
IMDb member since June 2011
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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

A realistic drama in dystopia
This is not the mediocre first two movies that were a fun-filled joy ride in the spirit of Running Man, Battle Royale or Blood of Heroes. This is a realistic version instead, with a character-motive driven plot. Unlike the first two films this one actually matters. I hope the creators of this film are proud of their accomplishment. Instead of a cheesy thrill ride we have been introduced to the realities of war and rebellion and we were given good acting, good screen writing and characters we can identify with and care about. After watching hundreds of movies in the post apocalyptic genre this one stands out as significantly better than the others, especially the first two films. Thank you for making the Hunger Games series into something meaningful.

Restless City

A Haunting Tale Of True Love And Tragedy
Beautifully woven kaleidoscope of a story. Very touching but also heart-breaking. Enjoyable by anyone that likes to be taken on a journey through a character's life in a way so realistic you are sure it is reality. There are moments that made me squeal with delight as characters finally had the courage to say and do what was in their hearts. This film is the first time a bed scene actually made me cry a little. The overall effect of the film is very memorable and familiar to almost anyone. There were other scenes that were upsetting as well and left me feeling as if something left incomplete. If you believe in love-at-first-sight isn't always a fairy-tale, or even if you don't, then some of that waits for anyone who finds this film.

The 100

An interesting blend of recent and old trends in Post Apocalyptic medias.
A century from now an orbital city has a population running low on life support. One hundred juvenile delinquents are sent down to Earth to see if they can survive so that further colonization might follow them. They will find themselves divided, leaderless, facing Post-Apocalyptic dangers and a wilderness. They are expendable, a hundred red-shirts wearing monitoring bracelets. Meanwhile things in space keep escalating. The story seems to be a blend of Elysium, Hunger Games, and After Earth and lots of older movies like Lord of the Flies, Recon 2020 and Breakfast Club. Refreshingly well written and pretty good casting. Intended towards a teenage or young adult audience but with an intricate amount of depth, group dynamics and slightly-not-stereotyped characters. Additionally with a side plot involving adult characters who seem to behave worse than the kids back in space, executing Doctors for using too much medicine or Engineers for reporting problems in the life support systems and arguing over who-killed-who constantly. Might remind some viewers of recent trends in video games also. I think it wouldn't be too late/too tacky to have a double-digit number in the corner of the screen counting down 'the hundred title characters' as they are eliminated.

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