
IMDb member since June 2010
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    14 years


Ghostbusters: Afterlife

The movie we deserved..
This movie is a unique story on its own while writing a love note to it's fanbase. Story & characters are unique and fun with some campy humor to fill in the gaps. The storytelling is really good and you don't get that need to check your phone to see how long you have been sitting there. I would gladly see any future Ghostbuster movies that expand on these characters story. Avoid spoilers and descriptive reviews about the story. The ending was great and the 30+ years of waiting for this follow up movie was worth it.


Invasion...of Bad Morals
Before watching the first episode, I was pretty excited to see another alien invasion series. After watching 3 episodes I can say definitely the aliens could not invade and wipe out humanity quick enough. So far in the story we got a multitude of "stories" that do nothing but portray everything with a negative light of humanity. I was looking for that one person I could relate to and hope they were the beacon of light...yeah still waiting. The bouncing of back and forth between the stories don't help much either. I don't complete understand this line of story telling that is so common in the last decade. Let's not tell a linear storyline and instead make a storyline that resembles a bucket of bouncy balls smashed against a wall in a room full of bouncy balls and hope we can follow along. The only saving grace was the American soldier gave a damn about his fellow soldier men missing. Finally, someone showing some type of decent humanity(which would of been a 2 star review). Then the twist wants to off the guy with the camel even after being saved and given water(which brings the review back to a 1 star).

Day of the Dead

Identity Crisis the TV Show
Watching the first couple episodes Ive found a lot things story wise don't make sense but I'll excuse that for the overall glaring issues that need addressed. The show trys to bounce around from being taken serious and then shoots all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum trying to attemp comedy. The writers need to decide if they want the show to be more "Walking Dead' or "ZNation". Bouncing back and forth just doesn't work and makes it frustrating to watch. I love the zombie genre but too many writers never flesh out the backstory and build upon it. All they do is just go, look I have a story and it has zombies, and just wing it from there. Would of gave it a 1 star but the effects and costumes of the show look like someone made an effort and I commend them for that with a +2.


Much better than I anticipated..
I wasn't expecting much from a show I never seen anything abour nor any of my friends talking about but I was pleasantly surprised. The story is good, the characters are likeable, and the locations of the filming are something to look at. The only complaint I have is when I got to the end of episode 6, I came to the realization that this was the last episode I get to watch for now. With some quick searching my hopes were not crushed and I will get to enjoy a season 2 in the near future.


Hoping Forever was going to be forever..
First off let me say Ioan Gruffudd knows how to act and was the main reason I stayed glued to watching Forever. Sure there were plenty of other talented actors and the story was decently intriguing but his character was so brilliant and amazing, I was devastated when I found out the show was canceled.

The first season does so much in the way of story telling and brings in many ways to explore immortality and what people could do with it and how others would react emotionally..god I was just amazed by the whole plot.

I just can't fathom why none of the networks deemed this show not worth the time to continue and pick it up after ABC dropped it.

Give this show a chance and watch it - the only thing you will be disappointed about is of right now there will be no second season.

The Hive

I gave it a chance..and it was well worth it.
I will say that I enjoyed this movie. Now I know there were some things in the movie I didn't believe completely meshed well and some scenes weren't explained well enough for me but overall I think they did a really good job.

Went in this movie thinking that it could be a host of many clichéd themes and I should be prepared to drop it at the half way mark in the movie. After the 30 minute mark I can say that the movie had me at a point where I needed to watch it till the end. Now the ending was not as exciting as I hoped for but at least it gave me some type of finality.

Now I know my review wasn't very descriptive on the storyline or the characters but I will say this, try to avoid any reviews that give anything away. The movie is much better when you have no clue on what's going on from the very beginning.

Death Factory

I gave it a chance..
I love my horror films and I can enjoy the B-movies but I literally had to force myself to sit through this entire film.

The acting was sub-par and the casting of characters was terrible with over the top, extreme stereotyping. I would of even went as far as saying whomever designed those characters is a bigot.

The plot was not overly complicated initially to follow, but the story went from somewhat understandable and ended up into the bat s**t crazy territory. I honestly have no idea what the ending was trying to convey.

Someone should of told the script writer to use the KISS principle and not over complicate the plot. Now to go look for my next horror movie to watch :D

===Spoiler Alert=== If you enjoy movies about a group of misguided social rejects, trekking across a desert area in a bus for no apparent reason just to die. You might have a reason to start watching it. However, the whole part where we get 6 dead serial killers summoned so we can play a game of "Highlander" and the victor of the fight takes their "power" (which this film explains really nothing about that), makes it really hard to stick with the movie. ==End Spoiler==

The Cemetery

Where should of they buried this script? The Cemetery...
I have always loved horror movies and have always been a fan of B-movies and the corny/campy fun they bring along. I mean seriously who doesn't?

After waiting the entire movie for something redeeming to make this film interesting to watch, I came to the conclusion that the credits at the end of the movie was it.

Sadly there wasn't anything even worth mentioning to convince you to sit through this abysmal movie.

The script for this movie was terrible, not sure if that was the main reason for the terrible acting but it probably didn't help.

I hate ripping apart movies but if there is nothing positive to boast about I would rather inform others about not wasting their time and look for better alternatives to this flick.

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