
IMDb member since December 2010
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World War Z

If you are into Zombies, You'll love it, otherwise, not so much
I really wanted this to be a good movie, but it seems that the Director was more interested in CGI than anything else. It was barley entertaining, it was long, no real character building, just a lot of CGI which could not be helped in some scenes, but not as many as they did. The script was not really great, you knew what was going to happen before it happened, it was that predictable and no real climatic ending.

I heard rumors of production issues, aka, rewrites, and it shows. Actors look like their hearts were just not in this, and so many goofs, aircraft taking off from a carrier that is sitting still in the water, are you kidding me! As I said in my Summary, if you like Zombies, this will entertain you, all others will most likely be lukewarm on it. All in all, not really worth the cost of admission in my view.

After Earth

Come on Will Smith, You are better than this!
I saw the reviews, but never use that as my main decision to go see a movie, but the reviews were right, this was a movie that was done for the sole purpose of promoting his son. This is not a Will Smith movie at all, this is a movie about Jaden Smith. Will Smith sits in the spaceship for about 3/4 of the movie. The story is very predictable, all in all it was not really that entertaining of a movie, all you think about is about how obvious it is that Will Smith made a movie so his son could be the star.

If I go to a Will Smith movie, I would like to be entertained by Will Smith, that is what I was paying for and this movie fell far short of that. Will Smith Fans will hate it! SciFi Fans will hate it! Teen girl fans of Jaden will love it People looking for an entertaining movie will hate it!


it is just an OK movie
I was really looking forward to this movie as I am a sci-fi fan and this one really looked great in the previews, but it was a let down from the beginning. One problem is that half way through the movie, the characters realized what the truth is, yet the viewer is left wondering what did we miss? Even after seeing the entire movie, I am not 100% what was going on. They could have really done a better job of explaining things as the movie progressed. My wife hated the movie and had a hard time staying awake as she was so bored, I kept watching hoping that things would improve, but they really did not. So many different plots that were going on that never get explained, even close to the ending scenes left so many questions. It was worth a few bucks to me to see, but if your looking for a real good sci-fi movie, give it a pass.

The Last Exorcism Part II

I wish I had read the User Review First
Never do I rate a movie 1, and the only reason I did on this movie as there was not the ability to rate it a zero or less. The Last Exorcism Part II is a complete waste of time. It is NOTHING like other Exorcism movies, nor is even come lose to being scary. About all you get out of this is a lot of deep looking facial expressions by Ashley Bel who plays Nell. I was so disappointed in that there was nothing really scary, some possessed people who just talk scary, yet the demon is never really there. The scenes were so disjointed, and after 30 minutes, I felt like OK, this has gone so slow up until now, something really scary is going to happen next... I was mistaken. After 45 minutes, I waited, after an hour, I waited, then figuring that this was going to be a great and scary ending.. I waited.. Then the credits roll! ARE you freaking kidding me? This has to be the G rated version of scary movies of all time. Like another review hit on, the only reason it seems that this movie was made was to pry money from those that saw the first movie and thinking this will be a continuation of that. Here is the fact of life, if you go see this movie thinking it is a scary or demonic movie, the Joke will be on you as the movie maker laughs all the way to the bank.


Well Worth the price of a Ticket
First off, I am not a fan of Independent movies and find most boring or to artsy. I heard about Phantom for the first time when I watched a late night TV talk show. My interest was peaked so I went to see it an the local theater that shows this Independent movies. From the opening scene, I was hooked. My only issue was that unless you had seen other movies of this type, with the cast speaking English right from the beginning, you did not know that this was supposed to be Russian. But if you listened you could hear that they were talking about Russian locations, but the people that went with me had to ask me about 15 minutes into it if this was supposed to be Russian Navy. This movie hooks you and draws you into the life aboard a WW2 Era sub. Having actually been on this old sub as it sat in mothballs, I can tell you that there is no room for camera gear and how they filmed the inside with crew boggles me. Duchovny and Harris were spectacular in this movie and made the movie believable. The story line was very interesting and I was sad to see the movie end, but being based on a true story really peaked my interest and now I need more information. Please go see this movie, support this filmmaker, I am not associated with any of the movie or players, but for a Non Independent film watcher to love an Independent movie is really saying something.

Dark Skies

Just Do it
OK, this is not a great movie, and like another reviewer said, when you have one character trying to convince another character of something for a long time, it is boring. But listen, this is still worthy of a trip out by yourself or with friends, it is better with friends that jump when scary scenes are shown. I spent a great deal of this movie laughing at my dear wife who spent most of the movie with her head hidden under her jacket (she does not do scary very well) But really, the movie is still worth the price of a ticket, it is entertaining overall and I was surprised at the ending, which makes it even better in my mind as I did not see the ending of the movie unfolding as it did. Go out and enjoy this movie with friends, do not go in expecting a blockbuster, just enjoy the overall movie going experience with friends.

Identity Thief

Come on now, what were you expecting?
I agree with another reviewer, If this movie didn't have you laughing through the whole thing, you must not have a sense of humor. This is just a funny movie with a lot of really funny situations that occur to this poor guy trying to clear his name. So many negatives stated by some people, listen, this is not supposed to be some deep life changing movie, it is a comedy, meant to do only one thing, make you laugh a little and this movie does just that. This is an enjoyable movie that made you feel good throughout, especially the ending. The acting was good for the most part and I have no major complaints. Yes there area a few things which are not believable, but come on, it is a comedy and not something you are going to find on the documentary channel. Just go, take a friend, and enjoy a couple laughs!

Beautiful Creatures

Liked it Wife hated it
I went into the movie without any information. I enjoyed the story as it unfolded. The main male character Ethan Wate just never captured me. Every time he was on, his goofy facial expressions took away from the scene and I spent more time dwelling on that instead of following the movie. Lena Duchannes did an excellent job. She was able to bring you into the movie and have stir your feelings, unlike Ethan Wate who like I said was just 2+ hours of goofy facial expressions. I did enjoy the actual story and the few comical additions that the director put in in just the right spots. It was a long movie that got slow at times, but overall it was still an enjoyable movie that I think could have a better sequel.

Safe Haven

What is not to love in this movie
OK, lets start off with the only negative of this movie, It is very very slow moving movie. Now the positives, I understand the need to build the storyline and build the relationship which nearly took the whole movie, but a love story is always slow to build to a point where it is believable. This movie had everything, and I have to say that the ending makes this entire 2 hour movie worthwhile. As the movie progresses you get small hints of things and they never really sink in until the ending when you realize "Why did I not see that" This movie had me with tears in my eyes which of course being a male, I can never tell my friends about! When you go to this movie, be prepared to be a tad bored for most of the movie, but it will all come together and provide you some great emotions as well as a fantastic ending that you may never see coming. The only reason did not give this movie a higher rating was due to the long road it takes to build the movie up for the ending.

Warm Bodies

Give This Movie A Try
I was not expecting a whole lot from this movie, so my expectations were pretty low. From the opening scene, it kept your interest as the plot and whole movie unfolded predictably. The acting was good, even though acting as a Zombie does not take all that much work :-) It was an entertaining movie, the main characters Nicholas Hoult, and Teresa Palmer did a wonderful job of pulling you into the movie and getting you to feel for the Zombie. With the support of Analeigh Tripton, Rob Corddy, Dave Franco and John Malkovich, it wrapped everything up into a nice movie to sit and just enjoy without to much thinking. Well worth the cost of a ticket!


Entertaining and Typical Jason Statham movie
Decided to have a Sunday date with the wife and picked this movie, you already know what you are getting with a Jason Statham movie and this one was no exception. Adding J'Lo to the mix really helped this movie out as she she a great job of acting here and I am not really a J'Lo fan normally. She was actually believable in this film and all that was really missing from this movie was maybe a few comedy quotes that would have helped it out a bit more with a chuckle here and there. I read these reviews before I pick the movies to go see and some reviewers like to really dwell on the same thing that professional reviewers deal with. What I like to read, is real people and how these people enjoy the movie as entertainment. This movie will not disappoint you if you like Jason Statham movies. It was entertainment, a night with with the wife, what more can you ask for right? All in all it was still a good movie and worth the price of admission.

Broken City

Not as bad as all that
First off, reading the reviews would put me off for wanting to see the movie. After seeing it, it was really not all that bad. For the most part it was an entertaining movie that had predictable portions, but Wahlberg does these type of predictable movies, but it is still entertaining. A night out with a loved one, popcorn and a soda watching a movie that at least keeps you entertained, what more do you need? The car chase was done in the new Hollywood style like your in the car and the camera is getting bounced around like it was you in the car, I am not a fan of this style that is showing up more and more. It is hard to get focused when the picture is jumping around so much. This was not done in a style to receive possible Oscar nominations, but it was certainly an entertaining movie that keeps you involved and not falling asleep, and that is what movies are supposed to be, right? If it came out later on TV, would I watch it again, Yes!

Les Misérables

I was afraid they would not do it Justice, I was Wrong!
Les Miserables is my favorite musical of all time, having seen it nearly 40 times all over the country, I was really afraid that they would not capture the soul of this play on screen. I was presently surprised and was really feeling all the emotions throughout the movie. All actors were great and a real shout out for Samantha Barks who played Eponine, where has this actress been hiding? Her voice is utterly fantastic and she really did a great job of acting. My favorite surprise was the appearance of Colm Wilkerson who played the Priest in this movie version, Colm Wilkerson is known as the ultimate Jean Valjean with a voice that is known as the standard that all others are graded. Most nearly all followers of this musical would agree. The only disappointment to me was the voice of Amanda Seyfried who played Cosette, she seemed to only be able to sing in a very high range that did not always fit well with the scene, but her acting was very good. As a hard core Les Miserable follower, I was very pleased with the movie version and I am happy that many people who have not seen the play, but have heard the music will be able to understand the music better now as they can see the story more clearly. All in all, a must see movie!

Cloud Atlas

Could have liked it
Well I just have to say that I was really wanting to see this movie based on reviews and trailers as it look so interesting. The problem is that I did not read the book, so I was going in blind. Everything was so confusing and I eventually figured out sort of where things were going, but if I were to give any advise to people wanting to see this movie, I'd say you really need to read the book first. From the reviewers that I read, it seemed they all had read the book, this gave them a basic understanding of what the movie was about and where it was headed. We almost walked out but kept giving it another chance. I did not know going in that it was almost three hours long, so that was three hours of being basically lost. My wife and I kept looking at each other and neither of us could explain to the other what the heck was going on. It really does seem to be a good movie if I had an idea of the plot before sitting down. The best part of this movie experience was sitting through upcoming attractions. READ THE BOOK FIRST!


A Real Disappointment
What started off as a great movie, went downhill fast and never really got interesting. Love these movies, and the ending was the best part as it was clever to relate this to another series. Visuals were good, Loved Theron in this, but really disliked the story line. To many directions to go with to many possible story lines to fit it all in. Lots of story, short on action.

I will say that this does leave this open to several possibilities for additional movies, which may have been the main purpose of this film in the long run, but with all the hype the previews got, this was a real disappointment to watch.


If you're bored, this movie might not help you
Avid movie buff, had some high hopes on this movie based on reviews, but what a horrible movie. Most of the time you have no idea what is going on with the plot and how or why they get further along. I was confused most of the time and with the cast, it had all the makings of a decent movie. I was bored and wishing that I could get a refund on the admission. There were times when the movie started to pick up, but then once again quickly died. I spent a lot of time looking at my wife and asking "What" I was very impressed with Mallory Kane who appears to be doing a lot of her own stunts in this movie. The rest of the cast, being some big name stars, just did brief appearances and did not help with the overall movie going experience, for me anyway.

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