets married to the next man she meets. Hey it's a comedy and this is Hollywood so it serves it's purpose. The problem arises however when Charlie meets the cute and clumsy Cam Wexler (Jessica Alba). Cam has her guard up at first but lets it down to Charlie and the two have a good old time that is until Charlie can not help himself from sleeping with Cam- and who could. After sleeping with Cam, Charlie is afraid he will lose her so he goes balls to the wall (stalker style) in order to show his love and affection for Cam. This in turn pushes her away and we then have the protagonists struggle to win the girl back.

This is an overall good comedy with funny parts throughout although it does suffer in certain areas. Alba is a feast for the eyes, especially in her underwear and her acting helps hold together the very poor performance of Cook, who's performance should have changed the name of the movie to "Good Luck Dane" for his likelihood of ever getting an acting gig again. But again, this is a comedy so we aren't excepting an Oscar dance from him. Alba's clumsiness at times gets a bit much and overdone however it doesn't quite get to the point of annoying. The standout in this movie other than the adorableness of Jessica Alba is that of Stu (Dan Fogler). He out shines Cook's performance both comedically and acting wise, which will surely land him in many more buddy comedies. I would definitely recommend this movie for a good laugh, Jessica Alba and how could I ever forget the barrage of boob shots (unfortunately none of which are Alba's). My overall score considering this is a comedy is 6 out of 10.


Rise does not rise to it's competition!

This is another in what seems like will be a trend of movies/wannabe's in the wake of "Underworld". Surely "Rise" hoped to ride the coat tails of "Underworld's" success, however it comes up way short.

This movie suffers from poor story development. The viewer is thrown into a world with out learning it's rules and not really ever getting to know them. There is no back story to let you know about the Cult or "Bloodfeeders" as I call them since they are not given a name. There is also no real story arc other than the fact that Sadie Blake (Lucy Liu) wants to get revenge on the "Bloodfeeders" for making her one of them. The time-line jumping the film is unnecessary and would have probably benefited better if it went with the linear approach.

As far as the acting goes, sure Lucy Liu is fun to look at but she is not a screamer. What I mean by that is she does not fulfill the female in distress character very well. Her reactions and shrieks to moments that scare her do not seem real, you can tell she is acting. You would think she would be a great candidate for an ass kicking "Bloodfeeder" killer with movies such as "Charlies Angels" and "Kill Bill" but her acting is just adequate and one dimensional.

The best part of the movie is within the first five minutes and that's only because you get to see Cameron Richardson's (Super Cross) phenomenal naked body. You can call me a perv but that's the truth.

All in all if you are hoping for this movie to match up with "Underworld", you will be disappointed. However, if you liked "Blood and Chocolate", another wannabe, then you will probably like this movie. I give this movie a 5 out of 10. Oh and by the way, it is left open to a sequel, one in which I will not be watching.

The Village

Where'd he go?
What happened to the director of the Sixth Sense? M. Night just dropped a notch on my list. The twist that Night is know for is weak in this movie. The direction is nothing to brag about and Night doesn't give the cast a good enough chance to show their talent. Why have such a top notch cast if you aren't going to use them properly? Sure some of them had their moments but they were held to a jog instead of a full out run. The movie did not meet the hype and the direction did not meet the standards for a freshman film project. Now wonder why the sci-fi channel had that mockumentary, they used it in order to beef up the interest so that they could get a big opening weekend and collect as much money as they can before everyone finds out what a stinker this is. I hope M. Night is able to bounce back from this one... Good luck Night. Sorry but I give it a 5.5 out of 10

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