
IMDb member since June 2010
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A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Welcome to Prime Time!
A person could make the argument that this is the best if the 80's slasher films. I would agree! It just creepy and dark enough to have some scares. But also started introducing the comedy that would actually become too overused in later sequels. Probably the best kills in the series.

Return to Horror Hotel

Very low budget and very indy, but not awful.
You know going in with a low budget, cheesy horror what you're going to get. And this is exactly that. But it is fun, in a so bad it's good sort of way. Bad acting, no effects, poor script, all of those are present. But the actors seem to really be having a blast, and it makes it almost kind of fun to watch.


Average at best.
I am just not sure what happened here. Positive side, some really imaginative kills, and very gory and cool. That's about it though. Wasn't scary, in fact the trailers had a creepier tone than the actual movie. Really strange decision making on the part of the characters, which pulls you out of the movie. Was really, just sort of dull and boring. I see what they were going for, and the premise is awesome. The execution here though just feels like a missed opportunity.

The Exorcist III

Very underrated, genuinely creepy
I recall watching this at around age 15 or so, and really not liking it. This was around the time I was more into slashers, like Freddy or Jason. This was just too slow for me. Fast forward thirty years, and it's a new appreciation. The pace just adds to the seriously dark atmosphere. Dourif was amazing, seriously underrated.

The Neverending Story

Smiles Everytime I watch this
Even watching this 35 years later, it's still magical. The mythology is a bit convoluted, but such fun to just enjoy. The effects hold up still today, which can't be said even for movies heavy on CGI even as recently as the last decade. Most my age have seen this, and thanks to the most recent Stranger Things season, many more are getting to revisit it. It's worth that trip down memory lane.


Surprised me
I had never really heard of this. Really enjoyed the pairing of Fonda and Stewart. Not a typical western, but surprisingly good.

Blade II

Fun, action, and vampires. A good watch.
It's what I'd hoped the first one would be, which I really didn't care for. This had good characters, good story, and great design in the reapers. I downgrade the cheesy acting (I think it's a 90s thing, but it's distracting). And again dated CGI. Overall I did like it.


Not what I was expecting
I really don't know what I was expecting, but this was a bit underwhelming. I had never seen any blade movie, and know the favorite if many is the second, but started at the beginning. I just had a hard time getting into this, partly because the cgi really hasn't aged well, partly because the acting was just way over the top....almost cheesy. Not awful, action was pretty good.

The Salvation

Very unique. Very dark tone.
This was one if the most unique westerns I've seen. It's a very small scale, and sort of same revenge plot that's been done before. But this is told in a very different way. Very little dialogue, very surreal setting, and kind of a cold protagonist. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

The Claim

Just kind of....blah
Nothing bad to say about it. It had some great acting, jovivich surprised me even. Though there were no real grand sweeping shots, the cinematography was decent. It just bored me. Plain and simple. I couldn't get into this.

Love & Mercy

Even non beach boy fans will find it interesting
Often sort of laughed at stories of how Brian Wilson laid in bed, was kind of nuts. But this portrays him as a very sad, but very gifted guy. Newfound appreciation for pet sounds as well. Excellent movie. Drags a bit in the third act, and the flash back/forward/back again takes some getting used to. But I enjoyed it a lot.

The Wicker Man

How can this be so much better?
I saw this after the awful Nicolas Cage version. It's amazing how much better this is. Genuinely tense, and very creepy. Christopher Lee is incredible.

The Wicker Man

Not even considered a guilty pleasure
I sometimes enjoy watching Nicolas Cage go completely nuts on camera. But this is just bad. But don't be dissuaded from checking out the 1973's excellent.

Spider-Man: Far from Home

Perfect for immediate after endgame
I really liked how just about every secondary character was given some real development. Mysterio, and Jake Gyllenhaal, completely nailed it. I had reservations after the trailers, but was pleasantly surprised. Post credits did a great job setting up the next phase(s).

Better Off Dead...

Great 80s hidden gem
By no means is this a smart, though provoking comedy. But it is very, very 80's. Lots of cliche 80s tropes, and a blast to rewatch. Cusack was able to pull of this type of role for a few years, and nails it again here. The background characters (the mom, paperboy, horny neigbor kid, brother, etc...). Are so quirky it's fun just having them show up. Bottom line, this is no masterpiece, but it's a lot of fun.

Short Term 12

I'm probably not the target audience for this
Acting is really too notch, and it was very well made. But it was excruciatingly slow. I struggled to really find what story the director was trying to tell. I ended thinking it was really just a window into foster care system, I would have liked a bit more. Again well made, just not my cup of tea.

Truth or Dare

Unintentionally funny?
I couldn't stand the face. I kept laughing and I'm not sure it was meant to be funny. I suspect they were going for creepy. Just a mess if a movie.

Escape Room

Decent, best way to describe it
I found it at least mildly entertaining. Bland and uninteresting characters, very cliche. But I did think the puzzles were imaginative. Ending was kind of a mess, but overall I didn't hate it as much as I expected to.

The Curse of La Llorona

Ok....if you like jump scares.
I kind of wish it would have been more atmospheric, like spooky stuff. It's what I kind of expected with Conjuring universe stuff. But it really didn't have that. A few plot holes, characters just appearing with no real context, lots of flaws. But watchable, and full of jump scares (a lot).

The Basement

Total waste
The idea was good, and I was in the mood for cheesy horror. This is awful though. There's no payoff, nothing. I love schlock as much as any horror fan...but this was something else. This was basically 90 minutes of nothing. Steer clear.

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