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The OA

The OA Season 3 would have been great...
Just like Sens8, The OA gets "killed" by Netflix.... Why people!?!? Viewers actually like, crave is more like it, watching stories that are outside the box, into the human pshyce and condition, society and beyond.. You had really great things with both shows.

I guess it is a matter of money, otherwise why cancel it?


Some one done it before.
Netflix original? I think not. Watch "Final Fantasy The spirits within" first. It is that simple. Ohh and yeah, Wars, ALL wars are made ONLY for money if you haven't noticed till now....

Black Mirror

Our society's, our "civiliazaton's" image in a Black Mirror
It is very funny what happens when some people see the worst side of life, the worst side/version of themselves in front of their eyes. Black Mirror is definately an heir to The Twilight Zone, The X-files, Outer Limits etc.

It is almost pure Sci-Fi but based on the truths of our world today. It is disturbing, it is frustrating, it is pesimistic (except one episode, find out which), it is a guide-suggestion, on what to avoid so as not to turn technology/science into a freaking waking nightmare.

I don't like doing this but in this case I think it is imperative: People, my fellow reviewers... each episode is a "stand alone"! Different stories every episode. There is no continuity from ep to ep! That is the show format. For crying out loud, please!

Black Mirror is Hu-Man in the Mirror. The Mirror is Science/technology. It is up to us to de-black it. Make that Change.

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Three billboards outside Americanmindshville, US (nevermind the year)
This movie is another funny, sad but true, fictional but actual, slap in the face of american mentallity and deeply ailling society and intellect.

The protagonist/target of this movie is, unfortunately, the vast majority of how the american mind works or doesn't work, acts or doesn't act and thinks or doesn't think. If that wasn't true DT would not be your president.

I read a few of the other reviews and mostly those that rate the movie very very poorly and concetrate on the "plot holes" and how "unlikable" or "unrelatable" the characters are.

I guess those reviewers didn't really watch the same movie and honestly they didn't quite understand it. First of all, it is not a murder mystery, but a commentary on your (I am not american) society. Well, to be completely sincere, there are a few similarities with other cultures and peoples all over the world....

There are no plot holes, or mistakes in the timeline, or the placement of the billboards, or actual locality of Ebbing Missouri, because all that are totally irrelevant. Pollice brutality is timeless and all over the place, so is misuse of power and authority, so is racism be it racial or social, or putting the blame on the victim, or how the media exploit a situation for ratings and almost always they go unpunished... so please take those out of the way this "case"'. They are the norm. And on top of that you get a little glimpse of the "work" of some of US troops who fight and defend democracy, freedom and the "american ways" all over the world....

If you want to concerne your mind with stuff like that, watch "Mississippi Burning" as it is based on true events. Frances is in both movies and is equally brilliant.

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror dear americans. And it is an image very hard to swollow if you have no sense of humor or like Chief Willoghby said when you have no love, no calm and no thought process.

Alien: Covenant

Much..... much..... much .... much..... much.....Veeeerrrrrrryyyyyy much worse than expected.........
I honestly do not know, can not possibly comprehend in my wildest and most moronic dreams what the hell was going on in the heads of the people who came up with this utter disaster of a film.....

It is not even a half decent sci-fi film that can stand on its own.

Trying to understand the reasoning, the motivation, the logic behind this abomination of a "story", all I could come up with is that they tried to introduce "ALIEN" to a whole new generation of an audience to appreciate and grow old with....

Yes, that they did.... to an audience that is lacking basic understanding of common sense, of cause and effect, of average moderately good story telling, of everything known to mankind and it is absolutely necessary to put one foot in front of the other, progress and make sense of its existence.

Shameless, mindless, exploitation of the ALIEN franchise, of the sci-fi genre, for the shake of making a quick buck.

I wish I knew if Ridley Scott has any say on the story or he just directs whatever they give him because he is bound by contract and there is absolutely no f@#$#$%%^ing way he can get out and avoid it like the plague. Someone must ask him that. Somebody please, please do that!

If it has been done already, forgive me, I have not read or heard it anywhere. If he has no say and it is Impossible for him TO STOP, WITHDRAW from directing new ALIEN????? (should have been called Xenomorph) films, then I truly sympathize the predicament he is in....

If that is not the case then... I am not sorry at all for him as a creator and the harsh/trash critics he has received. Just let it go man!!!!!!!!!!!


If I were an actor, I would not participate in any other installment no matter how much money they gave me.

I urge, anyone who has not seen this "thing" yet, to please please first watch the original film, of which this is a disgrace of an attempt of a remake (the opening title, the music), and then reach their own conclusions.Watch all 4 movies of the franchise. The first 3 are gems. The 4th not so much, but still it has scenes/moments that will make your skin crawl... Hell, AVP was a freaking masterpiece for the ages, compared to this blunt-tasteless mess of nothing!

CGI, explosions, visual effects etc etc can do nothing for a film that has nothing to offer plot wise, acting wise (the cast except Fassbender had nothing to work on, nothing to work with).

If I am not mistaken, there was a trailer which I saw here on IMDb a couple of months before the release of the movie where the whole crew was having dinner or lunch or whatever and there was a scene where one of the crew was seen choking and immediately your mind went to the legendary, most iconic, scene of the first 1979 movie, which in this version was made to mock it!!! Ridley Scott made a scene that was mocking himself, the essence of the original ALIEN... Oh yes he did!! But thank all the known gods of the world for him, it was not in the final cut that hit the movie theaters... and searching I found it= Alien: Covenant Extended Clip & Trailer (2017) Sci-Fi Horror Movie. Check it out and make up your own mind for this "thing".....

After that... what else can I say....

This time around it is not "crew expendable", the whole ALIEN franchise has taken its place.

P.S. Tennessee? Tennessee??? Tennessee?!?!?!?!?!? Tennessee?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Dallas is crawling in his space grave.....


I LOVE the concept of the Ghostbusters either male of female... but you CAN'T have a Ghostbusters movie filmed anywhere outside the US, and especially outside NY!
I didn't know what to think about the movie BEFORE I saw the movie. I had seen only trailers. They didn't seem bad or good. They were just trailers to me. Trailers sometimes show a bad impression of the movie and the movie ends up to be good and vice versa of course. So, last night I watched the movie to finally have an opinion of my own.

I believe in absolute equality of all human beings but I am not a feminist. I believe women have been and still are suffering from a lot of crap from men, I don't hate men because that is plain stupid and insane. I have been defending the all female cast since the announcement of their names and at that time I didn't know who McKinnon and Jones were. I was freaking ECSTATIC when the news of a new Ghostbusters movie hit the headlines!!! Both 80's Ghostbusters are in my movie library and hold a very dear part of my heart.

Strictly speaking from a cinematic point of view: THE MOVIE FAILED! It failed big, not because it was 4 women (women can be scientific and action worthy), not because the guys in the movie were portrayed damn and evil (just think how many movies have portrayed women just pretty stupid-damn-evil-mean and the root of all misfortunes and above all crazy and see where the scale of the comparison tilts... so guys suck it up. It feels pretty bad to be on the other side of the pond doesn't it?), not because the movie borrowed from the previous two, not because the 4 women are not good actors and really funny comedians...


The whole time I was watching the movie it felt that something was completely and utterly off.. something wasn't quite right... the streets, the sounds, the people, the buildings, and then as I was watching the end credits, it hits me: I mean, who on their right freakin mind would shoot a Ghostbusters movie -and please my fellow Aussies this is not an attack to you and your lovely country- in Australia!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? GHOSTBUSTERS IS NEW YORK USA!!!!!!!! Some things CANNOT BE REPLICATED! By filming it somewhere else other than NY, all authenticity, all atmosphere, all nostalgia, all emotional connection, all the essence of the Ghostbusters had been lost from the very beginning!!!! If the crew responsible for the reboot couldn't shoot it there, then they shouldn't have made the movie AT ALL!!! And what strikes me the most, is how on earth did Mr Reitman and Mr Akroyd agreed on this since they were both involved in the production process.... I mean even the lab and everything in it didn't feel like a lab. It was too clean, too tidy, too organized, too not real, too flushy, too well taken care of and too studio made up....

The CGI was like the director wanted to not take the movie itself very seriously and set out to make a technically modern B movie. EPIC FAIL of the concept, it least that is how I perceived it. The script and dialogue having fallen into the gender conflict trap, became very constricted (some of the lines were right on the spot of course but that just wasn't enough...). The story should have been all new without of course leaving out the honorable mentions of the old ones. The use of the old cast was wrong except maybe Mrs Weaver and the late Harold Ramis.

The ladies as actors, had very little to work with (and I think all of them knew it, especially Mccarthy and Wiig) and the weight on their shoulders was huuuuuggeeeee!!! All of them I think were holding back acting wise except maybe McKinnon who did the best job out of the 4.

All and all, the sets, the script, the director and his vision were the causes of the failing of the movie. The girls need and should have a second chance to make A REAL GHOSTBUSTERS movie. I hope they will get it.


We had omelet with everything, now we have omelet with everything TV shows.....
I usually am very gracious and careful with my reviews... but this time I will be the harshest ever. I have really tried to watch the entire first season just so that I could have an overall opinion on it.

This TV show is by far one of the most uninspired, most borrowed, most mediocre acting and writing I have ever seen in my entire life. From where should I start... the main story itself has been copied and pasted from The Bourne Identity. The agent-spy with the loss of memory and the despicable training program that she has been subjected to referred to as "daylight" and blah blah blah.....The twist was the tattoos but that we have seen that in the movie The girl with the dragon tattoo. The interaction of the two leads resembles that of the dragon tattoo but in the lamest possible way. And last but not least, they try to be the Castle and Beckett of crime solving in the FBI this time but now the male lead is living with his sister and her son and not with his mother and daughter.... FAIL!!!

The head of the team (the actress tries her best but no luck) is the female version of Skinner of the The X files... but this time the character has borrowed some of How to get away with murder Annalise's traits and has jumped on the latest trend of non heterosexual wagon just to milk that cow too.... talk about character omelet.....

The other two agents are so poorly written and the actors are so mediocre that I honestly feel really sorry for the actors that were chosen to play them roles. The only small sunshine of acting and character is the scientist girl.

The stories have been told over and over again on TV. Nothing original, nothing with grit and passion.

Now lets talk actors and potential pairings. Blindspot has by far the worst pairing of lead actors and characters. The male lead is the worst male lead I have ever seen in my life. His playing is wooden, robotized, soulless and shallow. And so is his character. The female lead is a new actress with no apparent experience and she is unfortunately condemned to play chemistry with the male lead with which she has absolutely none and he has absolutely none with her! And that will never change and sink in no matter how hard they try to force and sell it to us audience.

All the character pairings are a failure as well. I wonder how and why this show was a success...

Blindspot is the perfect example of mushing things up from various successful TV shows and movies with the idea that they are doing something good. But they are so so very very wrong. I am not gonna say don't watch it, on the contrary, watch it and find out for yourselves what bad TV shows look like.

Fear the Walking Dead

Sometimes what is going on in one's head is far worse than what is happening all around....
"Fear the Walking Dead" is better than "The Walking Dead" in its first two seasons.

First of all -and ANYONE- with a good sense of the acting art, can see that the actors in it are BETTER actors than those in TWD. Not to be misunderstood, I love TWD characters but acting wise they fall behind to those of FTWD, at least most of them.

I have seen many many negative reviews about the show.. why? Because there is not enough gore, slaughtering, killing, mayhem and that kind of things happening.

The zombie apocalypse happens everywhere people, and if you think about it, the "safest" place to be in a situation like this, is on the water cause you cannot be in the Himalayas!

FTWD, so far until the season 2 mid finale, is focused on the psychological aspect of the zombie apocalypse. It is building the characters, slowly but not in a boring way one by one, rather than just letting loose the zombies to chase and eat people up.

The story so far, is more about the people in it, their internal suffering, their losses, their struggle to come to terms with what is happening. People that from one day to the next have had their whole world turned upside down, inside and out. As if there couldn't be such a diverse family whose grownups and children came face to face with the destruction of all the hopes, dreams and their -till then- maybe mundane and run of the mill reality. Especially in a place like L.A., where life and people are kind of already screwed up......

The characters in FTWD are more complex or more simple individuals and are just starting to realize what the hell is going on and being at sea they haven't yet fully understood the magnitude of the disaster. Just put yourselves in their shoes, grownup or teenager....

All and all, FTWD is a great show and I hope it gets even better.

Where the Devil Hides

I honestly didn't think it would be THAT GOOD!
This movie caught my attention cause of Alycia Debnam Carey and I am not embarrassed to say it!!

Then, being a huge fan of thrillers I thought I would give it a shot. And I was very pleasantly surprised!

A thriller movie first and foremost has to have that eerie, spooky, unpleasant atmosphere that puts you in the mood of "something ain't right here... something must be not what it seems like...". And it succeeded!

Production wise it is just fine. Not a lot of fuss about things that don't' need a lot of fuss. The actors were each good casting for their roles. And Alycia... Ooh man oooh man..That girl can really act and I hope that she makes good choices cause she really does have IT!

Now, this I have to say: The "Trevor" character is the same actor that played Finn in "THE 100". I will not spoil for those of you that haven't seen the movie yet... but this dude is one of the luckiest/unluckiest characters on earth!!!!!!!! Both "Lexa" and "Clarke" man!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? BOTH OF THEM!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The movie is filled with allegories and symbolism. Very nicely done guys. The whole story and how it ended was as it should have been done to make it worthwhile. Sometimes payback is not "a bitch"... IT IS THE DEVIL HIM/HERSELF!

The 100

The 100 is quite a good summary of the human condition so far....
100 young people are sent to earth after a nuclear destruction, from a space colony that has its resources and means or survival on the brink of failure, 97 years after the incident to find out if it is survivable.

And there it begins...once again! Consequences of long term isolation, power struggles, young minds in conflict with older ones, past mistakes repeated or not, love and war, friendship and animosity, technology and religion, betrayal and redemption, collision of different worlds and ideologies, sacrifice over the greater good, revenge and mercy, elitism or equality, communication or annihilation, cruelty or compassion, insanity or logic, fear or understanding all mixed together in impossible choices in a medieval/high tech setting 150 years from now....

The 100 is an interesting "fairy tale". One that has its flaws script and science wise, its exaggerations and clichés character wise...

If it was written by top writers, performed by top actors and directed by top filmmakers it would be an absolute masterpiece. But it is not. What it is, is an intriguing, thought provoking presentation of what could happen if humanity found itself in a situation like this.

Are we worth surviving as a species or should we all just give up and be extinct? The choice is ours. How we do it.... that's the tricky part.

The Big Short

The financial Matrix and guess who the batteries are...
I saw the movie just a few hours ago. I liked it. I have no training whatsoever in the banking-financial system. I have watched a few documentaries (as I am sure most people have done) about finances and the economy and I used all these knowledge to help me through the movie. I had to pause and rewind a few times to try to get the idea of what was shown.

Definitely it is difficult to understand if one does not know the banking lingo. But any kind of movie that deals with a specific subject will have to use the specific lingo. For example if it is a movie about a sport, or a technical subject etc etc or something you are not familiar with, then you will hear a lot of terms that have to do with that specific subject. And if you have no or little idea about the subject, you will either get confused, bored of feel stupid or won't care.

And THAT it is clearly pointed out in the beginning of the movie. You will either get confused, bored, feel stupid ooooooor you will just not care......

It is a Hollywood movie after all and that will make someone not trust it and say "well it is a movie and not all facts, hell most of them are just a story and are not true or made to look a certain way to serve some side". Well, I will have to agree. Hollywood is a well oiled ENTERTAINMENT machine to "feed" the masses and serve a purpose.

Confused and bored I understand... maybe even stupid cause 90% of us have not studied banking/economics. But how can anyone not care about how some F#$@#$%^ers have designed and used all these scams to F$%^&* up the economy and people's lives worldwide!?!?!?!?!?

Not all movies are made to ENTERTAIN. Some actually are made to say something even if they are done the Hollywood way. And it is up to the individual to get interested, to get thinking, to dig dipper, to want to learn more. What they come up with is solely up to them.

I read reviews on the movie. For those who didn't like it cause it wasn't entertaining I have no argument with. They watch a movie, any kind of movie, only to be entertained and that is their right. But for those that didn't like it cause it was difficult to follow or cause they saw it from a political point of view, I believe they have lost the whole point. Some reviews asked the question about the demographic of this movie. In my opinion it should start with 15-16 year old teenagers, boys and girls of course of all races and religions. Just like in that age one begins to get to know how to drive and gets sexual orientation that can actually understand the why and the how and all that is included.

In the beginning of the movie, a parallel is made with the Big Depression 80 something years ago. I have read in the reviews that there is no mention about the Federal Reserve and how it operates. That was totally spot on cause that is the base for all financial and fiscal matters and how the economy is being run. Democrats and Republicans (chose whichever political sides in the country you live in) don't matter. Only the FED(and the equivalent of any country you live in) does. But that is a story to be shown in another movie..... or anyone can look for details in writing or in documentaries. If one does so, then one will better understand the movie in discussion and have a better idea what banks/bankers are all about in collaboration with the governments (all kinds of political side governments) all over the world.

There are no good guys in this movie, in this story. There are only people who operated in the system, found a flaw? in it and manipulated it to benefit from it. Like Steve Carrel character's wife tells him: "Saints do not live on Park Avenue". Some of them felt shitty about it one way or another, some didn't. Characters in this movie/story are not portrayed so that the majority of the audience can like or identify with them.

So, it is upon the viewer and how much information they have or want to have.

For Lovers Only

Almost perfect.... and an excellent tattoo idea.
What is there to really say for such a movie? It has captured the very essence, the core of being in love. Intimacy, eroticism, playfulness, heartache and questions without answers.

Excellent photography, wonderful music both score and songs.... Stana Katic aka Sofia is a work of art, a diamond of a woman. The Polish brothers did a great job writing and directing the movie.

Right and wrong doesn't exist in a situation like this. A love story that leaves everything else out for enough time to get get carried away and just absorb it with everything you've got.

For Lovers Only is exactly what the movie is all about.

Terminator Genisys

Terminated by lethal stupidity....
Really was looking forward to seeing the movie as I am a huge fan of the series.

So I watched is last night. Oh my dear lord! The franchise suffered the most cruel, soul crashing, life ending blow it could possibly get!

The plot was horrendous and a straight up barbaric mutilation of the original story. The directing and overall mood was of a kindergarten school play. Sarah and Kyle characters were bubblegum obnoxious caricatures of the almighty and brilliant ones miss Hamilton and Mr Biehn, brought to life for us to love, admire and adore.

The only good thing in the movie was Arni who tried to save the unsalvageable.

T3 and Salvation are masterpieces in comparison to this mess of a mess.

Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty shades of Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler
I just finished watching the movie. I have not read the books and will not cause I am more into watching the movie kind of person. I watched the movie out of curiosity.

I gave it 7 out of 10 for the type of movie that it is. I will not bother telling the story cause everyone knows it by now. But lets say it is about an ordinary young inexperienced girl who meets and falls in love with an older very much experienced man with unusual tastes in sex and unconventional notions of a what a romantic relationship should be, who is filthy rich.

The movie has a lot of clichés, which are a part of life anyway. And we move on to the sex part. Sex is a human activity that is highly subjective. One can do whatever the hell they want with their partner as long as it is agreed upon by both parties. And also lets clear up that the parties are adults. Also, sex involves experimentation and exploring practices and techniques out of the ordinary. So, that is the dominant component of this film accompanied by the underlining matter of emotional attachment no matter what type of sex is involved. The young girl who is a virgin allows herself to be introduced in a more explicit, unusual kind of sex. It is not about abuse either physical or spiritual. The guy in the movie clearly seeks her consent before he does anything of what he has in mind. There is a CONTRACT specifically mentioning all that is involved. So there is not in any case taking advantage or forcing the girl into anything that she doesn't want to do.

Both characters have their everyday lives that have nothing to do with what they are getting into once they are behind closed doors in their own privacy. The guy is the dominant one, at this stage of his life at least, because when he was younger he was the submissive. So, the dominant and the submissive role has nothing to do with gender. It is absolutely irrelevant.

As far as the actors, Dornan at the beginning of the movie comes out quite uptight and rigid. He struggles throughout the film with his Irish accent but from a point on it becomes a minor matter. He is detached, for that is what his character is supposed to be anyway. He could have been better at it of course, but that is a matter of the director as well as the script writer. Johnson portrays the young inexperienced girl fairly OK. She is not supposed to be the sex bomb nor the sassy horny student. Her innocence and naiveté is what catches Grey's attention. So far so good.

The directing and the dialog could have been better, but come on boys and girls this film wasn't meant for the Oscars!!! Also it is a part of a trilogy so there had to be things to be put into the following movies.

The music was good and fitting for the mood. Overall it was an easy watched movie with its pros and cons. If you start watching and expect a "Dearhunter" or a "Sofie's choice" or red hot porn you will definitely be disappointed.

To sum up, it is very much like the relationship and contract that Sheldon Cooper has with Amy Farrah Fowler but with sex....

The Strain

The strain struggles.......unsuccessfully!
From Guillermo you would expect more...a whole lot more!

The strain is riding "The walking dead's" co-tails. It is unoriginal, lucks atmosphere, has very weak characters, it is unrealistic (even for a sci- fi/horror story), has very poor writing, the actors are not convincing, they have no chemisrty as a group, the directing is slow and sluggish. Overall it is a failure.

It is that kind of a series that is definitely a waste of money, time and effort or lack of. How on earth it was picked up for a second season is a great mystery.

Truly a great disappointment.

American Horror Story

American Horror story.....through women
This review is posted after having watched all 3 seasons.

Seasons in order of my highest liking: Season 2 wins over seasons 1 and 3 which are both equal in second place.

In my country we have a saying that refers to women as a power/force of nature both benevolent and malignant (mostly) depending on the case: Fire, Woman and Sea.

Woman-womanhood is the center center character of all 3 seasons. In season 1 in her role in the family/household and its satellites which takes place in a haunted house, in season 2 as a figure of authority and a figure/object of exploit which takes place in an insane asylum and in season 3 woman takes the role of what is and can go wrong or right in the world which takes place in a witch academy. Where does the male stand in all of this one would ask... Well, it's hard to say. After all, men have created this TV series.....

To speak about the 3 story lines one would have to admit that all clichés of the genre have been put to use. Yes, ghosts, religion, science, madness, Nazis, racism, aliens, zombies, the Frankestein monster, witchcraft and everything from the "holy bible" of horror stories. But all of them very skilfully and not boring at all. Horror is not just blood gashing or intestines slayed out of the body. Horror is the mind, the soul and the heart of all of us even when there is not even a drop of blood to be seen.

Jessica Lange is the High Queen of all the seasons so far. Her performance is no less than excellent, especially in the second season in which she reaches the very top. All of the cast is also very very good in their roles. Directing, photography, music, and the atmosphere in general serves the series very good. There are of course a few moments when things could have been better, as far as the writing is concerned, but overall American Horror Story is TV at its best.

Women should watch this show having in mind their immeasurable power and that putting in bad use can only do themselves the biggest harm and men should watch it having in mind that the term "weaker sex" is only a figment of their imagination. What both sexes do with those conclusions is up to the individual.


Not so bad....but you have to open your mind and read between the lines....
A lot of people have trashed this movie..... well it is totally understandable if you watch it expecting it to be an adaptation -even a loose one- of the biblical story.

It is mostly allegoric and it has used the story of Noah to tell a story about present times and the human condition in general.

The acting is average, as is all of the rest, but the juice of the movie is not the acting but what it is trying to say and make people who are not very religious or very atheistic think.

It is not a religious movie but it has a philosophic approach. Yes, it could have been better but it is not that bad.

Orange Is the New Black

Real life situations with a sense of humor and a bit dark cause nothing is all fun and games
Although the prison theme has been played again and again, this TV show manages to do it in a fresh and interesting way.

All of the cast is almost amazing and delivers almost brilliance. Now I have read some reviews complaining about the sex and some racial aspects.

It is prison people!!! What did you expect!?!? There are gay women of all races shapes and religions and straight women of the same condition! Some of them are nice people and some are not! There are some of the portrayed inmates who are not likable characters, either straight or gay, there are some COs who are likable and some who are not. THAT'S LIFE! You cannot like all of the people and you cannot dislike all the people!

The show presents all kinds of characters and from then on you decide what you like and what you don't. People in general are not flawless angels. Sometimes they falter and they let us down and sometimes the same people with their words and actions can reverse our opinion of them either in a good or bad way. And that is what is being portrayed here and in soooooooooooooo many other shows before and in the future. But that is the human condition! So don't go blaming a TV show that puts that straight into your face! Some, most in my opinion, people go to prison and come out 100% worse and some, very very few, come out better than they were.

"Orange" is a very good TV show. The first season was like a general guide tour of the prison life based mostly on humor and the light side of things. The second season got deeper in to the dark side in all aspects. Little by little you learn the background of the characters and you begin to understand the motivations and reasons of their behavior.

SPOILER!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!! SPOILER!!!!!!! I mean, Pennsatucky had 6 abortions and cause of the circumstance of her crime, in her trial all the anti-abortion people were cheering for her like she was the ultimate defender of all the unborn babies!!!!!! CAN LIFE GET ANY CRAZIER AND WEIRDER THAN THAT!!?!?!?!?!? So, who really gives a rats ass if women have sex with women in a prison!?!?

Prison, if not the lowest, is the one of the lowest facets of our society no matter in which country we live in, no matter if we are rich or poor, black or white, Latino or Asian, gay or straight, male or female, young or old and "Orange" does a very good job depicting it.

In "Orange" life imitates art and art imitates life. It is a very very thin line. It is like the eternal question: Did the chicken make the egg or the egg made the chicken?

So open your mind, relax, take whatever positive or meaningful message there is to take, understand that not everybody is like yourself and enjoy the very good acting, writing and directing of this entertaining, sometimes sweet, sometimes hard, sometimes likable and sometimes not likable TV show.


A cinematic masterpiece. A sci-fi,and not only, myth has been delivered.
Τhose who are really fans of sci-fi, will probably understand most why I make this comment: GRAVITY is for the 21st century, what ALIEN was for the 20th. Watch it from beginning (opening title...) to end and you will see subtle "mythwise" similarities. What made ALIEN a sci-fi and cinematic myth, it is all there with no exception and even more so.... it may very well be viewed as a dramatized documentary for early human exploration of space.. our first steps in the vast vastness of space...the challenges, the dangers, the fears, the mishaps, our ignorance, our lack of knowledge, our limited resources... and so on and so on... and yet we were bold and curious enough to pursuit whatever was , is and would be...

GRAVITY, is a homage to everything that makes human beings good and decent and grand, and wonderful, and strong and so incredibly fragile and petite... It is not Science Fiction any more... think about it... we just caught a glimpse of what/how it is up there, out there, NOW and not 50-80-163 years from now in a galaxy far far away.....

When I first saw the trailer, it captured my imagination and since then I was looking forward to watching it. Well... I did... amazed, thrilled and taken I was beyond any expectation!It is and it is not a sci-fi film at the same time!

It will be nominated for quite a few Oscars, no doubt.... It must win them all!!! EVERY ONE OF THEM!! It is completely in a league of its own. They must make another Oscar category for films like GRAVITY: Future-in our time masterpiece!!


Daring first season.... so and so second... total bust third....
How daring can a US TV series be, when it deals with the scorching subject of terrorism and intelligence agencies?

Well.... plot-wise, it can start (season 1) quite daring and provoking for its domestic viewers.... then as it develops (season 2), it gets kind of "scared" and rather cautious, trying to shift interest elsewhere... then like a "reformed wild child" or "sold out rebel" gets put back (season 3) in its place, completely loses its guts and continues along the strict guide lines of US foreign politics and domestic mind- numbing story telling....

Kind of like a self censored childish fairy tale of the "bad" Indians and the "good" pilgrims.... overall, it gets 5 stars only for its very good actors....


Sci-Fi, and not only, 100% worth watching.
Sanctuary will please and entertain every sci-fi fan that is not interested only in space based stories.

Interesting and fan to watch characters with great chemistry between them, developing as the series progresses. Mrs Tapping gracefully leads the way with a character that is no way near SG1's Sam Carter... after the initial startle of seeing her with long dark hair, civilian clothing and a British accent, you definitely can't help but let yourself be carried away into her adventures.

Decent -sometimes very well- writing, acting and directing, very good music score, but the big breakthrough came with the use of green screen for almost 90% of the scenery and close courters shooting of the show. Sanctuary essentially broke the limits of the creative process as far as landscaping is concerned.

4 seasons really not enough. Hope it will come back for more!


Oblivion takes sucking to new heights!!
It is probably the most worthless, most suckable, most uninteresting, most unoriginal, most void of content, most absolutely no good mainstream sci-fi movie made in the last 15 years or so in every way possible!!!

Words are not enough to stress the sucking level of this 2 hour torture to the brain.... you wait and wait to watch something that will at least excite you but alas..... each frame is more of a disappointment than the previous.... why oh why do they spend millions od millions of dollars to make such totally BAD movies?

Storyline: Crap, Directing: Crap, Editing: Crap, Music: Crap, Acting : Crap, EFX: Crap

crap, crap, crap!!!

Glen or Glenda

Worst director of all time...? One of the most daring, brave and insightful movies of all time...?
Ed Wood is thought to be the worst director of all time.... maybe that's true... "Plan 9 from outer space" is a movie from outer space!!

But that does not change the fact that "Glen or Glenda" is 100% a piece of movie history.

Not so much a movie with the "strict" meaning of the word but rather a dramatized documentary about a subject that even today, 60 years from its time, raises brows, frowns faces, causes unease and creates misconceptions...

The prologue of the movie says it all I think. Yes, all the technical elements are flaky and below mediocre...etc etc... the actors are not top notch.. yeah well, how many low budget movies now days "suffer" from that and on top of it have absolutely nothing to say!! And even high budget movies with superstars still have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO SAY! Nobody can "accuse" Glen or Glenda and ultimately Ed Wood of such a "film crime"... on the contrary. It will give you and your company PLENTY to take into consideration and talk about!

Ed Wood hit home run with this one and he deserves to be acknowledged for it even now.... Sure, he hit the ball half naked, barefoot and dirty, staggering drunk, with his eyes half closed and with an awful haircut but he certainly hit a great home run!

Alien Dawn

What a piece of cr...p!!!
One can say sooo little things about this..... Monumentaly awful in every aspect imaginable!!!!

Why do people spend money to make such awfulness?!!?!? There are no words vivid enough to express how terribly, terribly, terribly bad this thing is......

A horrible torture of the optic nerve, a horrendous testament to the ear.... its horribility is not even slightly funny so as to be sporadicly amused.

I give it minus 10 stars. If there was a movie-pollution meter this would definitely be categorized as most toxic, hazardous and extremely deadly for the human condition, much like willingly drinking half a gallon of chlorine!!!!

The Fall

Realistic and to the bone
"The Fall" is a very well filmed and developed story. The acting of all the cast is accurate and right where it needs to be. No more, no less.

For all of you that are used to the fast paced American type of the genre and everything that it includes, the directing will seem a bit/quite slow.

But actually it is not because it is very realistic. Real serial, real police people, real police building, with no unnecessary details, no unnecessary high tech gadgets or theatrics. It is purely European (british-irish) style.

So, do watch it for what it is and not for what you are used to and what it is not.

This is an addition for the second season of the show. The review remains the same except the pace of the episodes. In comparison with the first season they have become faster and tighter. The second season is more personal for both the leading characters. The ending was somewhat ambivalent and can definitely bring a third season if so decided from all parties.

Gillian Anderson's performance was even better than the first season. Jamie Dornan's as well. Everything was just as good and a little bit better. In conclusion "The Fall" is TV at its best!

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