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Gen V: Jumanji
Episode 6, Season 1

Really really poor writing
Not sure what an earth happened to this show in the last two episodes?!!! It started really well and I kinda thought we were in for a 'The Boys' meets Hogwarts school for messed up Supes kinda thing. However we've drifted into the mundane, the boring, the lazy, sloppy writing and episodes that make no sense and that you just don't care about. They need to turn this around ASAP and start looking at the things that made 'The Boys' such a successful show. I can always tell when writers run out of ideas in a show as they start with the dreamy, trippy try to mess with your head type nonsense. This was just awful. Please do better next week.

No Time to Die

I'm actually quite sad
I've loved all the bond movies so far. Ok some were better than others but they all had that 'something' that made you care about the characters, the plot and excited about the gadgets. Sorry to say but wow this was just boring as hell. Awful plot, bad writing and dare I say it even Daniel Craig's acting was suspect in this bond outing. I won't even mention the PC brigades influence on this movie as I know how that will be viewed these days. When watching a movie of this pedigree you'd at least expect the screenplay to be half decent. Spoiler alert. It's not. Dialogue is forced and false and it just looks like people reading from a script. 'Q talk to me' hmm maybe not. So so so disappointing. Hang up your hat mr Craig and pretend this stinker never happened.

Schitt$ Creek

Really terrible
No idea where the 10/10 reviews come from this is badly written, lacking intelligence, poorly acted and boring. It has a good premise but relies on early 90s style sitcom comedy to move it along. Don't waste your time or believe these reviews.


Really terrible, are these paid reviews?
How an earth can anyone compare this to the wire or narcos?!! So here's my take after the first few episodes: acting 3/10, writing 2/10, camera work 3/10. The acting is so wooden and the script so child like it feels like it's being acted out by an early class of amateur dramatics students. This is a really really awful show and I feel suckered into it by all of the shill reviews. Don't waste your time.

Hubie Halloween

C'mon who is giving this 7/10?!
I like some Sandler movies, the genuinely funny ones but dear god this is NOT funny or entertaining or a good light entertainment for Halloween. It's just bad. What really really really starts to grate on your nerves on this one is the terrible acting from Sandler. He does this weird mumbly voice for Hubie (a contrived, poorly thought out and badly acted town-need type character). Most of the time you can't understand what he's saying. Try it if you must but it's just awful.

The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Altar of the Dead
Episode 5, Season 1

Did you guys watch the same episode?
This show has been incredible so far and I've enjoyed every episode. This one however was incoherent, with its drunk, dream like way of telling mashed up storylines. Please go back to the original style as this is terrible.

You Should Have Left

Shockingly bad, boring psychological nonsense
To be fair it didn't start too badly. Banker and young wife on a trip abroad in a creepy house. Then it all went very very wrong. Absolutely no intelligence used in any of the writing or screenplay. Dialogue was embarrassing, my 5 year does better in their creative writing. Then the ultimate in lazy writing starts... the long drawn out psychological 'filler' scenes. We walk down never ending halls. We walk through doors that open where we started again. We walk for miles but in circles. You know the same trash all if these movies/shows seem to use when they don't know how to write good horror/thriller. Kevin Bacon spends so much time looking at or talking about phones that I thought he was still in an EE advert. It's just bad. Really bad. I want that 1.5hrs back of my life. How anyone can give this above a 3 is beyond me.


IMDB do something to address fake reviews!
This movie was awful, I mean really awful. How can we trust IMDB when the first 100 reviews all giving it 10/10 are all fake? This started a while back but now these poorly made, cheap movies are dominating IMDB charts based on false information.

Assassin's Creed

Very very very dull
Well it started OK...ish and then just descended into something that made no sense and gave you no incentive to try and understand it. Characters were poorly developed and offered nothing in the way of any kind of arc. The script was a muddled mess of 'wouldn't it be cool if this happened' and 'dude let's try this' which made for an almost comedic hash of indecipherable dialogue that only Bill and Ted could appreciate. There were initially some interesting fight scenes but this obviously blew the budget as the second half of the movie left us alone with the poorly written trippy dialogue and cheap sets which were impossible to buy into. If you really must get involved in the Assassins Creed universe my advice I'd play one of the games as this drivel will only have you begging for the two hours of your life lost back.

The Walking Dead: Go Getters
Episode 5, Season 7

The boring dead
It just keeps getting worse and worse. I still think the last good episode was when Rick had to face the governor. It's starting to look like some college kids expressionist experiment. Strange unfitting music, long drawn out irrelevant scenes, mind numbingly boring dialogue and lots and lots of awkward silences. Why do I force myself to watch this drivel? I do so because of the great moments the show has had in the past. I just can't believe how BADLY written the recent episodes have been though. They are painful to watch. It's not clever, artistic or different it's just rubbish. I would compare it with Eastenders a show now on par with this nonsense. Will it ever be good again? Is there any hope for it?

The Walking Dead: The Well
Episode 2, Season 7

Behind every great episode... is a really really bad one..
S07E01 - Thriller, horror, terror and excitement. Leading to sadness, anxiety and resentment. So many emotions aroused. This was the walking dead at its finest. When it's on form it shines and there isn't much to match it on TV. There is a flip side to this though. It seems to me that after we get a great episode we are then punished with an appallingly bad one. As the focus switches to Carol we are introduced to the utterly ridiculous and laughable Ezekiel- King of the Kingdom. Which incidentally (the kingdom) has been done in almost every season predating this one. For no apparent reason the ridiculous king wants to help Carol and keep her in the kingdom. Carol aimlessly wanders around for a bit talking to this ridiculous king and then the show ends. Wow that was bad my wife and I mutter. Utterly dumbfounded after the amazing entertainment last week. Why is this show a 1 or a 10! I understand they can't blow the budget on every episode but seriously- this?!

Don't Breathe

Love horror? Then Don't Watch!
Terrible acting check, awful script check, nasty 3rd rate unlikable actors check, bad camera work check. Yep this has it all - All wrong that is. Zero suspense and god awful acting make this more comedy than horror. Strange that it has so many good reviews. I love horror and good Ines should scare the pants off of you. This sadly will just make you want to hit the make lead. In the face. A lot. Yes he's THAT annoying. All in all I'm just annoyed I wasted my time . Pathetic, all involved should change career. There is absolutely NO story to this film and no character intro. Very lazy screenplay! If they can't be bothered why should we.


Simply legendary
How can I put this show into words? It is more something you experience than something you watch. Sometimes EVERYTHING just comes together: script, casting, acting, budget, directing and this is what happened here. Weep for fallen heroes, curse and despair at villains and cry for lost loved ones in this visceral show that keeps you on a knife edge. Never before has there been such an accurate, brutal retelling of Roman history. Andy Whitfield is amazing but Liam Macintyre does just as good a job when called upon. I have seen the show start to finish twice now and will watch it again one day. If only there was but one other show that stood this shows equal. Quite simply there is nothing like it, this is Spartacus.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Finally a superhero movie with some bite
Having grown tired of the avengers, x-men, spider-man and all other superhero movies I didn't have high hopes for this one. Fortunately I was pleasantly surprised and absolutely loved this movie. Let's be honest the main worry for everyone here was Ben Affleck. I'm pleased to say no need to worry. Affleck's Batman is deep dark and forbidding with a sense fury and danger about him that no other batman has carried to date. One of the things that usually annoys me about the aforementioned superhero movies is the toned down violence. They manage to save the world from evil without even breaking a nail. This is not the case here! Dark DC comic lovers can revel in the kind of brutality the batman is known for. This is no merciful humanitarian batman. He's here to break heads end of discussion! It is more akin to the raid in places than other batman movies. So what if Heny Cavill? While I feel he was outshine by the magnificent batman he did an amazing job as superman and handled the larger than life grudge match with his tough hombre peer superbly. Acting was top north and effects were even better. Don't miss this one it is unlike anything you've seen before!

The 33

Very dull
I really tried to like this but it was a hopeless battle. Poor effects, strange casting and a very long, dull, monotonous script made this more of a chore than a pleasure. I quite enjoyed Everest recently and was hoping this would be of the same. Sadly this was a long drawn out mess. The subject matter while interesting and dramatic was not utilised and you felt nothing for the miners. Although you know before hand that there were no fatalities among the group the writers do nothing to push you into thinking they were in mortal danger. When the end finally came there was no sense of relief of feeling of jubilation the movie just fell flat. If you're expecting something good here move along mediocre at best

The Bastard Executioner

Amazing loving every minute of it
It would be fair to say that historical drama with a healthy dose of sex, brutality and sword play is right up my alley but this show does it very very well. If I could compare this show to others think Game of thrones, Spartacus and Rome and you will get the gist. Acting is solid all round from some fine actors chosen through great casting (no 'bold and the beautiful' actors here) they are all good at what they do. Sets are impressive and effects even better, nothing tacky or cheap from what I've seen so far. This does weigh in on the extremely brutal side of things and makes Spartacus look like 'in the night garden' so if you don't like blood move along. After some disturbing scenes in Sutter's last show 'sons of anarchy' I thought I knew what to expect but this is way beyond that. In my opinion it is also much better. I've seen two episodes and I am already in love with this show I hope we get at least 7 seasons out of it. Amazing, stunning and hugely entertaining show.

Star Trek: Voyager: Dreadnought
Episode 17, Season 2

Good episode. Badly done science for trek.
A number of huge mistakes with this episode:

1. How did this super weapon get in the Delta quadrant again?! 2. Torres was able to reprogram this thing from the Cardassians but can't reprogram it from her own programming?! 3. And this is my biggest problem with this episode: HOW THE HELL DID THE EVIL CARDASSIANS HAVE THE CAPABILITY OF HAVING SUCH A POWERFUL WESPON AND DO NITHING WITH IT!!!!!!!

I mean the Cardassians are this egotistical, power hungry, scheming race doing everything they can to get the upper hand in the Alpha quadrant - even join the dominion. And here they are with what is essentially a drone that can wipe out a fleet of starships??!!! WTF?! This totally upsets the delicate race/ship/technology/power balance we have become accustomed to since TNG. bottom line is that if the Cardassians had these they would have used them to conquer the alpha quadrant. Not sit on them quietly and let them be stolen by terrorists. Annoyingly this episode was done well and the effects and script was good. If only they kept the show true to the science it has done so well since TOS.

Terminator Genisys

A Mega Shark vs Giant Octopuss standard Terminator movie
Do you watch a lot of Scyfi channel stuff? Do you enjoy movies like Mega Shark vs Giant Octopuss and Giant Piranha vs Giant squid? Do you like poor scripting, unrealistic dialogue and shopping channel standard acting? If so you're in luck because Terminator Genisys has all this and more! I'm a huge Terminator fan so if you're wondering that's not the reason for my veiled animosity for this film. This is literally how NOT to make a good movie. It is pretty much doomed witting the first ten minutes when you realise they had a disaster with the casting. Jai Courtney is bad, he cannot act simply put. He may be able to cut it as an extra in CSI but how he landed this role is beyond me. I love Emelia Clarke in Game of Thrones but she was just awful here. The terrible script didn't help but she looked awkward and uncomfortable with her lines most of the time. The film's one saving grace? Arnie of course. He is the only thing that prevented me from turning it off half way through as it just got downright boring. So there you have it, disappointing, boring, offensive to the fans and will never deserve a place next to your other Terninator DVDs in any sort of collection.

Jupiter Ascending

Wow a big budget movie that's not made by Marvel!
For the first time in a very long while we have a film released that is:

Original Not part of a franchise Not made by Disney, Marvel or Pixar Not featuring a well known superhero Something different

It seems that movie execs now seem to think that any movie that is not part of a major franchise with unrecognisable characters is doomed to failure. Well to be honest they are now probably right. Movie goers flock in their hoardes to see the latest Iron Man or Avengers incarnation and will without doubt see the latest 3D Disney flick. However the second you put something they don't recognise on the billing they seem to be confused and scared by it. It is OK to try new things! If we never give movies like Jupiter Ascending a go are we to be watching Iron Man 25 in 10 years time? Will there still even be any other film franchises apart from the recognisable superheroes? Why must we insist on watching films we practically know the ending to?

Jupiter Ascending is a great Sci-Fi action flick. The story is good and the acting is fantastic from the films several big stars. It is not without its flaws though. It tends to borrow from other movies; Harry Potter, the hunger games and even Star Wars to name a few. The pacing is also a little off as there are more than a few scenes that I thought could have been cut altogether. Overall though I thoroughly enjoyed this film in the same way I would any other action movie. It definitely deserved to do better than it did at the box office. I just think people weren't willing to give it a chance. This may be sad for the U.S. Film industry as studios will no longer be willing to take the chance on something new and original and keep churning out products from the Marvel machine. All great characters had to start somewhere even Indiana Jones!

Orphan Black

Can't understand the good reviews, just terrible
Based on the many many good reviews on IMDb I thought I would give this one a go. To be honest I've been desperately trying to find a new show since Breaking Bad and House of Cards. From the reviews I thought that maybe Orphan Black was it? Sadly no. Terrible acting, I mean come on where an earth was this girl supposed to be from?! Sydney, London, Pennsylvania?!!! Awful awful accent. Unless you're Christian Bale leave the professional voice work to the professionals. Then there is the gay BFF. After 10 minutes of him being on screen I wanted to shoot myself he was THAT annoying. A ridiculous overplayed stereotype that was out of time and out of place, major error. Then we have the story, although not without merit for originality it is actually very boring. The pacing is off and leaves you struggling to stay awake through some scenes (the overly long wake?!). The whole thing was just a complete mess. The one plus I could draw on to give it 2 and not 1 out of 10 was the fantastic camera work and overall production quality. Sadly intelligent viewers are a lot more savvy these days and demand more. I've just started Ray Donovan and that is a huge improvement maybe that is my new show! Whatever you do though don't waste your life on this dross.

Black Sails

Bloodthirsty, intense and exciting
Finally we get a pirate show we can sink our teeth into. Pirates were pretty bad people, not like Captain Jack Sparrow or Pugwash. They terrorised and made the Caribbean a no-go area for many years. Black Sails has all the nasties in one place; Charles Vane, Flynt, Rackham and Ned Low. All horrifically violent individuals intent on causing whatever harm was necessary to get their prize (and enjoying it along the way!). Season one was mildly enjoyable but the show comes into its own in season two. The effects, sets, action, sex and brutality is all significantly increased. Lovers of Spartacus, Rome and Vikings will be in their element. OK so it's not Shakespeare and a bit of a guilty pleasure but so what? When a show is this entertaining all we care about is getting more! A fantastic, exciting, well- acted historical drama with a healthy dose of swashbuckling moments. A great triumph for the creators.

The Walking Dead: What Happened and What's Going On
Episode 9, Season 5

Shockingly bad, I'm now finished with this show
Anyone with half a brain will agree that the last good episode was the one where Rick fought the the governor. That was exciting, well written and enjoyable. What we have had since then is quite frankly total utter garbage. Did they change writers? directors? studios? I don't know what happened but they COMPLETELY ruined the show (and that's putting it politely). I loved this show and am annoyed, angry and frustrated that it was allowed to be taken over by people like this and be destroyed in such a fashion. This should have been the 2015 opener. Start with a bang, show us what you've got. No instead we get BORING dreamy scenes. Beth is brought back?! (I for one was so happy they finished her terrible character off). WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT?! Is this total utter rubbish?! Only brown nosing die-hard fan boys will rate this at all, it is garbage. What was once a great show is now sewer fodder. I for one have finished with it. What a shame considering it was once my favourite show on TV. You know you agree with me you're just holding out until the show get better. Sadly I don't think it ever will. It's now made for arty farty, cinematographer, fashion loving losers.


Fantastic, edgy new drama
I've just seen the first episode and wow I'm hooked already! The beautiful scenery and landscape shots are as big a star as the amazing cast. Every character is mysterious and mesmerising and the plot is deep, dark and luscious. The director does a great job of setting the feel of the place. You really soak up the hostile environment and I even started to feel cold at points. Characters all behave realistically in the unforgiving environment and all have very believable interactions and traits. Believe me when I say this is not the usual dross churned out by the big production companies these days. Anyone who enjoys gritty, suspenseful and intelligent TV will enjoy this immensely.

Wolf Hall

Interesting character study if a little unpolished.
I really liked this TV program it had a lot to offer and was rich with facts, historical accuracy, rich indulgent surroundings and fine acting. If you are looking for 'The Tudors' or 'The White Queen' move along. Wolf Hall is not overly dramatised and does not have any of the sex, sword fighting or pizazz of either of the two aforementioned shows and you will certainly be disappointed if you were looking for Game of Thrones. Instead here we are to closely follow the demise of Cardinal Wolsey and the meteoric rise of Thomas Cromwell. The latter a man who made a name for himself in history besides our most famous king. The start felt a little off, the music was inappropriate and the actors didn't seem to be into their roles as much as they could be. The music didn't get any better but the acting certainly picked up. By the time we had learned of the fate of poor Wolseys family all had fallen into place. The director seems to have gone for a more intimate approach in certain scenes. Sometimes it almost feels like you are watching a west end play rather than a TV show and I liked this. I can safely say I will be watching the next episode, very enjoyable.

Sons of Anarchy: Papa's Goods
Episode 13, Season 7

Just OK... pretty predictable really
I think everyone can admit now (even the hardcore fanboys) that the show has been on a steady decline for some time now. I really enjoyed the show in its hayday and it was a welcome compensation for the absence of Breaking Bad in my life. I'm not sure what ruined the show, perhaps the absence of Clay? Opie? Or maybe the writing took a turn for the worse. I for one detested any episode featuring the transvestite Venus. The character was out of place and the actor was horrible at playing the part. Still, the writers persisted with it and it halved the gravitas of the show overnight. This last episode simply goes through the motions of everything you would expect to happen. No surprises, no twists just playing out a very predicable story and it does sadden me to an extent as Sons Of Anarchy has exuded flashes of brilliance on occasion. So how will the show be remembered? Hopefully fondly but not as one of the greats. The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Wire... these will all be remembered as classics but Sons of Anarchy will fall into the light entertainment category and be forgotten.

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